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Reactive & Functional Polymers 68 (2008) 1325–1336

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Sulfonation of macroporous poly(styrene-co-divinylbenzene) beads:

Effect of the proportion of isomers on their cation exchange capacity
Claudio A. Toro, Raúl Rodrigo, Jorge Cuellar *
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Salamanca, Plaza de los Caídos 1-5, 37008 Salamanca, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The influence of the proportions of the meta- and para-isomers of divinylbenzene and eth-
Received 12 March 2008 ylstyrene in the degree of sulfonation of macroporous poly(styrene-co-divinylbenzene)
Received in revised form 16 May 2008 (poly(ST-co-DVB)) beads has been investigated. The first step in this work was the synthe-
Accepted 14 June 2008
sis of poly(ST-co-DVB) beads, with different porous structures, by variation of the propor-
Available online 21 June 2008
tions of cross-linking agent (%DVB) and of the volume fraction of monomers in the organic
phase (Fm) of the polymerization mixture. The next step involved transformation of the
polymeric beads obtained into cation exchange resins by means of hot sulphuric acid treat-
ment. The quantitative extent of the sulfonation reaction was evaluated by measuring the
Sulfonation ion exchange capacity (q) of each type of resin. The Design of Experiments (DOE) method-
Poly(styrene-co-divinylbenzene) beads ology was used to study the effects of %DVB and Fm on q and it was found that only the
Cation exchange resins %DVB factor exerted a significant effect on this parameter, its influence being non-linear
meta-Divinylbenzene and negative. To obtain more reliable results, a new set of experiment was performed in
para-Divinylbenzene which the range of %DVB values was expanded, covering from 25% to 80% DVB. The results
Cation exchange capacity indicated again that the influence of the %DVB factor on q was non-linear and negative;
that is, an increase of %DVB in the synthesis process led to a decrease in q. Since this effect
can be thought to be due to the hindered penetration of the sulfonation mixture into the
very cross-linked gel-type nanoparticles comprising the beads, an attempt was made to
find an interrelationship between the specific surface area (SBET) of each type of bead
and their q, trying to determine whether the sulfonation was merely a surface process.
However, it was found that not only did sulfonation of the surface of the nanoparticles
occur but also that the sulfonation agent penetrated into their interior. Taking these obser-
vations into account, it was suspected that one or more of the isomers present in the com-
mercial DVB polymerize in such a way that their sulfonation is not complete. To check this
possibility, the proportion of the DVB isomers and q were correlated The quantitative rela-
tionship found indicated that the absence of a completely homogeneous sulfonation of
poly(ST-co-DVB) beads seems to be due to an insufficient sulfonation of the benzene rings
of the para-isomers present in commercial DVB.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction recovery and concentration of cations) to their use as

catalysts [1–7]. However, since each of these applications
Cation exchange resins are useful in a large number of has different characteristics, the best performance in each
applications, ranging from the exchange of cations for dif- one of them will only be achieved by using cation exchange
ferent purposes in many industrial and laboratory fields resins with properties suited to the application. The
[1,2] (substitution, elimination, isolation, separation, properties of ion exchange beads, which usually have an
important effect on their performance, are their
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 923294479; fax: +34 923294574. structural characteristics and their type and degree of
E-mail address: (J. Cuellar). functionalization.

1381-5148/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1326 C.A. Toro et al. / Reactive & Functional Polymers 68 (2008) 1325–1336


%DVB weight percentage of DVB isomers in the mono- x%DVBxFm coded value of the %DVB  Fm interaction
meric mixture xFm coded value of Fm
F Fisher statistic Xm sum of the molar fraction of the meta-isomers
Fm volume fraction of monomers in the organic Xm-DVB molar fraction of the m-EVB in the monomeric
phase mixture
p-value level of experimental significance of the test Xm-EVB molar fraction of the m-DVB in the monomeric
q cation exchange capacity (meq/g dry resin) mixture
qm maximum cation exchange capacity (meq/g dry Xp sum of the molar fraction of the para-isomers in
resin) the monomeric mixture
q predicted maximum cation exchange capacity Xp-DVB molar fraction of the p-DVB in the monomeric
(meq/g dry resin) mixture
SBET specific surface area, calculated from the nitro- Xp-EVB molar fraction of the p-EVB in the monomeric
gen adsorption isotherm (m2/g) mixture
t Student statistic XST molar fraction of styrene in the monomeric
x%DVB coded value of %DVB mixture

