Pub Hughes Ah 64 Apache

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ST Na leal=K wt V2) \(Eln) in action — \ Bs z: Aircraft Number-95 quadron/signal publications AH-64 APACHE in action By Al Adcock Color by Don Greer Illustrated by Perry Manley Acknowledgements {would ke thank the folowing people t For Husker, Album for hel el COL Stove Risch (Commanding Ofer at Bali, 22th Aviation Regiment) ICO1 ari ecsae(Commantng Oe at tain Ith Avan Ko ‘en, sve Huger, SP Frank Sullivan, nd Baty Goodson of te NM Sy tts its Ofer in Eons ned in Cry atthe 3 Ay non SARE Sfemun, Mess Chea ue Ary Avon Ten Aci eae Notte lt Combat sone sein Dates ‘cil hank Jin Raeosy atl Crouch of M-Doarell Douglas ‘he not ober them again ual [we abou another MDH product Photo Credits oath Adcock Apache Magazise Singer Teedono Roan US. Army US AieForce MaDossall Doulas Heboopter China Clipper Photography Pre Hatem Anpegnronee stn om cay Bonen vont ‘ios fw Boson ata hrs ne antarmor seaxhecopter ane bert at ‘morstecs Reaaprr ine Word tas. US Ara) Introduction “The AIL.64 Apaches th Intestin longline of red rotary wingicrfthat date ‘backs he Serond World War when the Poche Acyes 2 med what [iG 1s machine gun, Eat hlcopcre were ovisionod for ase the search and rescue {Dice they nrc woeocdunertaecnony at armament wer luge ora ‘eens tenant the Korean Wa 19501989)that serous conidernon was gen {© ung he heleopt as noes plairm armed wiht guns and rocket “The Hel H 13 wath ft Ameria hip teamed wih machine gun foe sei defonge Later StorkyH-SeandPlaeel ealewere armed with orkese elles ‘aunsand this practice ed tothe beginnings ofthe tue armed attack helicopter. During 1954 the US Army, based om is expenence inthe Korean Wa, sw te need fo dedicated red helicopter that cold cso roprcarinatelconeryand con up ‘res encmy groundfireThearmedbelopter woul ave hecaabisy to godeep Intoenem terstoy perform trecueminion and rer, With thse isons id fhe Ary Uplped cel redler ning he Hay goeip a Thearmedatack helicopter conecpcame into ts on and grew daring the Vietnam ‘ar 161-973} The primary armed elcopereariyinthe wars heal UF hey Originally, red versions ofthe Huey cued four MO machine pas and rocket ‘Amys ftheaselcpter drewhesty cricumrom es. ArFore ohh newed ‘Rearmed belies a am encoathmea in her tion of suport fr ound ‘ores The debate etneen he Army an A Frc had started duit Koran Wat dnd became ested daring Viena _Presnures fom hewar forced compromissberwenth Ac ose nd Armnyertull Inglnthe Key WoscAgrumentso es The Arm pavethe ArForsther CV 2CaibOw ‘rasponsndia retrn the Arn wsralloned io purauedonlopment of te helicopter Eunsipio suppor send roopsin te armilrole By the cao the Vietnam Wa, \artour Huey stants has bom armed with 7.40N0« six bare minguns 275 eh Oe ets TOW antiank mises SOeaibr machine guns sown grenade faunchers and The nt dedieated armed atack helicopter tener Army service wasthe Bel AH "ucy Cabra. The Ca tized he coping tor syiem and dive se of he Hy tnd mating ito an allnew frclage tat eared nde seating tad ob ving TRS (Cobra wat armed th 278 inch ockts, 40MM grenade launcher an MSO machine une With sim fuselage te Cobra had far geste peed and maneuverait thin thee) The unsem cok pvethe cropland copilot gunner rater iy forspotig and atacing eave The Hue) Cobra prove tobe she sieses since Saraedenourh armament ob an fev ground support aera sd tread ape Huey ctor thet mended oc of womp cir The Cobra howerer had nee Unitas The Cobras sinale Lycoming 3 engine di notproduss enough power teabletohandsthe hot weather condionsin Vets ad sal armament ond at sme ine, While good the Cob was not the agra the Army nonded Forks fate uring fun of 196% the Army began x program, krown a the Fee Support Aca Sytem identi thopersdona erent of snc peneraon of saextclcop- Se Dug th gay was edt Adtane Acti oe SuporS- tem (AAFSS) and Request