An Order Specifying A Time During Which Certain Regulations Apply

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Nowadays, People had an experience with curfews. It is an order specifying a

time during which certain regulations apply. But in legal terms, curfews are more than
just house rules that can result in a firm if violated. Curfews are also laws that effectively
prohibit or limit the right to be out in public at certain times, or in some cases, require
businesses to close their doors during certain hours.

There are three main types of curfew laws; namely, juvenile curfew laws,
emergency curfew laws, and business curfew laws. These are laws that commonly used
by different country across the globe to protect their people and have a safe community
on their respective places.
It is common among citizens to ask on the services delivered by the government
and assess the effectiveness as well as the benefits of the programs, projects and even
proposed bill that will directly affect the community.

The country has the responsibility of preserving the welfare of its people. It is by
practicing and performing what the law stated to protect the community and the country
for the common good of everyone. People should also understand that the government
has the right to impose what do they think is good for many vice versa, the government
should hear his people of the effects of their actions toward the mainstream of their

According to the study of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs as cited by Villarica

(2011), the most immediate concern of people is physical safety from violence. Even
after the bulk of fighting is over, physical insecurity is often pervasive throughout society
from politically motivated violence, rampant gunfire, and retaliation by former enemies,
gender-based violence, landmines, and emerging armed criminal elements. State
authority and security institutions, meanwhile, are likely to be politicized, part of the
problem, and severely impaired or nonexistent, creating a security vacuum that
insurgents, terrorists, extremists, or criminals will seek to fill. The security threats in
transitional environments call for a dual capability to subdue large-scale threats to the
peace process while also maintaining public order.

This concept provides the researcher to profoundly study the relevance of safety
among communities and the level of their understanding on the functions of National
security on their places. It is a common endeavor of every Filipinos to be a victim of
crimes and disturbance or scandals which according to Maslow people needs a safe and
comfortable environment which free of hazards and they can live freely according to their
will. This entails that

A country’s recovery from violent conflict depends first and foremost on the
establishment of security. Without security, parties to the conflict will not lay down their
arms, and a country will never progress beyond a state of siege and will remain stagnant
in its economic, political, and social development. People will refrain from resuming
normal activities that are fundamental to a healthy and vibrant society, like sending their
children to school, opening shops for business, or traveling to the market. Civilian
agencies will be unable to begin laying the critical foundation for promoting the rule of
law, good governance, economic growth, and healthy social development.

For the past administrations in the Philippines, there are different curfews
imposed by the legislative and even local ordinance which promotes anti-hazards, anti-
crimes and anti-violence program. It is indeed an ideal proposition of providing a safe
and sound environment among Filipinos who are weak on the disadvantageous effects of
changing generations from a more liberated one. In connection to crimes, adult are not
just prone of it even children. The manifestations of curfew in the country were based on
rampant news of killings which involves minors. Another indexes of it is the habitual
activities of Filipinos that causes disturbance in the community such as singing using
Karaoke until dawn, drinking or having party on the streets and gang-war participated by
different fraternities or street children.

In the advent of changing society, people are vulnerable of adapting on changes.

However, in proper guidance of the state, it is possible that people acquire what is due to
surpass endeavors. It is the utmost purpose of the study to evaluate the deterrent effects of
curfew among chosen community of Valenzuela, City that imposed various local
ordinances for curfews on habitual activities, minor welfare, safety and security measures
to empower the law of the country. It is the role of the researchers to gather appropriate
data of responses from the respondents and deliver public information on the perceptions
of local government officials and concern citizens with regards to the effectiveness on the
imposed curfews in the community.


2.1 Theoretical Framework

This study will use theories to explicate the foundation of the research. It will
serve as evidence of the deterrent effects of curfew in the community as major objective
of the research. The following theory was anchored according to the major variables of
the study.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs – Safety need

In the study of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs as cited in the study of psychological

science of Schaller (2010), Safety needs in Maslow's hierarchy refer to the need for
security and protection. When people have their physiological needs for food and water
met, their safety needs dominate their behavior. These needs have to do with their natural
desire for a predictable, orderly world that is somewhat within man’s control. Safety
needs in today's world can manifest themselves as job security, savings accounts,
insurance policies, financial security, and health and well-being. Taking the account to
consider the satges of needs of human person safety is included.

