Карта заняття 2, ІІ сем.

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Навчально-методична карта заняття № 2

Дисципліна: Англійська мова

Вид заняття: практичне

Час: 2 години

Тема заняття:
Музичне виконавське мистецтво.

Мета заняття:
- формувати навички вживання пасивного стану;
- вдосконалювати лексичні навички й навички вимови;
- розвивати культуру спілкування й мовленнєву реакцію учнів;
- виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань..

Забезпечення заняття

Наочні посібники: граматичні таблиці і тематичні малюнки.

Роздатковий матеріал: картки з граматичним матеріалом.

Технічні засоби: музичний центр, телевізор, DVD-плеєр.


1. Присухін Модест. The Course of English for Music Colleges. – Тернопіль: «Видавництво
«Підручники і посібники», 2013. – 176 с.

1. Англійська мова. Зовнішнє незалежне оцінювання 2013. Універсальне видання:
теоретичний матеріал, граматичні вправи, тестові завдання у форматі ЗНО, відповіді до
тестів/ упоряд. Т.Б.Будна, О.О.Радчук. – Тернопіль: Навчальна книга – Богдан, 2013.
– 472 с.
2. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English/ - Oxford University Press, 1992. –
1041 с.
3. Moutsou E. Use of English B2 for all exams. Published by: MM Publication, 2009.
4. Raymond Murphy. English Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press.

Карта заняття № 12, ІІІ курс, 1 семестр 1


1. Warm-up
1) What do we mean, speaking about musical style?
2) What is typical for genres?
3) What must you do before playing any musical composition?
2. Reading and speaking
Read the text and try to catch the main idea of it.
The History of Performing Art
Performing arts are art forms in which artists use their body or voice to convey artistic
expression—as opposed to visual arts, in which artists use paint/canvas or various materials to create
physical art objects. The first recorded use of the term performing arts was in 1711.
Performing arts may include primary forms, such as dance, music, opera, theatre and musical
theatre, and minor or secondary forms like Magic and/or illusion, mime, spoken word, puppetry circus
arts, recitation and public speaking. Artists who participate in performing arts in front of an audience are
called performers, including actors, comedians, dancers, magicians, musicians, and singers.
Starting in the 6th century BC, the Classical period of performing art began in Greece, ushered in
by the tragic poets such as Sophocles. These poets wrote plays which, in some cases, incorporated dance.
In the 15th century performing arts, along with the arts in general, saw a revival as the
Renaissance began in Italy and spread throughout Europe plays, some of which incorporated dance,
which were performed and Domenico da Piacenza credited with the first use of the term ballo  instead
of danza (dance) for his baletti or balli. The term eventually became Ballet. The first Ballet is thought to
be Balthasar de Beaujoyeulx's Ballet Comique de la Reine (1581).

Painting of a showing of Commedia dell'arte - dated 1657.

By the mid-16th century Commedia Dell'arte became popular in Europe, introducing the use

of improvisation. This period also introduced the Elizabethan masque, featuring music, dance and
elaborate costumes as well as professional theatrical companies in England. William Shakespeare's plays
in the late 16th century developed from this new class of professional performance.
In 1597, the first opera Daphne ( libretto by Ottavio Rinuccini and mostly-lost music by Jacopo
Peri)  was performed and throughout the 17th century, opera would rapidly become the entertainment of
choice for the aristocracy in most of Europe.
During the 18th century, the introduction of the popular opera buffa brought opera to the masses
as an accessible form of performance. Mozart's The Marriage of Figaro and Don Giovanni are landmarks
of the late 18th century opera.
At the turn of the 19th century Beethoven and the Romantic movement ushered in a new era that
lead first to the spectacles of grand opera and then to the musical dramas of Giuseppe Verdi and
the Gesamtkunstwerk (total work of art) of the operas of Richard Wagner leading directly to the music of
the 20th century.

