Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Installation Guide

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Oracle® Audit Vault And Database

Installation Guide

Release 20
November 2020
Oracle Audit Vault And Database Firewall Installation Guide, Release 20


Copyright © 2012, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Primary Authors: Karthik Shetty, Sachin Deshmanya, Manish Chandra, Bharathi Baskaran, Paul Laws, Marek
Dulko, William Howard-Jones, Tom Taylor, Nithin Gomez

Contributors: Ashok Swaminathan, Rajesh Tammana, Vipin Samar, Mahesh Rao , Angeline Dhanarani, Jean-
Francois Verrier, Sarma Namuduri, Lok Sheung, Sahana Jayaprakash, Kaviarasi G, Ravi Kumar, Shrikrishna
Mudrale, Sourav Basu, Paul Hackett, Ravi Sharma, Sunil Channapatna Ravindrachar

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Audience vii
Documentation Accessibility vii
Related Documents vii
Conventions vii
Translation viii

Changes in Oracle AVDF

Changes In Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Release 20 ix

1 Installing Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall

1.1 About the Software Installation Procedure 1-1
1.2 Downloading and Verifying the Software 1-2
1.3 Installing Audit Vault Server or Database Firewall 1-6

2 Overview of Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Installation

2.1 Downloading the Latest Version of This Manual 2-1
2.2 Platform Support 2-1
2.2.1 Product Compatibility Matrix 2-2
2.2.2 Supported Browsers 2-7
2.2.3 Support for External Systems 2-8
2.2.4 Audit Vault Agent: Supported and Tested Java Runtime Environment 2-9
2.2.5 Compatibility with Oracle Enterprise Manager 2-10
2.3 Learning About Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall 2-10
2.4 About Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Installation 2-10

3 Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Pre-Install Requirements

3.1 Oracle AVDF Deployment Checklist 3-1
3.2 Installing Audit Vault Server on VMware 3-2

3.3 Audit Vault Agent Requirements 3-2
3.4 Host Monitor Requirements 3-2
3.5 Privileges Required to Install Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall 3-3
3.6 Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Hardware Requirements 3-4
3.6.1 Memory and Space Requirements 3-4
3.6.2 Disk Space Requirements 3-5
3.6.3 Network Interface Cards 3-6
3.6.4 Fiber Channel Based Multipath in Oracle AVDF 3-6
3.7 Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Software Requirements 3-7
3.7.1 Java SE Requirement 3-7
3.7.2 Browser Requirements 3-8
3.7.3 Target Requirements 3-8

4 Post-Install Configuration Tasks

4.1 Audit Vault Server Post-Installation Tasks 4-1
4.2 Database Firewall Post-Installation Tasks 4-2
4.3 Accessing the Audit Vault Server Post-Install Configuration Page 4-3
4.4 Setting the Usernames and Passwords of Audit Vault Server Users 4-4
4.4.1 About Administrator and Auditor User Names 4-5
4.4.2 Password Requirements 4-6
4.4.3 Setting the Passwords For Audit Vault Server Users 4-7
4.5 Setting the Audit Vault Server Time (Strongly Recommended) 4-8
4.6 Setting the Audit Vault Server DNS Servers (Recommended) 4-8
4.7 Networking Setup And Configuration 4-9

5 Upgrading Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall

5.1 About Upgrading Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall 5-1
5.2 Pre-upgrade Tasks 5-2
5.2.1 Install Oracle AVDF Pre-Upgrade RPM 5-2
5.2.2 Host Monitor Migration on Windows 5-4
5.2.3 Back Up The Current Oracle Audit Vault And Database Firewall
Installation 5-5
5.2.4 Release Existing Tablespaces That Are Retrieved Manually 5-5
5.2.5 Preserve File Customizations 5-5
5.2.6 Pre-upgrade RPM Boot Device Greater than 2 TB 5-6
5.2.7 Pre-upgrade RPM Boot Partition Space Check Warning 5-7
5.3 Upgrade Tasks 5-9
5.3.1 Upgrade The Audit Vault Servers 5-9 Upgrading An Audit Vault Server 5-9

iv Upgrading A Pair Of Audit Vault Servers Configured For High
Availability 5-10
5.3.2 Automatic Upgrade Of The Audit Vault Agents And Host Monitors 5-10
5.3.3 Upgrade The Database Firewalls 5-11 Upgrading A Database Firewall 5-11 Upgrading A Pair Of Database Firewalls Configured For High
Availability 5-12
5.3.4 Steps To Upgrade Oracle Audit Vault And Database Firewall Appliances 5-12 Transfer The ISO File To The Appliance 5-13 Start The Upgrade Script 5-13 Restart The Appliance 5-16
5.4 Post Upgrade Tasks 5-17
5.4.1 Confirmation Of The Upgrade Process 5-17
5.4.2 Unable to Add Pre-upgrade SQL Clusters to New Cluster Sets After
Upgrading to 20.1 5-19
5.4.3 Changing Bridge to Equivalent Proxy Configuration Post Upgrade to
20.1 5-20
5.4.4 Upon Successful Upgrade, Data Encryption Is Automatically Enabled 5-22
5.4.5 Possible Changes Required for Existing Archive Locations 5-22
5.4.6 Enable Archiving Functionality Post Upgrade 5-23
5.4.7 Post Upgrade Actions to Clear Unused Kernels From Oracle Audit Vault
and Database Firewall 5-24
5.4.8 Scheduling Maintenance Jobs 5-24
5.5 Recovering the Database in the Event of a Failed Upgrade 5-25

6 Uninstalling Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall

6.1 Uninstalling Audit Vault Agents Deployed on Target Host Machines 6-1
6.2 Reimage Oracle Database Firewall and Restore from Audit Vault Server 6-2


List of Tables
2-1 Audit Collection and Database Firewall Protection 2-3
2-2 Supported Platforms for Audit Vault Agent and Host Monitor 2-5
2-3 Appliance Deployment: Oracle Audit Vault Server and Database Firewall 2-7
2-4 JRE Support Matrix 2-9
2-5 Oracle Enterprise Manager Support Matrix 2-10

This section contains the following:
• Audience
• Documentation Accessibility
• Related Documents
• Conventions
• Translation
This topic contains translation (or localization) information for Oracle AVDF User
Interface and Documentation.

Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Installation Guide is intended for anyone
who is responsible for installing Oracle AVDF.

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the
Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support
through My Oracle Support. For information, visit
lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit
if you are hearing impaired.

Related Documents
See Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall 20.1 Books.

This document uses these text conventions:

Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated
with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.


Convention Meaning
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
which you supply particular values.
monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code
in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

This topic contains translation (or localization) information for Oracle AVDF User
Interface and Documentation.
The Web based User Interface or the Audit Vault Server console is translated and
made available in the following languages. This includes the User Interface, error
messages, and help text.
• French
• German
• Italian
• Japanese
• Korean
• Spanish
• Portuguese - Brazil
• Chinese - Traditional
• Chinese - Simplified
Oracle AVDF Documentation is available in the following languages:
• English
• Japanese

Changes in Oracle AVDF
This document contains information about install and upgrade of Oracle Audit Vault
and Database Firewall (Oracle AVDF).
• Changes In Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Release 20

Changes In Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall

Release 20
New features in Oracle AVDF Release 20.2
• Audit Vault Agent can be associated with more than one IP address for Audit Vault
Server communication. See section Product Compatibility Matrix for complete
• Supporting audit collection, Audit Vault Agent deployment, and Host Monitor
deployment on Microsoft Windows Server (x86-64) version 2019. See section
Product Compatibility Matrix for complete information.

New features in Oracle AVDF Release 20.1

• Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall supports new targets and other
components. See Product Compatibility Matrix.
• The installable ISO files can be copied to a USB medium. Before starting the Audit
Vault Server installation, you must combine the downloaded ISO files into a single
ISO file. See the following sections for complete information:
– Downloading and Verifying the Software
– Installing Audit Vault Server or Database Firewall
• If your current installation is 12.2 and has Database Firewall In-line bridge mode
deployed, then certain measures have to be taken after upgrading to release See Changing Bridge to Equivalent Proxy Configuration Post Upgrade
to 20.1.

Installing Oracle Audit Vault and Database
Learn how to install Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall (Oracle AVDF).

• About the Software Installation Procedure

The Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall software is installed using the .iso
• Downloading and Verifying the Software
Learn about downloading and verifying the software to install Oracle Audit Vault
and Database Firewall.
• Installing Audit Vault Server or Database Firewall
Steps for installing Audit Vault Server or Database Firewall.

See Also:

• Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Administrator's Guide for

important information about securing and protecting your data.
• Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Administrator's Guide for
instructions on deployment and activation of Audit Vault Agent.

1.1 About the Software Installation Procedure

The Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall software is installed using the .iso files.

The Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall software comprises of the following:
• Audit Vault Server installer file that is split into 3 parts or files as follows:
– V1004238-01 Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall - Audit
Vault Server - Part 1 of 3 (MUST DOWNLOAD ALL THE 3 PARTS AND
– V1004239-01 Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall - Audit
Vault Server - Part 2 of 3 (MUST DOWNLOAD ALL THE 3 PARTS AND
– V1004240-01 Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall - Audit
Vault Server - Part 3 of 3 (MUST DOWNLOAD ALL THE 3 PARTS AND
Note: Combine the three ISO files into the final ISO file (avdf-install.iso)
that should be used to install Audit Vault Server. The instructions are available in
the next topic.

Chapter 1
Downloading and Verifying the Software

• V1004230-01 Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall - Database

• V1004235-01 Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall - Deprecated-
Cipher-Removal Utility
Note: Apply the deprecated cipher removal patch on Audit Vault Server 20.2 after
installation or upgrade. In case of upgrade, before applying the patch, make sure
all Audit Vault Agents and Host Monitor Agents are upgraded to 20.2.
• Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall - Utilities.
This bundle contains the following files:
– Npcap installer required for Host Monitoring on Windows:
– Database Firewall utilities to examine Native Network Encryption traffic for
Oracle Database and to gather session information from other database types:
– Utilities_README: Instructions for deploying Npcap and Database Firewall
utilities patch.
• Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall - Release

The installation process wipes out existing operating system on the machine
on which you install the Audit Vault Server or Database Firewall, and
automatically installs the new operating system that comes along.

1.2 Downloading and Verifying the Software

Learn about downloading and verifying the software to install Oracle Audit Vault and
Database Firewall.
For a fresh installation, you can download the Oracle Audit Vault and Database
Firewall software from the Software Delivery Cloud. You cannot use this package to
upgrade. To perform an upgrade from an existing deployment, you can download the
upgrade software from the My Oracle Support website.
To download the install software:
1. Use a web browser to access the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud portal:
2. Click Sign In, and if prompted, enter your User ID and Password.
3. In the All Categories menu, select Release. In the next field, enter Oracle Audit
Vault and Database Firewall, and then click Search.
4. From the list that is displayed, select the Oracle Audit Vault and Database
Firewall version you want to install. Click the Select button against the specific
The download is added to your cart. To check the cart contents, click View Items
or Continue in the upper right of the screen.

Chapter 1
Downloading and Verifying the Software

5. In the next page, verify the details of the installation package, and then
click Continue.
6. Read the Oracle Standard Terms and Restrictions displayed on the page.
Select I reviewed and accept the Oracle License Agreement check box, and
click Continue.
The download page appears and displays the list of ISO files for Oracle Audit Vault
and Database Firewall. The following is an example only (for release 20.2):
• V1004238-01 Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall - Audit
Vault Server - Part 1 of 3 (MUST DOWNLOAD ALL THE 3 PARTS AND
• V1004239-01 Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall - Audit
Vault Server - Part 2 of 3 (MUST DOWNLOAD ALL THE 3 PARTS AND
• V1004240-01 Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall - Audit
Vault Server - Part 3 of 3 (MUST DOWNLOAD ALL THE 3 PARTS AND

Concatenate V1004238-01, V1004239-01, and V1004240-01 to get
Audit Vault Server 20.2 ISO (avdf-install.iso) and then
proceed with installation.

• V1004230-01 Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall - Database

• V1004235-01 Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall -
Deprecated-Cipher-Removal Utility
Note: Apply the deprecated cipher removal patch on Audit Vault Server 20.2
after installation or upgrade. In case of upgrade, before applying the patch,
make sure all Audit Vault Agents and Host Monitor Agents are upgraded to
• Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall -
Utilities. This bundle contains the following files:
– Npcap installer required for Host Monitoring on Windows: npcap-
– Database Firewall utilities to examine Native Network Encryption traffic for
Oracle Database and to gather session information from other database
– Utilities_README: Instructions for deploying Npcap and Database
Firewall utilities patch.
• Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall -
Release Notes
7. Next to the Print button, click View Digest Details.
The listing for the ISO files expands to display the SHA-1 and SHA-256 checksum
reference numbers for each ISO file.