fr Propostls REP) was isd tintreed companies or Sbanoed anned stack helicopter After evaluating proposals rom beth Locked sad Sitorty, he Army announsed that Lockheed Noa won wt Hs etiology {ivanced Lockheed AHS Cheyenne 4 pastry aie eee eaters ie eee fee erage eae es arenas d a itis evermore Sheet Sau arco papa interac ‘igo cnecoane a wererac fete areaast eee gece ter tas eid trey citar cortege Rt os Eee rene elem eee Sehietet wtaecuenmgsarnemeate en ae Sih ceed taatastgactaienoncs ee eg eter ‘The LocanwedYAH+S8 Cheyenne was Dull o eplac he Ait Cob; Hower, evo: ‘ten tpotiensandeearecon ommrnsiestotwpretbelngconcaegcurngio?s Fart {hd ean te, the Cheyenne hed» perormance clos to thls Pater ara (Coetnecs) ‘A toil of five companies responded tothe REP; Bel Bocing Verol, Lockheed, Hugues. endSthorsky On 73 June 1972, two companien Hughes Helicopter (Mfode! 7) {nd Bell Helicopter (Model 8), were awarded contacts te Bud a Sales artrame ‘nd two ying protrypes The Bel Model a receive he designation YAMS 2nd the Bells YAH prototype lew on | Octobe 975; honeveriterashed on June 1976 the Army. was alustod forfour months dung ITS. AIthe end athe evaluation the ‘Any aie thatthe aerlt waite or no improvement over the AF 1 Cobra. The ‘YAH! hod ued an armed rotor eytem Sad lageyon the Mocel 309 King Cobra (ansaid Hey Cobra) ells decison oun st bladed main andl ot, pr revering th seating rangement forthe cre, putting he pt upfront the Explafgunne inde re fecal elimiated the Bell entry om cote tion, Fist flown on 30 September 197, the Hughes YAH‘G4 (Hughes company designe tion AV-02(AV-1 was he grounds ahcleenuyinthe AAH program ookan enue ‘ilerenc approach, The YAEL prototypes (AV anc AV) emerped ar win eng four bladed main rotor fur bladed a roar: wo place Recap, with he ena mounted in pods slongne the fssagr apove te two stub wings. The prove {Eatured sharply swept beck main Lndlng grr egs and aes sivling lockable ‘Tet yA was on te ontrain he Army's AN Aavanced tae Hooper em putton te Bete sos reversed he tancrd placerat ptm une Ohh ‘re gener erapy te ran cacti the ove, the Bal ety loath contract 0 Niger Vase at etcopton : whee The rew was housein a tandem cockpit with conventional coplovgunnerand Pilot seating (ir gunner ia oat pt in back). Aces o the cockpit was made fivough openlsgeanopy paslson the starboard ideo the sirall Above the tai oor ‘eer insued a sige Morzoaal tablizer: The su wings wee configured nth fost ‘eapons pylons and the seondary gun armament wae installed nde the forward ‘anagein anunthredtarret The weapons ightingrytem (ethers Norbrop or Marin ‘ania sew lobe ietlod athe cent now sce fea slectok on wich ‘stem would be wed wes made, "Hogs ls designed he proton features mumber of design innovations inthe seat of erent and mntinaily. The main landing gest war Sesioned fo Be Stesed io losers work lator for maintenance crew Theoret ot aly ‘culated Your blade main flor ad eat foot, fou ish seissors type ou Bade all Totor were designed toe eapabeof withstanding anteatrat its Of pf 230M ad il encom. sndiheBell YAH The formal announcement Wasmada by he Secretary ofthe Arey fn I December 1976, Phase Ila the conret required the maaulactre of tee ‘Saitonal prototypes for avons and weapons esting “Toe Hughes val (73-2224) prototype made st ight on 30 September 1975. The Seis vitae prottypes feature 9 gh alpine ond seg ped tor biden, The ‘robe moured on port sdo ona noe ma afar dt roe. eDonnal Osu) Phase IT YAH-64 “The fit month Phase pron of the AAH program bean during any of 1977 and called forthe constction of thee adsittooa all ale development pro Aopen Thee te (AV-94, V5, Te the at pretotypes, wee but te Hinges cliy at Culver iy Calforia Por obegsingthe Phase Httsanumber ‘modifteabana vere made the at hee protogpes "The main torbade received weptpeelacieg ieoinal quaredottps.he rotrmast