Regarding their structural characteristics, ion exchange with 50%, w/w, cross-linking, the exchange capacity should
resins are usually classified in two groups with major decrease to approximately 4.7 meq/g owing to the increase
structural differences: gel and macroreticular resins. Most in the molecular weight of the polymeric structural unit.
cation exchange resins are manufactured from spherical However, in practice, reported experimental cation ex-
polymeric beads synthesized by the procedure of suspen- change capacities vary widely and are usually in the
sion copolymerization [1,2], using styrene (ST) and divinyl- 1–5.4 meq/g range, gel-type resins showing the highest
benzene (DVB) as monomers. DVB is a cross-linking agent values [22–25], while most macroporous resins have lower
that provides physical strength to the beads. Gel-type res- values. Depending on the conditions of the sulfonation
ins made from poly(ST-co-DVB) beads usually have a DVB reaction, such as temperature, the degree of cross-linking,
content below 12% because higher percentages of DVB in- the reaction time and the size of the beads, different ex-
volve a very low swelling capacity and the rate of the dif- change capacities can be achieved [26–31]. Nevertheless,
fusion processes in their interior is slow [3]. the differences between gel and macroporous resins in
Conversely, macroreticular (or macroporous) cation ex- the values of this feature cannot always be explained in
change resins are synthesized from polymeric beads with a terms of the above different conditions of the sulfonation
very high proportion of DVB and, owing to their higher de- reaction and neither do they seem to be due to the differ-
gree of cross-linking, they have higher mechanical and ent molecular weight of the polymeric structural unit in
chemical stability than the gel type. Beads of macroporous the case of beads with different degrees of cross-linking.
cation exchangers are formed by agglomerated nano- Since a low capacity is usually assumed to be due to a
spheres arranged in groups (affording a porous structure), incomplete sulfonation of the benzene rings caused by hin-
their pore size distribution being a function of the synthe- dered diffusion of the sulfonation agent into the beads, sev-
sis conditions [8–13] of the polymeric matrix. The exis- eral studies [22–24,29–31] have attempted to search for a
tence of permanent pores allows the entrance of very relationship between the cation exchange capacity of the
large molecules, or ions, into the beads and a relatively fast resins, or their catalytic activity, and some of the factors re-
mass-transfer rate by diffusion into their interior. lated to their manufacturing process. From the results of
With regard to the degree of functionalization, the those works it may be deduced that the degree of cross-
transformation of poly(ST-co-DVB) beads into cation ex- linking, the porosity, and the type of DVB isomers do have
change resins can be accomplished by several methods, some type of influence on the resulting exchange capacity
the one most widely used (in the case of strong cation ex- of cation exchange resins. Despite this, although the useful-
change resins) involving the sulfonation of polymeric ness of these kinds of materials in principle depends on
beads by hot concentrated sulphuric acid [1,14–20]. This their cation exchange capacity, there is lack of quantitative
gives rise to an aromatic electrophilic substitution reaction studies addressing the real effects of such factors.
and sulfonic acid groups are incorporated to the aromatic In light of the above, here we were prompted to seek
rings. The degree of sulfonation, and hence the exchange quantitative information aimed at facilitating the design
capacity, is an important feature of cation exchange resins of processes for the synthesis of resins with predetermined
because in exchange and catalytic operations [21–23] their properties. Thus, in this work we report the results of the
performance depends on this parameter. Cation exchange synthesis of a set of polymeric beads made with very dif-
capacities, which are usually measured [1] through H+/ ferent structural characteristics, together with the results
Na+ exchange, depend only slightly on the degree of concerning their degree of sulfonation. In particular, the
cross-linking of the polymer. Thus, in the case of polysty- objectives of this research were (a) to determine the fac-
rene, a mono-sulfonation of each benzene ring in the poly- tors, or variables, involved in the process of synthesis of
mer results in a exchange capacity of about 5.4 meq/(g dry the polymeric matrix that have a significant effect on the
resin in the H+ form), whereas, for poly(ST-co-DVB) resins final cation exchange capacity of the resins, and (b) to find
C.A. Toro et al. / Reactive & Functional Polymers 68 (2008) 1325–1336 1327

a quantitative interrelationship between those significant 2.3. Polymeric bead sulfonation procedure
factors and the final cation exchange capacity of the resins
synthesized. Then, the first step in this work was the syn- The transformation of the macroporous polymeric
thesis of poly(ST-co-DVB) beads, with different porous beads into strong cation exchange resins through their sul-
structures, by changing the proportions of cross-linking fonation was accomplished following the usual procedure
agent (%DVB) and of the volume fraction of monomers in for the sulfonation [1,14–20] of polystyrene beads: the pre-
the organic phase (Fm) of the polymerization mixture. In cursor macroporous poly(ST-co-DVB) beads were function-
a second step the polymeric beads were transformed into alized to convert them into cation exchange resin in 250-
cation exchange resins by means of hot sulphuric acid mL, three-necked, round-bottomed glass reactors
treatment. The degree of sulfonation was evaluated by equipped with mechanical stirrers, reflux condensers, and
measuring the ion exchange capacity (q) of each type of re- thermometers. The reactors were loaded with 100 mL of
sin. The design of experiments (DOE) methodology was sulphuric acid (95–98%) and heated to 75 °C in a polyethyl-
used to study the effects of %DVB and Fm on q, and some ene glycol bath. Then, 0.02 g of silver sulfate, as a catalyst
interrelationships have been obtained through the analysis for the sulfonation reaction, was added to the reactors
of the results by multiple linear regression. and the mixture was stirred to dissolve the solids. Follow-
ing this, a sample of macroporous beads (about 1 g), previ-
ously swollen in DCM (30 ml) for 4 h at room temperature,
2. Experimental
was slowly added to the reactor. Since sulfonation pro-
gresses with time, the mixture was kept at 75 °C for suffi-
2.1. Materials
cient time for a steady value of the cation exchange
capacity to be reached. After the reaction time, the mixture
2.1.1. Synthesis of polymeric beads
was sequentially: (a) poured into a beaker placed in a
The monomers to be polymerized were styrene (ST,
freezing water bath to quench the reaction; (b) diluted
99%) and two types of commercial DVB (DVB, containing
slowly, by drop-wise addition of deionised water with a
55% and 80% DVB isomers respectively, the remainder
peristaltic pump; (c) vacuum-filtered in a Büchner funnel
being 3- and 4-ethylvinylbenzene), all of which were sup-
to recover the solid products, which were washed with
plied by Aldrich (Madrid, Spain). The initiator, benzoyl per-
deionised water to completely remove any possible resid-
oxide (BPO, 70%, remainder water) was supplied by Aldrich
ual acid. Finally, the resins were vacuum-dried at 40 °C
(Madrid, Spain) and was used as received. The inert diluent
overnight. To achieve the maximum degree of sulfonation
(porogen) was n-heptane (HEP, synthesis grade), obtained
under the operation conditions, for each type of micropar-
from Panreac (Barcelona, Spain), and the suspension agent
ticle sulfonation experiments were performed at different
was poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA, with a weight-average molar
reaction times and the cation exchange capacity was mea-
mass of 88,000 and a degree of hydrolysis of 88%) from Ac-
sured; that is, the sulfonation kinetics were determined.
ros Organics (Geel, Belgium). Both were used without fur-
ther purification. Deionised water was employed to
2.4. Resin characterization
prepare the aqueous solutions.

