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SUBJECT: ……………………………….. CLASS: ……………….. SEC: …………..

Number of Number of
SI Unit/Chapter Aim of Teaching the Duration Teaching Periods hours required Teacher’s
NO. Topic Unit/Chapter/Topic Date(s) allotted for the for the Remark
From-To unit completion the
1. Introduction to To introduce About Coding 1 1/2
2. Introduction to To learn Computer Science 1 1/2
3. ID Creation in Create Id of Students for Practice 2 1
4. Introduction to To Learn about Block 1 1/2
Sprite Lab Programming
5. World Block To learn about Background 5 3
Color, Random color, Play Sound
6. Sprites Block and To make new Sprites, How to 5 3
Location Blocks Change Costume and Location of
7. Actions To learn Changes the tint of a 6 3
Block sprite and Different Actions of
8. Events Block To Learn about Key Pressed 2 1
block and Sprite touches
9. Behavior and Loop To learn about Behavior Block 8 4
Block that a sprite can perform over
and over and to Repeat a
sequence of code a specified
number of times.
10. Variables and Math To learn about Variable and 6 3
Block Math Block
11. Logic/Function /Text To learn about Block code if the 4 2
Block specified condition is True and
Learn about Defining a function.
12. Activity on Sprite To make new project to learn 2 1
Lab about Block.
(Pick the Cake)
13. Activity on Sprite To make projects to learn how 4 2
Lab students can use Sprite lab for
(Game Making) making Game.
14. Activity on Sprite To make new Project to learn 2 1
Lab about Block.
(Crab drink)
15. Activity on Sprite To make new Project to learn 2 1
Lab how to add behaviors to the
(Cool Dancing of Sprites.
16. Activity on Sprite To make Projects to learn how to 6 3
Lab add new image and how to
(Doremon Prank) make costumes.
17. Introduction to To learn about Block Coding and 1 1/2
Artist Lab How to make Design by using
Documentation Code.

18. Introduction to To learn about Move Forward 2 1

Action Block Block and Jump Block.
19. Introduction to To learn about Color, Pattern 3 2
Brushes Block and How to draw stickers in
Artist Block.
20. Introduction to To learn about Repeat a 2 1
LOOP and Math sequence of code a specified
Block number of times and Math
21. Introduction to Logic To Learn about statements block 3 2
and Function Block. and Function Block.
22. Introduction to To learn about how to add 2 1
Variable Block variable block in the code.
23. Activity on Artist Lab To make home design by using 4 2
(To make Home blocks of Artist Lab.
24. Activity on Artist Lab To make you tube logo by using 6 3
(To make You Tube Artist Block and learn to take
Logo) angle in Lab.
25. Activity on Artist Lab To make logo by using Artist Lab 4 2
(To make Olympic and use of different color.
Logo )
26. Activity on Artist Lab To make Rainbow by using 6 3
(To make Rainbow) Different Block and Function
27. Activity on Artist Lab To learn different Block Of Artist 4 2
(To make Frozen Lab.
Snow Flake)
28. Introduction To App App Lab is a programming 2 1
Lab environment where you can
make simple apps. Design an
app, code with blocks or
JavaScript to make it work, then
shares your app in seconds.
29. UI Control Block and 4 2
Canvas Block Event

The specified
element has
change modified and
enter has

The user
clicked on
the specified

The user
moved the
cursor over
the specified

The user
pressed a
keyboard key
keydown while the
mouse was
over the

Changes the active canvas to

the canvas with the specified id
(other canvas commands only
affect the active canvas).
30. Introduction of Data To learn how to Requests data 6 3
and Turtle Block from the internet and executes
code when the request is
complete and learn about turtle

31. Introduction to Executes a block of statements a 6 3

Control and MATH certain number of times
block depending on the initialization
expression, conditional
expression, and increment
expression and Math Block.

32. Introduction of Many apps process data. To be 6 3

Variable and able to process data your apps
Function Block need to keep track of the data in
memory. Variables are simply
names you use to refer to stored
data in your apps and A function
definition can be
provided anywhere in your code
- in some ways the function
definition lives independently of
the code around it. 
33. Introduction to To learn Set the mode of an 6 3
Advanced , Maker individual pin and use of Circuit
and CIRCUIT Block Block.

34. Activity on App Lab To make a project on App LAB 10 5

(Study Timer) for Study.
35. Activity on APP lab To make a project to learn how 12 6
(Play Music) to combine different Block.
36. Activity on APP lab To learn how to create Quiz in 10 5
(Quiz App) App Lab.
37. Activity on App Lab To make a project on Birthday 8 4
(Birthday Card App) Card.
38. Activity on App Lab To make Calculator App for 8 4
(Calculator) Calculation by using Different

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