The original hierarchy of needs five-stage model includes:

1. Biological and Physiological needs - air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep.

2. Safety needs - protection from elements, security, order, law, stability, freedom
from fear.

3. Love and belongingness needs - friendship, intimacy, trust and acceptance,

receiving and giving affection and love. Affiliating, being part of a group (family,
friends, work).

4. Esteem needs - achievement, mastery, independence, status, dominance, prestige,

self-respect, and respect from others.

5. Self-Actualization needs - realizing personal potential, self-fulfillment, seeking

personal growth and peak experiences

This premise provides a certain ideas among researcher in understanding how

important safety among people and how they view the society’s law implemented in the
community. The proponents will evaluate how they perceive the level of safety that they
get from the government and how functional the ordinances or laws that the country has.

Identity theory

In the study of mental science by Feigl (2012), a number of objections to Mind-

Brain Type Identity, some a great deal stronger than others, began circulating soon after
the publication of Smart's 1959 article. Perhaps the weakest were those of the
epistemological variety. It has been claimed, for example, that because people have had
(and still do have) knowledge of specific mental states while remaining ignorant as to the
physical states with which they are correlated, the former could not possibly be identical
with the latter. The obvious response to this type of objection is to call attention to the
contingent nature of the proposed identities—of course we have different conceptions of
mental states and their correlated brain states, or no conception of the latter at all, but that
is just because (as Feigl made perfectly clear) the language we use to describe them have
different meanings. The contingency of mind-brain identity relations also serves to
answer the objection that since presently accepted correlations may very well be
empirically invalidated in the future, mental states and brain states should not be viewed
as identical.

This concept of Feigl is about helping the proponents in understanding the reasons
behind weaker minds that do not intentionally violate the law but it only provide certain
idea that they have a vulnerable mental ability to stop from any habitual activities that
they went through. The study will also seek on logical reasoning on what specific
problems does respondents encounter despite of running implementation of the law.

Deterrence theory

In connection to the theory on the study of street crimes by Lundman (2012),

Research on deterrence has shown a lot of interest on street crimes.  There is a significant
correlation between curfew laws and the reduction or deflection of deviant criminal
activities.  In other words, “strict curfew enforcement follows deterrence theory, which
argues that certain, swift, and severe punishments will cause juveniles to rationally weigh
consequences and commit fewer criminal acts”

In connection to the premise, the researcher correspond questions to ask among

respondents if the law has a direct impact in imposing safety environment which is free
from hazards and destructions. The proponents will evaluate the effectiveness of certain
intervention provided by the government or law enforcers.

2.2.1 Existence of curfew in Valenzuela City

In relations to the city ordinance of Valenzuela city mentioned by Caina (2011),

The Valenzuela City Government strictly implements the Sangguniang Panlungsod
Ordinance No. 13, series of 211, and otherwise known as, “The Internet Ordinance of
Valenzuela City,” beginning with a massive poster and tarpaulin campaign around the

The campaign aims to inform the public that in Valenzuela City, minors, or any
person below 18 years old, are allowed at internet cafés, and computer rental and gaming
shops from 4:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. only.

Tarpaulins were installed at conspicuous areas around the city and posters are
being placed at internet cafés, and computer rental and gaming shops, to spread
awareness among the owners and operators of such establishments that a new local law to
regulate their operation is in force.

The simply designed poster, featuring clear-cut text and a sketch of a school-age
girl in front of a personal computer stamped with a red caution symbol, is one of the
series of posters and tarpaulins released by the Office of the City Mayor, through the
Public Information Office (PIO), along with the posters/tarpaulins against selling of
liquor and tobacco products to minors, and posters/tarpaulins on the prohibited hours of
selling liquor and alcoholic products in the city.

The concept of this literature provides empirical evidence among researchers that
there are existing ordinances or law in place of study. It is the utmost reason why the
proponents pursue the study and to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of
different curfews in the city. The City of Valenzuela are rigidly employed the law and
they followed what is due for the community. The study will

2.1.2 Curfew and its classifications

According to the community issues and social retribution by Knowles (2011),

there are certain types of curfews implemented by different places which apply according
to the demographic location as needed by the community. It is defined according to the
following classifications:

