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Foundation Programme for UWC Changshu China

常熟 UWC FP 课程

At UWC Changshu China, students joining in Grade 10 undertake the one-year Foundation Programme (FP), which offers a

challenging mixture of prescribed and free-choice subjects in addition to experiencing an authentic UWC life. The holistic nature of

the programme provides the essential building blocks required for a smooth and seamless transition into the IB Diploma Programme

(DP) in Grade 11 and 12.




At the heart of UWC educational philosophy is the belief that we prepare students not just for university, but for life. Students who

are willing to commit to the ideals of the UWC movement will have the exceptional opportunities to develop the knowledge, skills,

and dispositions they need to live UWC values and fulfill the UWC mission to shape a better world.




IB Diploma Programme 国际文凭大学预科项目

FP 课程

Knowledge & Understanding Values & Attitudes Skills & Competencies Pedagogy
知识与理解 价值观与态度 技能与能力 教学法

Prior Knowledge for Supports UWC Aligned with Diploma

Approaches to Experiential Education
Diploma Course Mission & Values
Teaching & Learning
(if required) 践行 UWC 的使命和价值观
国际文凭课程知识储备 与国际文凭课程
教与学的方法一致 Learning by doing in Zhi Xing
Courageous Action 知行:在实践中学习
Rigorous and challenging Personal Example Critical Thinking
content Research & Academic Honesty
Selfless Leadership
严谨并具挑战的内容 Concept focused
勇敢行动 Self-management
个人表率 Collaboration
Takes into consideration 无私领导力 Communication
students' academic background 批判性思维 Inquiry-based
考虑学生学术背景 研究与学术诚信 基于探究
International mindedness 自我管理能力
国际情怀 协作能力 Assessments
Inclusion of 沟通能力 Aligned with Diploma
under-represented knowledge
assessment formats
包括非主流课程内容 Design Thinking Criteria-based
设计思维 评估
配合 DP 课程评估方式
Information Literacy 根据考核项目评分

Intercultural Literacy
Curriculum Structure 课程结构

UWC Changshu China Foundation Programme offers a rigorous and challenging curriculum that develops knowledge,

skills and competencies necessary for UWC students to thrive in further academic study and to lead amidst the

complexity presented by the 21st Century workplace.

常熟 UWC 提供严谨并充满挑战的 FP 课程,以储备知识、培养技能和能力,帮助学生游刃有余地面对后续的学业要求,


The Programme builds upon students’ prior knowledge while cultivating key transferrable skills, from design thinking to

research and collaboration, in order for them to succeed in the IB Diploma Programme. Students study a wide range of

subjects, including Chinese, English, Mathematics; electives in Humanities, Science, Modern Languages and Art, as well

as Critical Thinking, 'Peace and Sustainable Future' course and the Passion Project.




The core features of the curriculum 课程内容

Subjects Classes required
学科 选课数量
English 英语 1
Languages 语言
Chinese 中文 1
Mathematics 数学 Mathematics 数学 1

Physics 物理、Chemistry 化学
Sciences 科学 1
Biology 生物、Design 设计

Individuals & Societies

History 历史、Geography 地理、 Economics 经济 1

French 法语
German 德语 1 Elective 选修
Modern Languages 现代语言
Spanish 西班牙语
+1(Sciences 科学、
Electives 选修
Humanities 人文学科
Theatre 戏剧艺术
Arts 艺术 Music 音乐 or Electives 选修)
Visual Arts 视觉艺术

Critical thinking 批判性思维 1

Peace & Sustainable Future 和平与可持续发展 1
FP 核心课程
Passion Project Passion 项目 1
Ideal candidates for the Foundation Programme possess the following qualities
适合 FP 课程的候选人应具备以下特征

Independent learner with strong academic capability Courageous to deal with problems
具备较强的独立学习能力 勇于应对和处理问题
Willing to step out of comfort zone to take risks Appreciate multi-cultural environment
愿意走出舒适区迎接挑战 喜爱多元文化环境
Critical thinker, capable of asking difficult questions A change-maker who wants to take actions to make
懂得辩证思维,有能力提出有深度的问题 a positive impact