Карта заняття № 12, ІІІ курс, 1 семестр 2


performing art - виконавське мистецтво

visual art - візуальне мистецтво
to convey - виражати, передавати ідею
puppetry - лялькова комедія
recitation - декламація
public speaking - публічне читання
to usher in - докладати
to incorporate - об’єднувати, змішувати
revival - відродження
to credit with - приписувати, наділяти
to elaborate - детально розробляти
an accessible form - доступна форма
spectacles - глядачі
spur - звання лицаря, шпора
to showcase - виставляти на показ
advent - виступ, показ
craft - діло, справа, ремесло
to perfect - удосконалювати, завершувати
lavish - щедрий, розкішний, марнотратний
setting - декорації і костюми, постановка
facility - дар, здібність, можливості
patter - скоромовка, жаргон
pricey - цінний

3. Vocabulary practice
Exercise 1. Think what you know about the following information and then compare it with that
one taken from the Oxford Advanced Dictionary of Current English.
 Domenico da Piacenza (ca. 1400 – ca. 1470) was an Italian Renaissance dancing master.
Domenico da Piacenza (sometimes known as Domenico da Ferrara) was born sometime around
1400 in Piacenza, where he grew up and began teaching dance. He soon became a very popular
teacher with some of his students – most notably Antonio Cornazzano and Guglielmo Ebreo –
later becoming successful dance masters themselves. Domenico worked for some of the most
influential Italian families of the time and not only composed choreography for them but also
performed alongside them at important events such as weddings. He achieved a Knighthood – he
was a knight of the Golden Spur – and was founder of the first Lombardic dance school.
Domenico died in Ferrara around 1470.

 The Ballet Comique de la Reine was first shown on October 15, 1581 to the court of Catherine
de' Medici. The "Ballet Comique de la Reine" was created for the wedding celebration of King
Louis's sister, Marguerite of Lorraine who married Duc de Joyeuse. The ballet was choreographed
by Beaujoyeulx and was the first piece to include poetry, music, design and dance to create a
Карта заняття № 12, ІІІ курс, 1 семестр 3
storyline. The pricey production lasted five and half hours and the Queen and King both
participated in the performance.

 Commedia dell’arte (Italian pronunciation: [komˈmɛːdja delˈlarte]) is a form

of theatre characterized by masked “types” which began in Italy in the 16th century and was
responsible for the advent of the actresses and improvised performances based on sketches
or scenarios. The closest translation of the name is “comedy of craft”. Commedia dell’arte was
performed by professional actors (comici) who perfected a specific role or mask.

 Elizabethan Masques is the form of entertainment known as Masques first became popular at the
court of King Henry VIII, the father of Queen Elizabeth. And this form of Renaissance upper class
entertainment continued into the Elizabethan era. A Masque was a lavish, dramatic entertainment
often spoken in verse, usually performed by masked, disguised players representing mythological
or allegorical figures.

 Opera buffa (Italian: opere buffe; English: comic opera) is a genre of opera. It was first used as an
informal description of Italian comic operas variously classified by their authors as "commedia in
musica". It is especially associated with developments in the first half of the 18th century and its
popularity spread to Rome and northern Italy. It was at first characterized by everyday settings,
local dialects and simple vocal writing (the basso buffo is the associated voice type), the main
requirement being clear diction and facility with patter.

Карта заняття № 12, ІІІ курс, 1 семестр 4

 Grand opera is a genre of 19th-century opera generally in four or five acts, characterized by large-
scale casts and orchestras, and lavish and spectacular design and stage effects, normally with plots
based on or around dramatic historic events. The term is particularly applied to certain productions
of the Paris Opéra from the late 1820s to around 1850; grand opéra has sometimes been used to
denote the Paris Opéra itself.

Exercise 2. Complete the following sentences with the words from the box and then check your
answers with the texts.
Performing arts, simple vocal writing, to convey artistic expression, Commedia Dell'arte,
an accessible form, a specific role or mask, aristocracy, Richard Wagner, opera buffa,
professional theatrical companies, “Daphne”, Beethoven, Giuseppe Verdi, a revival

