Pub Il 2 Sturmovik in Action

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ll-2 Stormovik BP Aircraft Number 155." °F" > a squadron/signal publications Introduction Inthe Soni Union a cumbersome sow, bat ely ame and armored round tack rat wich was nga any pec, Bsame oe he most esi mens BS Invest of he Red Army. "Te Stomovi xslt a Sere V. shins 12 wa erly calle, proved 0 te cxatly what the Rad Army need o upp thr ground fro aust einai ‘Germans othe Sree 1981 ial vcr in Bron 9 May 945 ‘The 2 Stormovik was by far one of te most efficent weapons in the Voyenno~ Vectushaye Sly (Red Air Fre). The Strmovik son became sghmre fr enemy tas mtr eis alr ad infny. The Gommans peal refer othe 2a ‘SchwarcrYod Blick Death 2 ps New cout sx ot ry ow level fig tl tad of Steen ny apd 00 fe, med with arty of weapons, sing ache ss canon bets and kes “A dramatic wartime telegram fon the Soviet ita, Sif Sai, woth mantatring lan elected the get importance ths stor fp ha in ew "The Red Amy eds "hes ies ead. urge you pede xe Hin” Tn fat the 12 wo Blin sretr umbes than any ter combs erat ring the een Worl War al of 4163 Hs of diferent vers ing dvr Bot he ti ‘nate forthe I wa ihe thay ter Soviet pe, Sats ees tone 112 wa lent Sorevery tity combat aie Early the war whe Huns cd fier pt, the tons te was even perth me, It? pt was aad wih he “Ha fe ‘Sov Union” md aren sues miso. ‘Serge Vadimirovch yin designe the 1.2 Stemovit He was brn om 31 March 1995 a ilo na Lake Kubert He hepa hi vation ceri 1910 and ring he Fist Word War be Jind e peri Kesan Ar Fre as aca, He vecled is pls oie a 1917 ‘sing the ody Russian cv war Hyun was aig the 6 Salvage Grp on te Nortem Fo, tke wth repiring damaged sir 1921 yuan reported 1 the en design wrk. designing he eso of we, he AVE. Mose oak par er compton Germany ring 1925 In 198, he Became the ener of design poup sping in the development fone range boi anon 7 Aust 1936, uss reed Ns own Dein Buren ‘Mow Ri Air Feet eprtions dig te Cnt War were owlevel ring ad bombing mssions. Compa) Soviet ula thnking enbasaed th le fe acral in uy ing grownd eps Bate ecomalsance. pou! tack and chs support were Sen ‘A eget fo ected rund tack sca assed ding 1928 and he Fi ‘Secon of te Scenic sn Tecatloia Commie of he Board the Ait Fre a ‘ime headed by Ishi, worked up the tel and ech equremen, a yen ws ne invotied wth the spn. The prays th TSI-.TSb-2 and TS were bl The ‘heat re elatiely god, ut the eight of he anor cased eer ns in ver pr Tomance since they wets unk powered fr ewe ‘Incr 1986, Sain ned the Ian projet compcon fr x mt-prpose irra, ‘which weld she to perio fe se Dowbing roomier nd er FS sigs wote ite, the TAKB-27, the KBALS, the ANTS, anon] andthe DGS, ‘eich war never compen ofthe death a x dengan the event he Red A ‘Sova ocine had in sharp caso mest Euopean counts snd the United Sus, rset the idea tat an independent a force col dct he otome of afte wat AS 3 Feu Sv designs wee ected toward ype th cold asi he ron foes, incaing {las of edad pound tack aera ‘On his own sae, bea develop axa “Winged Tan.” The stan ing eau of his design asa armored shel ret be mos Vln ad itl par of the reat th ce the engine hc el nk nh ltr Ths tects we ‘ene at ofthe same nota ton ‘On 2 any 1938, les sotene is propo to Sti and sare h t 2 peoo- type woud be ead fr tate Acceptance Tas n November. The rps was axepte and yuh ws