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MECN3027 - Mechanical Vibrations

Name: Student No:

Assignment 4 – Single DOF damped, forced vibration

A disc of mass m kg and radius r m is connected to two fixed supports by means of a spring of stiffness k N/m
(connected a distance a m from the centre of the disc) and a damper c Ns/m, acting at the centre of the disc,
as shown. A harmonic moment M(t) = M0 cos ωt acts at the centre of the disc, causing the disc to roll from
side-to-side (assume that the disc rolls without slipping).

(a) State all relevant assumptions and draw a fully annotated free body diagram of the disc. Using Newton’s
Laws derive the differential equation of motion of the disc in terms of the variable x. Note that the terms
of the differential equation must have force units. [Hint: the displacement of the spring is a function of x
and θ as shown in the figure on the RHS.] (13 marks)

(b) The following generalised differential equation results. If the system is to have a damping ratio of ζ = 0.2,
determine the required value c for the damper. Also determine natural frequency of the system ωn , the
damped natural frequency, ωd , and the frequency ratio r.

meq ẍ + ceq ẋ + keq x = Feq (t)

where meq = 15 kg, keq = 900 N/m, a = 0.1 m, r = 0.2 m, M0 = 4 Nm, ω=10 rad/s. (4 marks)

(c) Assuming a steady state vibration response x(t) = X cos ωt, determine the steady state amplitude of
vibration of the disc analytically (i.e. use the equation for the magnification factor). (2 marks)

(d) What is the maximum angular velocity, θ̇ of the disc? (2 marks)

(e) Using the graph for magnification ratio on page 66 of your notes, estimate the maximum displacement,
Xmax of the disc as it passes through resonance (neglecting any transient effects). (2 marks)

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