English Debate

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ROSLYN: A very good morning to Puan Prema and all my friends. Today we are going to have
a debate on whether fashion defines a person’s character. To start off, we are going to have
a short introduction of ourselves, so my name is Roslyn from 6BS1 and I disagree with the
YEWERN: My name is Yewern from 6BS1 and I too disagree with the statement.
LIFANG: My name is Lifang from 6BS3 and I agree that fashion defines a person’s character.
KELLY: My name is Kelly from 6BS1 and I too agree with the statement.
ROSLYN: With that we are going to start the debate with Lifang and Kelly from the AGREE
LIFANG: I will go first, so my first point is fashion reflects self-confidence. Fashion helps
boost self-confidence and bring comfort. A person’s image is highly dependent on how they
dress on a regular basis. Wearing clothes that fits properly is able to make them feel
confident and energetic. This is because clothes that fit properly will put one at ease and in
his best condition.
YEWERN: Well, yes fashion does help to boost self-confidence but that doesn’t necessary
mean it can bring them to comfort because a person might go far off different length in
order to achieve the image they want people to perceive them. Take social media for an
example, netizen who receives advertisement that is constantly pressuring them to try on
different style which ended up making them uncomfortable rather than confident. With that
I think it is the best for people to wear what they want and feel comfortable in.
KELLY: I appreciate your point but, in my opinion, a confident person will more likely has the
courage to experience, try or wear dramatic clothing or clothes with outrageous colour such
as red, orange and yellow. The main reason is because they usually do not care what others
think of them, as long as the style they put on is what they are fond of.
ROSLYN: Yes, but isn’t that only for people who is confident in themselves? Confident
doesn’t necessary mean to be bold. What about people who is comfortable just by wearing
whatever they think it’s suitable in the frame of mind? Which bring this to a point of mine,
clothes represent moods of a character. For instance, a person is feeling extremely happy
for some reason so they decided to put on their favourite outfit for the day. Hence, it
doesn’t really define their characteristic but more so of their emotion.
KELLY: With that, it reflects their passion. The reason is because people will choose and buy
clothes according to their preference. This means that different interest will affect one’s
fashion style. How do you think Li Fang?
LIFANG: Yes, I agree with Kelly. People are more likely to choose and buy clothes based on
what they are interested in. For example, some people wear casual clothing most of the
time as this category of clothing brings comfort and they also believe that classis clothing
has relatively higher quality. Not only that, some people also choose their clothes based on
clothing brands such as H&M and Zara.
YEWERN: I don’t think that is true because for me I like to wear sportswear but does that
mean I am a sporty person? I don’t think so, I mainly wear them because I like the material
of sportswear.
ROSLYN: Yes, in my opinion it is a way to categorise people in a certain stereotype. After all,
like the famous phrase states “don’t judge a book by its cover.”
KELLY: I am sorry, I can’t agree with you because there is a research done by the University
of Kansas state that people can predict the personality traits of strangers based solely on
their shoes. The accuracy is 90%. For example, showy and brightly coloured shoes belong to
extroverts, and shoes that are not new but have been well cared for are worn by
conscientious people. So, this is one of the proofs of fashion defined a person's character.

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