Submitted By: Rienchard Fortuna Obrique BSED MAJOR IN English 1-B Submitted To: Sir Christian Moreno Concha UTS ADVISER

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Submitted by: Rienchard Fortuna Obrique BSED MAJOR IN

Submitted to : Sir Christian Moreno Concha UTS ADVISER

Activity #1 Brain Twist
1 courses
4 goal
7 education
8 vision
9 student
1 college
2 mission
3 quality
5 objectives
Activity #2 First impression
I am very impressed because the area of the school is wide. The
gymnasium and the sport complex is inside in the school. I like the
ambiance of the school because It is so very clean. The environment is
really refreshing because is sorrounded by many trees.
Another impression is that there are a lot of students that they are one
of the topnotcher in the board exam or what we call the LET examination.
This mean that the teachers in ASSCAT they do their very best to teach their
I choose ASSCAT because they serve BEST EDUCATION!

Activity #3 Our beloved institution

 ASSCAT started as Manobo farm school upper Agusan 1998

 June 17 1984 it became Bunawan National Agriculture School. (R. A
Congressman Marcos L. Calo.
 On June 21 1969 it was change into Southern Agusan National
agriculture College by virtue of R. A 5917 pass by
 In the School year 1992-1993 two additional course were offered
BSEM In technology and home economics and the Bachelor of
Elementary education
 On March 1 1995 signed by Fidel V. Ramos by virtue of R. A 7932 it
convert to SANAC into ASSCAT offering collegiate courses in
education, engineering and agriculture.
Activity #4
Extend your understanding

Activity #5 REFLECT IT On!

The ASSCAT vision is capable of producing morally upright this means
that the ASSCAT showing a strict regard for what is morally right so that the
students have the honesty and to be more trustworthy. Competent for
learners to develop the necessary skills and abilities of the students and
globally competitive for students to become productive and used their skill
in the community or either globally. The ASSCAT mission my reflection is
that they trained their students to become professionals such as teaching
the best strategies in education for students to gain knowledge, and they
also developed the art or skill for students to enhanced it and become
productive individuals. ASSCAT also provides special education to students
with identified disabilities specialized instruction design to meet their
unique learning needs and giving them the opportunity to developed their
fullest potential. My reflection to ASSCAT goals is that the ASSCAT wants
their students to developed disciplined for students to become responsible
and trained their students to become an effective citizens in the community
and ready to face the challenges in the highly world of works. ASSCAT
quality policy they are sustaining quality education experience for us
students to gain knowledge and to learn and developed an environment
that is conducive for students to develop the intellectual and personal
Activity #2
1. Which part of the BIO Data Form is the easiest to answer? How about
the most difficult?
The easiest part to answer is my Personal Data. For me is my
educational background because I forgot when I was graduated in
Elementary and you have to finished it in 10 minutes.
2. What do you have in mind while writing your Bio Data?
While writing my bio data the things that have in my mind is that what
are the most important information to include with. Because its only 10
minutes to finished your Bio data.
3. How did you feel while writing the BIO DATA?
While writing/typing my bio data I feel tired because it is hard for me to
arrange it. And also nervous and shaking because of the time.
4. What were your realization after 10 minutes of completing your BIO
After 10 minutes of completing my bio data my realization is that we
need to have patience, and we need to exclude those information that
is not important. For us to finished it immediately.
Activity #3 My notes

Philosophy is the study of fundamental nature of knowledge, reality and

Different perspective and understanding of the self according to the
different philosophies.
1. The pre soratics/Socrates – the worst thing that can happen to anyone is
to live but die inside. Every person is dualistic.
2.Plato- 3 components of the soul a.) rational soul- reason and intellect to
govern affairs. B.) spirited soul-emotion should keep in a bay C.) appetitive
soul – base desires such as food, drink and etc.
3.St. AUGUSTINE Body-dies on earth soul-live eternally in spiritual bliss Of
4.St. THOMAS AQUINAS – man equals to matter plus form.
5.Rene descartes – father of modern philosophy. Human Person equals
body us mind.
6.David Hume – the self is nothing but a bundle of impressions and ideas.
7.IMMANUEL Kant -apparatus of the mind
8.Gilbert Ryle -denies the enternal, non physical self"what try matters is the
behavior that a person manifests in his day to day life.
9.Merleau pontey -ones by is his opening toward his existence in the world.
1. A
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. B

Activity #6 Essay
The Philippines, with a score of 32, is considered a collectivistic society. This
is manifest in a close long-term commitment to the member ‘group’, be
that a family, extended family, or extended relationships. Loyalty in a
collectivist culture is paramount, and over- rides most other societal rules
and regulations. The society fosters strong relationships where everyone
takes responsibility for fellow members of their group. In collectivist
societies offence leads to shame and loss of face, employer/employee
relationships are perceived in moral terms (like a family link), hiring and
promotion decisions take account of the employee’s in-group,
management is the management of groups. Collectivist cultures emphasize
the needs and goals of the group as a whole over the needs and desires of
each individual. In such cultures, relationships with other members of the
group and the interconnectedness between people play a central role in
each person’s identity.
Which part of your body are you most proud of? WHY?
I’m proud of my brain. The brain is a much more powerful thing that
you think. What people don’t understand is that it is what makes you
yourself. It controls you movements, your thinking patterns, the way you
see things, the way you want to see things, the freedom of making
decisions, emotions, and the feeling of being free. My brain does so many
amazing things, it is beyond my comprehension. Your brain is the source of
intelligence. It is what keeps you alive.


This is my physical attributes. My height is 5’8 my skin stone is brown. The

color of my hair is black and I am thin. I have red lips, the color of my eyes is
brown. My nose is slightly sharp. I am humble, honest, and kind person. I
like singing, and painting. And I hate dancing. I am a kind of person who is
MY notes:
Physical Self refers to the body, this marvellous container and complex,
finely tuned, machine with which we interface with our environment and
fellow beings. William James considered body as the initial source of
sensation and necessary for the origin and maintenance of personality.