1. Performing arts are art forms in which artists use their body or voice ________as opposed to visual
2. Artists who participate in ________ in front of an audience are called performers.
3. In the 15th century performing arts, along with the arts in general, saw _______ as the Renaissance
began in Italy and spread throughout Europe plays.
4. By the mid-16th century _______ became popular in Europe, introducing the use of improvisation.
5. Commedia dell’arte was performed by professional actors (comici) who perfected ___________ .
6. The Elizabethan masque featured music, dance and elaborated costumes as well as _______
in England. 
7. In 1597 the first opera _________ was performed and throughout the 17th century it rapidly became
the entertainment of choice for the ________ in most of Europe.
8. During the 18th century, the introduction of the popular _______ brought opera to the masses as
_______ of performance. 
9. This opera was at first characterized by everyday settings, local dialects and ________, the main
requirement was clear diction and facility with patter.
10. At the beginning of the 19th century  _________ and the Romantic movement ushered in a new era
that lead first to the spectacles of grand opera and then to the musical dramas of ________  and the
operas of _________ leading directly to the music of the 20th century.

Exercise 3. Ask questions to get these answers.

1. An Italian Renaissance dancing master
2. The first opera Daphne 
3. Performers
4. The Elizabethan masque
5. “The Marriage of Figaro” and “Don Giovanni”
6. Italian comic operas
7. The wedding celebration
8. The music of the 20th century.

Карта заняття № 12, ІІІ курс, 1 семестр 5

Exercise 4. Read the text and try to find some more information about one of the most famous
piano players of your choice.
Famous Piano Players and Composers of the 18th and 19th Century
Have you ever tried to find out how some of the famous piano players and composers that we have
read about started their musical career?
I must say that some of the stories surrounding these great musicians are very interesting.
Do you think that you can be tagged as a great piano player sometime soon or in years to come?
Of course you can! With hard work, dedication and lots of practice, your name can be on list of famous
piano players of the twenty first century.

The transition from the baroque style of music to classical music in 1750 gave way for a number
of pianists to start showing off their skills. Famous piano players such as Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven
shared their new compositions that were written for the piano to the world.
During the classical period, keyboard instruments such as the clavichord, harpsichord and organ
were replaced by the pianoforte (piano).
Even though the piano was still going through an evolution stage, keyboard players fell in love
with the instrument because of the dynamic features it had. Since the piano was not limited in dynamics,
it allows composers to create more unique compositions that would affect the emotions of listeners.
Here is a list of famous piano players and composers from the 18th to 19th century who have
contributed greatly to music globally.

Joseph Haydn (1732 - 1809)

He was born in Rohrau a small Austrian Village. Even though Joseph Haydn was more considered to be a
composer of string quartet music, he had great influences on the lives of Mozart and Beethoven. Haydn
been a great music teacher was able to put out piano sonatas and piano trios in the later period of his
music career.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 - 1791)

Wolfgang Mozart is listed as one of the famous piano composers of the 18th century. He was born in
Salzburg, Austria. He was involved in music from as early as age six. From a young age he was able to
play the Harpsichord and violin. He started to play the piano with no obstacles since he was already a
great keyboard player. He taught piano and composition and composed several great piano concertos and
quartet for piano and strings. 

Ludwig Van Beethoven (1770 - 1827)

Ludwig Beethoven is definitely among the list of great piano composers of all times. Beethoven’s
expressive style of playing influenced a number of composers throughout the nineteenth century. This
Карта заняття № 12, ІІІ курс, 1 семестр 6
musical genius was born in Bonn, Germany. Beethoven also played for Mozart during his teens. He also
studied music with Haydn in Vienna where he spent most of his life.

Franz Schubert (1797 - 1828)

Franz Peter Schubert is one of the finest music composers of the 19th century. Although he lived for a
short period, he was able to compose more than 1000 compositions which include songs, symphonies,
string quartets, sonatas and short piano pieces and operas.

Frederic Chopin (1810 - 1849)

How can we forget Frederic Chopin who devoted most of his compositions to the piano? This young
pianist who was the son of a Polish mother and French father is definitely written down in history among
the famous piano players of the 19th century. Chopin was one composer of piano music that used a lot of
dynamic elements and other expressive features. He is known as one of the piano players who had a great
impact during the romantic era (Chopin is well known for romantic music).

Robert Schumann (1810 - 1856)

Robert Schumann was also a composer of piano music during the early to mid nineteenth century.
Schumann was born in Zwickau, Germany.

