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Sem 4 => Maths: Ch - 2

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1 1
(7) x2 1
If∫ dx = k(7) x 2 + c, _____.
(a)-12 log7e (b)-17 log7e
(c) 17 (d)1 log7e

2 ∫ex+xexcos2xexdx= _____+c.
(a)sec(xex) (b)logex+xex
(c) tan(xex) (d)cot(xex)

3 ∫tan1x dx = _____ + c
(a)x tan-1x - 12 log 1 + x2 (b)x tan-1x + 12 log tan-1x1 +x2
(c) x tan-1x + 12 log x2 + 1 (d)11 + x2

4 If ∫f(x) dx= ψ (x), then ∫x5 fx3 dx = _____

(a)13 x3ψx3-3 ∫x3ψx3 dx + c (b)13 x3ψx3-∫x2ψx3 dx + c
(c) 13 x3ψx3-∫x3ψx3 dx + c (d)13 x3ψx3-∫x2ψx3 dx + c

5 ∫log{log(log x)}+1log x·log(log x)dx=_____+c

(a) x log{log(log x)} (b) exlog{log(log x)}
(c) x log(log x) (d)x log x

6 ∫dxx tan x + 12 = _____ + c

(a)tan xx tan x + 1 (b)-1x tan x + 1
(c) -tan xx tan x + 1 (d)-1x tan x + 1

7 ∫ex2sinx2+π4dx=_____+c
(a)ex2cosx2 (b)2ex2cosx2
(c) ex2sinx2 (d)2ex2sinx2

8 ∫ex1+tan x + tan2 xdx =_____+c

(a)ex sin x (b)ex cos x
(c) ex tan x (d)ex sec x

9 ∫excos xdc =ex2f(x)+c then range of f(x)=_____

(a)[0,1] (b)[-1,1]
(c) [-1,0] (d)[-2,2]

10 ∫ex 1 + 1+x2tan-1x1+x2 dx = _____ + c

(a)ex1+x2 (b)x tan-1 x
(c) x1+x2 (d)ex tan-1x

11 ∫e2xlogx+log2+12xdx =_____+c
(a)e2xx (b)e2xlog2x
(c) 12e2xlog2x (d)None of these

12 ∫{sin(logx)+cos(logx)}dx =_____+c
(a)xsin(logx) (b)xcos(logx)
(c) sin(logx) (d)cos(logx)

13 ∫7+log x8+log x2 dx = _____ + c, x > 0

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(a)loge x8-loge x (b)xloge x-8

(c) x8+loge x (d)xloge 8+x

14 ∫1x3 sin log x dx = _____ + c

(a)15x2 -2 sin log x- cos log x (b)15x2 -2 sin log x + cos log x
(c) x25 -2 cos log x + sin log x (d)13x2 -2 sin log x - cos log x

15 ∫(x-1)e-xdx =_____+c
(a)-xe-x (b)xe-x
(c) (-x+1)e-x (d)(x-1)e-x

16 ∫3x9x-1dx k3x9x-1-k log 3x + 9x-1+c then k=_____

(a)12log3 (b)2log3
(c) 2log3e (d)2log2e

17 ∫ cos x 4-sin2x dx =f(x) 4-sin2x+2sin-1(f(x))+c then f(x)=_____

(a) x2 (b) sin2x
(c) sinx (d)12sinx

18 ∫x3 dxx2 + a2 = _____ + c

(a)x22 + a22 log x2 + a2 (b)x22 + a2 log x2 + a2
(c) x2 + a22 log x2 + a2 (d)x22 - a22 log x2 + a2

19 If ddxg(x)=g(x) then
(a) f(x)g(x) (b) f(x){g(x)}2
(c) g'(x){f(x)}2 (d) g(x){f(x)}2

20 Ifddxf(x)=xcosx+sinx and f(0)=2 then f(x)_____

(a)xsinx (b)xcos+sinx+2
(c) xsinx+2 (d)xcosx+2

21 ∫fxx3-1 dx = _____ + c where f(x) is a quadratic polynomial in x f(0) = f(1) = - 3 and f(2) = - 1
(a)logx2+x+1x-1 +23 tan-12x+13 (b)logx2+1x-1 +13 tan-1x+123
(c) logx-1x2+x+1 +13 tan-12x-12 (d)logx2-x-1x+1 +23 tan-12x-13

22 sin-11xdx; x>1 =_____+c

(a) x cosec1-x (b) logx+x2-1
(c) xcosec-1x+logx+x2-1 (d)None of these.

