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Writing Corrections and Suggestions

2019 DSE Part A

The Yearbook Committee is putting together a book for all graduating students. The yearbook is a

collection of photos and comments about school life, written and submitted by students. When read

several years later, the yearbook will remind students of their time at secondary school.

You are a student in Class 62 at Kowloon Secondary School. The committee has asked you to complete

the following yearbook entry.

1.1: Academic Life

Write about one subject that you enjoy studying or found challenging

Chinese the​ most enjoyable suject ● Chinese, the 👉 Chinese was the
● I study 👉 I studied
It is because I can 👉 This was because I could
that ​I study​ in school. ​It is because

Like how 👉 For example, how
I can​ learn many skills in it. ​Like

how​ to speak with another person ● how to 👉 or how to
● know the other’s feelings through their action 👉
politely, ​how to​ ​know the other’s
recognise the feelings of others through their
feeling through their action​. I​ can
learn it​ ​and use those​ skills ​in the ● I can learn it👉 I could learn that
● and use those 👉 and then use those
in the society 👉 in society
society​, so I really ​enjoy​ studying

enjoy 👉 enjoyed

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Also, if I ​do not​ ​know what’s the ● I do not 👉 I did not
meaning​ of the ​words. I can find​ my
● know what’s the meaning 👉 know the
teachers and friends to teach me. ​Like
● words. I can find 👉 words I could ask
some old passages in China.​ I​ f I can ● Like some old passages in Chinese. 👉 For
instance, considering old Chinese texts,
If I can know the meaning 👉 if I knew the
know the meaning​ of each ​words. I can

read​ ​the passages that the famous
writers write​. ​I can get a huge ● words. I can read 👉 word then I could read
● The passages that the famous writers write
achivement​ ​in this subject​. ​Friends and
👉 passages written by famous writers.
I can get a huge 👉 I felt a huge sense of
I work together and​ find out ​what the

meaning of the words, it makes me feel ● achivement 👉 achievement
● in this subject - when studying Chinese
Friends and I work together and 👉 Working
we have teamwork​. It is not easy ​to find

the​ feeling in this ​subject. But I find​ it, so
together with friends to
I ​enjoy​ studying in Chinese. ● what the meaning of the words 👉 the
meaning of words
● it makes me feel we have teamwork 👉
made me feel part of a team
● to find the 👉 to experience that
● subject. But I find 👉 subject, but I found
● enjoy 👉 enjoyed

One more reason ​I enjoy​ studying ● I enjoy 👉 I enjoyed

● Chinese because 👉 Chinese is because
I like the traditional culture of China 👉 I like
Chinese because​ ​I like the traditional

culture of China.​ Though Chinese, I can
traditional Chinese culture
learn about ​those culture​ and ​use it​ in ● those culture 👉 that culture
● use it 👉 use that knowledge
Like how … I can 👉 I want to be the best
society. ​Like how to be gentleman

within some chinese culture is very
man I can be, so learning about gentlemanly
attrack me. I want to be the man I can. behaviour in Chinese culture was very
attractive to me.
So I enjoy studying Chinese.

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1.2: Student Life

Write about what you will miss most about being a student in Class 6C.

I will miss my teacher most about being a ● I will miss my teachers most about being a

student in Class 6C.​ ​I hate teacher​ in Form

student in Class 6C 👉 What I will miss most
about being a student in Class 6C is my
1, ​because my smartphone was caught by
● I hate teacher 👉 I hated my teacher
my class teacher. I did​ not know why he ● because my smartphone was caught by my
class teacher. I did 👉 because he took my
needed ​to catch it​. ​But in Form 2​, ​I knew
smartphone and I did
● to catch it 👉 to take it
But in Form 2 👉 In Form 2, however,
that because he only wanted me​ ​to be

careful about the academic​, ​also use ● I knew that because he only wanted me 👉 I
realised that it was only because he wanted
smartphone just broke the​ school rules. I

knew he was a good ​teacher. So I liked​ to

● to be careful about the academic 👉 to
concentrate on academic work
ask him questions that I did not ● , also use smartphone just broke the 👉 and
also because using a smartphone was simply
understand​. He was kind and liked to share
● 👉 teacher, and so I liked
teacher. So I liked
ask him questions that I did not understand 👉
his knowledge ​to our class​.

ask him questions about things that I did not
● to our class 👉 with our class
He also ​talked his family​, his sons and wife. ● talked his family, 👉 talked about his family:
● and had dinner 👉 to have dinner
Also we could find him at home 👉 We could
Sometimes he also invited our class to his

home ​and had dinner​. ​Also we could find
also approach him at home
him at home​ if we wanted. ​He likes​ our ● He likes 👉 He liked
● we like 👉 we liked him
class, and ​we like​ him too.

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He talked to us like a ​friend, he also ● friend, he also followed 👉 friend and also
followed​ our ​facebook, if we have new followed

message​, he will give us a ‘Like’. ​It makes ● Facebook, if we have a new message 👉
us​ feel he is one of our friends, ​not only just Facebook; if we have a new status

a teacher. ● It makes us 👉 This makes us

● not only just 👉 not just

Vocabulary List
Talk about (phrase) 談及

👉 ​Discuss (v.) ​討論

This book ​discusses​ the effect of greenhouse gases to the environment.