eased ross a dates toe ly velvet the rej On Sy 193%, sre wat given fr oe pope mde he dexation TAK SS ‘Om 3 January 1939, the dead projet say forthe TAKB-SS was subi to the ‘Commis of Defense Insty and wa, 28 Jay 1999, mockup na ised. On 2 February 193 the genera yout of he mak-up was accepted he Re Ai Fc a 8 ‘rd as en the lin Design Brest ul wo rete "The amore cl of te TSKB-5Sproype was feed fem AB! (Avianonaaya ‘Bony, an arpa wth high roporins once! nd molybdenue, The sell called ‘Bronekopar, provid the “bckhone” ofthe scr with al ether components bag ‘taal ie consis of 4 Si plats soon the power pls conan ane aa {ose lado as, ving hse compones tector flow andthe sie The load gunser were prose ty So Ba arenes "The wigs, al plane snd what Heo the forward flag ht was ot omy the armored sel wer of duaamin concen, with th rea fea and vera sbiser teing male of wax All aed setae alg lysing ana fom he psa ally operted met! kine ps, al mvedbe sacs were fac covered The main Sderanige unl win sleo pari ck shoe Ip od etd ear. ing sem recess i fangs under the wing eters. Ke amr glassed fe "Te benily amore anal sca neces pwertl engine. An ara power plan oud be ely se fr Wis ype of arabe na es ule 1 ground Ge than a guild engine bt ete, there was no ack egies wt sunt ever aval, "The cay cgieavlac the Soviet Uns wi uc power we he “heat TeKB-8protetype cing factory hight ete t Kroc ai nate Astra {1308 Att tho set sam ere td ot cry rational mags Te ‘ar gunner was equipped wih sig IKAS Tebow gun (kor Kale) ‘he rear gunners psion onthe TOX8-57 proetype wat oecuplad by 4 gl (155 ‘het ich wae separated rom te cop by» dt armored bw ne overed by surge dors pine. (Vitor Kuo) {ANS « 1360 bp [2nd uid coke, supercharged engin that dove a tre blade ple fx. Ioaly was ama odsgn bat he cooler an rato to be rectal, ot the colin sytem oul be prtsed. Dring the velopment he KB. SS; however, cls and similar weapon on 3 flexible mousing for the reat gunner. Four small armored Theft type ae ks ade gh with lami K. Km a he conosco 2 ‘e195, The sco pte fee forthe fi tec 30 December 1939 ain Zhe aie pop eed we pies aly heating rem Te a ‘Th TaKB7 to forth eat tine on 12 October 1940 wih Vian K. Kona at he onwoln. The ToK®-57 ws powered by an AME engine wee had beter peroraance = than the warer supercharged AN35 engine. (VboF Dest tat ha ths aig cherie woe cnsdered be porn he ira's Thos ets ht the mt serious probe wa aly low speed 25 ph 362 Flt, developed or hip le msn, gave Ds pefaate a 14,73 fet (500 fetes). A low ides, whore the T3KB-S would uml he flows, the specter thor to powering the ira km tp ped. Other complained 4 ‘edered ten pre-series itera for operational evaluation under field condsboes. The military owe ants wih dled he spercager. Lagan aby wa proved by ekg {un gue wet replaced byt PTB-23 2300 crac. The mada ofthe fs eo type was mary completed when anew oe esae by Klien E.Voroaie, Commie Sime to develop an etl new ara he yun ote 10 covert the Hs ry, ith he ste conversion ain les then a orth. The rear pine’ poston wa 2 ‘ew forthe fest ime on 12 October 1940. The factory test envelope lasted ten days and fread ht the TAS bal pel improved ght chances The ANC spi top 423k at rund vel and 271g 87 ka) a 9.86 et (2.00 ce) "Ie greuaoesfor rouson othe new pe posed ery slowly, I Tan o 1980, ‘yun wrt eer the Cental Commie the Al Union