23 ∫logxlogx+2dx= _____+c.
(a)x2logx+1 (b)xlogx2
(c) 2xlogx2 (d)x[logx2+1]

24 ∫exsec x (1 + tanx) dx + _____ + c

(a)exsecx tanx (b)ex tanx
(c) ex secx (d)-ex secx

25 ∫cos-1x + cos-11-x2 dx, ∀x ∈ [-1, 0) = _____ + c

(a)π2x - 2xsin-1x + 2-1-x2 (b)π2x + xsin-1x - 21+x2
(c) π2x - 2xcos-1x - 21-x2 (d)π2x + 2xsin-1x + 21-x2

26 ∫xex1+ex dx = fx 1+ex - 2log1+ex-11+ex+1 + c then fx = _____

(a)x - 1 (b)1+ex+11+ex-1
(c) 2( x - 2) (d)1ex

27 ∫1ex-1 dx = _____ + c
(a) log (ex - 1) - x (b) log (ex + 1) - x
(c) log ex - x (d) log (ex - x) - 1

11/2/2020 GUJCET - 2020 | MCQ Exam |

28 If In = ∫cotnx dx then, I0+I1+2(I2+I3)+I4+I5 = _____ (where u = cotx)

(a) -u+u22+u33+u44 (b) 1 + u + u2 + u3
(c) - (u + u2 + u3 + u4) (d) 1u+1u2+1u3+1u4

29 If I=∫ex sin2x dx then for k=_____ k I= ex (sinx-2cos 2x)+c

(a)3 (b)2
(c) 5 (d)5

30 ∫ex cos2x - sin2x dx = _____ + c

(a)ex5 cos 2x + 2 sin 2x (b)ex5 cos 2x + 2 sin 2x
(c) ex5 2 cos 2x + sin 2x (d)ex5 2 cos 2x + sin 2x

31 ∫e4x 1 - sin 4x1 + cos 4x dx = _____ + c

(a)14e4x cot 2x (b)14e4x cot 4x
(c) -14cot 4x (d)-14e4x cot 2x

32 ∫x+12exdc
(a)xex (b)x2ex
(c) (x+1)ex (d)(x2+1)ex

33 ∫logx +1x2 ex dx = _____ + c

(a)exlogx +1x2 (b)exlogx +1x
(c) exlogx -1x2 (d)exlogx -1x

34 If integration of f(x) is ex and integration of g(x) is cosx, then ∫f(x)cosx dx+∫g(x)ex dx=_____+c
(a)f(x)g(x) (b)f(x)+g(x)
(c) ex (d) f(x)-g(x)

35 ∫x(x+1)2ex dx =_____+c
(a)-ex1+x (b)1+2xex1+x
(c) -1+2xex1+x (d)ex1+x

36 ∫axf'(x)+f(x)logadx=_____+c
(a)ax·loga f'(x) (b)ax·f'(x)
(c) ax·f(x) (d)ax·loga·f(x)

37 If ∫fxdx=gx, then ∫f-1xdx= _____ +c.

(a)xfx-gf-1x (b)xf-1x-gf-1x
(c) xf-1x-gfx (d)xf-1x

38 ∫x6 + 7x5 + 6x4 + 5x3 + 4x2 + 3x + 1 ex dx = _____+ c

(a)∑i=17xiex (b)∑i=16xiex
(c) ∑i=06i ex (d)∑i=06xei

39 ∫exx1+2x dx = _____ + c
(a)xex (b)exx
(c) 2exx (d) xex

40 ∫ex xx 2 + logx dx = _____ + c

(a)ex · xx (b)2ex · xx
(c) ex log x (d)ex · xx log x

41 ∫25x2-30x+3412 dx = _____ + c
(a)5x-31025x2-30x+34 + 510sin-15x-35 (b)5x-31025x2-30x+34 + 2510log5x-3 + 25x2-30x+34
(c) 5x+31025x2-30x+34 + 510log5x-3 + 25x2-30x+34(d)5x+31025x2-30x+34 - 510log5x-3 + 25x2-30x+34

42 ∫ex·xndx =_____+c

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(a)exxn-nxn-1+n(n-1)xn-2-_____+(-1)n·n! (b)exxn-nxn-1+n(n-1)xn-2
(c) exxn (d)None of these