Juvenile Curfews Law

It is set by state and local governments, juvenile curfew laws are intended to
restrict the hours during which minors are allowed to be out in public. After the
designated time, anyone under 18 years of age is prohibited from being on the streets or
patronizing a business. The purpose of juvenile curfew laws is to prevent criminal
activity and protect the health and welfare of minors.
Emergency curfew
During times of crisis, catastrophe, or natural disaster, the government may choose
to enact emergency curfews that set restrictions for all citizens. Some historical reasons for
emergency curfews have included hurricanes, blizzards, wildfires, public riots, and
dangerous fugitives. When an emergency curfew is put into place, the local government
typically specifies certain conditions. For instance, citizens may still be permitted to travel
to and from critical job duties or for emergency reasons.
Business curfew
In some cities, business curfew laws restrict the operating hours of certain public
establishments, such as grocery stores, restaurants, and liquor stores. These laws are
typically enacted in areas with high levels of crime, loitering, and otherwise disorderly
conduct. Local governments can choose to activate business curfews for selected time
periods in response to criminal activity and large crowd size.
The following classifications indicated by knowles in his study will be the basis of
the curfews that will be assess by the proponents. It is the utmost purpose of the study to
assess the following curfews that Valenzuela city has.

2.2.3 Curfew as tools for eliminating crimes

According to the study of crime prevention of Alonzo (2011), Cities across the country
have used youth curfews to address growing public concern about juvenile crime and
violence. By reducing the number of youth on the street during certain hours, curfews are
assumed to lower the risk factors associated with youth crime. In addition to preventing
crime, the curfews are also argued to protect youth from dangerous situations. Curfews
have been widely cited by policy makers as an effective tool for reducing crime while
academic research shows mixed results. A multi-layered approach is suggested to reduce
juvenile crime, including graffiti removal and prevention, after school and evening
programs, employment programs, mentorship, and early childhood intervention. Although
these tools may not completely eradicate the issue, it may provide a starting point in crime
prevention. This also recommend that an evidence-based process carried out by a select
group of professionals, experts, and key stakeholders be used to determine how and what
tools and strategies best will work for Columbia
The emerging impact of curfew in the Philippines defines how important to assess
the evident result of the law implementation. This premise will support how the
respondents will deal to the evaluation that they will conduct in the city of Valenzuela.

2.2.4 Graffiti offenders: Juvenile case issue

According to gang war cases study by Allen (2010), Cities have used a variety of
approaches to counter the prevalence of graffiti, especially gang related graffiti. There are
two overarching strategies that can be taken when dealing with graffiti: remove it and
prevent it. Most cities attack graffiti with both strategies. Graffiti reporting hotlines,
neighborhood volunteer groups, and dedicated graffiti removal staff are the most
common tools used for the removal graffiti. Graffiti abatement or prevention can be
approached by going after graffiti artist or taggers themselves or by creating physical
surfaces that are difficult or less desirable to deface. Arresting graffiti offenders can be
difficult as it is hard to link one person to multiple incidences of graffiti in an area. A far
more effective approach is to provide programs that keep youth from ever becoming
involved in graffiti or gangs in the first place. Landscaping, outdoor lighting, rough
surfaces, and public art are used to make areas more difficult and less desirable to
This issue mentioned by Allen is an example of issues that the proponents would
like to know if it was solve by the implementation of the law. Not only gan-war and but
habitual disturbances in community will be assess by the proponents utilizing responses
according to the respondents’ perception

2.2.5 Environmental hazards: Curfew as safety precautionary measures

As cited in Advancing social Science Journal (2015), The Philippines is

particularly vulnerable to typhoons, floods, earthquakes, landslides, tsunamis, and
volcanic eruptions. These disasters can easily set back development and economic gains
and can cause disruptions in communication and transportation. Some 15 typhoons
impacted the Philippines’ area of responsibility in 2015. On November 8, 2013,
Typhoon Haiyan hit with record-breaking sustained winds of over 195 miles per hour
and sea level storm surges of over 13 feet. Over 16 million people were affected by the
storm, including at least 6,000 deaths and over 27,000 injuries. In 2013, USAID
provided over US$50 million in disaster assistance for Typhoon Haiyan. These issues
were address by the government on zero-casualties by providing precautionary measure
in all parts of the country. The local government will provide curfews during disaster
like typhoons and floods to ensure the safety of the locals.
This article will support the ideas of the researchers to assess the precautionary
measures efficiency of the Valenzuela city in connection to environmental curfew that
they imposed specifically during typhoon or disaster.
2.2.6 House bill 1035 – Karaoke curfew

As cited in Philippine Star (2016), the anti-videoke bill has been filed by Quezon
Representative Angelina Tan, the bill prohibits use of loud musical instruments, and other
sound-amplifying equipment past 10 p.m. Anyone who violates the law will be punished
with a fine of one thousand pesos, or worse, may face imprisonment of not more than six
months. The license of businesses that violate may also be revoked.