The morphology and topography of the resins before

2.1.2. Sulfonation of the beads and after the sulfonation process were studied by scanning
The poly(ST-co-DVB) beads were swollen in dichloro- electron microscopy (Zeiss DSM 940 scanning electron
methane (DCM) and sulfonated with concentrated (95– microscope (SEM)). The presence of sulfonic groups on
98%) sulphuric acid, supplied by Scharlau (Barcelona, the polymer surface was also checked by X-ray energy dis-
Spain). Silver sulfate, used as catalyst, was supplied by Pan- persive (EDX) analysis.
reac (Barcelona, Spain), and was used as received. The quantitative extent of the sulfonation reaction was
evaluated by measurement of the ion exchange capacity of
2.2. Synthesis of polymeric beads procedure each resin, using the standard procedure for polystyrene
cation exchange resins [1,20], summarized as follows.
Macroporous poly(ST-co-DVB) beads were prepared by The sulfonated particles were first treated with an excess
the suspension polymerization technique, using HEP as the amount of 1 N HNO3 to ensure complete loading of the res-
porogen. BPO was used as the initiator, and the suspension ins in the H+ form. The material was then washed thor-
agent was PVA. Prior to polymerization, ST and DVB were oughly with deionized water to eliminate the excess of
first washed with a 10% aqueous NaOH solution to remove nitric acid. Then, a known amount of wet particles was
the inhibitor (p-tert-butylcatechol) and then with deion- placed in a 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask containing an excess
ized water until neutralization was achieved. The reaction volume of a 0.1 N NaOH solution, and this was allowed
was performed in a 500-mL three-necked round-bottomed to stand overnight. Of the supernatant solution, 25 mL
jacketed glass reactor fitted with a mechanical stirrer, a was back-titrated with a 0.1 N H2SO4 solution, using phe-
condenser, and a thermometer. To obtain different struc- nolphthalein as indicator, and the exchange capacity (q,
tural characteristics, the beads were synthesized from or- meq/g dry resin) was determined from a mass balance. In
ganic mixtures with the DVB and porogen proportions each case, the titrations were repeated three times. The
shown in Table 1. The details of the polymerization proce- dry-weight fraction of the wet resins was determined from
dure have been reported previously [13]. Most of micro- the weight loss of the resin samples at 110 °C for 15 h in an
particles obtained had a size between 150 and 200 lm. oven.
1328 C.A. Toro et al. / Reactive & Functional Polymers 68 (2008) 1325–1336

Table 1
Experimental design: factor levels, values of the response, and effects

Experiment Factors and interaction Response, qm SBETa

number (meq/ g dry resin) (m2 g1)
%DVB Fm %DVB  Fm
Real values Coded values Real values Coded values Coded values
E1 25 1 0.5 1 1 3.56 100.0
E2 55 1 0.5 1 1 2.38 430.8
E3 25 1 0.7 1 1 3.48 50.3
E4 55 1 0.7 1 1 2.22 342.2
E5 25 1 0.5 1 1 3.62 106.9
E6 55 1 0.5 1 1 2.41 426.2
E7 25 1 0.7 1 1 3.35 53.4
E8 55 1 0.7 1 1 2.50 338.6
E9 40 0 0.6 0 0 2.64 304.8
E10 40 0 0.6 0 0 2.73 292.0
Effects on q 1.125 0.105 0.070
Experimental SBET values from García-Diego and Cuellar [13].

2.5. Design and analysis of experiments Research carried out up to date to determine the influ-
ence of the synthesis conditions on the structural charac-
The preparation of cation exchange resins requires the teristics of the polymeric matrices has indicated that the
synthesis of polymeric matrices followed by their function- main factors with a significant influence are the type and
alization via sulfonation. Since the synthesis conditions proportion of porogen and the proportion of cross-linking
(factors) seem to exert a relevant effect on the final cation agent [13,34]. Factors such the polymerization tempera-
exchange capacity of the resins (response), here the design ture and the type and proportion of catalyst have less
of experiments methodology [32,33] was chosen as a first effect.
tool for the development of this work because of its useful- Thus, to obtain beads with different structural charac-
ness in the determination of the existence of cause–effect teristics, the weight percentage of DVB isomers in the
relationships. To apply this methodology, a sequence of monomeric mixture (%DVB, w/w) and the volume fraction
steps must be followed. of the monomers in the organic phase, or monomeric frac-
tion, (Fm, v/v), were considered as the factors that should
2.5.1. Problem identification be varied in order to study their effects on the final cation
Different potential applications of cation exchange res- exchange capacity.
ins require the use of resins with appropriate structural
and functional characteristics, the cation exchange capac- 2.5.3. Level identification
ity being a very important property because of its influence At this stage, it is necessary to select the values (levels)
in operations involving separations and/or catalysis. In this of the factors at which the experiments are to be run. Since
sense, macroporous cation exchange resins usually have a several earlier works [8–13] have identified the range of
low cation exchange capacity in comparison with gel-type values of the %DVB and Fm that would permit the synthesis
resins, but few studies have been undertaken to elucidate of macroporous beads, the levels for the DVB concentration
the cause(s) of this. Accordingly, since the control of this and monomeric fraction were chosen within that range.
feature is important, the aim of the present investigation Thus, the values of %DVB selected were 55% and 25% for
is to contribute to the understanding of the interrelation- the high and low levels, respectively. Regarding the mono-
ships between the factors involved in the processes of meric fraction, Fm, the values were 0.7 and 0.5 for the high
manufacture of these resins and their final cation exchange and low level respectively. In principle, it was considered
capacity, by determining which of the factors, or variables, that these ranges of values were sufficiently wide to unveil
brought into play in the manufacture of these resins have the influence of the structural characteristics in the final
the most relevant effects on the final cation exchange cation exchange capacity of the resins.
capacity, and also, by quantifying such effects. The research was initially planned as a bifactorial de-
sign, with only four experiments (experiments E1–E4 in
2.5.2. Factor identification Table 1). These first four experiments were then replicated
Since in the manufacture of cation exchange resins (experiments E5–E8) in order to obtain an estimate of the
there are two clear steps (synthesis of the polymeric ma- experimental error and a more precise estimate of the ef-
trix and sulfonation), the variables (factors) involved in fects of the factors on the response. Additionally, two cen-
each step can affect the final results. While the effects of tre points were also included in the design (experiments
temperature, the reaction time and bead size in the sulfo- E9 and E10 in Table 1) with a view to checking whether
nation step can be readily understood, it is in the first step there was curvature in the effects. The results of this set
when the structural characteristics of the beads are of experiments indicated the appropriateness of carrying
decided, and these structural characteristics appear to af- out additional experiments. The operation conditions of a
fect the final ion exchange capacities in a way hitherto new set of experiments (experiments E11–E22) are given
not fully explained. in Table 2.
C.A. Toro et al. / Reactive & Functional Polymers 68 (2008) 1325–1336 1329

