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Sr4terpositiorr Stuticully hrcle nnltitute IJeun6

Deflection of Beams and Shafts 9 Scp 2012

Question 6
Methocl of Integtzttion antl Discontitruit,- FLUrctions (Ans: E1v : (0.7-5-13 - 0.12-5.14 + 1.75 <,.- 5 >3
The relay switch consists of a thin metal strip or ar- Question 8
*0.125 <x -5 >4 3.125,r))
rnature AB that is nrade of red brass C83400 and is The loading on a floor beam used in the airplane
Question I attracted to the solenoid S by a magnetic freld. De- is shown. Determine the rcactions at fhe supports
terrnine the smallest force F'required to attract the A and B, and then dmw the nroment diagram fbr
Wooden posts used for a retaining wall have a dianr
armaturc at C in order that contact is rilade at the free the beam. The beam is nrade of alunrinium and has
eter of 75 mm. If the soil pressurc along a post varies
end B. Also, what should the distance tr be for this to a nromert of inertia of I : 125 x 106 mma. 1Ans.
unifornrly fronr zeLo at the top A to a nraximunt of
occur'l The armature is fixcd at A and has momcnt of 1.97 kN, 16.03 KN)
4 kN/nl at the bottom B, determire the slope ald clis-
inerriaof 1:0.18(10 r'?) nra. li: l0l CPa. (Ans.
placernent at the top of the post. 4,, = I 0 GPa. (Ans.
0.0858 rad, I 37.3 nun) l,
-r - - rrtr --- -i
0.3.19 N,0.800 mnr)

Question 4
2m Detcrrnine the rnaximurn deflection of the 50-mm-
dianleter A-36 steel shaft. lt is supported by bearings _ lil- -. tn'"
at its ends A and B which only exert vertical rcac-
tions on the shaft. E:200 GPa. (Ans. 8.16 mnr)
4 kN/nr ! 500 tr)rD
i t-..
] | xrxr rlrn Question 9
Question 2 Deterrrrine the reactions at the supports A and B. EI
Question 7
The shaft is suppoiled at A by ajournal bearing that
is constant. (Ans. A, - zn'ol, I 5. M n : +t11L2 f 1 5. 6 r. :
exerts only vertical reac(ions on the shaft and at B
The sirnply suppofted bearn caries a uniform load vnLllO)
by a thrust bearing that exerts horizontal and verti- of 40 kN/rn. Code resh-ictions due to a plaster ceil-
cal reactions on the shaft. Draw the bending mo- ing, require the maximum deflection not to exceed
nrent diagranr for the shrft and then, from this di-
l/360 of the span length. Select the lightest-weight
agram. sketch the deflection or the ellstic curve fbr
A-36 stccl widc-flrnge bcam from Appcndix B (of
6(X) N
your tcxt book) that will satisfy this requilement and
the shafl's centcrline. Deterntine the equations of the
safely support the load. The allowable bending stress
elastic curve using the coordinate 11. {Ans: E1r'1 :
Qu€stion 5 is 170 MPa and the allowable shear stress is 100 MPa.
( 150.r?
- 85.O-Lr + 9.375) I Assume A is a pin and B a roller support. t =
The A-36 steel shaft is used to srpport a iotu that
2I0 GPa. (Ans. W360x 5 l, rnax defl ection 6-98 mtn)
exerts a unifblm load o[ 5 kN/nr within the region
CD of the shnft. Deternrine the slope of the shafi at
the bearings A and B.'['he bearings exert only ver-
tical reactions on the shatl. E : 200 GPa. (Ans.
0.00306 rad)

Stut it'ull,- htclct e Be.uns Lrsin g Su perposit iorr

Question l0
The 4.-36 steel beanr and rod are used to support
the load of 8000 N. If it is required that the allow-
Question 3 able nornral strcss for the steel is 130 MPa. and the
The beam is subjected to the load shown. Determine maximurn deflection not exceed I tnl)r. determine
the displacentent at,r : 8 nr and the slope at A. E/ is the snrallest tlianreter rod that should be used. The
constant. beam is rectangulaq having a height of 100 mnt and
athicknessof60mm. E :2l0GPa. (Ans. 7.86 mm)
Question ll
The assembly consists of a three simply supported
beams for which the bottom of the top beam rests
on the top of the bottom two. lf a unilorm load of
3 kN/m is applied to the top beam, determine the
vertical reactions at each of the supports. EI is con-
stant. (Ans. A, - A, : 2.15 kN)

Question l2
'lhe bealr is supported by a pin at A, a spring having
a stiffness t at B, and a roller at C. Determine the
force the spring exerts on the beam. EI is constant.
(Ans. 5rutla/14(6 rt + t t3)))

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