Cormeit Paty nd ak yarns desig and i even rep). With the ipensine ress ofthe factory testing in and, gun wrote w Sti on 7 TARD-ST were ul completed Development Toke-55 ‘Single Seat 2 Early Single Seat II-2s TsKB-55P Dusng ely 194, he Soviet ede reine hat was only mater of ine Blot ‘cemany une in atack again the Soviet Union. Avs rest the Eigecth Paty (Cofereace, Solin Fetray of TOM, was devte almost eel) t defense mates. The Fegan fr deem, ding the period 1928 1933, tad teen 54 prea f te ‘pom onal pos, ut n 19, ith he heat of wa, ha ent 434 pecet_ The ‘Creme indy tepa working at tla pce ay the ne of He's raion, 2839 ‘ev acait and 430 tks ad ees a Tomita he Cems of Aviation Ins gave the os, in December of 1040,totegin man pric fh ne lyin stacker, th Bain Dep urea {ep o comer the sca TORD-SS prt tose a 2 pater reall rte pro {hon pe. Alfonse te Hyun Design Bens were fected en the prepares fr as broduction ofthe new aircraft. which was going to be launched a GAZ 18 (GAZ “he coner work tk te cunt hereof wh he factory an Sate Acceptance ‘ls, which ad eves umber of poems wih he TK rye "The AM egie waived 17a ower an the catop.aclog the pls et wate by Su cer improve he plot far vw over theme. Them Bo he TAKES, Improve sl me wa al athe canopy we mie wih tassels he standard as ‘sean production 12 was cestroyed by Geman S02 rapmentaon bonbs dung the poring ys of Operation BAREANOSGA. Pre-warprowcton bas were eqUpped ‘ith batance ela tha alr and had te SIMAS 7.62 machine gui ihe Subowd potion ECPADAR 10838) Fuselage Development TeKES7 nly ws plancd sem he TAKB-SSP tty with wo PTB-23 23h canon and two SHKAS thon nachoe fein he wing be PTB-23 weapon had proved abe ‘ery urbe ring texting abd Farther nenigaton eee ht the han fel he Pri33 cold damage th wing srctre Ata teil the SRVAK 20MM cannon wat fae te THKB SSP The poste cad £29204 runde nd $09 762 wounds The SHKAS (Shpitainy-Komarsl Aviatsonny Skorosreiny/Shptalny-Komarsh ‘apd fre machine fon) es cvloped in 10 expevly fe he Sot Ai Foran had (abet feo 1,800 smd per miu The weap weigh 72 pode 10K) an bad me [evelely of 2.70 FPS G25 MPS). Lage cle rato fe SHKAS ste in 1936 The SAVAK (Shptatny-Vidimirova Avittonnsya Rrapnokalibernaya/Spaly laine or Lge Caier Cars) as based ofthe hight sacesfl 762M SAKAS. ‘he Sua canonfeame wae 1996, weigh 92.5 pounds 42 kp anda ae of {tet 70 to 0 yan po mete, had won engin 5:7 fs (76D with a ‘lenge (245 ‘Oe 29 December 1940 Vad K, Kokkiai tok ie the THKB-SSP forthe it ine and top te face te progr. The rnd cockpit oon cone impoved he {leva sow aos un of sya fone ave he sir Deter Ming gual ‘hr han thong KB. In Janay Of 154, he ol miary desertion BSI 2URroirvany Stormer Armored Ast Ail 2) Was change 012A a5 ‘aa factory test porate TeKB-SSP wat handed enc othe Sientifie Reweach Init of th Red Ar eave for Sta Acceptnce Tal, which wee ow By Tis prewar proaucton 12 was cptreaby Hungarian trope a Skala Kurlveze on 8 [August it rng ta apd aavene tote Deine. A he smart, tha angng ftanot tin wre renee Te ape an proper wer pandas as these ation pedo 269 ph 3h) ates eel nd 250 ph (450 kh) 1 fet 2.460). The menive evan, whch ncoed a ea wo tt ght pe ny, Production II-2 being aticmbed at GAZ TB at Voronezh liyasin departed on 20 December 1940 for ‘oreezhw personaly sperne the pepraons fer fl fron stp. He wa an ‘by MLB Shennan he fy rte and ND. Vos, he