William James considered body as the initial source of sensation and

necessary for the origin and maintenance of personality.
In Psychoanalytical school, Sigmund Freud’s construction of self and
personality makes the physical body the core of human experience. Freud
was of the view that the ego is first and foremost a body ego (Freud,
1937).However, in spite of Freud’s recognition of the centrality of body, his
own writings on therapy rarely discuss it. Among western theorists
Wilhelm Reich seems to probably most concerned with body (Fadiman and
Frager, 2002).
For Erik Erikson, experience is anchored in the ground-plan of body
(Erikson, 1963). According to him the role of bodily organs is especially
important in early developmental stages of a person’s life. Later in life, the
development of physical as well as intellectual skills help determine
whether the individual will achieve a sense of competence and ability to
choose demanding roles in a complex society.
Carl Gustav Jung in his exposition to Analytical Psychology didn’t deal
explicitly with the role of the body and choose to direct his efforts to
analysing the psyche only. He has argued that physical processes are
relevant to us only to the extent they are represented in the psyche. The
physical body and the external world can be known only as psychological
experiences: I’m chiefly concerned with the psyche itself, therefore I’m
leaving out body and spirit.
C. F. Skinner was a staunch behaviourist and for him the role of body is of
primary importance. For Skinner the terms personality and self are mere
explanatory fictions and all there is, is the body. However, in spite of
this, body never truly interested the skinner. He treats human being as
unopened, but certainly not empty, box.
Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers, the two most prominent figures of the
Humanist tradition, have not discussed in detail the role of body in the
process of self- actualization. According to Maslow’s Need-Hierarchy theory
once the physiological needs of a person are met, the individual becomes
more concerned with the higher order needs. However, he writes that the
body be given its due. Asceticism, self-denial, deliberate rejection of the
demands of the organism.
A crucial aspect of the self is one’s physical features including the face,
bodily structure, height and weight. However, people should also consider
their physical competencies, valuation of physical worth, and perception of
DO TO ENHANCE MY FEATURES? However, the physical self is not only
limited to what can be seen by the naked eye; underneath the skin is a
dynamic system of biological and chemical processes that contribute to
one’s physical features. Body structure, weight, height, skin colour, hair
colour, and other physical characteristics do not just develop at random.
These are triggered by genetic transformations and biological development
through heredity.
• HEREDITY – is defined as the transmission of traits from parents to
offspring. The traits are made up of specific information embedded within
one’s gene, the basic unit of heredity.
• GENOTYPE – refers to specific information embedded within one’s genes;
not all genotypes translate to an observed physical characteristic. It can be
determined by blood testing.
• PHENOTYPE – is the physical expression of a particular trait. It can be
directly observed. • Each individual carries 23 pairs of chromosomes. The
23rd pair is the sex chromosomes, determines the sex of an individual. •
MATURATION is known as the completion of growth of a genetic character
within an organism. It enables man to walk, run and talk which are evident
in the adolescent stage.
Activity #4 ONE MORE TRY
We will consider in more detail these and other social aspects of the
self by exploring the many ways that the social situation influences our self-
concept and esteem. Let see if they have relative to one another and what
is the importance of each relative to the other.
To this point, we have seen, among other things, that human beings
have complex and well-developed self-concepts and that they generally
attempt to view themselves positively. These more cognitive and affective
aspects of ourselves do not, of course, occur in a vacuum. They are heavily
influenced by the social forces that surround us.
In addition, they are the physical or tangible aspects as they relate to the
body, the intellectual and conscious aspects as they relate to the mind, and
the emotional and intuitive aspects as they relate to the spirit. ... The mind
is important, as it is the part of the self that directs the other two aspects.
Further, human life consists of four aspects: the physical, mental,
emotional and spiritual levels of existence. In order to find balance,
wholeness and fulfilment in our lives, we need to heal, develop, and
integrate all four of these aspects within ourselves.


1.What are your beliefs in engaging in sexual intimacy?
My belief in sexual intimacy is that if a person have closeness between
people in personal relationships, It’s what builds over time as you connect
with someone, grow to care about each other, and feel more and more
comfortable during your time together. It can include physical or emotional
closeness, or even a mix of the two. Our sexual activities can take place
with others where there can be varying degrees of intimacy . We may be
sexual with an intimate partner, a casual partner, an anonymous partner, a
friend, etc.



 Sexual self-concept refers to the totality of oneself as a sexual being,
including positive and negative concepts and feelings. According to
theorists, sexual self-concept is described well along three
dimensions (Snell & Papini, 1989): sexual self-esteem, sexual
depression, and sexual preoccupation. Because attachment style
moderates one’s sense-of-self in general and one’s expectations
about and strategies for approaching relationships, sexual self-
concept may be a good indicator of what kinds of relationships we
tend to get into, and how we tend to behave within relationships,
with an emphasis on sexual satisfaction.
 The authors look at a sample of single and coupled adults averaging
35 years of age, ranging from 25 to 45 years of age. They surveyed
630 men and women, an equal number of each. Interestingly, the
level of education in this sample was higher than in the general
population, limiting the results in some ways, but making them
possibly more specific for more highly educated people. Study
subjects completed the following measures:
 Demographic
 Sexuality Scale, a 30-item scale with 10 items in each area of sexual
self-esteem, sexual depression, and sexual preoccupation, to
measure sexual self-concept
 New Sexual Satisfaction Scale, to measure sexual satisfaction
 Modified Inventory of Close Relationships, a version of the
Experiences in Close Relationships Scale, a measure of attachment.
The terms they use for attachment style included: secure, avoidant,
anxious, and fearful. People with fearful attachment both yearn for
closeness and are also afraid of intimacy; anxiously attached people
tend to want intimacy but be anxious about being rejected;
avoidantly attached people tend to shy away from intimacy without
feeling as strong a need for closeness.
Study findings
 Overall, the researchers found that single people had lower sexual
self-esteem, lower sexual satisfaction, and higher sexual depression.
These findings are in keeping with earlier data on the overall
satisfaction of the “average” single person, though there are, of
course, both exceptions as well as important cultural attitudes
regarding being partnered or single that may contribute to lower
self-esteem for singles as a result of stigma. On average, couples
enjoyed greater sexual satisfaction and better sexual self-concept.

