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You are an electronics technician at an electronic system integration company. Your job
entitles you to build and maintain proper operation of electronic devices by ensuring suitable
of various operational amplifier circuits. You face different scenarios based on the application of
interest. In general, designing the amplifier front end is your responsibility.

Project # 1
Your Boss asks you to get more knowledge about operational amplifiers by studying specific
operational amplifiers of your choice other than 741 op-amp (make sure datasheets are
with your final report):
A) From the datasheet, find the number of pins of the Op-amp IC, the open-loop gain,
bandwidth, CMRR, slew rate, Voltage offset, current offset, input and output impedance,
recommended supply voltages. Tabulate your outcomes with evidence from the data sheets.
Specifically mention why did you choose this op-amp.
B) Mention available amplifiers that this op-amp is used for and discuss in brief its
C) Build a simple Miller’s integrator circuit, having C=1μF and R = 1kΩ for the op-amp chosen
in (A), virtual using Multisim. Evaluate the voltage offset, compare your findings with the
results found in (A) and analyse briefly how did you conclude your result.
D) Build a simple inverting amplifier with a gain of 10V/V circuit, using the op-amp chosen in
(A), virtual using Multisim. Evaluate the slew rate, the input that leads to output saturation
and the amplifier specification in terms of conduction angle and efficiency. Compare the
virtual to the values in (A) and discuss any discrepancies.
E) For the circuit in (D), draw the block diagram of the feedback topology. Define the forward
path gain A and feedback path gain β. Derive the overall circuit gain, input and output
impedance. Show all your steps in detail
F) Explain the principle of operation and the type of feedback for the op-amp in the circuit in
(D). What is the advantage of this circuit?
In all work, organize your findings in a table form, highlight the
discrepancies and suggest possible causes.
Project# 2
You’ve been asked to build a low frequency square generator using Astable multvibrator
having a frequency of 1kHz and 50% duty cycle. Explain the principle of operation and the
type feedback of the op-amp. What is the advantage of this circuit?
You’ve been asked to build a low frequency rectangular generator using a basic comparator
having a frequency of 1kHz and 30% duty cycle. Explain the principle of operation and the
type of feedback of the op-amp. What is the advantage of this circuit?
Build a phase-shift oscillator using, C=1μF and +10V power supply to produce 10 kHz
sinusoidal waveform. Generate your plots and compare output results. Highlight any
discrepancies and discuss what happens if we want to increase the frequency to 100 kHz.
Build a high frequency Colpitts oscillator producing 100kHz Discuss its advantage over RC
oscillators. How can you modify the circuit to include a crystal in you circuit. What is a
typical application of such an oscillator?
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of crystal oscillators.
In all cases, build the circuits virtually using MultisimTM using the same op-amp used in
project #1. Organize your findings in a table form. Compare and analyse your results
and highlight any discrepancies.

Project # 3
You’ve been working with an implementation team to build the following components of a system:
The system consists of a DC power supply, filters, instrumentation amplifier, one-state system
and A/D converter.
Build an AC/DC dual power supply circuit that draws a 55Vp-p sinusoidal voltage, to
provide a dc output voltage of +15 V. Find the proper data sheet of the IC regulator and
specify ranges of output current and voltage. Full analysis of voltages and currents should be
included. What modifications would you recommend to draw more current while
maintaining same output voltage?

Build a 3th order LP and HP filters that cover a signal range in between
0.2Hz and 150Hz an a gain of 10V/V each. Use C = 0.01μF with proper
values of R’s. Record your findings and include plots (magnitude and phase. Calculate the
roll-off of the filter.
 Build an instrumentation amplifier having a differential gain of 80V/V. Choose the right
differential input and common input signals to find the outputs and analyze the CMRR of the
amplifier. What is the key component in the amplifier to increase or decrease the gain?
Includes plots from the MultisimTM to all inputs and outputs.
 Build a one-state system using 555 timers to generate 1-second alert. The system trigger
should be active high trigger. Discuss and analyze the system in detail
 Build 4 bit Flash A/D converter. Discuss the quantization error, resolution, # of comparators
and the priority encoder circuit. Show your final outputs.
In all your work, use MultisimTM. Include datasheets for all devices that you
use.Compare and analyse your results and highlight any discrepancies.

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