fay chit engine cfg wh factor te plo leet Clon! Ronstain K. Ryka he Cnt. Th ‘ig nas made othe mon fer tet potion Swings nd a Bsn dl. BARGSSA, stl of 2691 2h ees deed othe Sov Ai Force. "The rac 1 dle from the pots a mer ey th er age the ‘mono on pf te akon he rte. This ight ws epaced with PEP Pie ‘Aye Hombomutaniva §Piioraniaom® Sgt for Dive Bombing) gn si itd the ‘cckpit Some Ite 12 singh tat eons wee alo equipped wih ety wodiied with ve arg exaust ss (it five) an one sar sb (st sb). Aare ase {el ids east sta nthe TaKD:5 al TAKD.ST ws replace by «pe wh ing og rion 3 The Ww po #100 ABE ia The windcreen wa elargod om the 2 wi tte pce wien ting mde f (Shar anmor ls pel was mile mesial bind he pls et or ea pees. ‘Whe he to sie canopy frames en te prone oped pa prc Is ad rots, war dled ob production 2 with he pt ning ih ingen. The bite te wn move 0 meron psn an the lon mas Balin on oth wie The rots aan four SMKAS T2N8 Bun, nas placed by two SAVAK 204 aman with 00 rane pr pu an two SAKAS 7 62a gue wih 750 rounds per gu ‘This early 112 was equipped witha SRVAK ZO cannon and has the 7.624 machine gun Inthe inbow wing pouton. This configuration wea rely senor SAVAK equipped ae {Saf The SHAK he a shocar barell han the V¥e.23onnnon. in aton te ert tis no avon mate balonce weit The aera wes ame wih our RS-2 rockets, (ir kato ‘Te nationa manngs neds un We cutie (wrth Ving) ‘te ul amano of eipe RS-8? mislls was car he ia tp oped was decreed by about raph (1 vt), The RS-82 wan aed a 1957 The pete was wen ices (SAOMM) leg wth 128 pd (058 kp) warhead and Rd ange of 3.23 mlx External Reinforcing Ribs Tae Blane Weight ee Goverment pressure to begin ms puto ofthe 2 te workmanship of te ‘ch served pte forte sida poison verso the I? ha higher emp ‘eit an lowe tp sper he ter waste el ef te por worzanship on te sere ‘Sin wich wae arvngher tan he AKE-SSP pope sling in hgr drag A rec 2s priced Nefore he war were camonflge with Medium Gren uppesrfaces and Ligh oe deaf Tore was sry in teen the Gren te Be camoage ‘rapid onthe GMs of he re-var 112 adhe sper in Meum Gre, bat sme crtces might Be The earn tewcen he operand lower carouage ws ‘of ce The Red sr was tpi on he wig undertone ‘andl bad thn Whi tie. Te tcl sumer we apd to th ae ot ae ‘endersurfaces, while the wings remained Light Blue. few I-2s received a three tone cam- talage onthe upesfaces of Meum Gres, Bl Gren and Eats Bros Specification Ilyushin Il-2 Stormovik 152" The maton martings ha been cu rm he uelge end he are ties gone tom the contol suracer” The glaze rat canopy anton bck fa ‘Thi 2 was prof an xhiton of war boty hd n Bapest, Hungary during May t Seelea tm canopy ep wore piel of nr roan rae. (0. ont) atte 12. The storage of alumina sn sel ocd tte Avert Fin) 18 to pode Telge sects protien wa overcome by isang forsee Ussing ‘bom eter side ofthe ee oe, wo high on ke cap nt low on the slags: fined wih balance weight onthe silos to inpove contol response, which were deleted “ez ceived conrable cet ni power when he SAVAK 2004 canoe ws replaced by he VYe23 23uM cannon. This foidable werpo could pce oe ich tant) of amon a nance of 1312 fet (40 cer) Te wegen wig 51 pound We he AVA ep 2 rel prt 280 eu ah cathard wing postion betesn be SAVAK cannon a he ptt, an aboat posten rear the VY conor. Ths wan neeryDecase he ammunition sap of he VYo23 This ear 2 sora 17E1,Yllow