Franz Liszt (1811 - 1886)

Franz Liszt was considered to be one of the greatest piano players of the 19th century. Many composers
witness Liszt play their piano composition beyond their expectations. Liszt was one of the many famous
piano players who spend a lot of time practicing. However, his hard work and dedication to practice paid
off and presented him as one of the best pianist in the world.

Clara Wieck Schumann (1819 - 1896)

Clara Schumann was the wife of Robert Schumann. She was born in Leipzig, Germany. Clara was one of
the few women who were recognized for their contribution to music. Clara's ability to play the piano was
as result of his father who taught her. Both Robert and Clara Schumann made a great team composing
piano pieces together.

Карта заняття № 12, ІІІ курс, 1 семестр 7

Exercise 5. Match the words with their Ukrainian equivalents and make up your own sentences.
1. to tag a) сприяти музиці
2. dedication b) бути залученим в музику
3. harpsichord c) великий вплив
4. clavichord d) прикріпляти ярлик
5. dynamic features e) перешкоди
6. to contribute to music f) бути визнаним
7. to put out sonatas g) не очікуючи
8. to be involved in music h) клавікорд
9. obstacles i) віддячити, відплатити
10. a great impact j) завершати
11. beyond the expectations k) присвячення
12. to pay off l) динамічні особливості
13. to be recognized m) клавесин

Exercise 6. Match the words in A and B columns to make up word combinations. Complete the
sentences below with the word combination you’ve got and guess the name of the composer.

classical quartets
keyboard impact
to create career
string team
great period
music influence
keyboard composition
expressive instruments
great style
make player

1. This great person is considered to be a composer of string quartet music, more over, he had _______ on
the lives of Mozart and Beethoven.
2. This composer was also a composer of piano music during ________of the early to mid nineteenth
3. This musician is the finest composer of the 19th century whose compositions include symphonies,
sonatas, _________ short piano pieces and operas.
4. ________ of playing of this genius influenced a number of composers throughout the nineteenth
5. This composer is known as one of the piano players who had a _________ during the romantic era.
6. This recognized pianist _________ composing piano pieces together with one famous composer and
7. This prodigious piano composer during his _________ composed several great piano concertos and
quartet for piano and strings. 
8. This outstanding musician was one of the many famous _________who spend a lot of time practicing.
9. Famous piano players such as __________shared and ________ that were written for the piano to the
10. During the classical period, ________ such as the clavichord, harpsichord and organ were replaced by
the pianoforte (piano).

Exercise 7. Complete the text with the words in brackets putting them into correct forms.
Карта заняття № 12, ІІІ курс, 1 семестр 8
My (1) _________ (favour) composer is Sergey Rakhmaninov and I am fortunate enough to have a friend
who is also a very gifted (2) _________ (piano). As a (3) ________ (profession) musician, she believes
strongly that (4) ________ (music) ability is mostly something you learn, not a (5) _______ (character)
that you are born with. She thinks that (6) _________ (industry) students can improve their ability
enormously. I feel (7) ________ (envy) when I hear my friend perform and ecstatic (8) ________
(respond) that she gets from her audiences at the end of a (9) _______ (perform). Both the public and (10)
_________ (criticize) agree that she is one of the country’s most talented (11) _______ (art). The huge
amount of money she earns gives her the (12) ________ (free) to do almost anything she likes.

Exercise 8. Agree or disagree with the author about the information above. Give your reasons.

5. Summary
1. What have you got to know about the history of performing art?
2. Who is your favourite piano performer? Why?
6. Homework
Exercise 1. Be ready to speak about the performing art.
Exercise 2. Translate sentences into English using the verbs in Passive Voice.
1. Нам показали дуже дивну картину.
2. Тебе шукають. Іди додому.
3. Вас усіх зберуть у залі і розкажуть про зміни в програмі.
4. Чому з нього завжди сміються?
5. Нам усім дали квитки на виставу.
6. Лекції цього відомого професора завжди слухають дуже уважно.
7. Мене чекають?
8. Коли я повернусь додому, усі мої валізи будуть уже складені.
9. За директором вже послали. Зачекайте трохи.
10. Не турбуйтесь, йому допоможуть в роботі.
11. Коли я прийду до дому, обід будуть готувати.

Teacher A. Brodska

Карта заняття № 12, ІІІ курс, 1 семестр 9

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