This law is one of the examples of business curfew that is nationwide

implemented in the country to avoid noise disturbance in the community. It is part of the
research to evaluate if this was currently followed by the community.

2.2.7 Safe Neighborhood

According to study of safe neighborhood by Sampson (2010), Neighborhoods

with high levels of crime are often densely populated, mixed use (businesses and
residences in the same area) areas, with concentrated poverty, a transient population, a
high proportion of single-parent households, and dilapidated buildings. Children and
adolescents living in neighborhoods characterized by crime or disorganization are more
likely to become victims of violent crime and to perpetrate acts of violence. Children who
witness crime and violence are more likely to experience social and emotional problems
such as aggression, stress, and withdrawal, as well as delinquency and low school

This concept entails of the importance of safe and sound environment for children
and members of the family. It is important that people should consider the progress of the
children to ensure that they will develop as better individual by acquiring positive
environment and ideal attitude. The researcher will assess how ideal their community
with the help of curfew as an instrument to a safe environment.

The following are the main concerns of the respondents and will seek appropriate

response on the given statement of the problem:

1. What are the profile of the respondents as defined as follows:

1.1 age;

1.2 gender;

1.3 civil status; and

1.4 years of residency in the community

2. How do the respondents define their level of awareness in terms of the

implementation on juvenile curfew, emergency curfew and prohibiting habitual

disturbance in the community?

3. What are the perceptions of the respondents in terms of the effectiveness on the

implementation on curfew, emergency curfew and prohibiting habitual disturbance in the


3. How do the respondents define their level of awareness in terms of the

implementation on juvenile curfew, emergency curfew and prohibiting habitual

disturbance in the community?

4. How do the respondents perceive the deterrent effects of curfew in the

5. What is the evaluation of the respondents on the law enforcement in the


6. What are the recommendations of the researchers on the implementation of curfew

in the community?

2.4 Research Simulacrum


 Profile of the  Survey  Enhanced

respondents Questionnaire awareness on
 Determine the  Statistical services
deterrent Treatment specifically on
effects of types of
curfew  Result of curfews
discussion  Enhanced
 Determine the awareness on
effectiveness  Data Analysis the level of
of curfews effectiveness
of curfews as
 Determine the set ordinance
of the
benefits of

Figure 1: Research Simulacrum

The independent variable showed the profile of the respondents, deterrent effects

of curfew and benefits of curfew which are manipulated problems of research. A direct

relationship is shown between independent variable and dependent variable, that the
latter pertaining to the respondent’s views on deterrent effects of curfews in their


1.0 Research Methods

This research will be anchored to quantitative type of research views regarding

the role of measurement in quantitative research are somewhat divergent. Measurement is

often regarded as being only a means by which observations are expressed numerically in

order to investigate causal relations or associations. However, it has been argued that

measurement often plays a more important role in quantitative research. For example,

proponents argued that within quantitative research, the results that are shown can prove

to be strange. This is because accepting a theory based on results of quantitative data

could prove to be a natural phenomenon.

Since the study will analytically assess the responses of the respondents they will

use this method to logically present data using numerical information. The results will

utilized survey instrument using likert scale to describe the level of perceptions of the

informants in connection to curfew implementation.

3.1 Research Design

The study is essentially Descriptive Research where quantifiable

information was used to statistical inference on the target audience. A systematic

description of the particular situation or area of concern which aimed to assess the

deterrent effects of curfew in chosen community of Valenzuela, City

Furthermore, a survey using devised questionnaire on the said issue with the

interaction of the government implementation, specially pertaining to the curfew and

prohibiting habitual disturbances was likewise fully utilized.

3.2 Research Locale

The study will be conducted in District II, Barangay Parada, Paso de blas, Ricong,

Ugong and Maysan of Valenzuela City. The said community imposed and observed the

curfews which is an indicator of a possible target place of study in gathering the desired

outcome and objectives in assessing the deterrent effects of curfews.