 For single participants, sexual self-esteem predicted sexual

satisfaction for all attachment styles except anxious attachment.
 For coupled and single participants, higher sexual self-esteem and
lower sexual depression were associated with higher sexual
 For couples, sexual preoccupation was not associated with sexual
satisfaction, perhaps because of the availability of a partner as well
as the unavailability (short of infidelity) of alternatives.
 Reproduction- is the process by which organisms make more
organisms like themselves.
In the human reproductive process, two kinds of sex cells, or gametes
(pronounced: GAH-meetz), are involved. The male gamete, or sperm, and
the female gamete, the egg or ovum, meet in the female’s reproductive
system. When sperm fertilizes (meets) an egg, this fertilized egg is called a
zygote (pronounced: ZYE-goat). The zygote goes through a process of
becoming an embryo and developing into a fetus.The male reproductive
system and the female reproductive system both are needed for
rereproduction Humans, like other organisms, pass some characteristics of
themselves to the next generation. We do this through our genes, the
special carriers of human traits. The genes that parents pass along are what
make their children similar to others in their family, but also what make
each child unique. These genes come from the male’s sperm and the
female’s egg.The female reproductive system is designed to carry out
several functions. It produces the female egg cells necessary for
reproduction, called the ova or oocytes. The system is designed to
transport the ova to the site of fertilization. Conception, the fertilization of
an egg by a sperm, normally occurs in the fallopian tubes. The next step for
the fertilized egg is to implant into the walls of the uterus, beginning the
initial stages of pregnancy. If fertilization and/or implantation does not take
place, the system is designed to menstruate (the monthly shedding of the
uterine lining). In addition, the female reproductive system produces
female sex hormones that maintain the reproductive cycle.The female
reproductive anatomy includes parts inside and outside the body.
 What Is the Male Reproductive System?
The male has reproductive organs, or genitals, that are both inside and
outside the pelvis. The male genitals
 the testicles (pronounced: TESS-tih-kulz) the duct system, which is
made up of the epididymis and the vas deferens
The accessory glands, which include the seminal vesicles and prostate
The penis
 Sexual Response Cycle-the sexual response cycle refers to the
sequence of physical and emotional changes that occur as a person
becomes sexually aroused and participates in sexually stimulating
activities, including intercourse and masturbation.
 The sexual response cycle has four phases: desire (libido), arousal
(excitement), orgasm and resolution. Both men and women
experience these phases, although the timing usually is different. For
example, it is unlikely that both partners will reach orgasm at the
same time.

Activity 5 Venn Diagram

The Material / Economic Self

The material self, according to William James, pertains to the objects, places, or
even people which have the label “mine”. Such possessions are viewed as
extensions of individuals ‘identities. The material self consists of things that
belong to a person or entities that a person belongs to. Thus, things like the body,
family, clothes, money, and such make up the material self. For James, the core of
the material self was the body. Second to the body, James felt a person’s clothes
were important to the material self. He believed a person’s clothes were one way
they expressed who they felt they were; or clothes were a way to show status,
thus contributing to forming and maintaining one’s self-image. Money and family
are critical parts of the material self. James felt that if one lost a family member, a
part of who they are was lost also. Money figured in one’s material self in a
similar way. If once a person had significant money then lost it, who they were as
a person changed as well.
For the old critics of luxury, the human self was something pure that existed apart
from the material world.
It was this “material self” that also pushed people to acquire homes and fill them
with possessions. William James and his younger brother Henry, the novelist,
wrote during a boom in home decorating and collecting. In The Spoils of Poynton
(1896) Henry followed the intimate (and ultimately destructive) power that
cabinets, chairs and other treasures had over the main character. In real
life,furniture and possessions were means for families to cultivate and
demonstrate their character.

Example of Material Self

Self is judged on the way you dress, the kind of clothes you wear, the car you
drive and the type of home you prefer or own.
Ways Money Affects Behavior
From your relationships to the way you view yourself, cash can have a serious
bearing on your beliefs. There are numerous pieces of scientific evidence behind
the idea that money truly can change people.
1. Social and Business Value----A 2004 study proved that money alters how you
value your time and effort. Researchers James Heyman and Dan Ariely created an
experiment by which they could measure how motivated a person was to
complete a task based upon money.
2. Self-Sufficiency and Service----Those who are conscious of money typically
strive to be more self-sufficient than those for whom money isn’t a priority – at
least that’s what a 2009 Yale School of Management study found. The study was
structured around Monopoly money.
3. Self-View-----The amount you earn could have an effect on how you view both
yourself and others.
4. Ethics-------When doing your taxes, do you report them perfectly, or do you
think it’s acceptable to fudge the numbers a bit? A 2012 study published in an
issue of “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America” asked if wealth and perception of a higher class could increase an
individual’s involvement in unethical behavior.
5. Addiction------Many addictions begin because a person gets a positive response
from a certain type of behavior. Whether it’s a happy feeling you get from
shopping or a thrill that comes from gambling, actively seeking out that behavior
again and again for the same outcome can trigger an addiction. This is called a
“behavioral or process addiction” – a compulsive behavior not motivated by
dependency on an addictive substance, but rather by a process that leads to a
seemingly positive outcome.
What is Extended Self? Extended self is proposed and defined as a combination
of objects, mainly human beings, which contributes in the production of an
individual physically and an individual considers them psychologically, and their
potentiality by which one can have a sense of their own identity (Siddiqui and
Turley 2006).


Activity #3 Factsheets of Spiritual Self
Spiritual self

The spiritual self consists of all your internal thoughts and introspections about
your values and moral standards. It is the essence of who you think you are. It is a
mixture of your spiritual beliefs and your sense of who you are in relationship to
other forces in the universe. The spiritual self is the inner or psychological self.
Two ways of thinking about the spiritual self:
Abstract Way – Isolate each mental faculty from one another
Concrete Way – Unite each mental faculty with one another
Man is formed of Spirit Soul and body

Genesis 1:27 (NKJV).” 27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of
God He created him; male and female He created them.1 Thessalonians 5:23
(NKJV)  Blessing and Admonition 23Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify
you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved
blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.Hebrews 4:12 (NKJV) 12 For the
word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword,
piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a
discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.Psalm 51:10 (NKJV) 10Create in
me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me. 11 Do not cast
me away from Your presence, And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.We can
prophesy to the different parts of the functions of a human being. We can
prophesy about the functions of each part that form the human being. Knowing
the parts that constitute a person is very important. Lets have a quick look into
this parts and at the end of the class we’ll prophesy for each other.Human Spirit
To Contact God (John 4:24) To Receive God (John 3:6) (Ezekiel 36:26) To Contain
God (2 Timothy 4:22)Contact God through Worship and Intimacy John 4:24 (NKJV)
24 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”
1.Conscience, 2.Intuition, 3. Fellowship
1.Mind, 2. Will, 3. EMOTIONS
Sight, touch, smell, taste, and hearing.

