Barangay Officials and Employees Personal Computer Operation Competency A BaselineStudy

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International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work (2581-5997)/ Volume 4/Issue1/January 2021

Barangay Officials and Employees’ Personal

Computer Operation Competency: A Baseline Study
Joefel T. Libo-on, PhD1, Virgil L. Penuela2, Nathanstee Q. Anayan2 & Maricon R. Rafol2
College of Arts and Sciences, Romblon State University-Main Campus, Romblon, Philippines
Technology Education Department, Romblon State University-San Fernando Campus, Romblon, Philippines
Email Id:

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4447821


In today’s generation, interior and local government units in the Philippines need to improve the transaction of public
services through computerization. The municipality of San Fernando, Romblon composed of twelve barangays -the basic
unit of government in the Philippines- with more than twenty-five thousand residents is looking forward to engaging in the
new era of technology and become more knowledgeable on how to utilize tools and techniques to serve a bigger purpose like
making transactions convenient by the use of basic computer operations, MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, and the
Internet. A self-assessment survey was conducted among one hundred twenty barangay officials and employees on their level
of competencies on how to use personal computer operation. The majority of the participants are considered beginners
because of their limited knowledge in personal computer operation specifically in MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, and Internet
and Email and advance level in MSWord. Furthermore, there is only a limited computer in each barangay. Also, the
respondents during the interview are willing to undergo pieces of training to facilitate the upliftment in the services that they
offered in their respective constituent with the aid of computerization.

Keywords: Assessment, Computer Operation, Computer Usage, Barangay Officials, Barangay Employees, Romblon,

Comprehensive computer competency evaluation is assessed by measures of computer-related declarative and procedural
awareness, computer competence, computer self-confidence and computer-related attitudes (Richer, Naumann, and Groeben,
2011). Public service through the government offices from local to national levels has been taken the path of computerization of
documents and interconnectivity of transactions to improve their service. In the municipality of San Fernando, Romblon,
Philippines where 12 Barangays are trying to meet the needs of more than 25,000 residents on their capacity for public service.
The barangay officials and employees are required to be equipped with the requisite technical know-how in basic computer
operations processing of Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and the Internet. The barangay is the basic unit of the government in the
Philippines where the information of the people is recorded and stored in the file cabinet. Adapting to new technology in this
kind of place became a challenge especially in computerization also given a fact that San Fernando belongs to one of the
municipalities in the Island of Sibuyan, Romblon.
In the Philippines, majority of the duties and responsibility of barangay secretaries and treasurers stated in the Republic Act No.
7160 or the Local Government Code of 1991 requires the usage of computer application (The Local Government Code of the
Philippines: Book III). A legal basis for the need to be proficient in using the computer, the government of the Philippines
considers computerization as a useful tool in improving government- citizen services. Barangay officials serve as the front-liners
in providing basic government services to the community (Medina et al., 2017). In the past decades, it is observable and a
common transaction in the barangay level, that when a certain constituent is seeking a job he or she might seek a barangay
clearance in a latter be required to secure the police clearance which is required in searching for a job. Naturally, the official on
duty will encode using the typewriter the necessary information of the constituent requesting for a clearance (Barangay
Information System, 2020).
Nowadays where everything is computerized, it makes the daily living of the human easy and fast (Grant, 2019). People
nowadays prefer to achieve things in just a click. Those things before using the typewriter in serving the barangay clearance of
the constituents were shifted to computerize. Instead of encoding each word and sentence of the clearance, the barangay may opt
only to change the name of the requester and the other requesting citizen will have its clearance in a fast public service that is
demanded by most constituents in the barangay.
It is a potential geographical area to focus on, concerning assessing the personal computer operations competence of barangay
officials and employees. In this way, a more effective and more efficient public service can also be crafted to continuously

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International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work (2581-5997)/ Volume 4/Issue1/January 2021

improve barangay management (Medina et al., 2017). Thus, this current study will be realized by determining the (a) profile of
the barangay officials and employees; (b) the availability of computers in the barangay; and (c) the competency level in personal
computer operation of the barangay officials and employees.