Chapter 1
Downloading and Verifying the Software

8. Click Download. The Download Manager Installation screen is displayed. The

size of the combined ISO files exceeds 11 GB, and takes time to download,
depending on the network speed. The estimated download time and speed are
displayed in the File Download dialog box.
9. Click Download the installer, and then click Save File.
10. Choose a location to save the ISO files. Click Save.

Alternately, you can save each file individually by clicking its name and then
specifying a location for the download.
11. Combine the three AVS ISO files into one ISO file.

• Linux:

# cat <part1 file name>.iso <part2 file name>.iso <part3 file

name>.iso > avdf-install.iso

• Microsoft Windows:

copy /b <part1 file name>.iso+<part2 file name>.iso+<part3 file

name>.iso avdf-install.iso

12. After the ISO files are downloaded to the specified location, verify the SHA-256
checksums of the downloaded files:
a. After the download, generate a SHA256 checksum for the first
Vpart_number.iso. For example, on a Linux machine run the following
command to generate the checksum:

$ sha256sum Vpart_number.iso

Ensure that the checksum matches the value that you copied from the File
Download dialog box in the earlier step.
b. Generate a SHA-256 checksum for the second Vpart_number.iso:

$ sha256sum Vpart_number.iso

Ensure that the checksum matches the value that you copied from the File
Download dialog box in the earlier step.
13. Copy the SHA-256 checksum reference numbers and store them for later
For combined AVS installable ISO (avdf-install.iso):


For Database Firewall ISO (V1004230-01.iso):


Chapter 1
Downloading and Verifying the Software

Verify the checksum value for both the Audit Vault Server and Database
Firewall ISO files. In case of any error, download the ISO files again.

14. Optionally, the combined Audit Vault Server iso image or the DBFW iso image can
be copied to another media, like USB. If the files are copied to a Linux based USB
medium, then execute these steps:
a. Execute the following command to open the Linux terminal:

sudo su -

b. Execute the following command to discover the USB device:


c. Execute the following command to erase the data on the USB device:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/<USB device> status=progress


d. Execute the following command to copy the iso file directly to the USB device:

dd if=avdf-install.iso of=/dev/<USB device> status=progress


e. Boot the system using the USB device. Ensure the appliance is configured to
boot from the USB device.
15. If the files are copied to a Windows (EFI only - Extensible Firmware Interface)
based USB medium, then execute these steps:
a. Execute the following command to open the Windows command prompt and
to load the diskpart:


b. Execute the following command to discover the USB device:

list disk

c. Execute the following command to select the USB device:

select disk 1

Chapter 1
Installing Audit Vault Server or Database Firewall

d. Execute the following commands to erase or format the data on the USB


create partition primary

format fs=fat32 label=AVS_20_1_0_0_0


format fs=fat32 label=DBFW_20_1_0_0_0

e. Execute the following command to add Master Boot Record (MBR) to the USB


f. Execute the following command to exit the diskpart:


1.3 Installing Audit Vault Server or Database Firewall

Steps for installing Audit Vault Server or Database Firewall.
Audit Vault Server and Database Firewall are delivered as software appliance images,
ready to be deployed on physical machines or on virtual machines (VM). Start with the
installation of Audit Vault Server and later install Database Firewall.


• You must combine the downloaded Audit Vault Server ISO files into a
single ISO file, before starting the Audit Vault Server installation.
• If you are installing Audit Vault Server on VMware, then set the VMX
configuration parameter disk.EnableUUID to TRUE. Without this setting,
the Audit Vault Server installation on VMware will fail.

1. Choose the .iso file depending on whether you are installing on a Virtual Machine
or a physical machine. Boot the machine using the bootable USB disk created
in the previous section. Ensure the machine is configured to boot from the USB
device and then complete the installation.
2. The system boots and the initial splash screen appears as follows. This indicates
the release number you are installing.

Chapter 1
Installing Audit Vault Server or Database Firewall

3. Press the Enter key. The installation proceeds.

4. Enter the new root password when prompted for change.
5. Enter the same password when prompted for confirmation.
The system installs the operating system and then reboots.
6. Continue with the installation and sign in as root user on the console when
7. The installation continues with the following prompts on the screen one after

Installing AVDF bootstrap

Beginning installation of Audit Vault Server dependencies
Creating repository.
Relinking Oracle Database
Installing AVS application.
Installing Database Firewall.
Migrating repository to ASM storage
Updating Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall data
Updating UI

8. The installer prompts for network configuration. Select the appropriate network
interfaces and click OK.
9. The following Network settings screen appears.

Chapter 1
Installing Audit Vault Server or Database Firewall

10. Enter the following fields:

a. IP Address of the network interface

b. Network Mask
c. Gateway: Enter the IP address of the network interface if a gateway is
required. Else, clear the field before saving.
11. Press OK.

12. Upon completion of the network settings, the installation continues.

13. Upon successful installation of Audit Vault Server, the following message is

Audit Vault Server installation has completed.

Post install configuration steps must be completed using the
appliance administration console ...
14. Press OK. The installation of Audit Vault Server is complete.
15. Upon successful installation of Database Firewall, the following message is
Oracle Database Firewall installation has completed.
16. The installer screen exits and automatically returns to the login prompt.

The Audit Vault Server and the Database Firewall server are software
appliances. You must not make any changes to the Linux operating system
through the command line on these servers unless following official Oracle
AVDF documentation or under guidance from Oracle Support.

Chapter 1
Installing Audit Vault Server or Database Firewall

See Also:

• Post-Install Configuration Tasks

• In case of any installation failures encountered before or after reboot,
use the solution mentioned in Collecting Logs To Debug Pre-reboot
Installation Failure.

Overview of Oracle Audit Vault and
Database Firewall Installation
Learn to install Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall (Oracle AVDF).

• Downloading the Latest Version of This Manual

Learn how to download the latest documentation for Oracle Audit Vault and
Database Firewall (Oracle AVDF).
• Platform Support
Learn about various platforms supported by Oracle AVDF.
• Learning About Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall
Learn more about Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall (Oracle AVDF).
• About Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Installation
Understand the process for installing Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall
(Oracle AVDF).

See Also:
Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Administrator's Guide for
general information about secure installation, data protection, and general
recommendations for deploying Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall in
a network and in special configurations.

2.1 Downloading the Latest Version of This Manual

Learn how to download the latest documentation for Oracle Audit Vault and Database
Firewall (Oracle AVDF).

See Also:

• Oracle AVDF 20.1 Books to download all the documents.

• for documentation of other Oracle products.

2.2 Platform Support

Learn about various platforms supported by Oracle AVDF.

Chapter 2
Platform Support

• Product Compatibility Matrix

Learn about supported platforms for Audit Vault Agent, Host Monitor, audit
collection, and Database Firewall protection.
• Supported Browsers
Learn what browsers are supported with Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall
(Oracle AVDF).
• Support for External Systems
Learn about external systems supported by Oracle Audit Vault and Database
• Audit Vault Agent: Supported and Tested Java Runtime Environment
Learn about the supported and tested Java Runtime Environment (JRE) for the
Audit Vault Agent.
• Compatibility with Oracle Enterprise Manager
Learn about the supported versions of Oracle Enterprise Manager and Oracle
Audit Vault Database Firewall.

2.2.1 Product Compatibility Matrix

Learn about supported platforms for Audit Vault Agent, Host Monitor, audit collection,
and Database Firewall protection.
Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall is delivered as software appliance images
ready to be deployed on physical hardware or on virtualized environments such
as Oracle VM Server or VMware. You can install and run Oracle Audit Vault and
Database Firewall on the following platforms:
• Any Intel x86 64-bit hardware platform supported by Oracle Audit Vault
and Database Firewall's embedded operating system. Oracle Audit Vault and
Database Firewall 20 uses Oracle Linux release 7 with the Unbreakable Enterprise
Kernel (UEK) version 5. For a list of compatible hardware, refer to Hardware
Certification List for Oracle Linux and Oracle VM. This list contains the minimum
version of Oracle Linux certified with the selected hardware. All Oracle Linux
updates starting with Oracle Linux release 7 as the minimum are also certified
unless otherwise noted.
• Refer to Oracle Linux documentation for more information on the operating system
• Oracle VM Server for x86, version 3.2 - 3.4.6
• VMWare VSphere, version 6.0 and 6.7
• Oracle VM VirtualBox, version 6.0
• Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall release 20 supports both BIOS and
UEFI boot mode. For system with boot disk greater than 2 TB, Oracle AVDF
supports booting in UEFI mode only.
• Oracle Audit Vault Server and Database Firewall cannot be installed on Exalogic
or Exadata appliances.

Chapter 2
Platform Support

Table 2-1 Audit Collection and Database Firewall Protection

Supported Platform Versions Supported Audit Collection Database Firewall

Oracle Database 19c Yes Yes
(Enterprise and Standard 18c
Autonomous Data Not applicable Yes Not supported
Warehouse (Autonomous
Database, serverless)
Autonomous Transaction Not applicable Yes Not supported
Processing (Autonomous
Database, serverless)
Autonomous Transaction Not applicable No Not supported
Processing (Autonomous
Container Database,
Oracle Cloud Database 19c Yes Not supported
Oracle Exadata 19c Yes Yes
Oracle Real Application 19c Yes Yes
Clusters 18c
MySQL (Enterprise Edition) 8.0 Yes Yes
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Yes Yes
(Windows) 2016
Enterprise Edition 2014
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Yes No
Cluster (Windows Failover 2016
MongoDB (By configuring 3.6 to 4.2 Yes No
Quick JSON collector)
PostgreSQL 9.6 to 11.8 Yes No

Chapter 2
Platform Support

Table 2-1 (Cont.) Audit Collection and Database Firewall Protection

Supported Platform Versions Supported Audit Collection Database Firewall

IBM Db2 11.5 Yes Yes
IBM Db2 Cluster 11.1 Yes Yes
HADR (High Availability
and Disaster Recovery) on
OL 7.x
IBM Db2 for AIX 11.5 No Yes
7.2 TL1 and above 11.1
7.1 TL4 and TL5 10.5
SAP Sybase ASE 16 Yes Yes
Transaction Log Collector 11.2 to 19c Yes Not applicable
using Oracle GoldenGate
Operating System
Oracle Solaris (SPARC64) 11.3 Yes Not applicable
Oracle Solaris (x86-64) 11.3 Yes Not applicable
Oracle Linux (64 bit) OL 7.7 (requires auditd Yes Not applicable
OL 7.4-7.5 (requires auditd
OL 7.3 (requires auditd
OL 7.1-7.2 (requires auditd
OL 7.0 (requires auditd
OL 6.8-6.9 (requires auditd
OL 6.6-6.7 (requires auditd
OL 6.1-6.5 (requires auditd
OL 6.0 (requires auditd
OL 5.8 (requires auditd

Chapter 2
Platform Support

Table 2-1 (Cont.) Audit Collection and Database Firewall Protection

Supported Platform Versions Supported Audit Collection Database Firewall

Red Hat Enterprise Linux RHEL 7.7 (requires auditd Yes Not applicable
RHEL 7.5 (requires auditd
RHEL 7.4 (requires auditd
RHEL 7.3 (requires auditd
RHEL 7.2 (requires auditd
RHEL 7.1 (requires auditd
RHEL 7.0 (requires auditd
RHEL 6.10 (requires auditd
RHEL 6.9 (requires auditd
RHEL 6.8 (requires auditd
RHEL 6.7 (requires auditd
Microsoft Windows Server 2019 in release 20.2 (20 Yes Not applicable
(x86-64) RU2) and later
2012 R2
IBM AIX on Power Systems 7.2 TL2 and above Yes Not applicable
(64-bit) 7.1 TL5
HP-UX on Itanium 11.31 No Not applicable
Directory Service
Microsoft Active Directory 2016 Yes Not applicable
File System
Oracle ACFS 12c Yes Not applicable

Table 2-2 Supported Platforms for Audit Vault Agent and Host Monitor

Supported Platform Versions Supported Audit Vault Agent Host Monitor

Deployment Deployment
Operating System
Oracle Solaris (SPARC64) 11.3 Yes Yes

Chapter 2
Platform Support

Table 2-2 (Cont.) Supported Platforms for Audit Vault Agent and Host Monitor

Supported Platform Versions Supported Audit Vault Agent Host Monitor

Deployment Deployment
Oracle Solaris (x86-64) 11.3 Yes Yes
Oracle Linux (64 bit) OL 7.7 (requires auditd Yes Yes
OL 7.4-7.5 (requires auditd
OL 7.3 (requires auditd
OL 7.1-7.2 (requires auditd
OL 7.0 (requires auditd
OL 6.8-6.9 (requires auditd
OL 6.6-6.7 (requires auditd
OL 6.1-6.5 (requires auditd
OL 6.0 (requires auditd
OL 5.8 (requires auditd
Oracle Linux (64 bit) OL 7.x Yes No
Red Hat Enterprise Linux RHEL 7.7 (requires auditd Yes Yes
RHEL 7.5 (requires auditd
RHEL 7.4 (requires auditd
RHEL 7.3 (requires auditd
RHEL 7.2 (requires auditd
RHEL 7.1 (requires auditd
RHEL 7.0 (requires auditd
RHEL 6.10 (requires auditd
RHEL 6.9 (requires auditd
RHEL 6.8 (requires auditd
RHEL 6.7 (requires auditd

Chapter 2
Platform Support

Table 2-2 (Cont.) Supported Platforms for Audit Vault Agent and Host Monitor

Supported Platform Versions Supported Audit Vault Agent Host Monitor

Deployment Deployment
Red Hat Enterprise Linux RHEL 7.x Yes No
Microsoft Windows Server 2019 in release 20.2 (20 Yes Yes
(x86-64) RU2) and later
2012 R2
IBM AIX on Power Systems 7.2 TL2 and above Yes Yes
(64-bit) 7.1 TL5
IBM AIX on Power Systems 7.2 TL2 and above Yes No
(64-bit) Cluster 7.1 TL5
HP-UX on Itanium 11.31 Yes Not applicable

HP-UX on Itanium is deprecated in Oracle AVDF 20.2 and is planned for
desupport in a future 20.x release.