The Soul According to the Ethnolinguistic Groups of the Philippines

Ifugao – ‘Linnawa’The soul (linnawa) of a child floats around in the heavens,
awaiting its entry into the human world. During sexual intercourse the soul/spirit
enters the female through the male, resulting in pregnancy.
Ibaloi- The Ibaloi afterlife is populated by ancestral spirits, and explains animal
Isneg – ‘Kaduwa’The Isneg believed that dead exist in other world, the
Aglalanawan, where the earthly tasks of planting, harvesting and communal living
are functions common to them.
Kankana-ey – ‘Ab-abiik’Ab-Abiik is the spiritual self as oppsed to the physical self
(Awak). The Ab-abiik can also apply to inanimate objects such as mountains, trees
or rivers.
Bikol-No one should miss their dinner and go to bed hungry or their spirit will
roam for food. If a pot of food is covered while the spirit is eating inside, the
person who is sleeping will now wake up until the lid is lifted.
Tagalog – ‘Kaluluwa and Kakambal’The Tagalog soul, the kaluluwa can leave the
body involuntarily. The kaluluwa refers more to the soul of the deceased.
Ilokano – ‘Kararua, Karkarma, Aniwaas and Araria’

The first soul of the Ilokanos is called the kararua, or the soul proper. This is the
term used for the equivalent of the Christian soul that can only leave after death.
Ibanag – ‘Ikaruruwa’The Ibanag have a distinction between body (baggi) and soul
(ikaruruwa). Ikarurua means ‘a companion of the body’.
Mangyan – ‘Karaduwa’The Hanunoo Mangyan believe in a plurality of souls.
Karaduwa tawu/tawo (human soul), karaduwamanok (Chicken soul) Karaduwa
Baboy (pig soul) karaduwa kuti (cat soul) and karaduwa hipon (shrimp soul).
Bisaya – ‘Dungan’A soul can be captured by bad spirits (e.g. egkantu). Souls may
be imprisoned in a spirit cave guarded by old Tan Mulong whose spirit dog has
one mammary gland and two genitals. Sickness is the temporary loss of the soul,
permanent loss is death.
Ilonggo – ‘Dungan’The Ilonggo soul, the dungan is not seen by the human eye.
Sometimes it goes out of the body and takes on visible forms as insects or small
animals A dungan may leave the body voluntarily while the person is sleeping.
Sulod – ‘Umalagad’

Dying among the Sulod is said to be like passing through a narrow door. The
experience is horrible, as if the person has to pull hard to get in the door. Once
one departs they simply disappear. No trace of them is left behind.

Tagbanwa – ‘Kiyaraluwa’
A Tagbanwa has one ‘true soul’ the kiyaraluwa and five secondary souls. The
kiyaraluwa is given to each infant by the god Magindusa as the nose of the child
emerges from the vulva. The secondary souls are located in the extremities of
both hands and feet and in the head just below the air whorl (puyo).
Bukidnon – ‘Makatu’ and ‘Pipitu ha makatu’The makatu, their world for soul,
exists before a child’s birth but it is separate from the body. There is a ritual in
which a miniature cradle is hung over the pregnant mother in a place where the
mother sleeps.
Bagobo – ‘Gimokud’There are two souls called gimokud. Right hand gimokud is
the good soul that manifests as a shadow on the right hand side of the path while
the left hand gimokud is the bad soul that manifests as a shadow on the left side
of the path.


Loving one another is a commandment from God. God commands us to do
two things to believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ and to love one another.
We have already believed. Now we also should love. God gave us this love, and
He also gave us the commandment to love.
As a human, We must love one another, because love is of God. Those who
have love are begotten of God. Those who do not love have not known God
because God Himself is love. When God begot us, He also begot love in us. We
were without love, but today we have love. Today the love we possess is from
God. God has begotten love in everyone who is born of God. God has given love
to both you and others. This is why we can love one another. We also need
respect, have equal threat to people because we are all human we need to be
unite especially now because we are facing a great dilemma the which is the
Covid-19. While we are alive we need to do good deeds and spread love to one
another. It is our mission the most important mission to live here on earth so that
God will be happy and proud.
Spread love, avoid hatred, and share your blessings to people who are in
difficulties and experiencing deep poverty. We must live with love so that all of us
will become productive and face the year 2021 with new hope, new

Opportunities, and new life. Let us pray one another to ruin this virus so that God
will heal our land and shower his blessings upon us. This is what I want of how I
live the great commandment of love.

Activity #5
5.b. C

LESSON 9 The Political Self

Decision or decision making is regarded as the cognitive process resulting in
the selection of a belief or a course of action among several possible alternative
options, it could be either rational or irrational.
My day-to-day political decisions that I’ve make are, how to manage my time,
how to budget my money and limiting my self to use gadgets. Those decision I’ve
make is really affect my routine. Having a good time management allows you to
accomplish more in a shorter period of time, which leads to more free time,
which lets you take advantage of learning opportunities, lowers your stress, and
helps you focus , which leads to more career success. Budgeting money, through
budgeting your money you will able to buy your needs and the things that are
important to you. And lastly, limiting my self to use gadgets through this it will
help me to focus answering my modules, helping my parents to the household
chores and free from radiation.
Philippine Politics
Philippine System of Government and Politics From the time when the Philippines
declared itself a sovereign state in 1898, the nation has had
4 major constitutions:
(1) the 1899constitution, which established the first republic in Asia
(2) the 1935constitution, which served as the basic law during the period of self-
government while the Philippines was still under American rule and after it
became independent in 1946;
(3) the 1973 constitution, which allowed Ferdinand Marcos to continue to hold
office as president; and
(4) the 1987 constitution, upon which the present government is based, which
essentially restored institutions and processes dismantled by Marcos during his
Branches of government
///The Executive Branch///
As chief executive, the president has the power to execute laws. The president is
assisted by a cabinet, which currently comprises twenty-three departments.
Among the more important departments are Foreign Affairs, National Defense,
Finance, Interior and Local Government, Justice, and Trade and Industry.
Both president and vice president are elected at large for a six-year term with no
possibility of re-election. The executive branch consists of the President and his
Cabinet. The Senate and the House of Representatives make up the bicameral
legislature. The Supreme Court heads the systems of courts under the judicial
///The Legislative Branch///
The Philippine Congress is a bicameral body, the upper house being the Senate
and the lower house being the

House of Representatives.
These two houses possess equal power, although budgetary bills must
originate in the lower house, while treaty ratification rests exclusively with the
upper house.
//Congress consists of a 24-member Senate and a 250-member House of
Representatives. The voters of the entire nation elect senators to six-year terms.
// Voters from different districts elect 200 of the representatives to three-year
terms. The remaining 50 representatives are selected from lists drawn up by the
political parties to ensure representation of women, ethnic minorities, and certain
economic and occupational groups.
//The number selected from each party’s list is about one-fourth of the number of
the party’s elected representatives. All Philippine citizens who are at least 18
years old may vote.
The Judiciary

Judicial power is vested in the Supreme Court and in the lower courts.
Members of the judiciary are chosen by the president from a list of nominees
provided by the Judicial and Bar Council, a constitutional body composed of
representatives from the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of
government, the legal profession, and the private sector. Once appointed, judges
have secure tenure and can serve until the age of seventy or until they become
Constitutional Commissions
The constitution also provides for independent constitutional commissions,
namely, the Civil Service Commission, the Commission on Elections, and the
Commission on Audit.
Local Governments
The lowest political unit in the Philippines is the barangay (village). The
barangay is administered by a council headed by a punong barangay
(chairperson). Several barangays make up a city or municipality.