Literature Review
Competency is the correct combination of expertise, skills, and actions that helps the individual, group, or organization to solve
the task properly (Vrabei, 2012). Computer literacy is defined as the ability and knowledge to effectively use computers and
related technology, with skill levels ranging from simple use to computer programming and advanced problem-solving. It can
also be applied to the degree of ease someone has in the use of computer programs and apps. Understanding how computers
function and operate is another valuable aspect. Computer literacy can be differentiated from computer programming, which
focuses mainly on computer programs' architecture and coding, rather than their familiarity and ability to use them. Initiatives to
increase national computer literacy rates have been developed by numerous nations, which includes the Philippines.
For an individual to be knowledgeable in computer operations he must have familiarity, comprehension, or understanding, such
as information, talents, or objects. Information can be obtained in many different ways and from many sources in most accounts,
including but not limited to interpretation, reason, recollection, testimony, scientific investigation, schooling, and practice. A
theoretical or practical understanding of a topic may refer to the word "knowledge". It can be implied or explicit: systematic or
specific; formal or informal.
Computer literacy differs from digital literacy, which is the ability of digital platforms to interact or find knowledge.
Comparatively, the ability to use computers and maintain a clear understanding of how they work is assessed by computer
literacy. The computer literacy of an individual is typically assessed by questionnaires that assess their ability to write and
change text, troubleshoot minor computer operating problems, and organize and analyze data on a computer (Duke, 2011;
Dincer, 2016). Computer users should discern which computer skills they want to develop to increase their computer literacy,
and learn to be more purposeful and accurate in their use of these skills, and later be competent. Users will discover more
computer features that are worth using by learning more about computer literacy. Arguments are mostly vocational or practical
for the use of computers in working environments, and thus for the promotion of computer literacy (Florini, 1983). Computers
in the modern-day workplace are significant.
The barangay officials who lead the basic units of government in the Philippines must somehow poses computer literacy
(ESCAP, 2018). This is for them to be productive for the welfare of their constituents. For them to be productive, especially in
these modern times, computer operation can be a factor in their productivity (Medina, et al., 2017; Johnston, 2020). In response
to the growing needs of the constituents especially in the context of the health, security, and movability, of the people from one
place to another, electronic and soft copy of documents are on demand. On this, the Philippine Department of Interior and Local
Government (DILG) integrate electronic copy of community clearances and other pertinent documents of the government
(DILG Memo Circular 2019-177). Training the barangay officials is necessary for the upliftment of their competency and to
carry the department order. In some areas of the country training computer literary and skill training is the solution to the
growing need for technology integration in government services (Zambrano, 2019).
Records keeping and document presentation are easier and space saver in barangay halls/offices when data are stored in the
computer. Having an adequate amount of computers to be used by barangay officials in their dealing with their constituents will
provide fast and easy transactions especially if the officials are competent in basic computer operations. These skills in basic
computer operation can be achieved in training, workshops, and constant practice (Perdiguerra and Guillo, 2019).

The current study is limited only in determining the competency level of the barangay officials as baseline data. Respondents are
120 officials and employees of the 12 different barangays of the town of San Fernando in Romblon which includes Barangay
Captains (Chief Executive of the Barangay), Councillors (Legislators), Secretaries and Treasurers. The entire population was
utilized to capture the actual status of personal computer competency. It described the barangays’ resource requirements,
management of resources, delivery of services and the outcomes of the service delivery (Alicar-Cardona, 2008). Descriptive
research aiming to determine the levels of computer literacy (Konan, 2010). Studies with a descriptive survey model; are studies
aiming to collect data for determining specific characteristics of the group (Din, 2007).
The assessment tool that was used was taken from the core unit competencies of PC Operation NCII (National Competency II)
of the Technical and Skills Development Authority (TESDA). The tool is comprised of 28 items list of competencies that the
respondents must-have. Out of the 28 items, eight of the items is intended to assess the competency of the respondent in word
processing, seven-item in each of the spreadsheet application, presentation application, and the use of email and search the web
using browsers. Respondent’s computer literacy was based on operating a word processing application (MS Word), use of
email and search the web using browsers (Internet), operate a spreadsheet application (MS Excel) and operate a presentation
package (MS PowerPoint). The researchers also ask the willingness of the participants to undergo the necessary training for the
upliftment of the competency level of the respondents. In essence, the researchers used such a descriptive survey method to
understand and interpret easily the respondents had easily answered the questions on the interview (Tomas, 2015). Thus, the
descriptive-survey method was utilized by the researcher to determine the current state of competency level of the barangay

© 2021, IJASRW, All right reserved
International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work (2581-5997)/ Volume 4/Issue1/January 2021

officials in the town of San Fernando, Romblon. To analyze the data that was gathered, the descriptive statistics were utilized
namely by the use of frequency and percentage in determining the profile of the respondents, the mean and percentage were
used to determine the central tendency of the level of competency of the respondents. To interpret the level of competency of the
barangay officials and employee's in terms of personal computer operation the following range of interpretation and description
was utilized: 2.34-3.00- Advance (A); 1.68-2.33-Intermediate (I); 1.00-1.67-Beginner (B).

