Bearing: Sliding Bearings Rolling Element Bearing

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Muhannad Al_Waily_Machines Systems Design


Sliding bearings

Rolling element bearing

Muhannad Al_Waily_Machines Systems Design

Sliding Bearing

Boundary lubrication

Full film lubrication

Mixed film lubrication

 .N
Bearing Parameter 

 = viscosity of lubricant (pa.s)

N = speed (r.p.m)

P = load capacity
 L.D 
W = applied load (N)

L = bearing length (m)

D = journal diameter (m)

Muhannad Al_Waily_Machines Systems Design

Design of Boundary Lubricated Bearing

surface speed is less than approximately (1.5 m/s)

length to diameter ratio between (0.5 and 1.5)

Muhannad Al_Waily_Machines Systems Design
Design of Full Film Hydrodynamic Bearings

Criteria for optimization

Minimizing of the frictional loss

Minimizing the lubricant temperature rise

Minimizing the lubricant supply

Maximizing the load capability

Minimizing production costs

the radial clearance, 'c', to be in the

range (0.001*D > 2c > 0.002*D)

The 'Sommerfield' number ' S '

 r   .N s
S   .
c P

Ns = is the journal speed (r.p.s)

Muhannad Al_Waily_Machines Systems Design

' e ' the eccentricity

ho  c  e

The ratio of the eccentricity 'e' to

the radial clearance 'c' is called
the eccentricity ratio

1 
Muhannad Al_Waily_Machines Systems Design

The temperature used for

determined viscosity can
be taken as the average of
the inlet and exit lubricant

Tav.  T1 
 T2  T1   T T
2 2
Muhannad Al_Waily_Machines Systems Design

Design Procedure of Full Film Bearing

Length bearing from L D  0 .5  1 .5

Journal radial clearance

The lubricant type and its supply temperature, (figure (VII-8))

(0.34 MN/m2)  for light machine

Calculate the load capacity P  W  L.D  'P' should typically
be between
(13.4 MN/m2)  for heavy machinery

Estimate a value for the temperature rise 'T' across the bearing. The value taken for the initial
estimate is relatively unimportant. As a guide, a value of (T=100 C) is generally a good starting
guess. This value can be increased for high-speed bearing and for low bearing clearances

Determine the average lubricant temperature, (Tav.=T1+T/2) and find the corresponding value for
the viscosity for the chosen lubricant

Calculate the 'Sommerfield number'  r   .N s
S    .
 c  P
Muhannad Al_Waily_Machines Systems Design
determine values for the coefficient of friction
variable Use the charts, figures (VII-9)
Muhannad Al_Waily_Machines Systems Design

determine values for total lubricant

flow variable, use figure (VII-10).
Muhannad Al_Waily_Machines Systems Design
determine values for the ratio of the
side flow to the total lubricant flow ,
use figure (VII-11).

Calculate the temperature rise of the

lubricant through the bearing

T 
8.3 * 10  6 * P
* c
 
r .f
 1  Qs  Q 
1  . 
 2  Q    r.c.N s .L  

If this calculated value dose not match

the estimated value for 'T' to within say
(0.50 C), repeat the procedure from
Determine the average lubricant
temperature, (Tav.=T1+T/2) and find the
corresponding value for the viscosity

The torque required to overcome friction in the bearing Torque  f .W .r

2. .N
The power lost in the bearing Power   * Torque  * Torque  2. .N s .Torque

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