Testimonials from Foundation Programme students 学生感言

Linda Zhang Tu Jhon

America 美国 Ecuador 厄瓜多尔
In the Friday course of Peace & Sustainable Future, we realized the interdependence of our Overall, the Foundation Programme class is well designed. The teachers are
environment and society. It guides us to seek solutions actively and creatively. As a group, we responsible and students are fully engaged. Through games, discussions,
realized the issue of overusing plastic trash can bags in our community by interviewing different lectures, etc., students can learn knowledge with fun. By giving presentations and
departments on our campus. Thus, with teachers’ encouragement, we invented a trashcan that completing various assignments, students have the opportunity to show their
doesn’t require plastic bags within the system to clean itself. In addition, it can nourish plants by learning and critical thinking. The core curriculum also reflects U WC's v alues. T he
capturing the nutrition in the garbage residue. From this project, I learned how to collaborate and field trips enrich the students' after-school life. Students work in groups to conduct
communicate effectively with my peers. We gained an understanding of the whole commercial different t asks, w hich n ot o nly i mproves t he s tudents' a bility t o c ollaborate, b ut
system of producing a product, and the complication of such a system. By studying this course, also enhances the cohesiveness among the student community.
I think I became a genuine 'global citizen', who cares about our world and am willing to seek
solutions to make our world more peaceful and sustainable. 整体来说,FP课程设计得很不错,老师认真负责,学生全情投入。通过游戏、讨论、
在周五的“和平与可持续发展”课程中,我们认识到了环境与社会的相互依存关系。它指导我 示学习成果和独立思考的机会。FP核心课程很好地体现了UWC的价值观,另外实地
们积极且创造性地寻求解决方案。作为一个小组,我们通过采访校园内的不同部门,意识到 考察活动也丰富了学生的课余生活。学生分组工作完成不同的任务 , 这种方式既提高
了我们社区过度使用塑料垃圾袋的问题。因此 , 在老师的鼓励下 , 我们发明了一种无需塑料垃 了学生的协作能力 , 也提高了学生群体的凝聚力。
项目中 , 我学会了如何与组员进行有效的合作及沟通,我们也了解了产品生产的整个商业系统
以及这样一个系统的复杂性。通过学习这门课程 , 我认为我成为了一个真正的“全球公民”,
Miranda Hou
侯欣滢 中国
I really enjoy the Peace and Sustainable Future course every Friday morning.
It has given me an amazing and unforgettable experience. I remember
Feng HsuYen Chi Long Janis Wong being impressed from the first lesson, when the teacher said: “Every time we
Taiwan, China 中国 台湾 Hong Kong China 中国香港 talk about solutions towards the problem ‘‘take-make-dispose’’, we all come
I think the Foundation Programme course Foundation Programme is the building block up with recycling immediately, however, is recycling really the best way?”
is a time for us to adjust to a completely to learning to engage in discussions that could I was totally surprised since it was a perspective that I had never thought
new education system. We learn to reflect involve clashing opinions, discover how to solve about before. During the group discussion, we found out that actually
on both old and new concepts in a more problem with critical thinking and work hard to take every time we recycle products, there's still a significant part of them that
critical way. For instance, we constantly action towards combating international crises. is wasted, so eventually recycling is becoming less effective! This course
deliberate on why something is right or Classes challenge students academically, but the taught me the ability to analyse everything critically. I hope I can have
wrong, or why something is important to most striking aspect of Foundation Programme is more chances to study courses like Peace and Sustainable Future course to
us. I believe this experience prepares me observing that you are not the only one being continue to improve my learning abilities.
for entering DP next year. challenged and that you have other motivated
students surrounding you. 我很喜欢每周五上午的“和平与可持续发展”课程。它给了我一次惊喜和
我觉得FP课程是我们适应一个全新教育 难忘的经历。记得第一节课就给我留下了深刻的印象,老师说 :“每当我
体系的过渡期。我们学会了以更具批判性 FP课程是一个学习如何参与讨论的过程。讨论中可能涉 们讨论到‘利用 - 设置 - 处置’的解决方案时,所有人都会提出将资源
的方式反思新旧概念。例如 , 我们不断地 及冲突的观点,如何用批判性思维解决问题,努力采取 回收利用,然而,回收真的是最好的方式吗 ?”我觉得很震惊,因为这是
思考为什么有些事情是对的或是错误的 , 行动应对国际危机等等。FP课程在学术上也向学生提出 一个我从未想到过的视角。在小组讨论中,我们发现,实际上每次我们回
又或是为什么有些事情对我们很重要。我 了挑战,但课程最吸引人的一点是你可以观察到自己并 收物品,依然有很大一部分是被浪费的,所以最终回收变得越来越没有效
相信这段学习经历为我明年进入DP课程 不是唯一一个接受挑战的人,你周围还有很多其他积极 率 ! 这门课培养了我善于批判性地分析事物的能力。我希望能有更多的机
做好了准备。 应对挑战的同学。 会学习像和平与可持续发展这样的课程,从而继续提高我的学习能力。

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