Table 2-3 Appliance Deployment: Oracle Audit Vault Server and Database

Name Release/Version
Oracle VM VirtualBox 6.0
Oracle VM Server for x86 3.4.6
3.2.2 to 3.2.9
VMware vSphere 6.7

2.2.2 Supported Browsers

Learn what browsers are supported with Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall
(Oracle AVDF).
Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall requires a JavaScript-enabled browser and
supports the current and prior major release of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple
Safari, Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Microsoft Edge.

Chapter 2
Platform Support


• Ensure that the browser version you are using supports TLS 1.2
• Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 is the prior major release, with Microsoft
Edge being the current Microsoft browser.

2.2.3 Support for External Systems

Learn about external systems supported by Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall.
Supported external systems are as follows:
• Integration offered:
– Syslog
– E-mail
• SAN storage
– iSCSI: It can be used to extend disk space for storing event data.
• Archive system

Chapter 2
Platform Support


• Oracle AVDF 20.1 and later supports Network File System (NFS)
versions v3 and v4 for archive or retrieve functionality.
• NFS v3 only is not supported.
• If your NFS server supports and permits both v3 and v4 for archive or
retrieve, then no action is required.
• In case you have NFS v4 only in your environment for archive or
retrieve, then set the _SHOWMOUNT_DISABLED parameter to TRUE using the
following steps:
1. Log in to the Audit Vault Server as root.
2. Switch user to oracle: su oracle
3. Start SQL*Plus connection as sqlplus /nolog without the username
or password.
4. In SQL*Plus execute the command: connect super administrator
5. Enter the password when prompted. Alternatively, execute the
command: connect super administrator/password
6. Execute the command: exec

2.2.4 Audit Vault Agent: Supported and Tested Java Runtime

Learn about the supported and tested Java Runtime Environment (JRE) for the Audit
Vault Agent.
Table 2-4 lists supported versions of Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

Table 2-4 JRE Support Matrix

JRE Version Release/Version

1.8 1.8.0_45 and later
11 11.0.3

JRE version 11 is not supported on AIX platform. For AIX platform use JRE
version 1.8.0_241 (minimum).

Chapter 2
Learning About Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall

2.2.5 Compatibility with Oracle Enterprise Manager

Learn about the supported versions of Oracle Enterprise Manager and Oracle Audit
Vault Database Firewall.
Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall (AVDF) plug-in provides an interface within
Enterprise Manager Cloud Control for administrators to manage and monitor Audit
Vault and Database Firewall components.
Table 2-5 lists supported versions of Oracle Enterprise Manager and Oracle Audit
Vault Database Firewall.

Table 2-5 Oracle Enterprise Manager Support Matrix

Oracle Enterprise Manager Release Oracle Audit Vault

Database Firewall Release
13.4 20.1
• 13.3 12.2.x
• 13.2.1

Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall (AVDF) plug-in is supported only
with the above mentioned Enterprise Manager releases.

2.3 Learning About Oracle Audit Vault and Database

Learn more about Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall (Oracle AVDF).

See Also:
Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Concepts Guide to understand
the features, components, users, and deployment of Oracle Audit Vault and
Database Firewall.

2.4 About Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall

Understand the process for installing Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall (Oracle
Briefly, the steps are:

Chapter 2
About Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Installation

1. Understand the Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall components to be

2. Plan the system configuration that best suits your needs.
3. Ensure that your system meets the pre-install requirements.
4. Complete the installation of Oracle Audit Vault Server.
5. Complete the installation of Oracle Database Firewall.
6. Complete the post-install configuration tasks.
7. Complete the registration of hosts and deployment of Agent.
8. Complete the registration of targets for audit collection and Database Firewall

The Audit Vault Server and the Database Firewall server are software
appliances. You must not make any changes to the Linux operating system
through the command line on these servers unless following official Oracle
documentation or under guidance from Oracle Support.

See Also:

• Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Concepts Guide for

information about the components.
• Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Administrator's Guide to plan
the system configuration that best suits your needs.
• Upgrading Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall for instructions
to update the Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall software
• Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Pre-Install Requirements
• Installing Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall
• Post-Install Configuration Tasks
• Uninstalling Audit Vault Agents Deployed on Target Host Machines

Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall
Pre-Install Requirements
Learn about the requirements that your system must meet before you can install
Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall (Oracle AVDF).
• Oracle AVDF Deployment Checklist
Prerequisites or deployment checklist for installing Oracle Audit Vault and
Database Firewall.
• Installing Audit Vault Server on VMware
An important prerequisite for installing Audit Vault Server on VMware.
• Audit Vault Agent Requirements
Learn about the Audit Vault Agent requirements.
• Host Monitor Requirements
Learn about Host Monitor requirements.
• Privileges Required to Install Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall
Learn about the privileges required to install Oracle Audit Vault and Database
Firewall (Oracle AVDF).
• Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Hardware Requirements
Install each Audit Vault Server and each Database Firewall onto its own dedicated
x86 64-bit server (or Oracle VM 3.x).
• Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Software Requirements
Learn about the software requirements for Oracle Audit Vault and Database

3.1 Oracle AVDF Deployment Checklist

Prerequisites or deployment checklist for installing Oracle Audit Vault and Database
1. Ensure to meet the hardware requirements in sections Product Compatibility
Matrix and Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Hardware Requirements.
2. Review and follow the sizing requirements mentioned in MOS Note (Doc
ID 2092683.1) to ensure hardware has sufficient capacity. Review the sizing
whenever there is increase in scale of targets.
3. Check and resolve the Pre-upgrade RPM Boot Partition Space Check Warning.
4. Follow the guidelines in Audit Vault Agent Requirements.
5. Follow the guidelines in Host Monitor Requirements.
6. Follow the guidelines in Audit Vault Server Post-Installation Tasks.
7. Follow the guidelines in Database Firewall Post-Installation Tasks.

Chapter 3
Installing Audit Vault Server on VMware

3.2 Installing Audit Vault Server on VMware

An important prerequisite for installing Audit Vault Server on VMware.
You must set VMX configuration parameter disk.EnableUUID to TRUE. This must be
done to enable proper mounting of disks. Without this setting, the Audit Vault Server
installation on VMware will fail.

3.3 Audit Vault Agent Requirements

Learn about the Audit Vault Agent requirements.
Recommended prerequisites for installing Audit Vault Agent:
1. Ensure to meet the system requirements. See Product Compatibility Matrix.
2. Ensure to meet the following Java requirements:
• Install the supported Java version on the Audit Vault Agent. See Audit Vault
Agent: Supported and Tested Java Runtime Environment.
• Apply the latest java patches.
• Point the JAVA_HOME to JRE/JDK directory and set the path before installing
the Agent.
3. The host machine on which the Audit Vault Agent is deployed must have at least
512 MB RAM.
4. Apply the latest security patches of OpenSSL libraries available from the OS
vendor for the specific OS version on the host machine.
5. The host machine on which the Audit Vault Agent is deployed must have
connectivity to the Audit Vault Server. In case of high availability set up, it must
have connectivity to both the primary and standby Audit Vault Servers.
6. The Audit Vault Server uses 2 ports (1521 and 1522 by default) for
Agent communication. Ensure to configure the ports appropriately for this
7. If NAT (Network Address Translation) is used in the network between Audit Vault
Server and the host machine where agent is deployed, then ensure the IP address
of the host machine is resolvable from Audit Vault Server.
8. The user must have the required OS permissions to install the Agent. The user
must be able to access the audit trail location in case of directory audit trails.
See About Deploying the Audit Vault Agent for the OS permissions required for
installing the Agent.

3.4 Host Monitor Requirements

Learn about Host Monitor requirements.
Host Monitor enables the Database Firewall to directly monitor SQL traffic in a
Prerequisites for installing Host Monitor on Windows platform:
1. Ensure Audit Vault Agent is running on the host machine.

Chapter 3
Privileges Required to Install Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall

2. Verify and allow communication on ports 2050 - 5100 for Database Firewall.
3. Install Npcap that is available in the bundle in ARU. It is
part of the Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall installable files.
4. Ensure to install Npcap in WinPcap-API-compatible mode.
5. Install the latest version of OpenSSL (1.1.1g or higher) libraries.
6. Ensure the Windows target machine has the latest update of Visual C++
Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 (MSVCRT.dll (*) or later) package from
Microsoft installed. This is a must to use Host Monitor on Windows.
Prerequisites for installing Host Monitor on Linux/Unix/AIX/Solaris platforms:
1. Ensure Audit Vault Agent is running on the host machine.
2. Host Monitor must be installed by root user.
3. Ensure Libcap is installed for Linux hosts.
4. Apply the latest security patches of libraries (LibPcap, OpenSSL) available from
the OS vendor for the specific OS version on the host machine.
5. Ensure gmake is installed for AIX host machines. For other Unix host machine
types (Linux/Unix/Solaris), ensure make is installed. This is needed for linking the
Host Monitor executables with LibPcap and OpenSSL libraries.
6. Check directory permissions. All the directories in the path of the Host Monitor
install location should have 755 as the permission bits starting from the root
directory. Also, Host Monitor must be installed in a root owned location.
7. Verify and allow communication on ports 2050 - 5100 for Database Firewall.
8. Ensure the Input Output Completion Ports (IOCP) is set to available for IBM AIX
on Power Systems (64-bit). It is set to defined by default.

See Also:
Enabling and Using Host Monitoring for host monitoring instructions and

3.5 Privileges Required to Install Oracle Audit Vault and

Database Firewall
Learn about the privileges required to install Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall
(Oracle AVDF).
Any user can install Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall. You do not need
administrative privileges to complete the installation.

Chapter 3
Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Hardware Requirements

3.6 Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Hardware

Install each Audit Vault Server and each Database Firewall onto its own dedicated x86
64-bit server (or Oracle VM 3.x).
You can use any Intel x86-64-bit hardware platform that is supported by Oracle Audit
Vault and Database Firewall's embedded operating system. Oracle Audit Vault and
Database Firewall uses Oracle Linux release 7 with the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel
(UEK) version 5. For a list of compatible hardware, refer to Hardware Certification List
for Oracle Linux and Oracle VM. This list contains the minimum version of Oracle
Linux certified with the selected hardware. All Oracle Linux updates starting with
Oracle Linux release 7 as the minimum are also certified unless otherwise noted.

Do not install Audit Vault Server or Database Firewall on a server (or Oracle
VM) that is used for other activities, because the installation process formats
the server, deleting any existing data and operating systems.

• Memory and Space Requirements

Learn about the minimum memory requirements for Oracle Audit Vault and
Database Firewall.
• Disk Space Requirements
Learn about the minimum disk space requirements for Oracle Audit Vault and
Database Firewall (Oracle AVDF).
• Network Interface Cards
Learn about the recommended number of network interface cards (NICs) for each
x86 64-bit server.
• Fiber Channel Based Multipath in Oracle AVDF
Learn about support for multipath in Oracle AVDF.

3.6.1 Memory and Space Requirements

Learn about the minimum memory requirements for Oracle Audit Vault and Database
Each x86 64-bit server must have the following minimum memory:
• Audit Vault Server: 8 GB1
• Database Firewall: 8 GB

1 In this guide, 1 GB represents 2 to the 30th power bytes or in decimal notation 1,073,741,824 bytes.

Chapter 3
Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Hardware Requirements

File System Layout

The installer checks for a number of conditions before allowing the installation or
upgrade to be completed. Memory allocation and space checks on specific directories
is an important aspect.
A minimum of at least 8 GB of memory is required. You can force the upgrade
process to complete if your system has a lower amount of memory (for example 4
GB). However it is not difficult to extend memory for Oracle Audit Vault and Database
Firewall installation. Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall sends daily reminders to
upgrade your system's memory.
The space checks mentioned here are a bare minimum, below which the upgrade is
likely to fail.