het nas ncreapey ies andthe alot ameter was reed bythrv inches taamatompliocuredsnamicioadprobiems that hadbeoneacoutited Shrng Phase ss teal planeotpromype AV 02vasalredyithareveeewperand fi plates binge tothe sabes ups Proetpe AV. was aap mode Wh fiche eagechek tings tocoveteealrgedananixbays and hsp? ma Sieh that Ss pn beng eld yl ‘Grin the Ay bad paved to at he YAH wi the TOW anak mi siesyem Inthe vet the Rockwell Hel sn-armor mise developient ba pr Cesded fr faster than anticipated an became the weapon of choice On 18 March 1999, ¥AH-6 AV accel red the Helremelorthe estima at Can ese ‘etn, Califo ‘Durng Pha esting the prototypes were reared demonstrat ter ably 6 rector the scat primary mnaom rhe U'S-Army One of he egurmens was Thtthe AFLGk armed with eight elfen 0 rounds of 3h armuntion nd ‘henouph el or tsRowtfightine demonstrate a oisum beter mate Tera ato clin a8 perce engine powerundethotand high opdiions(bsed on ‘Standard Army hot day 095" Fahrenhetat 00 fet) Notonly did the VAN-amect the mintioen Paptements exomded thea by a fant of ice The ee of, ised onacual ight est dua was 1450 fet pet minute "Fobvefeciveonthebatle Gala weaponsyrem suchas the Apache mastbeablet> unde bate damage To mett Army sursabiiy requirement he aisame caine, {ranmisson andor bles were naruto withstand hso 2 ad ae is up oh and ul function. The eew sn cockpit sea wa even special some Sieration with ight went Keo armor bein placed setesoctons To rer Sahanoccew tian atranmpeen Ses mild ta placed ever he pt ad ‘On St Ouohe 17, potcype AV. was complete, This crf incorporated a numberof moiicaonsto theta ecion hat Rad bce tated by problem encoun {ered nth thei tee prottyper The orginal T ail as replaced by sow sont tne pce horizontal slbaoe This suitor cat down on dynarh bratons ad five the YAHLst such baer low speed eouro. Besides relocating the sailor, ‘lugs ae sized te height ofthe verical in sy and sepoisoned the al rotor Sind er boxaeerbiy oa postion two and hal ft higher onthe vercal Ba end {igh forward The ame of te ta tor was lo Intend. Toto remain [toh petweralo butt this sewtllsonguaion andthecarr prone or Foi tothe standard ding oer erent years 1979 end 198) the Apache logged over 4000 hours ghtesting and gave nome Might demonstatone During 98 he Army. ering with ik to name ts helicopters afer North Americar Indian bes betowe the mane Ipacheon ie VARS Dusng this the Apache wavalaiey be USMarne (Repeat pose successor fo he FATT Sex Cabra, During 19, on fhe Ape Drotnper conduted swore! NATO counties in an atempt sell the AHH ood eforces Thetestpropramssifered one setback when protonpe AV. was dseovedin ‘Amidst calion win 12s chau plane ‘When Hughes had reed the coatact wo bulld the YAEEG4 protoypes, they relied that their tase at cles City Wosld be Inadequate thandie fall sal pro ‘octon. A decision was madetaconsructa new manufacturing felt forte helo. tErim an ares ee rom the congested rafal Las Angle ‘Thenev Hughes ecity war ila Mea, Arizona mhconstructonbeginningon March 1982 When completa the ne faci was the ost moser helcope resuc ion comply ever bul coming some 5000 square fet of work sea. The fist Hier employers move ino te naw fii during February of 88, endo bes ‘roducion of the Apache Ta March of 1985 afer some tn seis of design and testing the Defense Systems ‘Acquistion Review Counc avs inalapprvalto the Apache and ordered the a= ‘altinto producton under the Gesignation AHA. ‘itsecrotoypes 601 and V-02(73-22288 and 73-2220), waren) equpoed wh Ow entre mica uncer ‘he Amy spaced et he TOW wos oboe "re ‘oro ‘Diturmor mine caro by he Apaches Sonera the TOW waster rapersaded yt ‘Spore man Us Army) a ee ae ea eee ‘Stablizer configuration anc Wat aided canopies (US Are) ‘owe cannon under ine useage was a dummy inetalsion. MeDonnel Dovgas) ‘Main Rotor Blade Development Yanea (arly) Yanes (Phase) reverse