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Department Of Electrical Engineering


1. (a) Can 8086 work in Maximum Mode? If yes, justify.
(b) Determine control word for the following configuration of the ports of Intel 8255:
 Port A – input
 Mode of port A – Mode 1
 Port B – Output
 Mode of port B – Mode 0
 Port C (lower) (PC0 – PC2)-Input
 Remaining pins of Port C(upper) i.e; PC6 – PC7 – output

2. (a) Why 8087 Math processor is used with 8086?

(b) Differentiate between SUB, SBB, SUI and SBI.
3. (a) Differentiate between the instructions LDA and STA.
(b) Differentiate between RLC, RRC, RAL and RAR
4. (a) Place 05 in the accumulator. Increment it by 1 and store the result in the memory
location FC50H.
(b) Why TRAP has the highest priority among all the interrupts occurred in 8085.
5. (a) Register B has 65H and the accumulator has 97H. Subtract the contents of register B
from the contents of the accumulator.
(b) Differentiate between ADD and DAD.
6. (a) Assume register B holds 93H and the accumulator holds 15H. Illustrate the results of
the instructions ORA B, XRA B and CMA.
(b) How physical Address is generated in 8086? Also discuss the role of CS and IP in it.
1. (a) What are the various status flags provided in 8085? Discuss their role Explain the role
of Program counter and Stack Pointer used in 8085. Also compare the flags of 8085 and
(b) Interface 8085 microprocessor with 8K X 8 RAM
2. (a) Register BC contains 2793H and register DE contains 3182H. Write instruction to add
these 16-bit numbers, and place the sum in memory locations 2050H and 2051H.
(b) Interfacing of 8085 with 8255

3. (a) Discuss the role of queue used in 8086

(b) Write the instructions used for initialization and interruption in 8279

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