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 Is a program or outline of the things to be done during a meeting.

 Its serve as a guide of the proceedings to insure the orderly and efficient transaction of
Order of Business provides the following process or pattern:
Call to order
-A meeting is called to order by the presiding officer who, after rapping the gavel,
The meeting will please come to order.
Invocation and Roll Call(optional)
-invocation or the opening prayer sets a solemn yet cordial tone for the meeting.
-the calling of the roll, if required, is performed by the secretary with the members
answering “Here” or “Present” as their respective names are called.
Reading and Disposition of minutes
-The reading of the minutes cannot be dispensed with but may be postponed or
deferred to another meeting by general consent or by a majority vote.
-the minutes must be corrected, if necessary, and disposed of by a majority vote.
Reports of Committees
-committee reports are rendered to the assembly for the information of the
members on matters of general interest or for any action they may desire to take thereon. The
reports may be read either by the respective committee chairmen or by any committee
member designated for the purpose.
Unfinished Business
-are matters which have been left pending at the adjournment of the last meeting
as well as those postponed for the current meeting, including questions which have been set as
orders of the day.
New Business
-when all unfinished business have been disposed of, new business are taken up
upon announcement of the presiding officer:
The table is now open for new business.
-a written or spoken statement that tells people about something.
-meeting may be adjourned at any time upon motion duly approved or at a certain
fixed of time if one has been previously set.

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