Administrative subdivisions
The Philippines is divided into a hierarchy of local government units (LGUs) with
the province as the primary unit. As of 2007, there are 81 provinces in the
country. International organization participation The Philippines is a founding and
active member of the UN since its inception on October 24, 1945 and is a
founding member of the ASEAN.

Islam Influence on the Political System

Islam has a great influence on the political system of the natives in the Southern
Philippines. The sultan of the Muslim community is still the sultan of Muslim
The Philippine Administrative System
The administrative system of the Republic of the Philippines is comprised of a
central government and its territorial and political subdivisions, which enjoy local
autonomy: the provinces, cities, municipalities and barangays.
//Origins of Democracy in the Philippines//
When the United States colonised the Philippines in 1898 it planned to gradually
grant self-determination to the country as the principles of democracy were
imbibed by the population. As education was not widespread, the elite and the
educated benefitted most from the system instituted by the US, which was largely
executed by officers of the US army. Filipinos worked in the American
administration and quickly came to value the concept of self-government. By
1917, when the US decided to institute its policy of ‘Filipinisation’ , the elite was
ready to assume positions vacated by departing US military officers. Between
1917 and 1935, when the Commonwealth came into existence, political parties
were formed and most of the population was educated into accepting the
principles of democracy, which meant having a ruling party and an opposition. In
this respect, the Philippines was significantly different from many Asian countries
which gained independence a few years later.
The Philippine Commonwealth was inaugurated in 1935 under a democratic
constitution patterned after the United States bicameral system.
For most Filipinos, American-style democracy meant little more than elections
every few years. Beyond this, the colonial authorities made sure that only the
candidates who represented colonial interests first and last won. This practice did
not die with colonialism.
The first duty of the Commonwealth government was national security. President
Manuel Quezon procured the
Services of General Douglas MacArthur, who was about to retire as US Army Chief
of Staff, to establish the
Philippine military. MacArthur and his US military advisory team used the Swiss
army as a model for the
Philippine army. A military academy, patterned after the US military academy at
West Point, was designed in which officers were to be instructed in the
techniques and skills of the military and taught that the proper role of the military
in a democracy was one of subservience to civilian government.
So what is democracy?
Democracy is not merely a form of government. It is also a form a state as a well
society. It is closely associated with participation, competition and civil and
political liberties. It is order of society.
Democracy is defined as a form of government in which the supreme power is
vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system
of representation usually involving periodic free elections. Democracy refers to a
political system in which government is form by the people, exercised either
directly or through elected representative.
///Main Points: ///
People Elected government.
There is freedom of speech.
There is no one party government In the country.
Right to give vote to elect their representatives.
The common people, considered as the primary source of political power.
The principles of social equality and respect for the individual within a community


The Philippines is a democratic and republican State. Sovereignty resides in the
people and all government authority emanates from them. The Armed Forces of
the Philippines is the protector of the people and the State. Its goal is to secure
the sovereignty of the State and the integrity of the national territory.
The 1896 Revolution was the culmination of a succession of revolts against
Spanish oppression. On June 12, 1898, leaders of the revolution declared the
country’s sovereign state and proclaimed the first Republic of the Philippines, the
first constitutional democracy in Asia. A democratic country consists of four key
elements: a political system for choosing and replacing the government through
free and fair elections; the active participation of the people, as citizens, in politics
and civic life; protection of the human rights of all citizens. That’s why Philippines
is a democratic country because the four key elements is implemented.
Among the candidates, Duterte was the final one to formally lock in on the
discretionary war zone. As a hesitant candidate, he was the foremost sick
prepared and needed the linkages with nearby and national politicians. His little
party, the Partido ng Demokratikong Pilipino-Laban ng Bayan (Filipino Democratic
Party-Struggle of the Individuals) was divided and had exceptionally powerless
apparatus. His running mate was embraced from another party that moreover
upheld two other vice-presidential candidates.
His center agents were Davao’s small financial tip top and many moguls. The
odds were clearly stacked against him. However, he was a new face to the
national electoral landscape and his larger-than-life personality peaked the
curiosity of Filipino voters from Mindanao to Manila. His governance track record
spoke for itself, though it was three decades in the making. Amid the campaign,
Duterte jumped on his adversaries over their lack of concern with essential,
visceral issues that affected all Filipinos. He guaranteed to split down on
wrongdoing and unlawful drugs but at the same time offer a hand of peace to
communists and Muslim rebels.
As a candidate from the edges of society overlooked by the political
foundation, he wanted to create the external locales of the Philippines by moving
to a government framework of government. These dreams of alter fascinated
voters over financial classes.
The Digital Self
The digital self is the persona you use when you’re online. Some people
maintain one or more online identifies that are distinct from their “real world”
selves; others have a single online self-that’s more or less the same as the one
they inhabit in the real world. Why is the digital self so important for your career?
The simple reason is that once you go online as your real self, using your own
name or appearance, you have an online presence that can be traced back to you
in the real world. Your online presence is hard to hide, difficult to control, and
easy for recruiters and hiring managers to find. Because of this, it’s important to
manage your online identity carefully, to ensure that your public image—your
brand—is presented in the best possible light.
By doing so, you reap a number of advantages:
 You have more control over your digital identity. It’s not possible to have 100%
control, but by building your own online presence you’ll always maintain the
lion’s share.
 You can build a consistent identity, and reduce the impact of problems that
might put hirers or recruiters off contacting you. Think of the damage control that
celebrities do when salacious stories start circulating—it’s this kind of approach,
but on a much smaller scale.
 You have the chance to develop your own reputation as an expert or thought
leader in your industry. This can mitigate the negative effects of issues such as
employment gaps or an otherwise spotty work history.
Your online identity is like an investment. You start out with a small amount of
capital, and the way you use it over time determines how much you end up with
later on.
Selective self presentation and Impression Management
Self presentation
Is the process of controlling now one is perceived by other people and is the
key to relationship inception and development – Geofman E. 1959
Personal and Social Identity
Personal Identity
Is the interpersonal level of the self that differentiates the individuals as
unique from others.
Social Identity
Is the level of self whereby the individual is identified by his of her group
Impact of Digital Media on Individuals, Organizations and SSociety Barak et al.
(2008) found that because of the online disinhibition effect, individuals are able to
open up more in online support groups. This, they argue, fosters personal
empowerment, control, self-confidence, and improved feelings
1.Explain the impact online interaction on the self?
- The impact of online interaction on the self is that I can learn new ideas which
can apply to myself and possible it will help me to become a productive
individual. It has also negative impact/negative outcomes (loneliness and
depression) for its users as well as weaken community ties.
2.What are the differences between online identity and real identity?
- Internet identity (IID), also online identity or internet persona, is a social
identity that an Internet user establishes in online communities and websites. It
can also be considered as an actively constructed presentation of oneself. Some
websites also use the user’s IP address or tracking cookies to identify users. While
real identity Simply put, your identity is the sum of your characteristics, including
your birthplace and birthday, the schools you attended, your shoe size, and so on.
Some of those characteristics never change, such as your birthday, and some
change over time, such as your hair color.
3. Define of digital self?
-The digital self is the persona you use when you’re online. Some people maintain
one or more online identifies that are distinct from their “real world” selves;
others have a single online self that’s more or less the same as the one they
inhabit in the real world.
Social media are interactive digitally-mediated technologies that facilitate the
creation of sharing/exchange of information ideas, career interests, and other
forms of expression via virtual communities and networks.
I behave on social media through managing my content on my post, Having a
good manners and equals reputation, avoiding accepting friends, and being a
good digital citizen. There are a lot of factors that social media can truly affect
lives outside from it because media/social media has the power to influence our
thoughts. Social media educates the people to know about their basic rights and
how to use them. Example people who are studying in school, works in offices,
people who have pastries and bakeries and etc. Through social media they can get
awesome and relevant ideas. That will help their to grow their business, help
them to become productive, and can get high grades. Also there are some
negative effects which include anxiety, stress, bullying, cyber bullying, social
media is addicting and other negative impact of social media that will greatly
affect yourself.
Social media can absolutely offer advantages to those who know on how to
use it wisely and responsibility.