had te fssage uncersrtaces ad part of Tape pled Bac wet rest of neorsrncn romaine Light Sue. The aera tiso io extemal aaron mass balance weigh. ECPADAA T6191) invotuced when Vver2 nd SAVAK eqeiped sire wer bl ogi ach one the Vai could te nif by i onger tara rig pace on te 2s priced arth ping of he Oren Pac Wa ‘Combat experienc, pied oer the Ease fet. sowed tha hee was inset ee wocton foie nd ple of emer lt we ae on the topo the ear sing ‘etc bey operational loses of 12 “The IL? hal provision fora RSI- rao tamer an, athogh he antenna mast and Ferman ocr icra was fied wi aa et Dig te expat te wa, he ‘cae raw ea hath ede alt ely on inal oti Wig en we {he main wheel bay and the normal landing geatdoos were deleted The tall whee was also (Ont Sate De Commie tated cl Evan Com tomer the can octal nt Sted Ur meen wll ‘frit ang Gams hot theme ar ome nny 9 ‘che LS Itc wh 100 wer eee ne nlc on he med tek oo con ny yu emcmand wa Meare vce et yur Ao Yt oben Svea on cay meme wr gen wens GAZI Kaytee oma ey te {Srbs osm Te The il ep ters neo, GAZI nd GAZ whch freed sare re of be fag, wee move en of Ul ose Etec wi te ace mcg oon wow srs afr ye 7A Kaye on te ep tre al as hve. ‘The prope true potion tcp ns ofan cmp se kone seal Ray, hd en ‘rude wooden huts, subsisting on bread and a thin soup made from beet greens, There were ‘mona! she cf oc a on cap a a rer es fama mae por w muy lrisa onde fee eae peas tt [Sree he 2 oie Key ne ner sane ® ma aap ty Stewie pee Dae ee fe ‘x2 mun rm mito rng aah Wr ay 14. Shr er ot 22diieen nae wr tse wer ommea i Buerren those eon eect Canoe vi ts nninge Senge oom wn an ‘Sica sane in ws ute: FF) Canopy Development — a eet impose of iar ne cars point of ve, “The Ret Army neds he 2 SS oa and bead. T ge 34 to prdece rae vusins™ Adee hued by he Sopreme Soviet on 25 December 11, decal al workers mobile to war and he The 12 lef the Keys pla on 0 December 1981. This sat was assented ‘om compos acally but Verner nd mae cepa ght theme, ‘toy est ple Yrgen Lakin athe contol, tte Soviet Unc 7 “Theis in sein the 112s comin daring eft day of the new yer Aso ‘ Jamary 194% the Kayes pst ww capable of dtvrng ie 1.2 8 day. hi te "A mmr of changes were indaed onthe 112s manufac t Kaye daring the cone of he prction rn Thea pt ofthe zd center canopy was elie “The RS-132 had length of 283 feet (864 MM) and had five pound (2.25 kg) warhead, piv “To way 2, Wht 7, of e174 SHAP (Asaut Aiton Regimen prepare or a mi ton on the Lanne Wont dri the Wit 18-1842. The ara has 8 ons: ‘ar blue anton mast rar seen an Was. (GF. Petrov) RO rocket rails used with the earlier RS-82 rocket. A direct hit by either a RS-82 of RS-132 ne prison Isha the PBP-1 o PAPA en sght reps by very rasmertry \0-lgunsigh The VV-1 sig was itoduced on single et I fo the fat ie a {caus se ead jurist het of wc dng Asa ea ws replaced wih thc W-L sino device which consisted of he aiming ccc dre on the damond shapes ‘Sig on two scat 1-2Ms and al lar wo seat versions “Tew bie proton 11 cared te four baz refrain te flage ‘eam cle hat he stad ad ston he " reatieeare ins ‘rae! ed Starner ont fasion adr swing uncersuces er ‘albyanv, The land ght on production t's war mounted on he srooar wing nh (GF. Povo Paper merce near cee en a tpi peers art Noa wer Srcgmagae meremcreererrat ‘Geiracera oneness moos Il-2 Two Seat Conversions pos giclee at he rat cou