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am hapPy to present the Seventh Revised and updated Edition of this book
within a year.
Two chapters, viz., Women in Society and Social Work, Social Welfare and
Social Securing: Conceptual Overviews have been added to make this book
meaningful to its readers. Existing chapter on Population Problem and Beggary in
has beenreplaced by the Problem of Overpopulation in India.
Ihope that the present expansion of the book will serve the needs of many
people especially at the degree and P.G. degree level. Constructive
and criticisms to further lood odT
improve the book are always appreciated.
lood ai
Mangalore C.N. SHANKAR RAO
t br dons
efsibwu on eobqoo
Disclaimer: While the authors of this book have made every effort to avoid any mistake or omission and have used their skill,
expertise and knowledge to the best of their capacity to provide accurate and updated information. The author and S. Chand
does not give any representation orwarranty with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this publication
and are selling this publication onthe conditionand understanding that they shal not be madeliablein any mannerwhatsoever.
S.Chand and the authorexpressly disclaim alland any liability/responsibility to any person, whether a purchaser or reader of
this publication or not, in respect ofanything and everything forming part of the contents ofthis publication. S. Chand shall not
beresponsible for any errors, omissions or damages arising out of,the use of the information contained in this publication.
Further, the appearance of the personal name, location, place and incidence, if any; in the illustrations used herein is purely
coincidental and work ofimagination. Thus the same should in no mannerbe termed as defamatory to any individua
As a teaching subiect sociology is
becomng quite popular at present not only at degree k
levelI but
alsc at pre-degree level. Hencea large
numocr or students nave taken up sociology for study
level. But these students are faced with the problemot binding good and
exhaustive texthe college
ouide them in their studies. I will be very much contented if
they feel that this book ean
reduce theie
problem a little. The encouraging receptuon wnich tne readers
further inspired me to produce and present this book. I do hope nave
given to my previous
that this book will also he books, has
their favour and get a warm reception.
ahle to Win
This book mainly intends to meet the needs of degree students of
sociology of all the six
Universities of Karnataka who in their three-year degree course study one paper in common
Principles of Sociolo8y" or "General Sociology", or "Principles of namely:
Sociology and Social Thought"
This book is designed to cover a wide range of topics and hence it can serve as a basic
textbook for
he degree students of sociology of the other Indian Universities. The
tudents of Karnataka can also take the benefit of this book for it includes all two-year Pre-University
the topics of their syllabi.
he book, I am sure, is helpful to all those who want to have a glimpse of sociology at a stretch.
This book consists of 39 chapters in which the last two
the others concentrate on the fundamental
chapters are devoted for social thought and
concepts and principles of sociology. The basic
ciological concepts are introduced in asimple language to enable the students to grasp them without
y difficulty. I have also tried to maintain a simple and lucid style. I very sincerely hope that students
well teachers will find this book
quite useful and interesting and appreciate my strenuous efforts
the task
of producing a relatively standard textbook.
In writing this book, I have referred to and drawn much material from the works of a number of
iters, to whom I am extremely grateful. In order to be objective in the explanation ofsociological
cepts I have profusely quoted sentences and statements of various sociologists for whom I am
atly indebted. Hence as an author I do not wish to claim any originality to manyoftheideasand
criptions contained in the book. But with all humility I can say that Ihave presented thematterin
own way.
Itis my duty to express my gratitude to all those who have helped mein preparing thisbook.My
nks are due to my fellow-teachers and student-readers without whoOse encouragement he book
uld not have appeared. I am indebted to all those friends and well-wishers of mine who have given
uable suggestions in this venture. I thank my wife Saraswathi S. Rao who has co-operated with me
he preparation of manuscripts.
I thank M/s S. Chand &Co. Ltd. and
their Bangalore Branch Manager Sri Balaraman,
having shown interest in the publication of
this book and in bringing it out at the right time.
Readers are most welcome to offer valuable suggestions which will be of great help in improving
book in its next edition

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