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Vaccination is the administration of a vaccine to help the immune system develop protection from a
disease.Vaccine contain a microorganism in a weakened, live or killed state, or proteins or toxins from
the microorganisms.In stimulating the body’s adaptive immunity, they help prevent sickness from an
infectious disease.Therefore, vaccination remains, without doubt, the most effective medical
intervention to prevent both, human and animal infectious diseases.Hence, vaccines would lessen the
need for antibiotics to control disease and also overcome the chances of developing antibiotics
resistance and offer veterinary practitioners much needed tools.

Vaccines currently available for veterinary use include inactivated, killed, live- attenuated, toxoids,
recombinant subunit vaccine and ribonucleic and deoxyribonucleic acid(DNA/RNA) based vaccine and
vectored vaccine.

Historical and present scenario of vaccines in Nepal

Nepal has a long history of vaccines production and vaccination.Animal vaccination was practiced first in
1952/53 against Rinderpest using the goat tissue vaccine imported from India.
At present, there are three laboratories registered for veterinary vaccines production in Nepal.NVPL is
the government owned laboratory while Hester Biosciences Nepal and Biovac Nepal are the private
organization for veterinary vaccines production. NVPL produces at least 14 different types of vaccines
for poultry, swine, cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat and other animals.

The vaccines produced by NVPL are available to the farmers mostly free of cost through NLDCP(National
Livestock Disease Control Program) except for FMD.These vaccines offered to the farmers from NVPL are
recommended by Nepal government via stockiest. The private vaccine production companies are
relatively new.They produce vaccine for poultry and large animals but their level of quality is not
disclosed publicly.

Common vaccines against some of the protozoan parasites

1. Vaccine against Coccidia:
CoccivacR – B: It is a live, sporulated oocyst vaccine produced from isolates that were collected in
the late 1940’s, before the current anticoccidial products were introduced. This vaccine has
been proved to produce variable degree of protection from different varieties of Eimeria spp.
CoccivacR- D: It is a live, sporulated oocyst vaccine containing different species of Eimeria. To
induce complete immunity the original dose of coccidial oocyst must complete at least four life
cycles in the flock.CoccivacR T, NobilisR COXATM, Eimeriavax- 4 m are some other vaccines
available against Coccidia.
Immucox: Oral coccidiosis vaccine of live oocyst of Eimeria spp designed to help heathy chicken
broilers and roasters to develop immunity to coccidiosis. This is a one time vaccination that
delivers protective immunity throughout the productive life of bird.
ParacoxR -8: It is a live attenuated oral vaccine used for the active immunization of chickens
against different Eimeria spp.
Livacox: It is live attenuated coccidiosis vaccine for domestic poultry. Its range consists of
LivacoxR T for broiler and LivacoxR Q for breeder and layer pullets.

2. Vaccine against Tritrichomonas foetus:

Trichguard is a killed protozoan vaccine for cattle for prevention of infection by Tritrichomonas
foetus. It is given to cattle @ 1-2 ml subcutaneously, booster vaccination 2-4 weeks after first
dose and then re vaccination annually.
3. Vaccine against Giardia:
GiardiaVax: It is a killed culture trophozoite vaccine for dogs and prevent the disease and
shedding of Giardia lamblia. The vaccine is derived from Giardia duodenalis isolated from sheep.
Dose of vaccine is 1 ml by subcutaneous route. First dose at 8 weeks of age and 2 nd after 2-4
weeks and then repeated annually.
4. Vaccine against Babesia:
Pirodog/NobivacR Piro gives 80% protection and immunity which lasts for 6 months. It is given at
6 months of age and booster vaccination is required 3-6 weeks after the initial vaccination and
thereafter revaccination every 6 months by intramuscular route.
5. Vaccine against Neospore:
BovilisR Neoguard: The vaccination induce antibody at high level which give protection upto 1
year, so booster vaccination after 1 year is required.

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