be easly downed by tn atch De ea td {hs gely cme hn arti, Te lay 10 dea rene Toss ba proved ta ysis a coniprion wa th bes configuration Ends compl abot the saming aon rate nere se fe fre-ln egiments oh ystia Din Bureau. Te he bt eer 1-2 plats tly tan el kf oe Regamenl ener fcr cated that he cane Ine cer of pei as amopy and part of he fselage inorder to make foom fr the ear gunner, 27.6201 cd ofthe 208 and 37h Asst Ait ‘Thiet o the 570 SAP (Anau Aviation Regiment wae tthe sored en set torte var gunner (OP. Povo) A nts wich nz pcraing We ses Field Modified Gun Postion “i single aoa 12 of he 57H SAP (Assn Avalon Roginent was fed wth a rae unners penton Winn Fonne Asset Regenia such conversion were ocehy ‘Site's « ed mosteation. The rar portant te eanopy snd © portion oe fet ‘eetge was cl away Tome fom forte gun and guna. ORen fhe gun an ret ‘ing mere taten rom Plnarpy Ws ipanes. (enn Yatonan). Combat The frst 12s were llc othe Ath Asal Aviation Regiment in May of 1961 ttey were Ge ven tuning one pew pe. Ting proved tobe od sac filets wore ony fain ih lanes and he gph ght cancers od the ack of fil Wher the ura pots completed tal conversion ring hey were set Bogoiuchov with he int ch of 12s i rer to ar aig the ein pts and fund ces of the ih Asal Aviation Regiment. Tut ws the fiat Regimen iin ‘ck By tat mete were bari seo hanes an a 0 deep the Repiment, under the command of Major 8G. Getman, received orders 10 move from agate toe ont nly TOU an ined ted tack enemy amor and even fred thet go i waiing. Inia, it bad been planed tat factory test pls at nthe day period the 4h Assant tomo pt lt ing in ton ofA Za he camatage NA, ‘Smt Fshsthin pant! (Dat oe ‘core T2salloeed othe Regiment wee service, By ly September of 191, nly afew {ton band, applied on al Alsat assigned to the Eastern front. The undering rock ‘tata have been emoved tom te arra (aan Vanonn) talons on mis sooo spams Red. ho Resa ocktae outed othe ype Urawrg roca ra he 12 une German respect for te ter utbrmes of iit ls, who prs hme ‘his Sot pt surrendered to Hungarian woop ater coming down i the southern ‘hatin ick outine (George Panha) ‘Api of te production 112 woe evaluated byte Luft. Both havea thes sack ‘insu oytem: sme Hower ing Ase” formation as employed gait atk Taratons which were avencing ‘cco of Mhgh and the plots were granted vomplce freedom of action The pls tacked ‘weapons. adion he “re ile” cou be quickly eformed into a “close” cle ala ater nthe cept aes he Soviet Union. x mee ho wed ot Shing yard wih scene, insets combauOn one such an cexasion. Sergeant N-Ryaboshapko ofthe 299%) Assault Inthe cary stages ofthe Great Pattie War, the 12 piso perform mo of hei ‘German stfieds aso became & popular target forthe 1-25, In August of 1942. 1-25 ofthe ” I-21 Fighter fete ven Geman poset, sich wer suri bye wring Rel Amy Wik MT tel te 2824 Ata Avan Regina gaged wd shot dovn.x nme of Geman {3000 sist Sal Amy Cpe‘ er taped by he Soi wine ces nth sit set igh sed en the Ht wan oped AMISH expe med ith Tey num whe ReGAZ Fore I's pled we ope per aan ow sd ("Sr sor a the pon as scepe oy Ste aor e Npshie Design Buea ‘Souls wor dio lea Tua ein spy cary wo eal cing 100 ap AMTSHF cane The at weighed 11367 ponds 39 A) wich mas 82 “The 2 ghar had he wo SPKAS 7.2m machine guns dled slong with he under ‘won socket rants armament conlted of «par of Wes} amu