CHANGE FOR YOU! “ -Hideaki Sorachi
This quotes fits my personality, because in order for me to become a
productive one I will change first my self, this means that it is important to have
courage and determination to fight those trials I experience with my self to
become a successful individual. If I did not change my self there’s is nothing
change for me. The opportunities will be gone.
ELABORATION explain and describe ideas with many details. This method asks
students to go beyond simple recall of information and start making connections
within the content. Students should ask themselves open-ended questions about
the material, answer in as much detail as possible, then check the materials to
make sure their understanding is correct. For example a scenario in school when
the teacher discussed to their students it is important to elaborate the things that
they discussed if they did not elaborate it the students will not understand about
the discussion of a teacher. Other students will raise questions about what the
teacher being discussed other student will not raise questions because they are
shy. The important thing is that it is important that we need to elaborate the
things what we discussed for students to learn and become productive. For the
teacher also to gain additional knowledge.

Activity #3
Strategies for Effective Learning ( Learning to be a better Person)
The brain acts as a dense network of fiber pathways that consists of
approximately 100 billion neurons which is responsible for all connections among
the three principal parts: stem, cerebellum and cerebrum. Learning can be owed
to the cerebrum, since it is where higher order functions like memory and
reasoning occur. Its tasks become apparent in behavior as each area accomplishes
its functions in hearing, speech, touch, short term memory, language and
reasoning abilities(Ford,2011)
Expounded by ford (2011), learning happens through a network of neurons
where sensory information is transmitted by synapses along the neural pathway
and stored temporarily in short term memory, a volatile region of the brain that
acts like receiving center for the flood of sensory information we encounter in our
daily lives.
One amazing wonder the brain is capable of doing besides learning, which is
something that everyone is expected to do, is learning to learn. College students’
state of mind may have learned component skills that allow them to perform a
task, or had completed steps toward producing a product, but they are not
actually learning and mattering knowledge.
Many metacognitive strategies are appropriate for use in the classroom including:
 Think-Alouds ( for reading comprehension and problem solving)
 Organizational Tools (such as checklists, rubrics, etc. For solving word
problems)Explicit Teacher Modelling (for math instruction)
Rehearsal Reciting items to be learned from a list Believed to influence the
attention and coding process. It does not seem to help students connect current
information with prior knowledge.
Elaboration Summarizing and paraphrasing Believed to improve a student’s
ability to store information into the long term memory by building internal
connections between items to be learned and assisting with the integration of
new information with prior knowledge
Organization Outlining Helps learners select appropriate information and make
the connections to be learned
Analyzing Problem-Solving Critical thinking Assists students with applying
previous knowledge to new situations in order to solve problems and/or reach
These are some basic metacognitive ideas or strategies:
 Connecting new information to existing knowledge
 Selecting thinking strategies deliberately
 Planning, monitoring, and evaluating thinking processes.
What shall the students do now to make learning effective? Here are popular
study strategies and learning techniques based on a meta study evaluated by
Dunlosky et al.(2013).
 Practice over time. Practice testing refers to any form of testing for learning
which a student is able to do on his or her own.
 Questioning and explanation. Elaborative interrogation is a complex name for a
simple concept- asking one’s self why something is the way it is or a particular
concept or fact is true, and providing the answer.
 Producing summaries of texts. This is likely to involve the reading and
comprehension of text, as well as the ability to identify the most important
information within it and to encapsulate it briefly in one’s words. .It requires a
complex set of skills that “it can be an effective learning strategy for learners who
are already skilled at summarizing.” Such as Keywords-mnemonic.
 Highlighting and underlining portion of text. This also includes rereading.
Highlighting tended to work better for students who were more adept at
identifying the crucial-to-be-remembered aspects of a text.



In order for my students to learn here are my simple but terrible learning
strategies :
GAMES- Before I start my discussion I prepare a game which is connected to my
discussion like scramble words, 4 pics one word and etc. so that they feel an
excitement to our topic that I will discussed later to them.
ELOBARATION- As a teacher it is important to elaborate the topic that I’ve
discussed to them so that they will easy get the point of my discussion and we can
move to the other part of the discussion.
QUESTION – I will ask my students if they have clarification or things that they
don’t understand so that they are no doubt to answer my quiz later on.
REPORTING- After my discussion I will group my students and I will give them an
activity that is connected to our discussion and they will report it.
QUIZZES – After the discussions, questions and reporting I will give a short quiz to
my students so that they will not forgot the lesson that I tackle to them and also
it will measure their learnings if they gain learnings to our topic in that day.