Table 2
Additional experiments: factor levels and response values

Experiment Factors Response, qm SBET

number (meq/ g dry resin) (m2 g1)
Real values Coded values Real values Coded values
E11 25 1 0.6 0 3.71 102.0
E12 25 1 0.6 0 3.62 108.6
E13 30 2/3 0.6 0 3.20 138.4a
E14 30 2/3 0.6 0 3.30 142.7a
E15 40 0 0.5 1 2.74 363.3
E16 40 0 0.5 1 2.81 357.4
E17 55 1 0.6 0 2.38 439.0a
E18 55 1 0.6 0 2.40 434.8a
E19 60 4/3 0.5 1 2.10 ndb
E20 60 4/3 0.5 1 2.04 ndb
E21 80 8/3 0.6 1 1.78 524.1a
E22 80 8/3 0.6 1 1.85 492.1
Experimental SBET values from García-Diego and Cuellar [13].
Not determined.

2.5.4. Response identification nj  nj;center

xj ¼ ð1Þ
As indicated above, the usefulness of resins in exchange nj;max  nj;center
and catalytic processes often depends on their degree of
where xj are the coded values, and nj, nj,center and nj,max are
sulfonation, which is usually expressed in terms of their
the real, the centre real, and the maximum real values of
cation exchange capacity. Accordingly, this parameter
the range studied for the j factor, respectively.
was chosen as the response to be studied, the objective
The values of the plateau in the sulfonation kinetic
of this being to study the relationships between this
curves (Fig. 3) were taken as the maximum cation ex-
parameter and the operating conditions during bead
change capacity, qm, for each type of resin and these values,
synthesis with a view to contributing to the design of pro-
for all experimental runs carried out, are listed in Tables 1
cesses aimed at the synthesis of resins with predetermined
and 2. The tables also show the values of the specific sur-
face area, SBET, for each type of bead.

3. Results and discussion

3.3. Effects of synthesis variables on the cation exchange
3.1. SEM and EDX analyses capacity

The morphology and topography of the resins were in- From the values of the responses for the first set of
spected by SEM. The spherical morphology and smooth experiments (experiments E1–E10) given in Table 1, the ef-
topography of the macroporous beads can be seen in the fects of the factors and their interaction on the cation ex-
SEM micrographs shown in Fig. 1. change capacity were calculated using the Yates
Complete sulfonation of the inner part of the beads may algorithm [33]. These values are given in the last row of Ta-
be affected by problems of diffusion if the reaction time is ble 1, showing that the %DVB factor has the most impor-
not long enough. In our experiments to check whether the tant effect, followed in importance by the Fm factor, and
sulfonation had reached the centre of the beads, some of finally by the %DVB  Fm interaction. The variations in
them were fractured and examined by dispersive X-ray the response value, when the factors change from the
analysis (EDX). A SEM micrograph of a halved cation ex- low level to high level, are shown in Fig. 4. The factor hav-
change bead is shown in Fig. 2a, while Fig. 2b shows the ing the straight line with the highest slope is the one with
same particle analyzed by EDX, depicting the homoge- the greatest effect, while the line with the lowest slope cor-
neous distribution of the points with sulphur. Finally, responds to the factor with the smallest effect. Thus, the ef-
Fig. 2c shows the EDX spectrum. fect of %DVB is the most important and is negative; that is,
The results for the rest of the beads also indicated that the highest value of the response occurs at the lowest level
the sulfonation had reached the centre of the beads. (25% DVB) of the factor.
This behaviour is also a common experimental finding
3.2. Cation exchange capacity in the case of gel-type beads, and is usually explained as
being due to the difficulty encountered by the sulfonation
Regarding the effect of the factors on the response, in agent to penetrate into very cross-linked polymeric
order to facilitate the interpretation of the quantitative re- structures.
sults, the levels of the factors were coded, assigning a value After the effects had been calculated, an analysis of var-
of 1 to the low level and a value of +1 to the high level of iance (ANOVA) was applied to the experimental results of
the range studied for each factor, by means of the coding qm (experiments 1–10) with a view to establishing the sta-
equation: tistical significance of the influence of the factors, and the
1330 C.A. Toro et al. / Reactive & Functional Polymers 68 (2008) 1325–1336