👉 ​Speak on the subject of (phrase) ​就...(主題)發言/討論

I want to ​speak on the subject of​ racial discrimination.

👉 ​Have a conversation about (phrase)​就...(主題)作出討論

We just ​had a conversation about​ her performance and decided not to have her in our team.

👉 ​Hold forth on (phrasal verb)​ 滔滔不絕地說 (偏貶意)

She would ​hold forth on​ the subject of traffic regulation for hours.

Concentrate on (academic work) 專注(學業)

👉 ​Prioritise (v.)​ 優先
Instead, you should choose to ​prioritise​ the future development of our company.

👉 ​Pay more attention to (phrase) ​更專注於...

Why don’t you ​pay more attention to​ your health?

👉​ Focus on (phrasal v.)​ 著重、專心在...

We should ​focus​ more ​on​ how to achieve our goals.

👉 ​Occupy your mind entirely with (phrase) ​將全部精力投放在...

At this stage, I suggest you occupy​ your mind entirely with​ your study.

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Recognise the feelings of others (phrase) 顧及他人感受

👉 ​be more empathetic (phrase)​ 更具有同情心(包含認識及理解他人的感受)

When carrying this project, you must have to ​be more empathetic to​ the survivors' plight.

👉 ​be more attuned to the feelings of others (phrase)​ 更了解他人感受

They are likely to ​be more attuned to the feelings of others​ after all these happened.

👉​ recognise how others might feel (phrase) ​預知他人的感受

Before you speak and act, you have to ​recognize how others might feel​.

👉 ​perceive other people’s emotions (phrase) ​ 感知他人感受

The first rule in socializing is to ​perceive other people’s emotions​ and take care of them.

He took my smartphone 他拿了我的電話

👉 ​He confiscated my smartphone​ 他沒收了我的電話

He confiscated my smartphone​ because I used it during class.

👉 ​He removed my smartphone from me ​他從我這裏拿走了我的電話

I have no idea why ​he removed my smartphone from me​. I did not even use or touch it! Unreasonable!

Feel part of a team  深感是團隊的一員

👉 ​Feel included (phrase)​ 感到包容

When she stood up and supported my idea, I ​felt included​.

👉 ​Feel a sense of unity (phrase)​ 感到團結

They decide to have a 20-minute reflection every week as it may make them ​feel a sense of unity​.

👉 ​Feel a sense of closeness with your/my peers (phrase)​ 感覺與你/朋友關係親密

Travelling is a good thing that allows you to ​feel a sense of closeness with your friends​.

👉 ​Feel part of something larger than yourself/myself (phrase) ​感覺是社會、世界(或可是其他較大的


Working on this project simply makes me ​feel part of something larger than myself​.

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Common and Basic Sentence Structures

1. Subject​-​Verb​-​Object​ Pattern (SVO)

A very common sentence pattern in English is the use of a subject (主語) and a verb with a ​direct object

(直接受詞)​. Direct objects are only necessary with ​transitive verbs (及物動詞)​, which are verbs that act on

someone or something.


● My cats ​can ​open​ ​the door.

● Mr Chan​ ​found​ his laptop.

2. Subject​-​Verb​-​Complement​ Pattern (SVC)

The complement (補語) may be a noun or an adjective. The complement describes the subject.


● My friend John​ ​is​ ​a firefighter (noun complement)​.

● Nothing​ ​is​ impossible (adjective complement)​ when you are young

3. Subject​-​Verb​-​Object​-​Object​ Pattern (SVOO)

There are some verbs that can take two objects, an indirect object (IO,usually the first one following the

verb) and a direct object (DO,usually the second one following the verb).


The whole class​ ​gave​ ​Mrs. Chan (IO) a Christmas card (DO)​.

John​ ​is making​ Mary (IO) a cup of tea (DO)​.

4. Subject​-​Verb​-​Object​-​Complement​ Pattern (SVOC)

The complement can be an adjective or a prepositional phrase


● John​ ​put​ ​the book​ ​on the table​.

● The pills​ ​make​ ​me​ ​sleepy​.

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​5. Subject​-​Verb​-​Object​-​Adverbial​ Pattern (SVOA)

Adverbial is a word or phrase expressing place (e.g., in the garden), time (e.g., in May), or manner (e.g. in

a strange way).


● The boy​ ​ate​ ​an apple​ ​in the kitchen

● She​ ​sent​ a gift​ ​from Hong Kong

6. Subject​-​Verb​-​Object​-​Complement​-​Adverbial​ Pattern (SVOCA)


● I​ ​will make​ ​my words​ ​clear​ ​now​.

● I ​lost​ ​my bag​ ​with my purse​ ​in the train​!

7. Subject​-​Verb​-​Object​-​Adverbial​-​Adverbial ​Pattern (SVOAA)


● He​ ​practised​ ​dancing​ ​in his studio yesterday night​.

● She​ ​enjoyed ​the music​ ​in the concert last month​.

Exercises For You ❤

Try to rearrange the words in correct order to make complete sentences and figure out what sentence

pattern it belongs to.

● brought / me / a bouquet of flowers last week / my uncle

● Dyed / her hair / Mary / brown

● To his mother / bought / some flowers / the little boy

● My friends / a birthday cake / to me / yesterday / made / at her home

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