File System Space Check

/home 100 MB
/usr/local/dbfw 200 MB
/usr/local/dbfw/tmp 7.5 GB
/var/lib/oracle 27 GB for Audit Vault Server
/ 2 GB
/tmp 1.4 GB
/var/dbfw 100 MB
/var/log 100 MB
/var/tmp 5 GB
/boot 1 GB

3.6.2 Disk Space Requirements

Learn about the minimum disk space requirements for Oracle Audit Vault and
Database Firewall (Oracle AVDF).
Each x86 64-bit server must have a single hard drive with a minimum of the following
disk space:
• Audit Vault Server: 220 GB
• Database Firewall: 220 GB

Chapter 3
Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Hardware Requirements


• Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall release 20 supports both BIOS
and UEFI boot mode. For system with boot disk greater than 2 TB,
Oracle AVDF supports booting in UEFI mode only.
• Provisioning disks greater than 4PB each for fresh installation is not
optimal. The disks equal to or under 4PB, ensure that only one disk
partition is allocated per disk group on each physical disk.
• For appliance hardware specification, refer to Oracle Audit Vault and
Database Firewall Sizing Advice (MOS Doc ID 2223771.1).

3.6.3 Network Interface Cards

Learn about the recommended number of network interface cards (NICs) for each x86
64-bit server.
Oracle recommends the following number of network interface cards (NICs) for each
x86 64-bit server on which you install the following components:
• 1 NIC for the Audit Vault Server
• At least 1 NIC for a Database Firewall operating as a proxy with no network
• At least 2 NICs for a Database Firewall deployed in Monitoring (Out-of-Band) or
Monitoring (Host Monitor) mode
• 2 NICs for Database Firewall deployed in Monitoring / Blocking (Proxy) mode
with network separation.
• At least 3 NICs for a Database Firewall deployed in Monitoring / Blocking
(Proxy) mode. These 3 NICs are required for network separation, 1 NIC for
management, 2 NICs for client and database network connections.

See Also:
Introduction to Oracle Database Firewall Deployment

3.6.4 Fiber Channel Based Multipath in Oracle AVDF

Learn about support for multipath in Oracle AVDF.
Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall 20.1 and later supports fiber channel based
storage with multipath. The redundant paths in multipath can enhance performance
and utilize features like dynamic load balancing, traffic shaping, automatic path
management, and dynamic reconfiguration. The connection to the disk can be made
through two fiber channel ports.
Here are some important aspects of multipath in Oracle AVDF:
• It is not supported with ISCSI storage.

Chapter 3
Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Software Requirements

• It does not support the device xvd*.

• Multipath is supported only for Audit Vault Server installation.
• Multipath is not supported for Database Firewall installation.
• It does not support removable block devices. Check for removable block devices
in the system as they can lead to installation failure.

In case there are removable block devices in the system, the following error
may be encountered during Audit Vault Server installation:

ERROR: Failed to check if the disk is in multipath

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/run/install/repo/", line 386, in <module>
File "/run/install/repo/", line 372, in main
write_partition_table( None )
File "/run/install/repo/", line 322, in
part_table = generate_partition_table_data(dev_list)
File "/run/install/repo/", line 243, in
raise RuntimeError("No disks detected")
RuntimeError: No disks detected

3.7 Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Software

Learn about the software requirements for Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall.
• Java SE Requirement
The AVCLI command line utility that the Audit Vault Server administrator uses and
the avpack utility (which is part of the software development kit) require Java SE
version 8 or 11.
• Browser Requirements
Learn about the browser requirements for Oracle Audit Vault and Database
Firewall (Oracle AVDF).
• Target Requirements
For targets that are on Oracle Solaris running the LDoms Manager service, svc:/
ldoms/ldmd:default, ensure that the target is using LDoms version or

3.7.1 Java SE Requirement

The AVCLI command line utility that the Audit Vault Server administrator uses and the
avpack utility (which is part of the software development kit) require Java SE version 8
or 11.

Chapter 3
Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Software Requirements

3.7.2 Browser Requirements

Learn about the browser requirements for Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall
(Oracle AVDF).

See section Supported Browsers for more information on the supported

3.7.3 Target Requirements

For targets that are on Oracle Solaris running the LDoms Manager service, svc:/
ldoms/ldmd:default, ensure that the target is using LDoms version or later.

Post-Install Configuration Tasks
Learn about the post-installation tasks for Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall
(Oracle AVDF).
Some of these tasks are mandatory.
• Audit Vault Server Post-Installation Tasks
Execute recommended post-installation tasks after installing the Audit Vault
• Database Firewall Post-Installation Tasks
Learn about Database Firewall post-installation tasks.
• Accessing the Audit Vault Server Post-Install Configuration Page
Access the Audit Vault Server post-installation configuration page.
• Setting the Usernames and Passwords of Audit Vault Server Users
Set up usernames and passwords for Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall
(Oracle AVDF).
• Setting the Audit Vault Server Time (Strongly Recommended)
Steps to set the Audit Vault Server time.
• Setting the Audit Vault Server DNS Servers (Recommended)
Steps to set the DNS servers for the Audit Vault Server.
• Networking Setup And Configuration
Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall can be setup or configured for access
through DNS.

4.1 Audit Vault Server Post-Installation Tasks

Execute recommended post-installation tasks after installing the Audit Vault Server.
Recommended post-installation steps for Audit Vault Server:
1. Complete the steps in section Accessing the Audit Vault Server Post-Install
Configuration Page and set up usernames and passwords.
2. Apply the patch to remove deprecated ciphers post AVS install or upgrade:
Note: Apply this patch on Oracle Audit Vault Server 20.1 after install or upgrade. In
case of upgrade, before applying the patch, make sure that all Audit vault Agents
are upgraded to 20.1 and Host Monitor Agents are in Installed state.
3. Review the DNS and NTP system service configuration. See Configuring or
Changing the Oracle Audit Vault Server Services.
4. Configure resilient pair of Audit Vault Servers. See Managing A Resilient Audit
Vault Server Pair.
5. Register the targets for monitoring using Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall.
See Configuring Targets, Audit Trails, and Database Firewall Monitoring Points.

Chapter 4
Database Firewall Post-Installation Tasks

6. Ensure to configure the data retention policy for every target before configuring
audit trails. See Configuring Archive Locations and Retention Policies.
7. Follow these steps for configuring each audit trail for native audit collection. See
Preparing Targets for Audit Data Collection.
a. Deploy an Audit Vault Agent on the machine where the target is installed or on
a machine that can connect to the target.
b. Enable native database auditing on the target.
c. Review and configure the audit trails for the target as per the requirement.
d. Configure the audit trail cleanup wherever necessary.
8. For Oracle Database targets, consider provisioning Oracle recommended audit
policies. See Creating Audit Policies for Oracle Databases.
9. Consider configuring alert policies. See Creating Alerts.


• The Audit Vault Server reads the audit log from the target that contains
the timestamp of the event. Without this synchronization, events may
appear to be archived to the Audit Vault Server before they occur and
alerts may appear to be sent before their triggering events occur.
• You must set the usernames and passwords of its administrator and
auditor, and the passwords of its root and support user. You can also
set the time and domain name service (DNS) servers of the Audit Vault

4.2 Database Firewall Post-Installation Tasks

Learn about Database Firewall post-installation tasks.
After installing the Database Firewall, set the password for support user. This is the
Linux operating system user account on Database Firewall. Follow these steps to set
the password:
1. After the installation is complete, log in as root user on the console displayed.
2. Execute the following command to set the password for the support user:

passwd support

3. Enter the new password for the support user when prompted.
4. Re-enter the password when prompted.
5. After the password is set successfully, the following message is displayed on the
all authentication tokens updated successfully.

Chapter 4
Accessing the Audit Vault Server Post-Install Configuration Page

4.3 Accessing the Audit Vault Server Post-Install

Configuration Page
Access the Audit Vault Server post-installation configuration page.
To access the Audit Vault Server Post-Install Configuration page:
1. Using a browser, go to the Audit Vault Server console. Ensure that the browser
version you are using supports TLS 1.2 protocol. See Supported Browsers for
complete information.

For ip_address, use the IP address of the Audit Vault Server. See Installing Audit
Vault Server or Database Firewall.
You may see a message about a problem with the website security certificate. This
is due to a self-signed certificate. Click the Continue to this website (or similar)
link. You can generate a certificate request later to avoid this message. This is one
of the possible reasons. However, there may be other reasons where the browser
may prompt about the website being insecure. Use your due caution, verify, and
then connect to the correct website.
See Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Administrator's Guide.

2. You are prompted to enter the root password.

3. Click Login.
The Post-Install Configuration page appears:

Chapter 4
Setting the Usernames and Passwords of Audit Vault Server Users

From this page, you must set the usernames and passwords (required), set up the
time, and DNS servers.

4.4 Setting the Usernames and Passwords of Audit Vault

Server Users
Set up usernames and passwords for Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall
(Oracle AVDF).
In the post-install configuration page, you set up usernames and passwords for the
following Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall users:
• Super Administrator
• Super Auditor
• Repository Encryption Keystore

Chapter 4
Setting the Usernames and Passwords of Audit Vault Server Users

• Support
• Root
Changing the root user password on this screen is optional as it is already set during

See Also:
Separation of Duties for a description of each user.

Do not use the root or support users unless instructed to do so in
documentation or by a customer support representative.

• About Administrator and Auditor User Names

Oracle recommends that you create administrator and auditor user accounts after
you install Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall (Oracle AVDF).
• Password Requirements
Set password management guidelines for the Audit Vault and Database Firewall
(Oracle AVDF) user accounts.
• Setting the Passwords For Audit Vault Server Users
Steps for setting the passwords for the Audit Vault Server users.

4.4.1 About Administrator and Auditor User Names

Oracle recommends that you create administrator and auditor user accounts after you
install Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall (Oracle AVDF).
The administrator and auditor user names must be simple SQL names of 1 to 30
characters, and must follow these rules:
• The first character is alphabetical.
• Each remaining character is either alphanumeric or an underscore (_), dollar sign
($), or number sign (#).

The administrator and auditor user names are upshifted (that is,
any lowercase alphabetic characters are replaced by their uppercase
equivalents). Also, the Audit Vault Server does not support quoted user

Chapter 4
Setting the Usernames and Passwords of Audit Vault Server Users

See Also:
Separation of Duties for a description of each user account.

4.4.2 Password Requirements

Set password management guidelines for the Audit Vault and Database Firewall
(Oracle AVDF) user accounts.
For example, you may require that users change their passwords on a regular basis,
such as every 120 days, and that they create passwords that are not easily guessed.
The following sections describe the minimum password requirements for Oracle Audit
Vault and Database Firewall.

Requirements for Passwords Containing Unicode Characters

If your password contains unicode characters (such as non-English characters with
accent marks), the password requirement is that it:
• Be between 8 and 30 characters long.

Requirements for English-Only (ASCII) Passwords

If you are using English-only, ASCII printable characters, Oracle Audit Vault and
Database Firewall requires that passwords:
• Be between 8 and 30 characters long.
• Contain at least one of each of the following:
– Lowercase letters: a-z.
– Uppercase letters: A-Z.
– Digits: 0-9.
– Punctuation marks: comma (,), period (.), plus sign (+), colon(:), exclamation
mark (!), and underscore (_)
• Not contain double quotes ("), back space, or control characters.
In addition, Oracle recommends that passwords:
• Not be the same as the user name.
• Not be an Oracle reserved word.
• Not be an obvious word (such as welcome, account, database, and user).
• Not contain any repeating characters.

Chapter 4
Setting the Usernames and Passwords of Audit Vault Server Users

See Also:

• Oracle Database Security Guide for additional guidelines on how you

can strengthen passwords for your site.
• Changing Your Own Password
• Changing the Password of Another Administrator

4.4.3 Setting the Passwords For Audit Vault Server Users

Steps for setting the passwords for the Audit Vault Server users.
To set the passwords of the Audit Vault Server administrator, auditor, root, and support
1. Access the Audit Vault Server Post-Install Configuration page.
2. Under User Setup:
• In the Super Administrator field, enter the administrative user name.
• Under the Super Administrator field, enter the administrator Super
Administrator Password, then confirm it in the Re-enter Password field.
• Click Validate username.
The administrator username that you entered is validated. If this name is valid,
then you can use it; if not, then you must enter a valid name.
• In the Super Auditor field, enter the super auditor user name.
• Under the Super Auditor, field, enter the auditor Super Auditor Password,
then confirm it in the Re-enter Password field.
• Click Validate username.
The auditor username that you entered is validated. If this name is valid, then
you can use it; if not, then you must enter a valid name.
3. Under Repository Encryption, enter the Keystore Password, and then re-enter
On new, full installations of Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall 12.2 or later,
audit event data in the Audit Vault Server's repository is automatically encrypted
using Oracle Database Transparent Data Encryption (TDE). The repository
encryption keystore password is required to reset the TDE master key.
4. Under Root Password, in the fields labeled Root Password and Re-enter New
Password, type the password for root.
5. Under Support User Password, in the fields labeled Support Password and
Re-enter New Password, type the password for the support user.