S-eeking God always to have success
M-aking my self proud in every trials I’ve overcome
A-ccept mistakes to become a better person
R-eject negative vibes
T-ake time to rest
5. How can setting goals make you successful?
Setting goals it helps me to organize my time and my resources it will help me to
have a plan or what is the best actions that I will do to have an awesome and
healthy life in the future. Setting goals is like a compass it leads you to have a
better life.
6. Is it important to set goals to yourself?
Yes, as a student it is required that you set your goals on how to finished your
studies, what are the things to do to become a successful person and become a
better person. For me setting goals is my key to success.
7. How do I write a goal plan?
1. I will make a clear goals about my self
2. I will Think About the Time Frame to Have the Goal Accomplished
3. I will put schedule on the things that I Need to achieve my goal
4. Make a List of My Goal Destinations
5. Review My Progress
First, goals serve a directive function; they direct attention and effort toward goal-
relevant activities and away from goal-irrelevant activities.
Second, goals have an energizing function. High goals lead to great effort than low
Third, goals affect persistence. When participants are allowed to control the time
they, spend on a task, hard goals prolong effort ( LaPorte & Nath, 1975, as cited
by , Locke & Latham, 2002). Faced with a difficult goal, it is possible to work faster
and more intensely for as short period or to work more slowly and less intensely
for a long period ( Bryan & Locke, 1967b, as cited by Locke & Latham,2002).
Fourth, goals affect action indirectly by leading to the arousal, discovery, and/or
use of task-relevant knowledge and strategies. (Wood & Locke,1990, as cited by
Locke & Latham.2002.)
Students’ goals can be achieved only if they are worthy of believing these goals
can be achieved. As Ghandi perfectly understood the essential role of self-belief in
the Students lives. “Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become
your words. Your words become your actions, Your actions become our habits,
Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny.”
 MASTERY EXPERIENCE. It is also known as personal performance
accomplishments; are the most effective way to create strong sense of efficacy.
Positive examples: if an individual performed well in a previous job assignment,
then they are more likely to feel confident and have high self- efficacy in
performing the task when their manager assigns them a similar task. The
individual’s self-efficacy will be high in that particular area, and since he or she
has a high self-efficacy, he or she is more likely to try harder and complete the
task with much better results. Negative examples: if an individual experiences a
failure, he/she will most likely experience a reduction in self-efficacy. However, if
these failures are later overcome by conviction, it can serve to increase self-
motivated persistence when the situation is viewed as an achievable challenge
. VICARIOUS EXPERIENCE. These are done through observance of social models
that also influence one’s perception of self-efficacy. The most important factor
that determines the strength of influence of an observed success or failure on
one’s own self-efficacy is the degree of similarity between the observe and the
. VERBAL OR SOCIAL PERSUASION. It is a “way of strengthening people’s beliefs
that they have what it takes to succeed .” When it is effective in mobilizing a
person to action, and their actions lead to success, the enhanced self-efficacy may
become more permanent. It is influenced by encouragement and discouragement
pertaining to an individual’s performance or ability to perform.
EMOTIONAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL STATES. The state a person is in will influence
how he or she judges self-efficacy. Stress reactions or tension are interpreted as
signs of vulnerability to poor performance whereas positive emotions can boost
confidence in skills.
Another ground breaking idea on beliefs comes along. Mind set is a simple idea
discovered by world-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweeks in
decades of research on achievement
And success.
 FIXED MINDSET. Believe that their traits are just given. They have a certain
amount of brains and
Talents and nothing can change that. If they have a lot, they are all set, but if they
do not. So, people in This mindset worry about their traits and how adequate
they are Every situation calls for a confirmation
Of their intelligence, personality, or character. Every situation is
 GROWTH MINDSET. See their qualities as things that can be developed through
their dedication and
Effort. They are brainy and talented, but that is just the starting point. They
understand that no one has
Ever accomplished great things without years of passionate practice and learning.
Though people may differ in every which way, in their initial talents and aptitudes,
interests, or temperaments, everyone can
Change and grow through application and experience,( Dweek,2006).
 Learn to hear your fixed mindset”voice”
 Recognize that you have a choice.
 Talk back the growth mindset voice.
 Take the growth mindset action.
Goal setting is something most people recognize as necessary for their success. By
understanding this theory, students can affectively apply it to the goals they set.
The best way to set goals is to look into the pioneering research of Dr. Edwin
Locke, and another researcher who studied the effect of goal setting in the
workplace. Gary Lathan. His results supported exactly what Locke Had found, and
the inseperable connection between goal setting and workplace performance.
 CLARIFY. Clear goals are measurable and unambiguous. When a goal is clear and
specific, with a definite time set for completion, there is less misunderstanding
about what behaviors will be rewarded
. CHALLENGE. One of the most important characteristics of goals is the level of
challenge.People are often motivated by achievement, and they’ll judge a goal
based on the significance of the anticipated
Accomplishment. When one knows that what he or she does will be well received,
there is a natural motivation to do a good job. When setting goals, make each goal
a challenge.
 COMMITMENT. Goals must be understood and agreed upon if they are to be means that goals should be consistent and in line with previous
expectations.The harder the goal, the more commitment is required.
 FEEDBACK. This provides opportunities to clarify expectations, adjust goal,
difficulty, and gain recognition. It is important to provide benchmark
opportunities or targets, so individuals can determine for themselves how they
are doing.
 TASK COMPLEXITY. For goals or assignments that are highly complex, take
special care to ensure that the work doesn’t become too overwhelming. People
who work in complicated and demanding roles probably have a high level of
motivation already.

ACTIVITY#4 As a college students , what is your goal to fulfil your course taken
today. Set and write your own goals. In a simple term.
HARDWORK, as a student like me, it is important to be a hardworking student to
gain knowledge and have better grades. For me I believe that hardwork is the key
to success.
FOCUS ON MY STUDIES, through focusing my studies I will able to submit my
modules and comply the requirements about my course that I taken today. The
another advantage is that I can gain learnings.
HAVE RESPECT, SHOWING KINDNESS TO PEOPLE, as a student having respect to
people is one of my goals because if you respect people, people will learn to love,
to guide and to help you when the time that you need help and the time when
you are down. And you will become successful.
HELP MY PARENTS, even if I’m studying I still need to help my parents because
they are my only source when I néed money to buy ballpen, paper, bond paper
and other materials on the school that I need.

GOALS IN LIFE, determine the possible difficulties that you might encounter and
discuss how are you going to overcome them.
5 to 10 years from now my goals in life are to find a stable job, to travel
around the world with my family, Giving my parents a better life and create my
own family. I know all of us that the problem is always there, they are always
there to make us strong, to make us a better person and productive individual. If
there is no problem we encounter we will not become stronger, we can’t learn
how to overcome them.
My Goals I’ve been written is not easy to achieve I know there are a lot of
hindrances I’ve face in that time. We cannot easily get our goals if we don’t have
courage, determination, and hard work. We need to seek God, we need to be
humble, we need to be brave in times when we face problems in life, and most
important thing is that our relationship with God. In order for us to overcome
problems we will be facing in the future we need God because He will give
solutions to our different problems we face and He is able to help us.
All my goals and plans in my life I depend it unto God. Because I know he will
help me to guide and give his path for me to become a successful person
someday and all my goals will achieved through him.


Read and answer the following questions based on your prior knowledge.