cannons sr 150 ‘eunds per gun. The areal was powered by en Improved 1,700 tp AMIBF engi. (ior Kaos) Funds (00 Lighter tan he anand mal veon. This weight rection wi com Fie ong oedema psn nh a es "Foe 2 stud ator ess in aly of 198. Te ghee ected 258 ph (4S kn) at 1.268 fot (4.30 ete Up to aes 3123 feet (40D ter he op Speed ssprior tthe inl II or anh 87 Albough th test prove be seco he Tiger projec dnt develop beyond te fatary testing Sage ecase he Red A Face ba sain fabers ith Better performace stength andthe Asalt Avion Fuselage Development N2eary 121 Fighter 19 Il-2M-82/I1-4 ‘Th Gam invasion ofthe Soviet Union avancd tough Smolen oe Wet ge of Moscow i eet Leningrad cape Kl snd mich ofthe Ura. Tefal "A (S30 on 30 Sater 1941 the German anche Unternehmen Tain (Operon TYPHOON), when Genrateimarschall Fer von Beaks Ary Grp Cee plane "With te impending mac, te evacuation of Boncow's facta, pofacing vital war tne, became sia. With the movement ofthe Miklin engine werk (GAZ-28) from Klscow tos lcnton behind te Un momssinn, a shrage of AM 8 power plats wat expected "Ares, he yeh Design Buea sre prot oad aleve engines tthe 112. When te Wetec pesca towards Mancow. aah ry was sed oe powerplants chosen fr isan was the N-A2 une elder two rw ral engine tick nasa ht in the ony ele enpne which cul seve ae saa fer he AM Le ip Maz engine won Sevetape by Arady D. Svea hs tea nt Desi Breau Perm imcenal Rasa, "Shory afer he ed oth Ste Asepence Tk, ge slept ofthe MRD power pln ws tard May of 194 Due o he fat at The was powered by a Stostsos 167 hy H.2 al.cole racial angina. was con- ‘evi tom a preerpoducan 2 ingest! an ean the aren rae blnce ‘lsh: Toe nedona! mahinge onthe ter fslage hs thn smal lack oui (aor Kuo nage ang“ som 0 he manatee lm ea al ea he wo me lal he VSR2ZT pote ws pid yw V0 Shp cata wack mound on each ie of tc cowng jt low te cow ap, Ont ‘Suboard side, the ANB wing rota intake was irl ver. ‘Offensive armamen eae he same on he eal produto 2, two 20.0 SAVAK theese ra ih fr he PHP pn sgt wa deed. “The ihe npn nd the removal fhe engine coking stem, togter withthe smpler ons ed eight econ oF 82 pours 40 kg). The wos hal» weigh ‘12018 pean (885 kp some 98 pound (133 lth he AN power ingle The ear gue’ son was ease abough the poston was somewhat unter back and fined wih protective anor forth ear get In atone wo side Windows the Irontesnpy wee lg elrged when compre wih th rdacon sige ta 1.2 The ‘cin i at no by gong a are mie ew x Te fol capcty was ances 191 aloes (724 es). The tea Faces with tin Black eucne Nota ose markings were aed on he I tr Ding Tact tein. te eed ped 27 gb 2 a Snr of gp problems sd oc nga sy. The Wp evan, reac arm ty he Lone Range Beer Reser. The Ma enn eae 4 ces ts Ov repens ngs eyo ng [a ‘he Shetnov M2 rail powered variant ofthe was town a he 20-02). {othe topolthe rearcanopy Fame. (vikor Katey) ‘Su engine Govetoped ETE and wns howend ls gt iingACA cong wth cont ‘taps Sound tn tang eoge. Tis tame engine was ued to power he Ln and Us? ‘ghre (GF. Peto) 1-2M The most serious shortcoming ofthe ingle seat H-2 wat is oa ak rear defense, Lawl ps quickly Uncovered ie weakness and developed tas atk the hin lis most unrbl pation the igh ear guar, Wid per oa, aie ‘Ast Aviaon Repent ws ey gh Pies ie cana oth yun Design Bursa his tata weakness andthe

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