Results and Discussion

This part presents and discusses the result. The presentation was arranged base on the target of this study namely: to determine
determining the (a) profile of the barangay officials and employees; (b) the availability of computers in the barangay; and (c) the
competency level in personal computer operation of the barangay officials and employees.

(a) The Profile of the Barangay Officials and Employees

Table 1. Profile of the Participants

Category Frequency Percentage
Age Generation
Millennial/Gen Y 15 12.5
Xennial 30 25.0
Gen X 75 62.5
Male 74 61.7
Female 46 38.3
Elementary Level 1 0.8
Elementary graduate 1 0.8
High School Level 2 1.7
High School Graduate 33 27.5
Vocational 5 4.2
College Level 15 12.5
College Graduate 63 52.5
Tenure in Service
6 months and below 64 53.3
6.01-12 months 24 20.0
12.01-18.0 months 26 21.7
18.01-24.00 months 4 3.3
24.01 months and above 2 1.7
TOTAL 120 100.00
As to age generation
- 62.5 % or majority was born in Generation X
-25% was born in Xennial
-12.5% was born in Millennial or Generation Y
As to sex
-61.7% or dominated by male
-38.3% are female
As to Educational Attainment
-52.5% or dominated by a college graduate
-27.5% were high school graduate; 12.5% were college level; 4.2% were vocational graduate; 1.7%, 0.8%, 0.8% were
high school graduate, elementary level, and elementary graduate, respectively.
As to tenure in service
-majority or 53.3% were 6 months and below in service
-21.7% were 12.01-18.0 months in service; 20% were 6.01-12 months in service, 3.3% were 18.01-24.00 months in
service, and 1.7% were 24.01 months and above in service

(b) The Availability of Computers in the Barangay

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International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work (2581-5997)/ Volume 4/Issue1/January 2021


Canjalon Azagra Otod Campalingo Panangcalan Poblacion Pili Taclobo Espana Mabulo Mabini Agtiwa
No. of Computers 1 4 1 2 1 5 6 2 2 2 5 1

Fig 1: Available Computer in the Barangay

Fig 1 shows the number of available computer units per barangay office used by officials and employees. It shows that 4 out of
12 barangay have 1 computer unit while eight barangay has 2 or more available computer units. The number of available
computer in each barangay of San Fernando are outnumbered by the number of barangay officials and employees in each
barangay. The number of barangay officials in any of the barangay in the Philippines was 8 comprised of seven barangay
councilors and one barangay captain and the minimum number of barangay employees in every barangay were two: the
secretary and the treasure (RA 7160). The barangay officials and employees are given the number available computer in every
barangay will not have a one to one ration with the available computer at the same time.

(c) The Competency Level In Personal Computer Operation.

Table 2 Competency Level of Barangay Official in Word
Competencies Mean Rank DI
1.Can open, create, and save a new document 2.825 7.5 A
2. Can insert and edit graphics, lines and text boxes. 2.825 7.5 A
3. Can insert headers and footers. 2.883 3.0 A
4. Can insert and edit text & illustrations, set margins, tabs, columns. 2.892 2.0 A
5.Can maximize, restore, minimize and move the window 2.850 6.0 A
6. Can set the paper size and page layout. 2.883 3.0 A
7. Can format the document and text using font types, size, and styles. 2.917 1.0 A
8.Can format the body of the letter, adjust spacing and paragraph setting and can print 2.867 5.0 A
Competency in Word 2.868 A
Legend: DI-Descriptive Interpretation; 2.34-3.00- Advance (A); 1.68-2.33-Intermediate (I) ; 1.00-1.67-Bigginner (B)

Result in Table 2 shows the competency level of barangay official in Word competency
- The competency that is most visible to the barangay official was “Can format the document and text using font
types, size, and styles.” which ranks 1.
- The competency that is lesser in practice was both "Can open, create, and save a new document' and "Can insert
and edit graphics, lines and text boxes." which ranks 7.5.
Word processing is very common in every barangay. One of the most common uses of word processing in the barangay is in the
issuance of barangay clearance to any constituents that requests. With that basic function of word processing for barangay
clearance, it is inevitable that the barangay officials and employees have a prior knowledge towards such competency.
Table 3 Competency Level of Barangay Official in Excel
Competencies Mean Rank DI
1.Can open and save Microsoft excel 1.267 1.0 B
2. Can apply font style, font size, and font color 1.167 2.0 B
3.Can create a correct formula to double the revenue every month and formula to get the 10% 1.167 2.0 B
4. Can create a formula for the total in all the rows, fill a cell and change the color of the text, apply a border and make a bar chart. 1.167 2.0 B
5.Can create a formula for the gross profit/loss and formula for the accumulated profit/loss 1.150 5.0 B
6. Can apply title on the bar chart and circular reference 1.142 6.0 B

