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Listed below are 12 technical accounting terms discussed

in this
Listed below are 12 technical accounting terms discussed in this chapter:Each of the following
statements may (or may not) describe one of these technical terms. For each statement,
indicate the term described, or answer “None” if the statement does not correctly describe any
of the terms. a. A major disadvantage of the corporate form of organization. b. From investors’
point of view, the most important value associated with capital stock. c. Cash available for
distribution to the stockholders. d. The class of capital stock that normally has the most voting
power. e. A distribution of assets that may be made in future years to the holders of common
stock. f. A corporation whose shares are traded on an organized stock exchange. g. Equity
arising from investments by owners. h. The element of stockholders’ equity that is increased by
net income. i. Total assets divided by the number of common shares outstanding. j. The class of
stock for which market price normally rises as interest ratesincrease.
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Listed below are 12 technical accounting terms discussed in this

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