43 ∫1+xx2e-xdx =_____+c
(a)-xex (b)exx
(c) -1xex (d)xe-x

44 ∫ ecot-1x1 + x2 1 - x + x2dx = _____ + c

(a)xecot-1x (b)-ecot-1x1 + x2
(c) -xecot-1x (d)ecot-1x1 + x2

45 ∫x-1x2 ex dx =____ + c
(a)1x2ex (b)1xex
(c) -1x2ex (d)-1xex

46 ∫cos x logtenx2dx=_____+c
(a)sin x logtenx2 (b)sin x logtenx2-x
(c) sin x logtenx2+x (d)None of these

47 ∫ ex sinx (sinx + 2cosx) dx = _____ + c

(a) ex sinx (b) ex sin2x
(c) ex sin2x (d) ex cosx

48 ∫x5ex2dx=ex2f(x)+c, then f(x)=_____

(a)x4-2x2+2 (b)x4+2x2+2
(c) x4-2x2-2 (d)x4+2x2-2

49 ∫d2dx2(tan-1x) dx = _____ + c
(a) 11+x2 (b) tan-1x
(c) xtan-1x - 12log(1+x2) (d)None of these

50 ∫tan-1xdx=
(a)xtan-1x + 12logtan-1xx2+1 (b)xtan-1x - 12logx2+1
(c) xtan-1x + 12logx2+1 (d)11+x2

51 ∫sin-1(3x-4x2)dx=_____+c where 0<x<12

(a)3xsin-1x-31-x2 (b)3xsin-1x+1-x2
(c) 3xsin-1x+31-x2 (d)xsin-1x-31-x2

52 ∫ cos (log x ) dx = _____ + c

(a)x2cos(logx) + sin(log x) (b)x4cos(logx) + sin(log x)
(c) x2cos(logx) - sin(log x) (d)x2sin(logx) - cos(log x)

53 ∫excosx(1+tanx) dx = _____ + c
(a) ex secx (b) ex tanx
(c) ex cosx (d) ex sinx

54 ∫ cos x1+sin x2+sinx dx = _____ + c

(a)log 1-sin x2-sin x (b)log 1+cos x2+cos x
(c) log 1+sin x2+sin x (d)log 2+sin x1+sin x

55 ∫x5 + 6x4 + 5x3 + 4x2 + 3x + 1ex dx = _____ + c

(a)∑i=15xi ex (b)∑i=05xi ex
(c) ∑i=16xi ex (d)∑i=06xi ex

56 ∫ex sec x + log sec x + tan x dx = _____ + c

(a)ex sec x (b)ex log sec x + tan x
(c) sec x log sec x + tan x (d)ex sec x log sec x + tan x

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57 ∫x4 ex dx = _____ + c
(a)ex x4 - 4x3 + 12x2 - 24x + 24 (b)ex x4 + 4x3 + 12x2 - 24x + 24
(c) ex x4 - 4x3 - 12x2 - 24x + 24 (d)ex x4 + 4x3 + 12x2 + 24x - 24

58 ∫cos3 x+cos5 xsin2 x+sin4 x dx = _____

(a)sin x-6 tan-1 sin x + c (b)sin x-2sin x-1 + c
(c) sin x-2sin x-1-6 tan-1 sin x + c (d)sin x-2sin x-1+5 tan-1 sin x + c

59 ∫x+1x2ex dx = _____ + c
(a)1x e-x (b)-1x e-x
(c) x ex (d)-x ex

60 ∫ex1 + sinx1 + cosx dx = _____ + c

(a)ex cot x (b)ex cot x2
(c) ex tan x2 (d)ex2 . tan x2

61 ∫log x-11+log x22 dx = _____

(a)xx2+1 + c (b)log xlog x2+1 + c
(c) xlog x2+1 + c (d)xex1+x2 + c

62 ∫ex1 + x logxx dx = _____ + c

(a)exlogx (b)x . ex
(c) 1xlogx (d)e-xlogx

63 ∫ sin2 x + sin 2xex dx = _____ + c

(a)ex sin2 x + c (b)ex sin x + c
(c) ex - sin2 x + c (d)ex sin 2x + c

64 ∫1x(x5+1)dx =_____+c
(a)15logx5x5+1 (b)logx5x5+1
(c) 16logx6x6+1 (d)logxx+1

65 ∫exx logexx dx = _____ + c

(a) ex logxx (b) exxlogxx
(c) ex logx (d) None of these

66 ∫e2xsin x cos x dx =e2x8f(x)+c then fπ4=_____

(a)1 (b)0
(c) 2 (d)12

67 ∫sin2xsin4x+cos4xdx= _____+c.
(a)tan-112tanx (b)tan-1tanx
(c) tan-1tan2x (d)tan-12 tanx