See Also:
Accessing the Audit Vault Server Post-Install Configuration Page

Chapter 4
Setting the Audit Vault Server Time (Strongly Recommended)

4.5 Setting the Audit Vault Server Time (Strongly

Steps to set the Audit Vault Server time.
To set the Audit Vault Server time:
1. Access the Audit Vault Server Post-Install Configuration page.
2. Expand the Time Setup section.
3. Select either Set Manually or Use NTP.

Oracle strongly recommends that you select Use NTP. In addition, it is
recommended that you also use an NTP service on your targets to avoid
confusion on timestamps on the alerts raised by the Audit Vault Server.

4. If in step 3 you selected Use NTP, then for each of the fields Server 1 Address,
Server 2 Address, and Server 3 Address:
a. Type either the IP address or name of a preferred time server.
If you type a name, the DNS server specified in the System Services page is
used for name resolution.
b. Click Test Server.
The time from the specified server appears.
5. If in step 3 you selected Set Manually, then set the Date fields to your current
local day and time.
6. Either click Save or proceed to set the DNS servers for the Audit Vault Server.

See Also:
Unable to Access the AVS Console After Changing the Audit Vault Server
Time using NTP Server or Manually

4.6 Setting the Audit Vault Server DNS Servers

Steps to set the DNS servers for the Audit Vault Server.
The Audit Vault Server DNS servers are used to resolve any host names that Audit
Vault Server might use.

Chapter 4
Networking Setup And Configuration

Set Audit Vault Server DNS server values only if the network has DNS
servers, otherwise system performance will be impaired.

To set the DNS servers for the Audit Vault Server:

1. Enter the IP addresses of up to three DNS servers on the network in the Server 1,
Server 2, and Server 3 fields.
Leave the fields blank if there are no DNS servers.
2. Click Save.

4.7 Networking Setup And Configuration

Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall can be setup or configured for access
through DNS.
The host name must match the FQDN used for access.

See Also:

• Changing Host Names

• Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Administrator's Guide
• Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Administrator's Guide
• Unable to Access the AVS Console After Changing the Audit Vault
Server Time using NTP Server or Manually

Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall
This chapter provides information on upgrades from the previous release of Oracle
Audit Vault and Database Firewall.
• About Upgrading Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall
Learn the steps to upgrade Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall.
• Pre-upgrade Tasks
Learn about the pre-upgrade prerequisites before upgrading Oracle Audit Vault
and Database Firewall (Oracle AVDF).
• Upgrade Tasks
Tasks for upgrading Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall.
• Post Upgrade Tasks
Post upgrade tasks for Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall (Oracle AVDF).
• Recovering the Database in the Event of a Failed Upgrade
Always take back up Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall before upgrading in
case the upgrade fails for an unforeseen reason.

5.1 About Upgrading Oracle Audit Vault and Database

Learn the steps to upgrade Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall.
You can upgrade Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall from the previous release.


• You must first take backup prior to performing any upgrade.

• Follow the instructions in section Pre-upgrade Tasks before upgrading to
Oracle AVDF 20.
• Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall versions and
above must first upgrade to
• In all the above cases, you may perform a single backup operation prior
to performing the first upgrade.
• In case you have a Niagara card in your system, then contact Oracle
support before performing the upgrade task.
• You must keep sufficient disk space if there is huge amount of event
data. The amount of disk space required is about 5% of the total event
log data size.

Chapter 5
Pre-upgrade Tasks

1. Go to My Oracle Support and sign in.

2. Click the Patches & Updates tab.
3. Use the Patch Search box.
a. Click the Product or Family (Advanced) link on the left.
b. In the Product field, start typing Audit Vault and Database Firewall, and
then select the product name.
c. In the Release field, select the latest patch from the drop-down list.
d. Click Search.
4. In the search results page, in the Patch Name column, click the number for the
latest Bundle Patch.
A corresponding patch page appears.
5. Click Readme to access the README file, which has the upgrade instructions.
6. Follow the instructions in the README file to complete the upgrade.

5.2 Pre-upgrade Tasks

Learn about the pre-upgrade prerequisites before upgrading Oracle Audit Vault and
Database Firewall (Oracle AVDF).
• Install Oracle AVDF Pre-Upgrade RPM
Steps to install Oracle AVDF pre-upgrade RPM.
• Host Monitor Migration on Windows
If you are using Host Monitoring on Windows platform, then update Npcap and
OpenSSL libraries on Windows before upgrading to 20.1.
• Back Up The Current Oracle Audit Vault And Database Firewall Installation
Before upgrading Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall (Oracle AVDF), you
must back up the Audit Vault Server.
• Release Existing Tablespaces That Are Retrieved Manually
Learn about releasing tablespaces retrieved manually.
• Preserve File Customizations
Preserve customizations applied to configuration files before upgrade of Oracle
Audit Vault and Database Firewall to 20.1.
• Pre-upgrade RPM Boot Device Greater than 2 TB
Learn how to address the issue for boot devices greater than 2 TB.
• Pre-upgrade RPM Boot Partition Space Check Warning
Learn how to address boot partition space check warning.

5.2.1 Install Oracle AVDF Pre-Upgrade RPM

Steps to install Oracle AVDF pre-upgrade RPM.
You must install the pre-upgrade RPM. It puts the system into a state that can be
safely upgraded after it checks for suitable space on the file system. When the pre-
upgrade RPM is installed, it re-arranges free space on the appliance so that there is
enough room to copy the upgrade files to the appliance and start the installation. After
the upgrade, the space for the upgrade files is given back to the file system.

Chapter 5
Pre-upgrade Tasks

The executable includes the upgrade

prerequisites and also checks that the platform conditions are met prior to the
The pre-upgrade RPM prepares the system for upgrade by creating the /var/dbfw/
upgrade directory with enough space to hold the main upgrade ISO file.

1. Verify the download at this point by using a shasum of the avdf-pre- file.
2. Unzip the bundle using the command:


3. Log in to the appliance through SSH as user support, and then switch user to root.

su - root

Run the screen command as user root.

Using the screen command prevents network disconnections interrupting
the upgrade. If the session terminates, resume as follows:
• Connect as user support.
• Switch to user root.
• Run command

screen -r

4. Change directory using the command:

cd /root

5. Run the following command to copy only the pre-upgrade RPM file from the
downloaded location to this appliance:

scp remote_host:/path/to/avdf-pre-
upgrade- /root

6. Run the following command to install the avdf-pre-


rpm -i /root/avdf-pre-upgrade-

The following message appears:

SUCCESS: The upgrade media can now be copied to '/var/dbfw/upgrade'.
The upgrade can then be started by running: /usr/bin/avdf-upgrade

Chapter 5
Pre-upgrade Tasks

To remove the RPM execute the following command as root user:

rpm -e avdf-pre-upgrade

Run the following command if there is an issue with uninstalling the pre-upgrade RPM:

rpm -e avdf-pre-upgrade --noscripts

In case the installation of the pre-upgrade RPM identifies any problem in
your environment, then take the remedial action described in the message
displayed. The appliance may not be ready for upgrade. Upon taking
the necessary measures, remove the pre-upgrade RPM and attempt the
upgrade process again.
The following error may be observed while installing the pre-upgrade RPM:

The pre-upgrade process cannot continue because the following logical
volumes are busy:
Volume: lv_tmp
Process: java
File(s): /tmp/XXX
Please stop the processes listed here before retrying:

Follow these steps to resolve this issue:

1. Run commands lsof(8) or fuser(1) to determine the processes using
the device.
2. Stop these processes.
3. Confirm the volumes are released.
4. Attempt to uninstall and reinstall the pre-upgrade RPM.

5.2.2 Host Monitor Migration on Windows

If you are using Host Monitoring on Windows platform, then update Npcap and
OpenSSL libraries on Windows before upgrading to 20.1.
Complete the steps in the following sections:
• Ensure the network_device_name_for_hostmonitor collection attribute is set
following the steps mentioned in section Create a Network Audit Trail post
installation of Npcap and OpenSSL
• Deploying the Agent and Host Monitor on Microsoft Windows Hosts

Chapter 5
Pre-upgrade Tasks

5.2.3 Back Up The Current Oracle Audit Vault And Database Firewall
Before upgrading Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall (Oracle AVDF), you must
back up the Audit Vault Server.
See Backing Up and Restoring the Audit Vault Server for complete information.
If your current Audit Vault Server is installed on a virtual machine (for example VM on
Oracle VM or VMWare), it is recommended to take a VM snapshot before starting the
upgrade process.

5.2.4 Release Existing Tablespaces That Are Retrieved Manually

Learn about releasing tablespaces retrieved manually.
Release all the existing tablespaces that were retrieved manually before upgrading
Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall.
If the existing tablespaces are not released, then the pre-upgrade operation may fail
resulting in an error. Or the index job creation may fail after upgrade because they
cannot allocate space. The new indexes may also not be created after the upgrade.
To release the tablespaces follow this procedure:
1. Log in to the Audit Vault Server console as super administrator.
2. Navigate to Settings, and then to Archiving.
3. Click Retrieve.
4. You will find a list of tablespaces retrieved.
5. Select and release all the tablespaces.

5.2.5 Preserve File Customizations

Preserve customizations applied to configuration files before upgrade of Oracle Audit
Vault and Database Firewall to 20.1.
The upgrade will erase all custom changes made to system configuration files. It is
advisable to backup any required changes that is required to be transferred to the
upgraded system. To preserve such rules:
• There may be differences in configuration between OL6 and OL7 applications that
prevent old configuration from working correctly on the upgraded system.
• Create your own custom configuration file. See Oracle Linux documentation for
• Move any rules to a custom configuration file before performing the upgrade
• Synchronize the time between Database Firewall and Audit Vault Server. In case
the system clocks for Database Firewall and the Audit Vault Server are not
synchronized, then you may face a certificate error after the upgrade. After the
upgrade, check the appliance diagnostics output to ensure that everything is
marked OK in green. The diagnostic failures are marked FAILED in red.

Chapter 5
Pre-upgrade Tasks

See Also:

• Specifying the Server Date, Time, and Keyboard Settings

• Setting the Date and Time in Oracle Database Firewall

5.2.6 Pre-upgrade RPM Boot Device Greater than 2 TB

Learn how to address the issue for boot devices greater than 2 TB.
The pre-upgrade RPM performs necessary space checks for the boot device. In case
the boot device is greater than 2 TB, then the upgrade process may fail. The boot
device should be less than 2 TB before the upgrade process can begin.
Follow these steps in case the boot device is greater than 2 TB when upgrading the
Audit Vault Server:
1. Stop all the trails and monitoring points.
2. Stop all Audit Vault Agents and shutdown all the Database Firewall servers.
3. Take a backup of the system.
4. Choose a server that has at least one hard disk which is less than 2 TB.
5. Install the same bundle patch version of Audit Vault Server in 12.2 release.
6. Configure the system to boot in BIOS mode. For most of the servers this is the
default setting.
7. Restore from the backup. Use the same IP and ensure the system is up.
8. Upgrade Audit Vault Server to release 20.1 using the documented upgrade
Follow these steps in case the boot device is greater than 2 TB when upgrading the
Database Firewall added to the Audit Vault Server prior to release
1. Log in to the Audit Vault Server console as administrator.
2. Click Reset Database Firewall to update all the settings from Database Firewall
Server to the Audit Vault Server. This is applicable for all the Database Firewall
instances added to the Audit Vault Server prior to release
3. Choose a server that has at least one hard disk which is less than 2 TB.
4. Install the same bundle patch version of Database Firewall in 12.2 release.
5. Configure the system to boot in BIOS mode. For most of the servers this is the
default setting.
6. Configure the Database Firewall instance.
7. Log in to the Audit Vault Server console as an administrator. Specify the Audit
Vault Server certificate and IP address on the new Database Firewall instance.
8. Click on Database Firewalls tab. A list of Database Firewall instances configured
are displayed on the main page.
9. The Status of the newly installed Database Firewall instance is Down with a red
indicator. Click the name of the specific Database Firewall instance. The details of
the specific Database Firewall instance is displayed on the main page.

