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‘How can marketer justify their need for data? ‘Some times some customers Doesn't like to share there personal information with the people They don't know. So, ‘A-customer needs a variety of customer information to know the answers to such questions for customer analysis or what type of product, at what price, in what quality or in what form the Gustomer wants, Satisfaction depends on the customer's reaction tothe product by using ifferent types of products. Customer data is needed to get to know customers better and more so fora marketer. ‘How can they acquire data and maintain customer privacy? To acquire data cutomer should follow some step: survey interviewing 3 market analysis 4. Feed back For Maintain the customer privacy “The marketer has to give full security to his customers for his data “Marketers need to be fully committed to customer data. *The data taken from the customers should be kept in a separate secure way by creating a data center, *Data security needs to be audited periodically *Very few people will have access to data taken from customers who will have to be the higher authority of the organization.

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