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GMGA1024 _SULIT/CONFIDENTIAL 8 2.30 - 5.00 PETANG (2 JAM 30 MINIT). TIME 2,30— 5.00 PM (2 HOURS 30 MINUTE) ‘This paper contains SEVEN (7) questions in TWO (2) pages,excluding the cover. 2. Anda dikehendaki menjawab SEMUA soalan. You are required to answer ALL questions. |) 3. Semua jawapan hendaklah ditulis di dalam buku jawapan | disediakan. Petre TE ere i Eo eI) JANGAN BUKA KERTAS PEPERIKSAAN INI SEHINGGA DIBERI ARAHAN DO NOT OPEN THIS EXAMINATION PAPER UNTIL. INSTRUCTED SULIT/CONFIDENTIAL GMGA 1024 Politik dar Pentadbiran GMGA 1024 Politics and Administration No, Matrit/Matric No. ARAHAN : Jawab SEMUA soalan berikut dalam lembaran jawapan yang disediakan. INSTRUCTIONS : Answer ALL the following questions in the answer sheets provided. Huraikan secara ringkas konsep bidang-bidang sains politik berikut; (@) — Dasar Awam (6) Hubungan Antarabangsa Discuss in brief the following concept of political science areas; (a) Public Policy (6) International Relations (12 markah/marks ) Bincangkan EMPAT (4) prinsip demokrasi liberal, Discuss FOUR (4) principles of liberal democracy. (12 markah/marks) Jelaskan EMPAT (4) ciri-ciri utama Sistem Demokrasi Berpresiden. Explain FOUR (4) main features of Democratic Presidential System (12 markah/marks) Bezakan antara Doktrin Pengasingan Kuasa dan Doktrin Pereantuman Kuasa, Perbincangan perlu dinyatakan dengan contoh-contoh yang bersesuaian, Distinguish between the doctrine of the separation of powers and the diffusion of powers. The discussion should be specified with appropriate examples. (12 markah/marks) GMGA 1024 Politik dan Pentadbiran GMGA 1024 Polities and Administration No, Matrik/Matric No, 5, Huraikan EMPAT (4) fungsi atau peranan Yang di-Pertuan Agong sebagai Ketua Negara di Malaysia. Describe FOUR (4) functions or roles of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong as Head of State in Malaysia (22 markab/marks) Bincangkan LIMA (5) citi-ciri birokrasi oleh Max Weber (1864-1920), Discuss FIVE (5) characteristics of bureaucracy by Max Weber (1864-1926). (20 markah/marks) Huraikan EMPAT (4) fungsi parti-parti politik dan DUA (2) fungsi badan-badan pendesak dan berkepentingan, Berikan SATU (1) faktor yang membezakan parti-parti politik dan badan-badan pendesak serta berkepentingan. Describe FOUR (A) functions of political parties and TWO (2) functions of pressure groups. Give ONE (1) factor that distinguish political parties and pressure groups. (20 markah/marks)

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