Chapter 5
Pre-upgrade Tasks

10. Click Update Certificate button, and wait for the page to load. The status of the
Database Firewall instance is Up or green.
11. Click Reset Firewall button. Confirm the operation by selecting OK in the dialog.

12. Check the status of this operation by navigating to the Jobs dialog. For this, click
the Settings tab, and then click the System tab in the left navigation menu. Click
the Jobs link under the Monitoring section.
13. The Jobs dialog contains a list of ongoing jobs. The Job Type is Reset Firewall.
Click the Job Details page icon in the extreme left. The Job Status Details
dialog contains current status. If the job has failed, then an appropriate message is
displayed. If the job is successful, then it displays the completion time.
Follow these steps in case there is insufficient space in the boot device while
upgrading the Database Firewall which is on release or later:
1. Choose a server that has at least one hard disk which is less than 2 TB.
2. Install the same bundle patch version of Database Firewall in 12.2 release.
3. Configure the system to boot in BIOS mode. For most of the servers this is the
default setting.
4. Log in to the Audit Vault Server console as administrator.
5. Configure the Database Firewall instance.
6. Log in to the Audit Vault Server console as an administrator. Specify the Audit
Vault Server certificate and IP address on the new Database Firewall instance.
7. Click on Database Firewalls tab. A list of Database Firewall instances configured
are displayed on the main page.
8. The Status of the newly installed Database Firewall instance is Down with a red
indicator. Click the name of the specific Database Firewall instance. The details of
the specific Database Firewall instance is displayed on the main page.
9. Click Update Certificate button, and wait for the page to load. The status of the
Database Firewall instance is Up or green.
10. Click Reset Firewall button. Confirm the operation by selecting OK in the dialog.

11. Check the status of this operation by navigating to the Jobs dialog. For this, click
the Settings tab, and then click the System tab in the left navigation menu. Click
the Jobs link under the Monitoring section.
12. The Jobs dialog contains a list of ongoing jobs. The Job Type is Reset Firewall.
Click the Job Details page icon in the extreme left. The Job Status Details
dialog contains current status. If the job has failed, then an appropriate message is
displayed. If the job is successful, then it displays the completion time.

5.2.7 Pre-upgrade RPM Boot Partition Space Check Warning

Learn how to address boot partition space check warning.
The pre-upgrade RPM performs necessary space checks in the boot partition. In case
there is not enough space in the boot partition, the upgrade process may fail. The boot
partition should have at least 500 MB before the upgrade process can begin.
Follow these steps in case there is insufficient space in the boot partition while
upgrading the Audit Vault Server:

Chapter 5
Pre-upgrade Tasks

1. Stop all the trails and monitoring points.

2. Stop all Audit Vault Agents and shutdown all the Database Firewall servers.
3. Take a backup of the system.
4. Install the same bundle patch version of Audit Vault Server in 12.2 release. This
creates the /boot partition with 500 MB.
5. Restore from the backup. Use the same IP and ensure system is up.
6. Upgrade Audit Vault Server to release 20.1 using the documented upgrade
Follow these steps in case there is insufficient space in the boot partition while
upgrading the Database Firewall instances added to the Audit Vault Server prior to
1. Log in to the Audit Vault Server console as administrator.
2. Click Reset Database Firewall to update all the settings on the Audit Vault Server.
3. Continue the upgrade process using the steps in the following block.
Follow these steps in case there is insufficient space in the boot partition while
upgrading the Database Firewall:
1. Install the same bundle patch version of Database Firewall in 12.2 release. This
creates the /boot partition with 500 MB.
2. Log in to the Audit Vault Server console as administrator.
3. Configure the Database Firewall instance.
4. Log in to the Audit Vault Server console as an administrator. Specify the Audit
Vault Server certificate and IP address on the new Database Firewall instance.
5. Click on Database Firewalls tab. A list of Database Firewall instances configured
are displayed on the main page.
6. The Status of the newly installed Database Firewall instance is Down with a red
indicator. Click the name of the specific Database Firewall instance. The details of
the specific Database Firewall instance is displayed on the main page.
7. Click Update Certificate button, and wait for the page to load. The status of the
Database Firewall instance is Up or green.
8. Click Reset Firewall button. Confirm the operation by selecting OK in the dialog.
9. Check the status of this operation by navigating to the Jobs dialog. For this, click
the Settings tab, and then click the System tab in the left navigation menu. Click
the Jobs link under the Monitoring section.
10. The Jobs dialog contains a list of ongoing jobs. The Job Type is Reset Firewall.
Click the Job Details page icon in the extreme left. The Job Status Details
dialog contains current status. If the job has failed, then an appropriate message is
displayed. If the job is successful, then it displays the completion time.
11. Check the overall health status of the Database Firewall instance. Navigate back
to the Database Firewalls tab, and click on the specific instance. Click Health
Indicators link, under Diagnostics section.
12. Expand the Certificates block. There is a message pertaining to certificate
validation failure in the list, and take appropriate action.

Chapter 5
Upgrade Tasks

13. Expand the Database Firewall Monitoring section and ensure everything is
green. Click the Close button in the bottom right corner of the dialog.

5.3 Upgrade Tasks

Tasks for upgrading Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall.
• Upgrade The Audit Vault Servers
You must upgrade the Audit Vault Server before you upgrade the Audit Vault
Agents and Database Firewall.
• Automatic Upgrade Of The Audit Vault Agents And Host Monitors
The Agents and Host Monitors are automatically upgraded when you upgrade the
Audit Vault Server.
• Upgrade The Database Firewalls
You must first upgrade the Audit Vault Server (or high availability pair of servers),
before following these instructions to upgrade all Database Firewalls.
• Steps To Upgrade Oracle Audit Vault And Database Firewall Appliances
The steps to upgrade an Audit Vault Server appliance or a Database Firewall
appliance are similar.

5.3.1 Upgrade The Audit Vault Servers

You must upgrade the Audit Vault Server before you upgrade the Audit Vault Agents
and Database Firewall.
If you have set up a high availability environment, upgrade both your primary and
standby Audit Vault Server.
• Upgrading An Audit Vault Server
This procedure is for updating an Audit Vault Server that is not part of a pair of
Audit Vault Servers configured for high availability (a resilient pair).
• Upgrading A Pair Of Audit Vault Servers Configured For High Availability
Learn to upgrade a pair of Audit Vault Servers configured for high availability. Upgrading An Audit Vault Server

This procedure is for updating an Audit Vault Server that is not part of a pair of Audit
Vault Servers configured for high availability (a resilient pair).
To upgrade an Audit Vault Server:
1. Make sure that all audit trails are stopped.
a. Click the Targets tab in the Audit Vault Server console.
b. Click Audit Trails tab in the left navigation menu.
c. Select all audit trails, and then click Stop.
2. Follow the steps in Steps To Upgrade Oracle Audit Vault And Database Firewall
Appliances to upgrade the Audit Vault Server.

Chapter 5
Upgrade Tasks

Upgrade Notes
• If you have existing targets for which you ran Oracle Audit Vault and Database
Firewall setup scripts to set user privileges (for example, for stored procedure
auditing), no further action is required to update those privileges.
• Password hashing has been upgraded to a more secure standard. This change
affects the operating system passwords (support and root). Change your
passwords after upgrade to take advantage of the more secure hash. Upgrading A Pair Of Audit Vault Servers Configured For High

Learn to upgrade a pair of Audit Vault Servers configured for high availability.

Do not change the primary and standby roles before completing the upgrade
on both Audit Vault Servers.

1. Upgrade the standby Audit Vault Server first.

Follow the steps in Steps To Upgrade Oracle Audit Vault And Database Firewall
Appliances to upgrade the standby (secondary).
2. After the standby Audit Vault Server is rebooted, ensure that it is up and running
before proceeding to upgrade the primary Audit Vault Server.
3. Stop the audit trails before upgrading the primary Audit Vault Server.
a. Click the Targets tab in the Audit Vault Server console.
b. Click Audit Trails in the left navigation menu.
c. Select all audit trails, and then click Stop.
4. Follow the steps in Steps To Upgrade Oracle Audit Vault And Database Firewall
Appliances to upgrade the primary.

After the primary Audit Vault Server is rebooted and is running, no additional
reboot is needed. It is fully functional at this point.

5.3.2 Automatic Upgrade Of The Audit Vault Agents And Host

The Agents and Host Monitors are automatically upgraded when you upgrade the
Audit Vault Server.

Chapter 5
Upgrade Tasks


• During the Audit Vault Agent auto-update process, its status will be
UNREACHABLE for a while. It may take as much as 45 minutes to return
to RUNNING state.
• On Windows hosts, the Audit Vault Agent gets updated automatically
only if you have registered it as a Windows service, and you have set
this service to use the credentials of the OS user that originally installed
the agent.
When you start the Agent from the command line, the Audit Vault
Agent will not auto-update. In this case, update the Agent manually. For
<agent_home>\bin\agentctl.bat stop
Download the new agent.jar from the Audit Vault Server Console and
extract it using java -jar agent.jar from agent_home of the existing
agent. Then run:
<agent_home>\bin\agentctl.bat start
Do not delete the existing agent_home directory.
• In a high availability environment if the Audit Vault Agents are deployed
on the secondary Audit Vault Server before pairing, then manually
update the previously deployed Audit Vault Agents pertaining to the
secondary Audit Vault Server after pairing is complete.

5.3.3 Upgrade The Database Firewalls

You must first upgrade the Audit Vault Server (or high availability pair of servers),
before following these instructions to upgrade all Database Firewalls.
When updating Database Firewalls configured for high availability (a resilient pair),
upgrade both the primary and secondary Database Firewall.
• Upgrading A Database Firewall
This procedure is for updating a Database Firewall that is not part of a pair of
Database Firewalls configured for high availability (a resilient pair).
• Upgrading A Pair Of Database Firewalls Configured For High Availability
Learn to upgrade a pair of Database Firewalls configured for high availability. Upgrading A Database Firewall

This procedure is for updating a Database Firewall that is not part of a pair of
Database Firewalls configured for high availability (a resilient pair).
To upgrade a Database Firewall:
1. Stop all the Database Firewall monitoring points.
a. Click Database Firewalls tab in the Audit Vault Server console.
b. Click Database Firewall Monitoring tab.

Chapter 5
Upgrade Tasks

c. In the Database Firewall Monitoring section, select all the monitoring points.
d. Click Stop.
2. Follow the procedures in Steps To Upgrade Oracle Audit Vault And Database
Firewall Appliances to upgrade the Database Firewall. Upgrading A Pair Of Database Firewalls Configured For High

Learn to upgrade a pair of Database Firewalls configured for high availability.
1. Follow the steps in Steps To Upgrade Oracle Audit Vault And Database Firewall
Appliances to first upgrade the standby (secondary) Database Firewall.
2. Ensure that the standby Database Firewall has been restarted.
3. After the standby Database Firewall has fully started up after the reboot, swap this
Database Firewall so that it now becomes the primary Database Firewall. To do
a. In the Audit Vault Server console, click the Database Firewalls tab.
b. Click High Availability tab in the left navigation menu.
c. Select this resilient pair of Database Firewall instances, and click Swap.
The Database Firewall you just upgraded is now the primary Database
4. Follow the steps in Steps To Upgrade Oracle Audit Vault And Database Firewall
Appliances to upgrade the original primary Database Firewall.
5. After the original primary Database Firewall has fully started up after the reboot,
swap this Database Firewall so that it now becomes the primary Database
Firewall. This is an optional step.

5.3.4 Steps To Upgrade Oracle Audit Vault And Database Firewall

The steps to upgrade an Audit Vault Server appliance or a Database Firewall
appliance are similar.
In the following steps, the term appliance refers to Audit Vault Server or Database
Firewall depending on the one you are upgrading. Make sure you upgrade all the
appliances as described in the sections above.
• Transfer The ISO File To The Appliance
Steps to transfer the ISO file to the appliance.
• Start The Upgrade Script
The upgrade script mounts the ISO, changes to the correct working directory,
executes the upgrade process, and then after the upgrade process is complete,
unmounts the ISO.
• Restart The Appliance
Steps to reboot the appliance and continue the upgrade process.