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International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work (2581-5997)/ Volume 4/Issue1/January 2021

7.Can merge, shrink to fit, wrap text a cell 1.133 7.0 B

Competency in Excel 1.170 B
Legend: DI-Descriptive Interpretation; 2.34-3.00- Advance (A); 1.68-2.33-Intermediate (I) ; 1.00-1.67-Bigginner (B)

Result in Table 3 shows the competency level of barangay official in Excel competency
-The competency that is mostly present to the barangay officials was “Can open and save Microsoft excel” which ranks
-. “Can merge, shrink to fit, wrap text a cell” is the less competent competency of the barangay official which ranks 7.
The result appears that most of the barangay officials and employees lack knowledge of spreadsheet applications. Some
barangay officials and employees told the researchers that they were problematic in lay-outing and cannot memorize the syntax
to come up with the formula. Also, they seldom use the spreadsheet application for the treasurer is the one prone in using it, they
Table 4 Competency Level of Barangay Official in PowerPoint
Competencies Mean Rank DI
1. Can open and save the Microsoft PowerPoint file and apply the master template on all slides by displaying the business address 1.125 4 B
2. Can apply font size 42 on the headings and size 28 on the body text and add a slide 1.000 4 B
3. Can insert a picture from the clip art and use bullets and numbering 1.000 4 B
4. Can use the action buttons and link a word to another file 1.000 4 B
5. Can show a table, insert and edit an organizational chart. 1.000 4 B
6. Can show a chart with title and label and can add animation 1.000 4 B
7. Can provide appropriate data on the slides, preview a Microsoft PowerPoint file and can print using the hand-out form 1.000 4 B
Competency in PowerPoint 1.018 B
Legend: DI-Descriptive Interpretation; 2.34-3.00- Advance (A); 1.68-2.33-Intermediate (I) ; 1.00-1.67-Bigginner (B)

Result in Table 4 shows the competency level of barangay official in PowerPoint competency
-All of the competency indicators manifest that all barangay officials were at Beginners level.
It appears that the barangay was at the beginning level of competency toward presentation application. As most of the baranga y
employees manifested that they did not use MS PowerPoint even in their meetings, for they still utilized their barangay secretary
and treasurer to report verbally the stenograph minutes of the meeting every meeting and well as the barangay secretary also is
responsible in the transcript of the proceeding of the meeting of the barangay officials.

Table 5 Competency Level of Barangay Official in Internet and Email

Competencies Mean Rank DI
1. Can use a browser to search the internet and/or the World Wide Web for resources and navigate through a web site to find information. 1.300 1 B
2. Can change the homepage, create and use bookmarks/favorites and organize them into folders and can copy or save information from
1.000 4.5 B
the Internet.
3. Can open an email message and send/reply/forward email messages. 1.000 4.5 B

4. Can send, receive, view, and save attachments, documents, and links to messages 1.000 4.5 B

5. Can send an email using cc or bcc, can apply the stationary as a background of a page 1.000 4.5 B

6. Can use a search engine to find information on the Internet, can manage and organize names and groups in an address book. 1.000 4.5 B
7. Can use an address book, follow e-mail etiquette, and find and sort e-mail messages, can reply to any message that I have received and
1.000 4.5 B
can create a new folder and insert your selected messages to the folder.
Competency in Internet and Email 1.043 B
Legend: DI-Descriptive Interpretation; 2.34-3.00- Advance (A); 1.68-2.33-Intermediate (I) ; 1.00-1.67-Bigginner (B)

Result in Table 5 shows the competency level of barangay official in Internet and Email competency
-Same as the competency level in PowerPoint the competency indicators manifest that all barangay officials were at
Beginners level.
It appears that the barangay officials do not have enough competency in the use of email and search the web using browsers.
The result is inevitable because San Fernando belongs to one of the Island Towns in the Province of Romblon, whereas the
internet on the island is very slow even the Wi-Fi (Santos, 2020). Thus, it appears that this triggers a beginner level of
competency in terms of the use of email and search the web using browsers.

