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Scene 1:
Patrick brings up Jane’s breakfast and they talk about their expected baby.

Scene 2:
Patrick kisses Jane and says bye and rushes out the house to work. They will be talking
about Patrick’s work.

Scene 3:
Patrick in the car on the way home from work to his own house with Mary.

Scene 4:
Mary is at home waiting for Patrick to arrive.

Scene 5:
Patrick opens the front door and speaks to Mary about how the baby has been. He then
runs upstairs in a hurry.

Scene 6:
We get a voiceover of Mary speaking about Patrick and how he never asks about her
feelings after he has left her for a full night.

Scene 7:
He comes downstairs and asks Mary about what’s for tea and she asks about where he has
been for the night.

Scene 8:
Patrick then gets a phone call from Jane and he tells Mary that work is ringing him.

Scene 9:
There will be a voice over of Mary talking about how she’s noticed that Patrick is always on
phone calls in the evening.

Scene 10:
Mary will be listening to Patrick’s phone call and he will be talking about how he loves Jane.

Scene 11:
Mary accuses him of cheating on her with another woman. Patrick confesses his love for
another woman and how she is pregnant. Mary kills Patrick.
Scene 12:
Mary has a mental breakdown and can't believe Patrick is dead. Mary thinks of a plan of
how she is going to solve it.

Scene 13:
(INT) of the shop and Mary goes to get an alibi.

Scene 14:
She returns home and calls 999. She says that her husband has been murdered whilst she
was at the shop.

Scene 15:
Police arrive and start an investigation

Scene 16:
Mary puts the lamb in the oven and talks to the police as she knows them.

Scene 17:
The police discuss what has happened and don’t think Mary has killed Patrick.

Scene 18:
Mary feeds them the lamb.

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