68 If ∫dxx2+1 x2+4 = Atan-1x + Btan-1x2 + C then A +B = _____

(a)13 (b)16
(c) -16 (d)-13

69 ∫x2-8x+7 dx = _____ + c
(a)12x-4x2-8x+7 + 9logx-4+x2-8x+7 (b)12x+4x2-8x+7 + 9logx+4+x2-8x+7
(c) 12x-4x2-8x+7 - 32logx-4+x2-8x+7 (d)12x-4x2-8x+7 - 92logx-4+x2-8x+7

70 If fx = 0 x2-sinx cosx-2sinx-x2 0 1-2x2-cosx 2x-1 0 then, ∫fx dx = _____ + c

(a)x33 - x2sinx + sin2x (b)x33 - x2sinx + cos2x
(c) x33 - x2cosx + cos2x (d)None of these

71 ∫dxx2 x + 1 = _____ + c
(a)logxx + 1 - 1x (b)logx(x + 1) - 1x
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(c) logx + 1x - 1x (d)logx + 1x2 + 1x2

72 ∫x tan2 x dx = _____ + c
(a)x tan x + x - log sec x + x22 (b)x tan x - x - log sec x - x22
(c) x tan x - log sec x + x22 (d)x tan x - x - log sec x + x22

73 If∫888x·88x·8xdx=k888x + c, then k= _____.

(a)log8e-2 (b)log8e-1
(c) log8e-3 (d)log8e-4

74 ∫sin x 4-cos2x dx = _____ + c

(a)-cos x2 4 - cos2x + 2 log x + 4 - cos2x (b)-cos x2 4 - cos2x + 2 sin-1 cos x2
(c) -cos x2 4 - cos2x - 2 sin-1 cos x2 (d)cos x2 4 - cos2x + 2 sin-1 cos x2

75 ∫sin-1x1+xdx=_____+c
(a)21+x sin-1x+21-x (b)21+x (sin-1x+2)
(c) 21+x sin-1x+41-x (d)none of these

76 ∫exsinx cosx dx = _____+c

(a)ex25 cos(2x-tan-12) (b)ex25 sin(2x-tan-12)
(c) e225 sin(2x+tan-12) (d)e2x25 sin(2x+π-tan-12)

77 ∫x2-6dx =_____+c
(a)x2x2-6 - 3sin-1x6 (b)x2x2-6 - 3sinx + x2 -6
(c) x2x2-6 + 3sinx + x2 -6 (d)x2x2-6 + 3sin-1x6

78 ∫[f(x)g"(x)-f"(x)g(x)]dx=_____
(a)f(x)g'(x) (b)f(x)g(x)-f(x)g'(x)
(c) f(x)g'(x)-f'(x)g(x) (d)f(x)g'(x)+f'(x)g(x)

79 ∫e-xsin23xdx=Ae-x+Bex(6sin 6x-cos 6x)+c then A+B=_____

(a)-1937 (b)3719
(c) 1837 (d)3718

80 ∫sin x dx =_____
(a)2sin x - xcosx (b)2sin x - cosx
(c) 2sin x + xcosx (d)2sin x + cosx

81 ∫f2x(f'(x)+log2·f(x))dx=_____+c
(a)2xf'(x) (b)2xf(x)
(c) 2x(log2)f(x) (d)(log2)f(x)

82 ∫tan-1 2x dx = _____ + c
(a)x tan-12x - 18 log1 + 4x2 (b)x tan-12x - 12 log1 + 4x2
(c) x tan-1x - 14 log1 + 4x2 (d)x tan-12x - 14 log1 + 4x2

83 ∫exx+21+(x+2)log(x+2)dx =_____+c
(a)exlog(x+2) (b)ex(x+2)
(c) ex(x+2) (d)ex(x-2)

84 If ∫dxx-x7=p(x), then ∫x6x-x7dx=_____

(a)In |x|-p(x)+c (b)In |x|+p(x)+c
(c) x-p(x)+c (d)c+p(x)+c

85 ∫e5log x - e3log x e4log x - e2log x dx = _____ + c

(a)x22 (b)e2 log x
(c) e3 log x (d)x33

86 ∫ log 3x + 1x2ex dx = _____ + c

(a)exlog3x (b)ex log3x+1x2
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(c) ex log3x-1x (d)ex log3x+1x