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International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work (2581-5997)/ Volume 4/Issue1/January 2021








Word Excel Powerpoint Internet & Email Competency
Sex Male 2.8649 1.1718 1.0174 1.0425 1.5241
Sex Female 2.8723 1.1677 1.0186 1.0435 1.5255
Legend: DI-Descriptive Interpretation; 2.34-3.00- Advance (A); 1.68-2.33-Intermediate (I) ; 1.00-1.67-Bigginner (B)

Figure 2. Competency Level of Barangay Officials in Computer Operation as to Sex

Figure 2 unveil Competency level of barangay officials in computer operation

-Both the Male and Females are of the same level of competency.
-Female is competent across all computer operation than to male except that of Excel category
It appears that the level of competency of both male and female barangay officials and employees is of somewhat the same level
in every computer operation. They did not give a great distance in the mean scores in terms of competency for they both belong
to the beginner's level.







Internet &
Word Excel Powerpoint Competency
Mellenial/Gen Y 2.9000 1.1048 1.0095 1.0190 1.5083
Xennial 2.8667 1.3381 1.0381 1.0667 1.5774
Gen X 2.8617 1.1162 1.0114 1.0381 1.5068
Legend: DI-Descriptive Interpretation; 2.34-3.00- Advance (A); 1.68-2.33-Intermediate (I) ; 1.00-1.67-Bigginner (B)

Figure 3. Competency Level of Barangay Officials in Computer Operation as to Age

Figure 3 unveil Competency level of barangay officials in computer operation

-Xennial Generation is the most competent than the rest of the generation ages
-Xennial generation is competent across all computer operations than to other age generations except that of Word
category were Millennial or Generation Y dominates.
It appears that result is parallel to what Akhtar (2019) has stated that xennial was the first generation to grow up with household
computers and have internet access. Also for Indeed (2020), xennial is the quickest to adapt to technology.

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International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work (2581-5997)/ Volume 4/Issue1/January 2021








Elem Lvl Elem Grad HS Lvl HS Grad Vocational Col Lvl Col Grad
Word 2.7500 2.8750 3.0000 2.7652 2.6750 2.9917 2.9048
Excel 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.3030 1.0286 1.1238 1.1338
Powerpoint 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0303 1.0000 1.0095 1.0159
Internet & Email 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0736 1.0571 1.0190 1.0340
Competency 1.4375 1.4688 1.5000 1.5430 1.4402 1.5360 1.5221
Legend: DI-Descriptive Interpretation; 2.34-3.00- Advance (A); 1.68-2.33-Intermediate (I) ; 1.00-1.67-Bigginner (B)

Figure 4. Competency Level of Barangay Officials in Computer Operation as to Level of Education

Figure 4 unveil Competency level of barangay officials in computer operation

-High School Graduate is the most competent than the rest of the educational level
-High Scholl graduates are competent across all computer operations than to other education levels except for that of
Word category were college-level dominates.








Word Excel Powerpoint Internet & Email
Competency 2.8677 1.1702 1.0179 1.0429

Legend: DI-Descriptive Interpretation; 2.34-3.00- Advance (A); 1.68-2.33-Intermediate (I) ; 1.00-1.67-Bigginner (B)

Figure 5. Competency Level of Barangay Officials in Computer Operation in San Fernando

Figure 5 unveil Competency level of barangay officials in computer operation

-Word Computer operation is the most competent competency of barangay officials in San Fernando.

Based on the results of this study, It can be inferred that it is only in MS Word where the participants have a higher level of
competencies, follows by MS Excel, then MS PowerPoint and lastly on the Internet and Email.
Further, when asked about their willingness to be trained to enhance their computer skills, 100 percent of respondents are
willing to undergo skills training.

© 2021, IJASRW, All right reserved
International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work (2581-5997)/ Volume 4/Issue1/January 2021

Based on the data gathered it is safe to conclude the following information with regards to the personal computer operation of
the barangay officials and employees in San Fernando, Romblon. There is a limited number of computers present in each of the
barangay. The number of computers in each barangay cannot suffice the one-to-one ratio of computers to its officers and
employees. The competency level of the barangay official and employees in terms of personal computer operation on the usage
of MSWord was at the advanced level, it can be attributed to the fact that the common transaction that happened in the barangay
was the constituents were requesting for a barangay clearance which is needed and one of the preliminary requirement in
seeking for a job and require word processing in the part of the barangay officials and employees. On the other hand, the
competence in the usage of MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, and Internet and Email is at the beginners' level. This is because it is
observable on the island like slow internet connection, and selected barangay employees are only prone to using some of the
other applications.

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