Fig. 1. SEM micrographs of the macroporous beads from experiment 1 (E1): (a) shape, (b) roughness of the surface and (c) detail of external surface.

existence of curvature in the effects. The results of the AN- In this new set of experiments, the value of Fm = 0.7
OVA, shown in the Table 3, give the values of the F statis- was not used because the microparticles synthesized with
tics and their corresponding p-values for each source of this small proportion of porogen were sometimes found to
variation studied (factors, interaction, and curvature). be partially agglomerated. Regarding the %DVD factor, its
From the values calculated for the F statistics, it may be range of values was expanded, this time covering from
concluded that within the range investigated the %DVB is 25% to 80% DVB. The new values of both factors are given
the only factor that has a significant effect on the response. in Table 2, and this table also shows the values of the re-
Moreover, this influence is not linear because the value of sponse. A graphic plot of the values of the factors in all
the F statistics for the curvature is higher than the tabu- the experiments performed in this work is given in Fig. 5.
lated value (F0.05,1,5 = 6.61), where 0.05 is the level of sig-
nificance; 1 is the degree of freedom of this source of 3.4. Correlation between maximum cation exchange capacity,
variation, and 5 is the degrees of freedom of the error. qm, and synthesis variables
Having found from this first set of experiments that
only the %DVB factor had a significant effect on the re- In this new step, a multiple linear regression analysis
sponse, its influence being non-linear, it was decided to [33,35] was applied to all the values of qm, shown in Tables
perform a new group of experiments with the aim of veri- 1 and 2, to search for a response surface model able to pre-
fying the non-significance of the effect of the Fm factor and dict the maximum cation exchange capacity of the resins
also of obtaining an empirical model capable of predicting as a function of the values of the %DVB and Fm used in
the values of the response for a broader range of values of their synthesis, within the range of our experimental
the factors with greater accuracy. conditions.
C.A. Toro et al. / Reactive & Functional Polymers 68 (2008) 1325–1336 1331

Fig. 2. Inner structure of the cation exchange resins synthesized from the macroporous poly(ST-co-DVB) beads obtained in experiment 2 (E2): (a) SEM
micrograph of a halved bead, (b) EDX analysis of the same bead, and (c) EDX spectrum.

Fig. 4. Plot of the effects of each factor on the qm response.

Fig. 3. Variation of the cation exchange capacity, q, with the reaction time
for experiments E11(s), E18 (h) and E21 (e).
^m ¼ 2:83  0:609x%DVB  0:0226xFm þ 0:0522x%DVB xFm
Taking into account that the curvature was found to be þ 0:099x2%DVB  0:0123x2Fm
significant, in a first attempt a model including quadratic
terms was fitted to the data. R2 ¼ 0:973; R2adj ¼ 0:965 ð2Þ
1332 C.A. Toro et al. / Reactive & Functional Polymers 68 (2008) 1325–1336

Table 3
ANOVA applied to the analysis of the effects

Source of variation Sum of squares Degrees of freedom Mean of squares F p-value

%DVB 2.5313 1 2.5313 234.59 0.00
Fm 0.0220 1 0.0220 2.04 0.21
%DVB  Fm 0.0098 1 0.0098 0.91 0.38
Curvature 0.1040 1 0.1040 9.64 0.02
Error 0.0539 5 0.0108 – –
Total 2.7211 9 – – –

ues of the t statistic and the corresponding p-values are

shown in Table 5.
The regression coefficients are statistically significant,
with a level of significance of 0.05 if the absolute values
of their t statistics are higher than t0.025,16 = 2.47, where
0.025 is the half-value of the level of significance and 16
represents the degrees of freedom of the residual error.
Therefore, since the t statistics for the regression coeffi-
cients of Fm, %DVB  Fm and Fm2 are smaller than 2.47,
the regressor variables xFm, x%DVBxFm, and x2Fm can be elim-
inated from Eq. (2). After these regressor variables had
been eliminated, the experimental data were subjected
again to multiple linear regression analysis and the follow-
ing simplified quadratic model was obtained:
^m ¼ 2:807  0:628x%DVB þ 0:099x2%DVB
R2 ¼ 0:975; R2adj ¼ 0:972

The value of R2 is close to 1, indicating that the regres-

Fig. 5. Factors and levels used in the experiments carried out in the (s) sion model fits the experimental data well. Moreover, in
first and (h) second set of experiments. The coded values in this figure
this case, R2adj is close to R2, meaning that non-significant
correspond to those used in the multiple linear regression analysis.
terms had not been included in the model. Also, to deter-
mine the significance of the regression, ANOVA was ap-
plied to the model; the results are summarized in Table 6.
^m denotes the predicted value of the cation
In Eq. (2), q The p-value for the F statistic of the regression is
exchange capacity and the terms x%DVB, xFm and x%DVBxFm close to zero, indicating that at least one of the two regres-
represent the coded values of %DVB, Fm, and their interac- sor variables contributes significantly to this quadratic
tion, respectively. Likewise, x2%DVB and x2Fm are the coded model. Regarding the test for the lack of fit, since the F
quadratic terms that provide the curvature to the model. statistic calculated does not exceed the tabulated value
The value of the coefficient of multiple determination, R2 (F0.05,3,15 = 3.28) it can be affirmed that the model given
of this model is close to 1, indicating that the regression by Eq. (3) fits the experimental data well and that it can
model fits the experimental data well. However, the ad- be used to predict qm at any value of the %DVB factor with-
justed coefficient of multiple determination, R2adj , suggests in the range studied. The significance of the individual
that non-significant terms could have been included in regression coefficients was also checked and all of them
the model, because their value is insufficiently close to R2. were found to be statistically significant.
To determine the significance of the regression, ANOVA The final model, represented by Eq. (3), again indicates
was applied to the model and the results are summarized that the influence of the %DVB factor on cation exchange
in Table 4. The p-value for the F statistic of the regression capacities is non-linear and negative; that is, an increase
is close to zero, indicating that at least one of the five in the proportion of DVB in synthesis process leads to a de-
regressor variables contributes significantly to this qua- crease in the cation exchange capacity of the final resins.
dratic model. As mentioned in Section 1 of this work, this effect has
However, the test for the lack of fit is significant, mean- been observed in earlier studies [22–24,31]. Poinescu
ing that this quadratic model is not adequate to explain the et al. [31] described the synthesis of cation exchange resins
experimental data because the F statistic calculated ex- by sulfonation of poly(ST-co-DVB) beads with SO3 and
ceeds the tabulated value (F0.05,5,11 = 3.20) where 0.05 is studied the influence on the cation exchange capacity of
the level of significance; 5 represents the degrees of free- several reaction parameter (proportion of SO3, degree of
dom of this source of variation, and 11 refers to the degrees cross-linking of the beads in the range from 1% to 18%,
of freedom of the pure error. and the time and temperature of sulfonation) and found
In light of the above, a test of the significance of the that the higher the %DVB in the beads, the lower the cation
individual regression coefficients was performed. The val- exchange capacity of the resins obtained. Also, the studies
C.A. Toro et al. / Reactive & Functional Polymers 68 (2008) 1325–1336 1333