Chapter 5
Upgrade Tasks Transfer The ISO File To The Appliance

Steps to transfer the ISO file to the appliance.
The avdf-upgrade- file is the main upgrade ISO that you generated
earlier by combining the three ISO files downloaded from My Oracle Support.
1. Log in to the appliance as user support.
2. Copy the avdf-upgrade- file as follows:
scp remote_host:/path/to/avdf-upgrade- /var/dbfw/upgrade Start The Upgrade Script

The upgrade script mounts the ISO, changes to the correct working directory, executes
the upgrade process, and then after the upgrade process is complete, unmounts the

Points to note before starting the upgrade

The system may take some time to complete the commands. Do not interrupt the
upgrade, otherwise the system may be left in an inconsistent state.
For this reason it is important to use a reliable and uninterruptible shell, for example, a
direct console login (or iLOM equivalent).
If you use a network (ssh) connection to upgrade the appliance, ensure the connection
is reliable. You may also need to set the connection to keepalive. If you are using ssh
from the Oracle Linux command line, you can use the ServerAliveInterval option,
for example as follows:
# ssh -o ServerAliveInterval=20 [other ssh options]

Run the screen command as user root. Using the screen command prevents
network disconnections interrupting the upgrade. If the session terminates,
resume as follows:
1. Connect as user support.
2. Switch to user root.
3. Run command screen -r

1. Log in to the appliance through SSH as user support, and then switch user (su) to

Chapter 5
Upgrade Tasks

Run the screen command as user root. Using the screen command
prevents network disconnections interrupting the upgrade. If the session
terminates, resume by switching to user root and then run command
screen -r.

2. Execute the following command to perform appropriate checks before the

3. Follow the system prompt, warning, and instruction to proceed with the upgrade
Output similar to the following appears:

Please wait while validating SHA256 checksum for /var/dbfw/upgrade/

Checksum validation successful for /var/dbfw/upgrade/avdf-
Mounting /var/dbfw/upgrade/avdf-upgrade- on /images
mount: /var/dbfw/upgrade/avdf-upgrade- is write-
protected, mounting read-only
Successfully mounted /var/dbfw/upgrade/avdf-upgrade-
on /images

The following messages have important information about the upgrade


Power loss during upgrade may cause data loss. Do not power off
during upgrade.

This upgrade will erase /root and /images.

Please review Note ID 2235931.1 for a current list of known issues.

The upgrade process is irreversible, please confirm 'y' to continue

or 'n' to ab
ort. [y/n]?

4. Enter y to proceed. Output similar to the following is displayed:

Verifying upgrade preconditions

1/27: Allocating space for upgrade (simulation)
2/27: Ensuring sufficient space on oracle filesystem (simulation)
3/27: Applying LVM adjustments (simulation)
4/27: Mounting filesystems (1)
5/27: Allocating space for upgrade
Rounding up size to full physical extent 6.22 GiB
Logical volume "lv_ol7root" created.
mke2fs 1.43-WIP (20-Jun-2013)
Filesystem label=

Chapter 5
Upgrade Tasks

OS type: Linux
Block size=4096 (log=2)
Fragment size=4096 (log=2)
Stride=0 blocks, Stripe width=0 blocks
408000 inodes, 1630208 blocks
81510 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
First data block=0
Maximum filesystem blocks=1669332992
50 block groups
32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group
8160 inodes per group
Superblock backups stored on blocks:
32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912, 819200, 884736,

Allocating group tables: done

Writing inode tables: done
Creating journal (32768 blocks): done
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done

6/27: Mounting new install root

7/27: Extracting minimal root filesystem
8/27: Mounting required filesystems (2)
9/27: Mounting required filesystems (3)
10/27: Creating mountpoints for ASM
11/27: Populating new root filesystem
12/27: Adding required platform packages
13/27: Upgrading packages in new root filesystem
14/27: Ensuring sufficient space on oracle filesystem
15/27: Migrating system history
16/27: Installing AVDF packages
17/27: Migrating configuration
18/27: Creating mountpoints for NFS
19/27: Installing systemd upgrade units
20/27: Applying LVM adjustments
21/27: Disable SELinux
22/27: Migrating fstab
23/27: Migrating grub
24/27: Migrating old root log files
25/27: Setting final system status
26/27: Unmounting
27/27: Migrating old network log files
Reboot now to continue the upgrade process.
Unmounted /var/dbfw/upgrade/avdf-upgrade- on /images

The output above varies depending on the base installation level, the
appliance type, and the configuration.

Chapter 5
Upgrade Tasks Restart The Appliance

Steps to reboot the appliance and continue the upgrade process.
To restart, perform the following steps:
1. Log in to the appliance through SSH as user support, and then switch user (su) to
2. Restart the appliance. For example:
When the appliance restarts, the pre-database and post-database migrations are
run automatically. This process also removes the avdf-pre-upgrade RPM, so you
do not need to manually remove this file.

After restarting, the migration process can take several hours to
complete. Please be patient. Do not restart the system while this is in

3. If you have upgraded a Database Firewall, it may have regenerated the appliance
certificate. In this scenario, you need to re-register the Database Firewall. To
check this:
a. Log in to the Audit Vault Server as an administrator.
b. Click the Database Firewalls tab. The Database Firewalls tab in the left
navigation menu is selected by default. A list of configured Database Firewall
instances is displayed on the page.
c. Select the specific Database Firewall instance that indicates a certificate error
after the upgrade.
d. Click Reset Firewall button.

See Also:
Registering a Database Firewall in the Audit Vault Server

Make sure that you upgrade all the components as mentioned in these
1. Upgrade The Audit Vault Servers
2. Automatic Upgrade Of The Audit Vault Agents And Host Monitors
3. Upgrade The Database Firewalls
Once the upgrade is complete, perform the post-upgrade changes.

Chapter 5
Post Upgrade Tasks

5.4 Post Upgrade Tasks

Post upgrade tasks for Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall (Oracle AVDF).

Apply the patch to remove deprecated ciphers post AVS install or upgrade: Apply this patch on Oracle Audit Vault
Server 20.1 after install or upgrade. In case of upgrade, before applying the
patch, make sure that all Audit vault Agents are upgraded to 20.1 and Host
Monitor Agents are in Installed state.

These topics describe some important post upgrade changes:

• Confirmation Of The Upgrade Process
Here are the symptoms that validate whether the upgrade was successful or not.
• Unable to Add Pre-upgrade SQL Clusters to New Cluster Sets After Upgrading to
Learn how to fix SQL cluster issue post upgrade to Oracle AVDF 20.1.
• Changing Bridge to Equivalent Proxy Configuration Post Upgrade to 20.1
Steps to be taken after upgrading to 20.1, if you have Oracle Database Firewall
In-line Bridge mode deployed in release 12.2.
• Upon Successful Upgrade, Data Encryption Is Automatically Enabled
After upgrade, the newly created tablespaces are automatically encrypted.
• Possible Changes Required for Existing Archive Locations
Learn about possible changes that may be required for existing archive locations.
• Enable Archiving Functionality Post Upgrade
Enable archiving functionality post upgrade is required only if the Audit Vault
Server is deployed in a high availability environment.
• Post Upgrade Actions to Clear Unused Kernels From Oracle Audit Vault and
Database Firewall
See MOS note (Doc ID 2458154.1) for complete instructions to clear unused
kernels from Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall (Oracle AVDF).
• Scheduling Maintenance Jobs
Oracle AVDF runs some jobs on the Audit Vault Server for proper and effective
functioning of the system.

5.4.1 Confirmation Of The Upgrade Process

Here are the symptoms that validate whether the upgrade was successful or not.
Use these symptoms to verify a successful upgrade.

Successful Upgrade of Audit Vault Server

1. The Audit Vault Server console can be launched without any issues.

Chapter 5
Post Upgrade Tasks

2. Successful log in to Audit Vault Server console as administrator and auditor

without any issues.
3. The home page of the Audit Vault Server console displays the correct version
(Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall 20).
4. SSH connection to the Audit Vault Server is successful without any errors.
5. Check the following items:
a. Log in to the Audit Vault Server console as administrator.
b. Click Settings tab, and then click System in the left navigation menu.
c. Check the Uptime on the main page.
d. Check the status of Database Firewall log collection is up (green arrow
pointing upwards).
e. Check the status of Background Job is up (green arrow pointing upwards).
f. Check the High Availability Status.

Successful Upgrade of Audit Vault Agents

1. Log in to the Audit Vault Server console as administrator.
2. Click Agents tab.
3. The main page contains a list of Audit Vault Agents. The status of the Agents must
4. Check the version in the Agent Details column. It should indicate release 20.

Successful Upgrade of Database Firewall

1. Log in to the Audit Vault Server console as administrator.
2. Click Database Firewalls tab.
3. The main page contains a list of Database Firewall instances. The status must be
4. The Version should indicate release 20.
5. Click on a specific Database Firewall instance under the Name field.
6. Click Health Indicators under the Diagnostics section. All the health indicators
must have a green mark.
7. Exit the dialog. Click Database Firewall Monitoring tab in the left navigation
8. Check the Status of all the monitoring points is Up.

Unsuccessful Upgrade
Symptoms when the upgrade has failed:
• Unable to launch the Audit Vault Server console
• SSH connection or the terminal to the Audit Vault Server displays an error that the
upgrade has failed

Chapter 5
Post Upgrade Tasks

5.4.2 Unable to Add Pre-upgrade SQL Clusters to New Cluster Sets

After Upgrading to 20.1
Learn how to fix SQL cluster issue post upgrade to Oracle AVDF 20.1.
After upgrading to Oracle AVDF 20.1, the pre-existing SQL clusters from release
12.2 cannot be added to new cluster sets. This is encountered while create a new
Database Firewall policy and when attempting to create a new SQL cluster set in
release 20.1. To resolve this issue, run the populate_cluster_job.sql script immediately
after upgrading to Oracle AVDF 20.1. This script resolves the issue in the event log
table and the user can create cluster sets based on the clusters that were generated
prior to 20.1 upgrade.

This issue is observed in Oracle AVDF 20.1 only. It is resolved in Oracle
AVDF 20.2 (20 RU2).

Follow these steps to run the populate_cluster_job.sql script:

1. Download the populate_cluster_job.sql script from ARU or My Oracle Support.
2. The Database Firewall monitoring points or traffic need not be stopped. However,
if the monitoring points and other traffic is stopped, then the script execution is
3. The path is executed on the Audit Vault Server. Connect to the Audit Vault Server
through SSH as support user.
4. Switch user to root: su - root
5. Unlock the avsys user by following these steps:
a. You are connected to the Audit Vault Server through SSH as root user now.
b. Switch user to dvaccountmgr: su - dvaccountmgr
c. Run sqlplus /
d. Execute the command: alter user avsys identified by <passwd> account
e. Run exit to quit SQL*Plus.
6. Run exit to connect back as root user.
7. Switch user to oracle: su - oracle
8. Connect to the Audit Vault Server database as avsys user using SQL*Plus as
sqlplus /nolog
connect avsys
9. Enter the password when prompted.
10. Execute the script using the following command:

@<file path of the populate_cluster_job.sql script>

Chapter 5
Post Upgrade Tasks

11. The script runs in the background. The duration of the script execution is based on
the traffic, and sometimes may take longer. Check the status of the job in the Audit
Vault Server console as follows:
a. Log in to the Audit Vault Server console as administrator.
b. Click Settings tab, and then click the System tab in the left navigation menu.
c. Click Jobs.
d. Check the status of the job type Retrieve_clusters. In case the script has
failed, repeat the steps and execute the script again.

5.4.3 Changing Bridge to Equivalent Proxy Configuration Post

Upgrade to 20.1
Steps to be taken after upgrading to 20.1, if you have Oracle Database Firewall In-line
Bridge mode deployed in release 12.2.
Database Firewall In-line bridge deployment mode is de-supported in 20.1. The
deprecation notice was issued in 12.2. Follow these steps, after upgrading to 20.1,
if you have Oracle Database Firewall In-line Bridge mode deployed in release 12.2.
Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall requires configuration changes
to maintain network separation originally provided by a traffic source (bridge). The
order of the Network Interface Cards (NIC) and the components connected cannot
be determined. If your current installation is 12.2, and has Oracle Database Firewall
In-line bridge mode deployed, then certain measures have to be taken after upgrading
to release 20.1.
This topic contains the necessary steps to change the configuration to an equivalent
proxy mode.

Upgrade Prerequisites
• Current Database Firewall is on 12.2 version
• Database Firewall is currently deployed in monitoring (DAM) or blocking (DPE)
mode with 1 or more traffic sources configured as a bridge
Execute the following steps after upgrading to release 20.1 in the following scenarios:
• Only if you wish to maintain your existing network segmentation.
• The interfaces are used for monitoring only.
• The default bridge device is created or repurposed to create the monitoring point
1. After upgrade to 20.1, the network interface cards used have the original bridge
2. Log in to the Audit Vault Server console to check the current status of the
Database Firewall network configuration.
3. From the available Database Firewall configuration information, the network
connections of the two interfaces used by the traffic source are not known.
Determine the information of the network segment and the interfaces plugged in,
by using tools such as ping.

Chapter 5
Post Upgrade Tasks

4. Find out the client side NIC among the two NICs and make a note. Ensure the
device has a valid IP address and is up.

Ensure to add a valid proxy port for this interface. A default port number
is created automatically.