7. What is stress management in simple words?

Stress management is a wide spectrum of techniques and psychotherapies
aimed at controlling a person’s level of stress , especially chronic stress , usually
for the purpose of and for the motive of improving everyday functioning.

8. How can I solve my stress?

When I experience stress this are the things I need to do, eat a lot of
chocolates, playing outdoor games, and I take rest. It reduces my stress and also it
helps me to relax.
9. What are the sources of stress?
For me the sources of my stress are examinations, deadlines of module,
difficulty in organising work, and leaving assignments to the last minute.
See the attached factsheets on the Stress Management (Taking Care of One’s
Health). Read the text carefully and take note of the essential key terms that will
help you understand the concepts presented.
Humprey, Yow & Bowen (2000) described stress as any factor that makes
adaptation to an environment difficult for the individual to maintain a state of
equilibrium between himself and the external environment. It includes a physical
and mental response to meet the demands of the stressful event
In addition, stressors are situations that are experienced as perceived threat to
one’s well-being or position in life, when the challenge of dealing with which,
exceeds the person’s perceived available resources ( Scott,2017).
There are two broad categories of stressors, according to the Center for Studies
on Human Stress (2017).
PHYSIOLOGICAL( or physical)
 Stressors are those that put strain on the body .
 Examples: very cold/hot temperatures, injury, chronic illness, or pain.
 Stressors are events, situations, individuals, comments, or anything we interpret
as negative or threatening.
 Examples: not being able to review your notes for the exam as you are taking
care of your sick parent in the hospital.
Moreover, scientists are now proposing that stressors can be further divided into
 Absolute Stressors. Those to which everyone exposed would interpret as being
 These are objective stressors that are universal , Examples: earthquakes, a
tsunami, or events of September 11th 2001.
 Relative Stressors. Are those to which only some persons exposed would
interpret as being stressful.
 These are subjective stressors that cause different reactions in different people,
Examples: time pressure at work and school traffic, paying taxes or skills, writing
or taking an exam.

As mentioned earlier, stress is a negative experience, usually accompanied by
emotional, physiological, cognitive, and behavioral adjustments. The term,
coping, according to Lazarus & Folkman (1984), is the
Process of attempting to manage the demands created by stressful events that
are appraised as taxing or exceeding a person’s resources. Among the coping
resources to improve the ability to manage stressful events and better health
outcomes include optimism, psychological control or mastery, self-esteem, and
social support.
 OPTIMISM refers to the outcome expectations that good things rather than bad
things will happen to the self( Scheier 1994).
 PERSONAL CONTROL OR MASTERY refers to wether a person feels able to
control or influence outcomes ( Thompson,1981)
. SELF- ESTEEM that is positive and high, is also protective against adverse
mental and physical health outcomes, thereby contributing to better
psychological well-being. Self-esteem is often defined as an individual’s self-
perception of his/her abilities, skills, and overall qualities that guides and/or
motivates specific cognitive processes and behaviors (McCrae & Costa, 1988).
 SOCIAL SUPPORT is defined as the perception or experience that one is loved
and cared for by others, esteemed and valued, and part of a social network of
mutual assistance and obligations( Wills,1991).
When we see today around us magnifies the reality of Dr. Tan’s work. How
Filipinos deal with stress is a trademark of orientation they had with the social
world. Dictated by the stringent cultural compliance they were exposed to while
growing up. In the end, Filipino are still proud of how unique these manners of
coping are; what makes them ultimately happy in the end is the one that matters

Family stress is defined as disturbance in the steady state of the family system.
One of the major sources of stress in our family is the problem of Increasing in
financial obligations. My father his job is not stable he is a carpenter and his salary
is enough to supply our daily needs. We don’t have budget when there is an
emergency like hospitalization.
In addition, We also experiencing emotional problems like anger, depression
and anxiety. Because of the different problems we face. In order to overcome
those problems we need hardwork to find money and budget it so that in the
time of emergency we have money to use. To overcome Emotional problems it is
important to us to have family bonding, control of our emotions, and avoid
making conflict in the house so that we would experience peace.


LESSON 15-16 Values formation seminar (the need for self care and compassion)


God made the poor and rich so that the life of people have balance. My own
thoughts to the parable is that money is important to the people who are poor
because they have a lot of needs for example to buy food, clothes and everything
that they need for them to survive. While the rich or the rich man in the Parable is
person who waste his money in a wrong way and did not give value into it. It is
important to the rich people to help poor people, they must share this blessings
to others so that they will help them to have food and survive.
ACTIVITY 3: Taking Notes
Reasons why self-care is necessary:
 It increases sense of self-love, allowing appreciation and acceptance of who a
person is.
 It promotes feelings of calm and relaxation, serving as a way to refocus and
come back to daily life
Refreshed and ready to take on anything.
 It improves both physical and mental health by reducing the effects of
prolonged stress on mind and
Body.Ways to engage in self-care:
 Physical self-care: eating well, exercising regularly, prioritizing sleep and taking
care of health.
 Emotional self-care: managing anxiety,anger, sadnesss, and other
emotions.Setting boundaries with people who are not positive or supportive.
Spending time alone to rest and recharge. Maintaining a bullet journal.
 Spiritual self-care: volunteering, connecting with nature, mediatation,
mindfulness.The most significant contribution of self-compassion is the
attentiongiven to the “ self ”, which is always associated with the body, and the
bodies are built for survival. Self is needed to make progress on the path of self-
compassion. People can cultivate a kind, gentle attitude, not rejecting, not overly
prizing , toward the selfuntil it no longer suffers and has no reason to assert itself.
The more compassion one gives to the suffering “self”, the more flexible it
becomes. Compassion from others or from within oneself helps him/her accept
himself in his/her discomfort (Germer,2009)

19. E
Activity 5 Enumeration

4 various of compassion
1.Familial Compassion
2.Global compassion
3.Sentient compassion
4.Heroic Compassion
3 ways to engage self care
1.physical self-care
2. Emotional self-care
3.spiritual self-care
Activity 6 Essay

“ love the life given by God to you. Be compassionate to yourself and

God give us life to live, to feel, and to see his greatness for us we are
lucky to born of this world.
I believe God give us life because we have a mission to do here on
earth. But before that we must love our self first we must be
productive while living here on earth. Loving our self and be
compassionate is the most important thing for us. Through that we can
focus to our goals in life and we can think how to become a productive
and help people surround us. We must avoid cigarette, hard drinks, and
living in an unhealthy lifestyle for us to live longer. In addition, it is
important to have concern to other people for them to feel our love
and learn from them to become productive.
Self-care is very important to have a healthy life it help us to have
focus on the things that we need to do and it is the key to success in

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