Table 4
ANOVA applied to the first quadratic model

Source of variation Sum of squares Degrees of freedom Mean of squares F p-value

Regression 7.8202 5 1.5640 117.21 0.000
Residual error 0.2135 16 0.0133 – –
Lack of fit 0.1436 5 0.0287 4.52 0.017
Pure error 0.0699 11 0.0064 – –
Total 8.0337 21 – – –

Table 5 tion the degree of sulfonation of the beads; they only stud-
Statistical significance of the regression coefficients of the quadratic model ied the exchange capacity, measured by the exchange H+/
given by Eq. (2) Na+, and attempted to explain their findings in terms of
Predictor t p-value the hindered penetration of the ions into highly cross-
linked polymeric structures. The work of Struck and Wid-
Constant 60.42 0.000
%DVB 19.71 0.000 decke [36] also explored the sulfonation of macroporous
Fm 0.62 0.541 poly(ST-co-DVB) beads. In this case, the aim was sulfona-
%DVB  Fm 1.46 0.164 tion of only the surface of the beads. The results were
%DVB2 4.68 0.000
explained in terms of the inhomogeneity of the cross-link-
Fm2 0.23 0.819
ing density; cross-linking density varies within the micro-
t0.025,16 = 2.47. particles, being high at the centre and very low at the
surface. The inhomogeneities were found to depend on
the synthesis parameters; in particular on the proportion
Table 6 of DVB in the copolymer. According to that work, the beads
ANOVA applied to the best quadratic model
really consist of nanoparticles fused together to form
Source of Sum of Degrees of Mean of F p-value agglomerates with spaces between them, forming a porous
variation squares freedom squares network, which affords access of the sulfonation mixture
Regression 7.7595 2 3.8798 347.57 0.000 to the centre of the beads. Thus, the sulfonation occurs first
Residual error 0.2009 18 0.0112 – – on the surface of the nanoparticles located on the outer-
Lack of fit 0.0725 3 0.0242 2.82 0.075
most part of the beads and progresses down the pores into
Pure error 0.1285 15 0.0086 – –
the centre of the beads at a rate that depends on the size of
Total 7.9604 20 – – –
the pores. Once sulfonation of the external surface of the
nanoparticles has been completed, the sulfonation pro-
gresses towards their interior with the reaction time. How-
of Ahmed et al. [24] indicate that the cation exchange ever, in that work no study about the influence of the
capacity of poly(ST-co-DVB) resins decreases when the degree of cross-linking was reported.
beads are manufactured with high proportions of DVB. From these results, it may in principle be concluded
They also found that the exchange capacity depends on that the %DVB has a negative influence on the cation ex-
the porosity of the beads, a maximum being reached when change capacity, although such influence appears to be
porosity is in the 0.3–0.4 ml/g range, owing to the faster modulated by the porosity of the particles. The influence
diffusion of the sulfonating agents through the intercon- of the %DVB has been suggested to be due to the hindered
nected permanent pores in the beads. With a similar end penetration of the sulfonation mixture into the highly
in mind, Coutinho et al. [22,23] synthesized poly(ST-co- cross-linked gel-type nanoparticles comprising the macro-
DVB) cation exchange resins and studied the influence of porous beads. However, although the experimental sulfo-
certain copolymer synthesis parameters in their exchange nation conditions were given in those works, nothing is
capacity and in their catalytic activities. After studying mentioned of studies aimed at determining the minimum
the behaviour of the resins, with different degrees of reaction time necessary to attain beads with the maximum
cross-linking and different types and proportions of poro- cation exchange capacity at the reaction temperature em-
gen agent, those authors found that the resins with the ployed. Nevertheless, taking into account that an insuffi-
highest swelling in water (that is, resins with the lowest cient time of sulfonation affords beads with a capacity
degree of cross-linking) also showed the highest cation ex- lower than the maximum at the reaction temperature, it
change capacity. They explained this assuming that in the is possible that the above conclusions are not correct.
case of the most cross-linked structures there was hin- Accordingly, in order to establish reliable quantitative
dered access (during measurement of the exchange capac- cause-effect relationships we first determined the sulfona-
ity) of the water solution to the sulfonic groups. tion kinetics of all of the particles studied in this work;
Conversely, the resins with the highest proportion of DVB some of them are shown in Fig. 3. As can be observed,
exhibited the highest catalytic activity, which was ex- the shape of the curves varies depending on the %DVB,
plained as being due to the more porous structure of the but in each case a flat plateau (maximum cation exchange
resins made with a high proportion of DVB, thus permit- capacity, qm) can be attained. Additionally, the existence of
ting easier access of the reaction mixture to the active sites. a flat plateau in the kinetic curves indicates that there is no
However, in those works [22,23] the authors failed to men- formation of sulfones with time.
1334 C.A. Toro et al. / Reactive & Functional Polymers 68 (2008) 1325–1336

3.5. Relationship between SBET and the cation exchange the presence of DVB isomers in the polymerization mix-
capacity ture, and this was the hypothesis explored here.

