Word Form 1

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1. Recent developments in biology have made it possible to acquire more and more precise information
concerning our genetic …………. Scientists can even today identify a number of genetic disorders that may
cause illness and disease. (MAKE)
2. Since 1990 the price of sugar has tended to fluctuate more wildly than any of the other four commodity
groups, and has almost ………….. been the most expensive relative to 2002-2004 prices. (VARY)
3. A dozen international poverty and development organizations published a report last week on the impact
of building new coal power plants in countries where a large percentage of the population lacks access to
electricity. The report’s conclusions are strikingly ………………: on the whole, building coal power plants
does little to help the poor, and often it can actually make them poorer. (INTUITION)
4. The scandal surely …………….. the end of his political career. (SIGN)
5. He gained ………….. for being difficult to work with as an actor. (NOTORIOUS)
6. Tre Transformer is quite intriguing. It is ………….. one of the best movies of the year. (DOUBT)
7. Her hip has been ………. for quite a while, and she'll probably need surgery on it. (TROUBLE)
8. Her latest novel is a …………….. thriller, set some time in the late 21st century. (FUTURE)
9. The new policy only serves to ………….. the inadequacy of help for the homeless. (ACCENT)
10. Successful candidates will be required to …………. an induction programme. (TAKE)
11. Radio 4 also announced a new …………. of Primo Levi’s short story collection The Periodic Table,
starring Henry Goodman and introduced by Janet Suzman, to be broadcast in 12 episodes of varying
lengths this spring. (DRAMA)
12. In the UK, the ratio of people of working age to people over 65 could fall from 3.7 to 1 in 1999 to 2.1
to 1 in 2040. This suggests a very big increase in the …………… ratio and is consequently a cause for
concern because with current spending pension commitments, it will place a higher burden on the
shrinking working population. (DEPEND)
13. The UK government has already made tentative steps to raise the retirement age and increase the role
of private sector pensions. These policies will make an ageing population more ……………. (MANAGE)
14 - 15. Ian Darkin of One Traveller, which specialises in offering holidays for mature single travellers,
says: “The new generation of …………….(RETIRE) aren’t sitting at home knitting. Their keenness to
experience other countries and cultures is …………… (DIMINISH) with age.”
16. The UN Security Council unanimously adopted a …………. calling for a halt to hostilities. (SOLVE)
17 - 18. Environmental degradation is ………….. (CHARACTER) as any change or aggravation to nature’s
turf seen to be pernicious or …………. (DESIRE)
19. The United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction describes environmental degradation
as the ………….. of the limit of the earth to meet social and environmental destinations, and needs (LESS)
20. Humans have destroyed a tenth of Earth’s remaining …………. in the last 25 years and there may be
none left within a century if trends continue, according to an authoritative new study. (WILD)
21. Technology has been lauded as a way to free up time for us, yet the reality of an all-consuming
medium often does the reverse. New innovations bring with them a host of …………. consequences, ranging
from the troubling to the downright depressing. Social media makes us lonely. Too much screen-time
makes teenagers fall behind their peers. And at the more feeble end of the spectrum, many of us have
walked into an obstacle while texting. (INTEND)
22. Zombies are archetypal monsters from the bottom of the uncanny valley, with their dead eyes
and…………… faces (EXPRESS)
23. The terrible scenes were indelibly ……………… on his mind (PRINT)
24. Phyllis Schlafly, the ………… conservative activist who helped defeat the Equal Rights Amendment in the
1970s, has died. (SPEAK)
25. The results ………….. poor hygiene as one cause of the outbreak. (IMPLY)
1. genetic make-up: cấu tạo gen
2. invariably : luôn luôn
3. counter-intuitive: trái với suy nghĩ thông thường. Theo suy nghĩ thông thường thì mọi
người cho rằng việc xây dựng các nhà máy than sẽ giúp đỡ người nghèo. Tuy nhiên, hoàn
toàn ngược lại với quan điểm này , các bản báo cáo chỉ ra rằng việc xây dựng nhà máy than
không giúp ích gì cho người nghèo
4. signals/signalled: đánh đấu
5. notoriety: nổi tiếng theo phương diện tiêu cực
6. undoubtedly: không nghi ngờ gì
7. troublesome: gây rắc rối
8. futuristic: hiện đại
9. accentuate: nhấn mạnh
10. undertake task/research/project/programme: thực hiện
11. dramatisation: chuyển thể thành kịch
12. dependency : tình trạng phụ thuộc . Dependency ratio mang nghĩa là tỷ lệ người phụ
13. manageable: có thể xử lý được
14. retirees: người về hưu
15. undiminished with age: không giảm sút theo thời gian
16. adopt a resolution: ban hành nghị quyết
17. characterized: có đặc điểm là
18. undesirable: không mong muốn
19. lessening: sự làm giảm
20. wilderness: vùng hoang dã
21. unintended consequence: hậu quả không mong muốn
22. expressionless: vô cảm
23. imprinted: in hằn (kí ức)
24. outspoken: thẳng thắn
25. implicate: chỉ ra nguyên nhân của vấn đề

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