5. Find out the database facing NIC among the two NICs and make a note. Ensure
the device has a valid IP address and is up.
6. After collecting the required data and gaining fair amount of knowledge on the
Database Firewall configuration, ping the target addresses from the database
facing device.
7. Enable 1 NIC device at a time and attempt to the ping the target addresses from
the appliance. If you cannot find any information on the first interface, then check
on the second one. If the target addresses are not available, then try pinging the
local gateway. This approach usually directs towards the clients.
8. Assuming that there are no other network changes made, the network mask
remains the same.
9. After the NICs are enabled and the changes incorporated, the settings in the
NET_SERVICE_MAP within the dbfw.conf file file is similar to the following:


10. Routes are required so that the proxy can send the traffic between the clients and
the database. Add the routes to the NET_SERVICE_MAP as follows:


The routing requires a general range for the clients as follows:

ip route add via dev enp0s10
The routing range for the targets is as follows:
ip route add via dev enp0s9
11. Run the following command to apply all the settings:


12. Test the client connectivity with the database.

See Also:
Configuring Oracle Database Firewall as a Traffic Proxy

Chapter 5
Post Upgrade Tasks

5.4.4 Upon Successful Upgrade, Data Encryption Is Automatically

After upgrade, the newly created tablespaces are automatically encrypted.
However, tablespaces created before the system was upgraded to 12.2 continue to be
in clear text.

See Also:
Data Encryption on Upgraded Instances in the Oracle Audit Vault and
Database Firewall Administrator's Guide for detailed steps to encrypt existing

5.4.5 Possible Changes Required for Existing Archive Locations

Learn about possible changes that may be required for existing archive locations.
• After the upgrade, new behavior is enforced on archive locations. New archive
locations are owned by the user with administrator role who created them.
• The user with super administrator role can view all archive locations.
• Existing archive locations can only be accessed by the user with super
administrator role. In order for the regular user with administrator role to access
these locations, you must do the following task for each archive location:
Log in to Audit Vault Server as root OS user, then perform the following

su - dvaccountmgr
sqlplus /
alter user avsys identified by <password> account unlock;
su - oracle
sqlplus avsys/<password>
update avsys.archive_host set created_by=<adminuser> where
name=<archive location name>;
su - dvaccountmgr
sqlplus /
alter user avsys account lock;

Chapter 5
Post Upgrade Tasks

5.4.6 Enable Archiving Functionality Post Upgrade

Enable archiving functionality post upgrade is required only if the Audit Vault Server is
deployed in a high availability environment.
In case there are NFS locations and archived data files, ensure all the data files are
available in the respective NFS locations. Upon completion of the upgrade process,
archiving is disabled. User must follow the below steps to enable archiving.


• Oracle AVDF 20.1 and later supports Network File System (NFS)
versions v3 and v4 for archive or retrieve functionality.
• NFS v3 only is not supported.
• If your NFS server supports and permits both v3 and v4 for archive or
retrieve, then no action is required.
• In case you have NFS v4 only in your environment for archive or
retrieve, then set the _SHOWMOUNT_DISABLED parameter to TRUE using the
following steps:
1. Log in to the Audit Vault Server as root.
2. Switch user to oracle: su - oracle
3. Start SQL*Plus connection as sqlplus /nolog without the username
or password.
4. In SQL*Plus execute the command: connect <super
5. Enter the password when prompted. Alternatively, execute the
command: connect <super administrator/password>
6. Execute the command: exec

1. Connect to the primary Audit Vault Server using SSH.

2. Switch to root user and then to oracle user by executing the following commands:
su - root
su - oracle
3. Create new NFS locations using the Audit Vault Server console. These new
locations created consider the newly mounted NFS points for both the primary
and secondary Audit Vault Servers. Ensure there is sufficient space in the newly
created NFS locations to store all the necessary data files archived.
4. Start SQL*Plus connection as sqlplus /nolog without the username or password.
5. In SQL*Plus execute the command: connect super administrator
6. Enter the password when prompted. Alternatively, execute the command: connect
super administrator/password

Chapter 5
Post Upgrade Tasks

7. Enable the archiving functionality by executing the following command:

exec'<NFS location name defined>');
This command triggers a back ground job. The status can be viewed under the
Jobs page. The name of the job is HAILM POST UPGRADE JOB.
8. Once this functionality is enabled, all the archived data files are moved to the new
NFS location. Archiving is enabled once this job completes successfully.

5.4.7 Post Upgrade Actions to Clear Unused Kernels From Oracle

Audit Vault and Database Firewall
See MOS note (Doc ID 2458154.1) for complete instructions to clear unused kernels
from Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall (Oracle AVDF).

5.4.8 Scheduling Maintenance Jobs

Oracle AVDF runs some jobs on the Audit Vault Server for proper and effective
functioning of the system.
Oracle recommends that you run these jobs during a period when the Audit Vault
server usage is low, such as night. You can schedule these jobs as per your time zone.
1. Log in to the Audit Vault Server as an administrator.
2. Click Settings tab.
3. Click System tab in the left navigation menu.
4. In the Configuration section, click Manage.
5. To schedule a new maintenance job, select Start Time. Enter the time in hours
and minutes for the maintenance job to start at a specific time. The time specified
here is the time on the browser.
6. In the Time Out (In hours) field, enter the duration of the maintenance job in

In case the job does not complete within the duration specified, it is
timed out.

7. In the Repeat Frequency field, select the frequency of the maintenance job to be

This field cannot be edited, and by default the value remains Daily. The
job runs at the specified start time daily.

8. Click Save.

Chapter 5
Recovering the Database in the Event of a Failed Upgrade

5.5 Recovering the Database in the Event of a Failed

Always take back up Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall before upgrading in
case the upgrade fails for an unforeseen reason.
If there is enough space in the Audit Vault Server's flash recovery area, you may
be able to recover the database after a failed upgrade under the guidance of Oracle
As a rule of thumb, to make recovery of the database possible, you should have the
following amount of free space in the flash recovery area:
20 GB or 150% of the amount of data stored in the Audit Vault Server database,
whichever is larger.

See Also:

• Back Up The Current Oracle Audit Vault And Database Firewall

• Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Administrator's Guide for
information on monitoring the flash recovery area.

Uninstalling Oracle Audit Vault and
Database Firewall
This chapter provides information on how to uninstall or remove Oracle Audit Vault and
Database Firewall.
• Uninstalling Audit Vault Agents Deployed on Target Host Machines
Uninstall the Audit Vault Server and the Database Firewall appliances, and the
Audit Vault Agents, that are deployed on target host machines.
• Reimage Oracle Database Firewall and Restore from Audit Vault Server
About reimaging Oracle Database Firewall and restoring from Audit Vault Server.

6.1 Uninstalling Audit Vault Agents Deployed on Target Host

Uninstall the Audit Vault Server and the Database Firewall appliances, and the Audit
Vault Agents, that are deployed on target host machines.
To remove the Audit Vault Agents from target host machines:
1. In the Audit Vault Server, stop all audit trails for the target host.
2. If the target host has Host Monitor installed, uninstall it.
3. Verify the Audit Vault Agent is in STOPPED state.
4. In the Audit Vault Server, deactivate the Audit Vault Agent for the target host.
5. In the Audit Vault Server, delete the target host.
6. In the target host, delete the Audit Vault Agent install directory.

To uninstall the Audit Vault Server or Database Firewall, turn off the
computers on which they are installed, and follow the procedures for
safely decomissioning the hardware.

See Also:
Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Administrator's Guide

Chapter 6
Reimage Oracle Database Firewall and Restore from Audit Vault Server

6.2 Reimage Oracle Database Firewall and Restore from

Audit Vault Server
About reimaging Oracle Database Firewall and restoring from Audit Vault Server.
Use this procedure to reimage the Oracle Database Firewall appliance and restore the
configuration from the Audit Vault Server console.
1. Reinstall Database Firewall.
2. Configure the Database Firewall instance.


• Keep the same number of Network Interface Cards that were

available in the previous instance and in the same order. However,
there is no need to configure them manually except the Management
Interface which is configured during installation. This task is
accomplished by the reset Firewall operation.
• Similarly, the proxy ports need not be created manually. This task is
accomplished by the reset Firewall operation.
• In case the Network Interface Cards or the proxy ports are created
manually using the Audit Vault Server console, then the reset
Firewall operation may not succeed and the state of the Firewall
instance may not be same as before.
• Do not execute CONFIG-NIC and CONFIG-PROXY commands to
configure NIC and proxy ports.

3. Log in to the Audit Vault Server console as an administrator. Specify the Audit
Vault Server certificate and IP address on the new Database Firewall instance.
4. Click on Database Firewalls tab. A list of Database Firewall instances configured
are displayed on the main page.
5. The Status of the newly installed Database Firewall instance is Down with a red
indicator. Click the name of the specific Database Firewall instance. The details of
the specific Database Firewall instance is displayed on the main page.
6. Click Update Certificate button, and wait for the page to load. The status of the
Database Firewall instance is Up or green.
7. Click Reset Firewall button. Confirm the operation by selecting OK in the dialog.
8. Check the status of this operation by navigating to the Jobs dialog. For this, click
the Settings tab, and then click the System tab in the left navigation menu. Click
the Jobs link under the Monitoring section.
9. The Jobs dialog contains a list of ongoing jobs. The Job Type is Reset Firewall.
Click the Job Details page icon in the extreme left. The Job Status Details
dialog contains current status. If the job has failed, then an appropriate message is
displayed. If the job is successful, then it displays the completion time.

Chapter 6
Reimage Oracle Database Firewall and Restore from Audit Vault Server

10. Check the overall health status of the Database Firewall instance. Navigate back
to the Database Firewalls tab, and click on the specific instance. Click Health
Indicators link, under Diagnostics section.
11. Expand the Certificates block. There is a message pertaining to certificate
validation failure in the list, and take appropriate action.
12. Expand the Database Firewall Monitoring section and ensure everything is
green. Click the Close button in the bottom right corner of the dialog.

Numerics E
12.2 in-line bridge deployment, 5-20 enabling
archive functionality, 5-23
enabling archive functionality, 5-23
archive functionality F
enabling, 5-23
audit vault agent requirements, 3-2 fixing SQL cluster issue post upgrade to Oracle
Audit Vault and Database Firewall AVDF 20.1, 5-19
documentation, downloading latest, 2-1
Audit Vault Server
administrative tasks
changing user passwords, 4-6 hardware requirements, 3-4
installing, 1-6 host monitor requirements, 3-2
post-installation tasks for, 4-1
audit vault server installation
prerequisite, 3-2 I
Audit Vault Server time, setting, 4-8 installation
about, 2-10
B Audit Vault Server, 1-6
Database Firewall, 1-6
backups, 5-5 files, 1-1
boot partition space issue, 5-7 privileges required for, 3-3
browser requirements, 3-8 installation passphrase
using during configuration
C of Audit Vault Server, 4-3
certificate boot device space 2 TB, 5-6
Web UI, trusting post-installation, 4-3
changing configuration to proxy mode post
upgrade 20.1, 5-20
Maintenance Job
D Scheduling, 5-24
memory and space requirements, 3-4
Database Firewall
installing, 1-6
post-install tasks, 4-2
disk space requirements, 3-5 network interface card (NIC) requirements, 3-6
DNS servers, setting, 4-8
documentation, AVDF, downloading latest, 2-1
domain name service (DNS) servers, setting, 4-8 O
download Oracle AVDF software, 1-2 Oracle Solaris
target requirement, 3-8


Oracle VM, support, 2-2 requirements (continued)

password Scheduling
setting Maintenance Job, 5-24
Audit Vault Server user, 4-7 Scheduling Maintenance Job, 5-24
passwords software requirements, 3-7
requirements, 4-6 SQL Clusters before upgrading to 20.1, 5-19
platforms supported, 2-1
server, 2-2
VM, Oracle VM, 2-2
post-install tasks targets
for Database Firewall, 4-2 requirements, 3-8
usernames and passwords, 4-4
post-installation tasks, 4-1
for Audit Vault Server, 4-1 U
pre-install requirements, 3-1 uninstall Agents, 6-1
prerequisite uninstalling, 6-1
audit vault server installation, 3-2 upgrade, 5-4
privileges for installation, 3-3 upgrading, 5-1
backups before, 5-5
R Npcap and OpenSSL libraries, 5-4
recovering database, 5-25
reimage Database Firewall, 6-2 upgrading Oracle Audit Vault and Database
requirements Firewall, 5-1
audit vault agent, 3-2 usernames, 4-4
browsers, 3-8
charts, interactive reports, 3-8
disk space, 3-5 V
hardware, 3-4 virtual environments, Oracle VM, 2-2
host monitor, 3-2
memory, 3-4
network interface card (NIC), 3-6 W
pre-install, 3-1
Web UI
software, 3-7
trusting certificate post-installation, 4-3


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