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There are two main educational systems.

The system that students’ grade is

depended on their exam result and the one the grade is resulting from their
entire school career. In my opinion, it is the latter that is mostly correct to me
because, judging from personal experience, it is not fair and correct for the
students to be awarded only by a piece of paper.
To begin with, there are several other reasons the educational system with
students being graduated by their career is better. Firstly because it puts
pressure and anxiety to students and forces them to study hard only for one
day and write everything correct. No need to say, this is not the school’s target
but students take advantage of that and study only for a specific day. This
leads to students not studying correctly and whatever they learn the exam day
is what they immediately forget. Without this educational system students are
obligated to have a good-looking profile in the end of each term and be
awarded not only by this but of course by writing an exam. The main point is
that the exam will not play such a huge role in the grades.
In the other hand there is a proportion of people who point out that the
educational system which grades students only by their exam attribution is
better. In a way, someone could say that it is only a concrete period of time
they have to study hard and just go and give their best to take a good mark. To
some people and students this may seem easier than having to study every day
and write an exam too, as I mentioned in the previous paragraph. But is this
the right way students must study? Well, the answer is no. And this because
they need to assimilate all the information books provide and not only an
examinable content.
In conclusion, I would like to say that schools grading students by their
whole school progression can have much more pure graduates. By “poor” I
mean that these graduates are taught better than others and can be ready to a
get a job which requires multiple knowledge and depends on all the content
they had to study when they were students.

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