The Gummy Bear Experiment Answer

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The Gummy Bear Experiment

Every investigation starts with identifying

the variables. Then, writing an Aim,
hypothesis and designing a method.
We want to investigate the effect of
changing the mass of sugar in water on the
length of the gummy bears. (0g, 10g, 20g)
of sugar are added to 3 different beakers of
water. Leave them for 4 hours and observe
the change in length.
Note that the re is no water inside the
gummy bears.

Independent variable: the mass of sugar ( 0g,10g,20g) measure using

an electric balance (g)

Dependent variable: the change in length of the gummy bears

measured using a ruler (cm)
Controlled variables:
Controlled variables How to be controlled
Volume of water Measured using a
graduated cylinder
Temperature of the Measured using a
water thermometer
The color of the Placing all red gummy
gummy bears bears
Type of gummy bears All of the same pack
and brand
To investigate the effect of changing the mass of sugar on the change of
the length of the gummy bears

Hypothesis: (Remember to research for your scientific explanation and

document your resources in MLA form)
If the mass of sugar in water increase then the change in size of gummy
bears decrease because as the water molecules outside of the gummy
bears are greater in number than inside the water will move by osmosis
into the gummy bears, as the sugar mass increase the amount of water
decrease this is why the greater the mass of sugar the less increase in

1. Wear a lab coat and goggles to avoid splashes on your clothes and
2. Roll sleeves and tie hair back to avoid contact with glass
3. Buy one pack of gummy bears to ensure they are the same brand
4. Bring 3 “150 ml” beakers
5. Use 3 graduated cylinders and measure 100ml of room
temperature water in each using and check the water temperature
using a thermometer
6. Pour the contents of the first graduated cylinder into the first
7. Pour the contents of the second graduated cylinder into the
second beaker, add 1 teaspoon of sugar and stir the solution
8. Pour the contents of the third graduated cylinder into the third
beaker, add 4 teaspoons of sugar to it and stir the solution
9. Measure the length of 3 gummy bears in cm using a ruler, record
your measurement
10. Add one gummy bear to each beaker
11. Wait for 24 hours then remove the gummy bears from each
beaker and measure the length of each gummy bear in cm using a ruler
12. Record the change in size of each of the 3 gummy bears
13. Repeat the experiment 3 times for each solution, record the
change in size and calculate the average by adding the sum of the
lengths divided by the number of trials

Raw data table:

Title: the initial and final length of gummy bears when placed in different masses of sugar in water

Or the effect of changing the mass of sugar on the initial and final length of the gummy bears

Mass of sugar in water (g) Length of gummy bears (cm)

Initial Final
0 2 6
10 2 4
20 2 3

Data processing:

Change in gummy bear length = final length- initial length

Change in gummy bear length in 0 g of sugar solution= 6-2= 4 cm
Processed data table:
Title: the change in length of gummy bears when placed in different
masses of sugar solutions added to water.
Or the effect of changing the mass of sugar in water on the change in
length of the gummy bears

Mass of sugar in water (g) Change in gummy bear length

0 4
10 2
20 1

Title : : the change in length of gummy bears when placed in different
masses of sugar solutions added to water.
Or the effect of changing the mass of sugar in water on the change in
length of the gummy bears


change in gummy bear length (cm)





0 10 20
change in mass of sugar in water (g)

Series 1
The data obtained supported my hypothesis which stated ‘If the mass
of sugar in water increase then the change in size of gummy bears
decrease’ it can be seen from the results that the highest change in the
gummy bear length 4 cm was when put in 0 g of sugar solution, and
when placed in 10 g of sugar solution the change in length of the
gummy bears was 2 cm while placed in the 20 g mass of sugar the
change in length was 1cm. a pattern can be seen that as the mass of
sugar increases the change in length is decreasing. this is because as
the water molecules outside of the gummy bears are greater in number
than inside the water will move by osmosis into the gummy bears, as
the sugar mass increase the amount of water decrease this is why the
greater the mass of sugar the less increase in size

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