Since macroporous resins are highly cross-linked, and 3.6. Correlation between the proportion of isomers and qm
since there is a porous network that (as suggested in some
of the works cited above) is used by the sulfonation agent Commercially available DVB is a mixture of m-divinyl-
to penetrate into the interior of the beads, it could be benzene (m-DVB) and p-divinylbenzene (p-DVB), together
thought that, owing to the difficult penetration of the sul- with a substantial amount of m-ethylvinylbenzene (m-
fonation agent into highly cross-linked structures, sulfona- EVB) and p-ethylvinylbenzene (p-EVB). Table 7 shows the
tion would occur only on the surface of the nanoparticles compositions of the commercial 55% DVB and 80% DVB
forming the beads. Whether this is the case, the degree used in the present investigation.
of sulfonation should be proportional to the specific sur- Some previous works [29,30] have addressed the sulfo-
face area (SBET) of the precursor beads (last column in Ta- nation of gel-type beads made with styrene and with pure
bles 1 and 2). To check this, the values of the maximum DVB isomers, in which the effect of m-DVB and p-DVB iso-
cation exchange capacity were plotted vs. the SBET of each mers on the kinetics of the polymerization and sulfonation
type of bead. As seen in Fig. 6, the higher the SBET, the lower was studied. In contrast, other authors [38] have only stud-
the exchange capacity, indicating that not only sulfonation ied the polymerization kinetics of pure DVB isomers. Thus,
of the surface of the nanoparticles occurs, but that sulfona- Wiley and Venkatachalam [29,30] synthesized gel-type
tion also reaches their interior. cation exchange resins from polystyrene cross-linked (2%,
Having determined that sulfonation was not merely a 4% and 8% w/w) with pure m-DVB and pure p-DVB, observ-
surface process; a second conjecture was that the degree ing that the beads made with styrene and p-DVB were sul-
of penetration of the sulfonation into the nanoparticles fonated (at 100 °C) faster, and at higher levels, than those
might be a function of the degree of cross-linking of each made with the meta-isomer. They concluded that taking
of them. This could be possible if it is assumed that the into account the differences in the reactivity ratio values
DVB monomers polymerize first, because they are more in the copolymerization of styrene with each isomeric
reactive than the styrene monomers. In this case, the core DVB, the overall effect appears to be that the copolymeri-
of the nanoparticles would be formed by highly cross- zation of styrene with p-DVB will result in a structure with
linked DVB and the outer region of the nanoparticles a tightly cross-linked nucleus to which long chains of
would be made of polystyrene, with only a small degree polystyrene are attached and in which much more pure
of cross-linking, which could be easily sulfonated. If this polystyrene may be imbedded. In comparison, the
is so, the higher the %DVB, the lower the cation exchange poly(ST-m-DVB) copolymer would be expected to have a
capacity would be. However, such an explanation cannot structure in which the cross-links are more widely distrib-
be considered adequate because in fact it is possible to ob- uted than in the poly(ST-p-DVB) copolymer, and presum-
tain ion exchange resins from polymeric beads made with ably, less pure polystyrene is formed in the last stages of
100% DVB. Although in this latter case it could still be pos- the polymerization. Later [37], the same authors reported
ited that the nucleus of the DVB nanoparticles would be that sulfonation kinetics depends on the swelling agent
more densely cross-linked that their periphery, some used, because the swelling agent retained in the beads
authors, working with gel-type resins [29,30,37], have probably renders the reaction sites more or less inaccessi-
attributed the differences in cation exchange capacities to ble to the sulfonating agent. They found that, when the
beads were swollen in dimethyl sulfoxide or in ethylene
dichloride, the para-cross-linked copolymer was sulfo-
nated more rapidly. Nevertheless, since in those works
only gel-type resins (with very low %DVB) were studied,
the difference in the exchange capacities of resins made
with different isomers was very small.
Moreover, Nyhus et al. [38] carried out a study of the
kinetics of the polymerization of pure m- and p-DVB and
found that m-DVB polymerized at higher rates than
p-DVB in the presence of toluene and 2-ethylhexanoic acid,
the monomer conversion, at the visual gel point, being
higher for p-DVB than for m-DVB.
These results indicate that the rate of polymerization of
each isomer may change, depending on the solvent or

Table 7
Isomeric composition in percentages of the two types of commercial DVB
used in the experimentation


55 37.52 14.82 37.86 9.81
80 57.36 22.45 12.68 7.51
Fig. 6. Values of qm vs. the SBET of the precursor polymeric beads.
C.A. Toro et al. / Reactive & Functional Polymers 68 (2008) 1325–1336 1335