87 ∫x2n-1sinxn dx = _____ + c
(a)1n-xncosxn + sinxn (b)1nxcosxn - sinxn
(c) 1n-xnsinxn + cosxn (d)1ncosxn + sinxn

88 ∫x2x3-1x3+4 dx = _____ + c
(a)115 log x3-1x3+4 (b)- log x3x3-1
(c) 12 log x3-1x3+4x3 (d)log x3x3-1x3+4

89 ∫ log x (log x + 2) dx = _____ + c

(a) x (log x)2 (b) x (1 + log x)2
(c) x [1 + (log x2)] (d) log xx

90 ∫exdx=_____+c
(a)ex (b)12ex
(c) 2(x-1)ex (d)2(x+1)ex

91 ∫ x4x (1 + log x) dx = _____ + c

(a)x4x4 (b)x3x3
(c) 4x5x (d) xx (1 + log x)

92 ∫logx-11+(logx)22dx =_____+c
(a)xx2+1 (b)logx(logx)2+1
(c) x(logx)2+1 (d)xexx2+1

93 ∫cot x dxcos4 x+sin4 x = _____ + c

(a)-12 log cot x+cot4 x+1 (b)12 log cot2 x+cot4 x+1
(c) -12 log cot2 x+cot4 x+1 (d)12 log tan2 x+tan4 x+1

94 ∫etan-1x1 + x2(1 + x + x2 ) dx = _____+c

(a)etan-1 x (b)etan-1 x1 + x2
(c) x . etan-1 x (d)x1 + xetan-1x

95 ∫sin-1x(1-x2)32dx=x sin-1x1-x2+k log 1-x2 + c then k=_____

(a)12 (b)-12
(c) 2 (d)-2

96 ∫exx-4x5 dx = _____ + c
(a)exx5 (b)-exx4
(c) exx4 (d)-exx5

97 ∫1 -x + 1x2 1 - 1x2 dx = _____ + c

(a)x2 + 12x1 -x + 1x2 + 12 sin-1 x2 + 1x (b)x2 + 12x1 -x + 1x2 + 12 log x + 1x + 1 -x + 1x2
(c) can not be found (d)None of the above

98 ∫log x(1+log x)2dx =_____+c

(a)11+logx (b)ex1+logx
(c) xlogx (d)x1+logx

99 If ddxf(x)=xlogx then f(x)=_____+c

(a)x2logx2e (b)x22logx2e
(c) x24logx2e (d)x2elogx2e

100 ∫f(x)dx =g(x) then ∫f(x)g(x)dx=

(a)12f(x)2 (b)g(x)2
(c) f(x)2 (d)12g(x)2

101 ∫(5+logx)dx(6+logx)2 = _____ + c

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(a)xlogex + 6 (b)15 + logex

(c) x logex + 5 (d)ex logex + 6

102 ∫ex2 cosx2 dx = _____ + c

(a)ex2 sinx2-π4 (b)ex2 sinx2+π4
(c) ex2 cosx2+π4 (d)None of these

103 ∫1-cos x cosec2 x dx = _____ + c

(a)2 tan x2 (b)tan x2
(c) cot x2 (d)12 tan x2

104 ∫loga x dx = _____ + c ( ાં a < -e)

(a)x loga e loge x-1 (b)a loge x loge x+1
(c) x loge a loge x-1 (d)x loga x loge x-1

105 ∫1+sin x4 dx = _____ + c

(a)8sin x8-cos x8 (b)8 sin x8+cos x8
(c) sin x8+cos x8 (d)18 sin x8-cos x8

106 ∫ecot-1x1-x1+x2dx= _____+c.

(a)12ecot-1x (b)12xecot-1x
(c) xecot-1x (d)ecot-1x

107 If In=∫(logx)x dx then In + n In-1 =_____

(a) x (log x)n (b) (x log x)n
(c) (log x)n-1 (d) n (log x)n

108 ∫e3x sin 2x dx = _____ + c

(a)e3x13 sin 2x-tan-123 (b)e3x13 cos 2x-tan-132
(c) e3x13 sin 2x+tan-123 (d)e3x13 cos 2x+tan-132

109 ∫ 3 + log x4 + log x2 dx = _____ + c

(a)ex4 + logex (b)x4 + logex
(c) x3 + logex (d)ex3 + logex


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