3.3 Population and Sampling

The respondents involved in this study are residents of Valenzuela City of legal

age; personally interviewed and asked to fill-out the survey forms. The profile of the

respondents such as age, gender, civil status and length of residency in the community; it

will also conducted on the chosen community in District II, Valenzuela City who

imposed curfews

The researcher used the purposive or subjective sampling procedure to

select the respondents of the study. A total of 50 respondents from different local

community of District II , were selected from the various barangay and personally

The main goal of purposive sampling was focus on particular characteristics of a

population that were of interest, which enabled best to answer the research questions.

3.4 Research Ethics

This research conducted after the approval of the administration of the college
of Criminal Justice. The participants informed about confidentiality. The data was treated

The researchers have expressed no conflict of interest on this particular research

required by the College of Criminal Justice of Our Lady of Fatima University

Personal presence during the interview and filling up of questionnaire were made
to explain every content of the instrument for clarity. Profound issues are not required to
be answered but were thoroughly explained and to protect the privacy and confidentially,
the respondents Anonymity Assurance was highly observed. Before the conduct of the
study, the researcher obtained official permission from the school administrators. From a
technical from the administrators were pursued for or highly solicited.

3.5 Research Instruments

The participants the demographic information and little personal information from

the respondents’ survey questionnaires were utilized. It also contained the criteria and
items that defined each criterion in terms of the effectiveness of curfews, deterrent effects

of curfews and level of awareness on the implementation of the law.

Interviews were conducted with the respondents that required elaborating

descriptions which were beyond the space of the prepared survey forms.

3.6 Data Collection

The researcher first submits a letter to the Program Head of College of Criminal

Justice for approval before proceeding to data gathering. After the approval is done, the

researchers secure a permit to conduct survey to the participants. This letter of permission

was given to the Barangay Captain for approval.

The scope of the study was explained to the participants to provide information in

taking the interview. In explaining the flow of this research, all ethical considerations

were observed. The participants were given the assurance that all their information was

treated accordingly and remain confidential. When respondents are assured of the above

mentioned, the researcher will explain the process, the intention of the study and its

purpose as well. This research was made in order for the respondents to be given the

necessary information that they need.

If everything is settled, the researcher now starts their interview proper to the

participants. These were used to gather data in order to answer the problems set in this

research. When interview proper is being held, participants was given time to answer
questions being thrown to them. The ending of the interview was based on the responses

of the participants.

3.7 Data Analysis

The data gathered through the questionnaires were analyzed and interpreted using

the following statistical techniques:

Percentage. This was used as descriptive statistics for relationships of a part to

the whole.

Weighted mean. This was computed to determine the average response of a

population group for each item.

The descriptive responses on the criteria used were quantified using the following

weights, limits and verbal interpretations as:

Scale Descriptive Rating Verbal Interpretation

5 Strongly Agree

4 Agree

3 Either Agree or Disagree

2 Disagree

1 Strongly disagree

1. Advancing Social Science Journal (2016), Environmental Hazards Issue no 342 Vol 234.
Pg 14

2. Allen,D(2010) "Fighting Graffiti: An Investigation of Causes and Solutions." (2006).

3. Durlak, Joseph A., et al.(2011) "The impact of enhancing students' social and emotional
learning: A meta-analysis of school-based universal interventions. "Child development:
Columbia University 405-432.
4. Feigl, H. (2012). The "Mental" and the "Physical," The Essay and a Postscript,
Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press.
5. Lundman, R. (2012) “Street Crimes” Demography 43, no. 1 (2006): 53-77.
6. Philippine Sta (2016) “HB 1035” Issue 26 no 27 Vol. 234
7. Sampson, R. J., Raudenbush, S. W. (2010). “Study on Safe Neighborhood” Op. cit.
8. Schaller, M. (2010). "Renovating the pyramid of needs: Contemporary extensions built
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9. Villarica, H. (August 17, 2011). "Maslow 2.0: A new and improved recipe for
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A Research

Presented to

The Faculty of the Criminal Justice Education

Our Lady of Fatima University

Valenzuela City

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for the Course

Criminological Research and Statistic


Angelica B. Alonzo

Michaela B. Batang

Mario R. Bejo

Jake D. Calongcong

Lapara, Christopher

John Marc P. Reyes

July 2017

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