whether styrene is present in the polymerization mixture. The value of the coefficient of multiple determination,
In any case, it appears certain that if the rate of polymeri- R2, is close to 1, indicating a good fit of the regression mod-
zation of the isomers of DVB and EVB are different and this el to the data. The R2adj coefficient is very close to R2, which
difference affords beads and nanoparticles with different confirms the absence of non-significant terms in the
structural characteristics, which in turn leads to different model.
cation exchange capacities, it should be possible to find a In this case, ANOVA was also applied to check the ade-
relationship between the proportion of each type of iso- quacy of the model. The results, shown in Table 9, indicate
mers in the polymerization mixture and the final degree that at least one of the variables contributes to the model.
of sulfonation. Also, the test for the lack of fit, with a p-value of >0.05 re-
In this sense, taking into account the lack of complete vealed that the model given by Eq. (4) was adequate for the
mono-sulfonation of the benzene rings, our starting prediction of the values of the response within the range
hypothesis was that one or more of the isomers present (25–80% DVB) of variables studied.
in the commercial DVB would polymerize in such a way The model represented by Eq (4) indicates that the sul-
that their sulfonation could be incomplete. If this is the fonation of styrene and m-isomers occurs to a similar ex-
case, by means of the statistical analysis of our results con- tent while, in the case of the p-isomers, the negative
cerning cation exchange capacities it should be possible to value of the regression coefficient suggests that, at the
determine which of those isomers, at the reaction temper- operation temperature used here, their sulfonation does
ature, the sulfonation agent was unable to penetrate. not take place at all, or only does so to a slight extent.
To perform the statistical analysis, as the dependent Moreover, this negative value denotes that the presence
variable we used the maximum exchange capacity of each of the p-isomers in the polymerization mixture to some ex-
type of bead, and as independent variables the molar frac- tent prevents the subsequent sulfonation of the styrene
tions of the different isomers involved in the polymeriza- and of the m-isomers.
tion (Table 8). These were designated: XST, Xm-DVB, Xp-DVB, These results are consistent with the rules concerning
Xm-EVB and Xp-EVB. Following this, a multiple linear regres- the effects of substituents on the regioselectivity of elec-
sion was performed in search of a suitable correlation trophilic aromatic substitution. In the case of meta-iso-
among the values of qm and the molar fractions of all the mers, in the benzene rings there are two alkyl
compounds. Since in this first attempt the result was not substituents that are ortho and para directors, whose
satisfactory, the molar fractions of the compounds were directing effects reinforce each other. Thus, sulfonation of
grouped in all possible combinations and, in each case, a meta-isomers should take place at reinforced positions
linear regression analysis was performed. The best correla- which are ortho to one alkyl chain and para to another.
tion found was as follows: The ortho position between the two alkyl chains is also
^m ¼ 3:45  8:91X p þ 2:36X 2ST þ 2:12X 2m
q activated by the two substituents, but is less reactive be-
ð4Þ cause it is more sterically hindered. Conversely, in the case
R2 ¼ 0:990; R2adj ¼ 0:988 of the para-isomers there are no positions with accumu-
where XP is the sum of the molar fractions of the para-iso- lated activating.
mers; Xm is the sum of the molar fractions of the meta-iso- Additionally, taking into account that the sulfonation
mers, and XST is the molar fraction of styrene. agent is a polar compound and that the polymeric matrix

Table 8
Molar fraction of the different isomers involved in the polymerization

Experiment XST Xm-DVB Xp-DVB Xm-EVB Xp-EVB Xm Xp q (meq/g dry resin)

E1 0.6015 0.1510 0.0596 0.1492 0.0387 0.3002 0.0983 3.56
E2 0.0000 0.3788 0.1496 0.3745 0.0970 0.7533 0.2466 2.38
E3 0.6015 0.1510 0.0596 0.1492 0.0387 0.3002 0.0983 3.48
E4 0.0000 0.3788 0.1496 0.3745 0.0970 0.7533 0.2466 2.22
E5 0.6015 0.1510 0.0596 0.1492 0.0387 0.3002 0.0983 3.62
E6 0.0000 0.3788 0.1496 0.3745 0.0970 0.7533 0.2466 2.41
E7 0.6015 0.1510 0.0596 0.1492 0.0387 0.3002 0.0983 3.35
E8 0.0000 0.3788 0.1496 0.3745 0.0970 0.7533 0.2466 2.50
E9 0.3205 0.2574 0.1017 0.2545 0.0659 0.5119 0.1676 2.64
E10 0.3205 0.2574 0.1017 0.2545 0.0659 0.5119 0.1676 2.73
E11 0.6015 0.1510 0.0596 0.1492 0.0387 0.3002 0.0983 3.71
E12 0.6015 0.1510 0.0596 0.1492 0.0387 0.3002 0.0983 3.62
E13 0.5118 0.1849 0.0731 0.1829 0.0474 0.3678 0.1205 3.20
E14 0.5118 0.1849 0.0731 0.1829 0.0474 0.3678 0.1205 3.30
E15 0.3205 0.2574 0.1017 0.2545 0.0659 0.5119 0.1676 2.74
E16 0.3205 0.2574 0.1017 0.2545 0.0659 0.5119 0.1676 2.81
E17 0.0000 0.3788 0.1496 0.3745 0.0970 0.7533 0.2466 2.38
E18 0.0000 0.3788 0.1496 0.3745 0.0970 0.7533 0.2466 2.40
E19 0.2943 0.4065 0.1591 0.0880 0.0521 0.4945 0.2112 2.10
E20 0.2943 0.4065 0.1591 0.0880 0.0521 0.4945 0.2112 2.04
E21 0.0000 0.5759 0.2254 0.1248 0.0739 0.7007 0.2993 1.78
E22 0.0000 0.5759 0.2254 0.1248 0.0739 0.7007 0.2993 1.85
1336 C.A. Toro et al. / Reactive & Functional Polymers 68 (2008) 1325–1336

Table 9
ANOVA applied to the best correlation between the values of q and the molar fraction of isomers

Source of variation Sum of squares Degrees of freedom Mean of squares F p-value

Regression 6.2654 3 2.0885 475.83 0.000
Residual error 0.0614 14 0.0044 – –
Lack of fit 0.0006 1 0.0006 0.13 0.726
Pure error 0.0608 13 0.0047 – –
Total 6.3269 17 – – –

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