Cyralie B. Maglipac m3 Answer

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Geometric Design of Highways

Name: ___CYRALIE B. MAGLIPAC_________________ Date: __OCT.01_______

Curr. Year & Section: ____BSCE-3A____________________ Score: _________________

Direction: Read and analyze each item and choices. Write on the space provided before the number the letter of
your best answer.
__A__ 1. The design of horizontal and vertical alignments, super elevation, gradient is worst affected by?
(a) speed of vehicle (b) length of vehicle (c) width of vehicle (d) height of vehicle
__A__ 2. The most raised portion of the pavement is called?
(a) crown (b) camber (c) curb (d) super elevation
__D__ 3. The extra width of pavement is provided on?
(a) super elevation (b) length of pavement (c) width of pavement (d) horizontal curve
__D__ 4. The most important factor that is required for road geometrics is?
(a) Stopping Sight Distance (b) OSD (c) ISD (d) speed of vehicle
__B__ 5. Transition curve is introduced in?
(a) horizontal curve (b) horizontal and circular curve (c) circular curve (d) vertical curve
__B__ 6. A part of pavement raised with respect to one side keeping the other side constant is called?
(a) curb (b) super elevation (c) camber (d) footpath
__B__ 7. The main purpose of providing camber is?
(a) to follow standard specifications (b) to collect storm water
(c) to maintain equilibrium (d) to follow geometric specifications
__C_ 8. Barrier lines may consist of either:
I. two unbroken yellow lines II. Single unbroken yellow lines
III. single yellow line with a broken white line IV. Single white line with a broken yellow line
(a) I, II and III only (b) I, III and IV only (c) II, III and IV only (d) all of the above
__C__ 9. What are the four types of pavement and curb markings?
(a) longitudinal lines, transverse lines, transition lines, and stop lines
(b) longitudinal lines, transverse lines, other lines and other markings
(c) longitudinal lines, transverse lines, stop line and center line
(d) longitudinal lines, transverse lines, center line and lane lines

CE 346 – Highway & Railroad engineering


_A__ 10. It is the maximum number of vehicles, which have a reasonable expectation of passing over a given
section of a lane or a roadway in one direction or in both directions during one hour prevailing road and traffic
(a) flow of traffic (b) road capacity (c) density (d) free flow
__D___ 11. The capacity of a route can be affected by the following factors:
I. number of lanes
II. Lane and shoulder width
III. Terrain and road gradient
IV. Traffic composition
V. Side friction such as the presence of road furniture and pedestrians
VI. Intersection capacity (priority of movements, traffic signal phasing, number of lanes, etc.)
(a) I, II, III & IV only (b) II, III, IV & VI only (c) I, IV, V & VI only (d) All of the above
__A__ 12. Ideal capacity of a road is
(a) 2000 vehicle per hour (vph) (b) 1800 vph (c) 1400 vph (d) 1200 vph
_C___ 13. The reaction time to be used for road safety design is
(a) 1.5 seconds (b) 1.2 sec (c) 2.5 sec (d) 2.0 sec
__D__ 14. The provision of safety sight distance depends on the characteristics of the vehicle such as:
I. type of vehicle
II. friction between the tire and the road
III. eye height of the driver
IV. Speed of vehicles
(a) I, II and III only (b) I, III and IV only (c) II, III and IV only (d) all of the above
_A___ 15. The provision of safety sight distance depends on the characteristics of the road environment such as:
I. road geometry – grade and curvature sight limitations
II. road surface – sealed or unsealed, smooth or rough
III. road illumination at night
IV. road topography
(a) I, II and III only (b) I, II and IV only (c) II, III and IV only (d) all of the above

CE 346 – Highway & Railroad engineering

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