The ... The

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Задание 1. 
Нужно перевести предложения со сравнениями “The more … the more  …” на русский язык:
1. The older she gets, the more forgetful she becomes.
2. The less luggage you have, the better for us.
3. The less interesting the cartoon is, the more bored the children become.
4. The higher you climb, the further you fall.
5. The sooner the better.
6. The more expensive the restaurant, the better the service.
7. The more I read the book, the less I liked it.
8. The more water you use, the higher your bill is.
9. The sooner we leave, the sooner we will arrive.
10. The warmer the weather is, the less clothes we’ll need.
 Задание 2. 
Вставьте на место пропусков сравнение the more (больше) или the less (меньше), более
соответствующее смыслу текста. Переведите эти предложения.
1. The more you study, ___ time you have for your friends.
2. The younger you are, ___ difficult it is to learn.
3. The warmer the weather, ___ comfortable I feel.
4. The more goods you sell, ___ profit you make.
5. ___ mistakes you make, the better mark you get.
6. The longer he waited, ___ impatient he became.
7. The more knowledge we acquire, ____ successful we are.
8. The more roses she planted, ___ beautiful her garden was.
Задание 3.
Переставьте прилагательные из скобок в пропущенные места предложения, образуя сравнительную
структуру “The more … the more …”. 
Переведите предложения.
Образец:  ___ you get a new job, ___ it will be for your family. (soon, good) – The sooner you get a new
job, the better it will be for your family. (Чем скорее ты найдешь новую работу, тем лучше будет для
твоей семьи.)
1. ___ the hotel is, ___ the rooms are. (cheap, bad)
2. ___ the exercises, ___ for you. (hard, useful)
3. ___ you walk, ___ you will become. (far, tired)
4. ___ the lipstick, ___ you look. (bright, vulgar)
5. ___ I get, ___ I feel. (old, young)
6. ___ the state, ___ the laws. (corrupt, numerous)
7. ___ you watch that film, ___ it gets. (long, funny)
8. ___ the flat, ___ it is. (big, comfortable)
I. Read and translate the poem
The more I study, the more I know.
The more I know, the more I forget.
The more I forget, the less I know.
The less I know, the less I forget.
The less I forget, the more I know.
So why then study?!
II. Translate the sentences
1. The more he read, the less he understood. 2. The sooner you start, the
sooner you finish. 3. The longer he stayed there, the less he liked these people.
4. The longer we stayed there, the more we liked the place. 5. The more
educated a person is, the more modest (скромный) he usually is. 6. The
shorter is the night, the longer is the day. 7. The stronger is the wind, the
higher are the waves. 8. The older I get, the happier I am. 9. The more people
you know, the less time you have to see them. 10. The more dangerous it is,
the more I like it.
III. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words
1. The more I watch the serial, ____ (interesting) it becomes. 2. The older we
get, ___ (few) friends we have. 3. The more you work, ___ (boring) you become.
4. The more mistakes you make, ___ (good) you learn. 5. The more I spend time
with my family, ____ (little) I earn. 6. The better she knows him, ___ (much) she
dislikes him. 7. The higher the level, ____ (difficult) it is to pass the exam. 8. The
faster you drive, ____ (much) petrol you burn. 9. The more you study, ____ (little)
time you have for friends. 10. (Much)____ I want, the more unhappy I am.
IV. Fill in the gaps with the necessary forms of adjectives in the
comparative degree of the the … the construction
1. The_______information we have, the______are the decisions [much, good]. 2.
The _______a work is, the______criticism it attracts [good, much].
3.The_______friends you have on Facebook, the____you have in real life [many,
few]. 4. The_______is the change, the_____is the trouble [little, much]. 5.
The______are the life barriers, the_______we become [high, strong]. 6. The______
the world gets, the_____ buildings appear [bad, good]. 7. The_____a vacation is,
the_____the recreation (отдых) will last [short, bad]. 8. The______are food costs,
the______ are the prices [low, good]. 9. The___ hours mothers work, the __ are
the children [many, heavy]. 10.The_________is the hair, the______is a hairdo
(причёска) [long, good].

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