thar pstn Ths mica not produc te Sena _ fnpoverer nd theta woe ar conplto resigns AM) rotorype Yate natony we my stations but ary bases uch SR Vega rere ptr ares th a AH-64A Dering 1982, Hughes ecved contract o proceed with production of elven ro- ‘qucionaeratlunde ihe desgaton AH-StA Whileial ating yascillongng be imy eid a er Engine for naalltion inthe Sikorsky SA-0 Scahawe forte Novy, au te Ary ‘Teed to reengine prototype AV-05 with this powerplant. Tests proved that the ne ‘hein wascompatie withthe Apschesirame andthe Army ordered that prosaction ‘Spaces be powered by this 172s amp engine under he designation T7OCOE- 1 ‘With exept of he fst production contact Hughes aiid Teledyne Rye in San Diego, Callorat the subcontractor responsible forthe isclage wings anil seb) toproceed with prodvcion of efsteleven Apache subasenblies By March of 138, thefiteompllefseape sub-assembly aeied ot Mes and production he Apache brea Te fst rr (PV-, Le, production vehicle number 1) rolled off the Mess ‘steal line on 30 September 185. ‘Produston AHA incorporated all the modcatons sted onthe proves. These incoed the low moaned stablator, eva canopy, Ineesed Gsmee ‘ote tallrs, and enlarged side uslage avin ba rng. Adaonally the nose [otf he peotucton Apache dif consderbW from he protoypes ef the [tstaltion of production TADS/PNVS sensor ut The wespons pylons wee cleo ‘hanged with asides movable pylon replacing thecal navtow fed pylons “The protucion AHA Apache's sem-monocogue fuselage ha an oneal eng 5 fell chy shetty sino et andbe wag sponte ‘ings 17 fae oc The main tor hata dameter of 4 fo while the the tal or Udatseteried foot inches Empry night e107 pounce while primary mission gross selenes 16443 pounds and fry mission (000 nautical miles) gross Weights 2.00 ound almost double the srs eps) Weight Daring 1994 Hughes Heloper was purhosed by McDonnell Doupas Aircraft andbecame MeDontl Douglas Helicopter Company. Daring tha me yea fe A {A Apache was sanded the Natal Aeonaues Aasoiatin 983 Robert Caller ‘Trophy The Calc rophy perhaps the mot coveted and peesiousamatdin ava tow tor achiesement ih aerpavtic and ntonaetes E "The Apache war designed fom the wart tobeeay maintained inthe eld without the ald oUtparate work tsade or ladders The sire equiped with built work Plaorms swab access sup, andeasly access Work seat One lnpovation san fn board felt cerectonvlonton stem that poins out on board problems tothe bound eens Allin electric and uatines ae quick diconnec types which mate ‘placement cay and fat een under fil condos The ansnshon sisal insuchamnanethatte removable for guick eplae- ‘meat witht having emove the ain otormastor mainrotr system The Apacs {quipped with an airy power nt (APU) to provide on groand power fora of he ‘tent cect Aydrtl and pneumatic mpteme and act se contained state ‘init the two 725 shp TO0-GE-701 engines Maintenance eulrement are futher educed by using greaedubdcaed (stead of ol) Intermediate and tall roo Beat “The asrame, wing, and engine naceleasemblis ae of sem monocoque con- ‘srocton and of conventional seraft rae lumisum fo cae oop i he Ga “Thofuselag nas boon designed to sure romweapons of 12h yp 023MM he ‘main ipet of weapons that are expected fo e encountered onthe badlefl. The ‘selageislbo essed io absorb eral impacto fotwo et pr seeded and tl 0 rote the cow. Inthe evento a cesh the crews protected by rol ars that are uit iti cn ame Fr ine pcon the Ach unger wo cing fetenl ‘The Apache's tno 1,723 hp Geral Elects T0t-GE.701 ub shaltensinescante stared hot ouside aristance by we of he onboard 125 hp Garret Air Research, [Ausliary Power Unt (APU) Engiee cxtaust schanadied though the MeDoneell Douglas Black Hote nar suppression sy. The Black Hola tem coset of Primary sod tree seqondery cooling nozzles which reduce the temperature of the Engine exes hereby reducing the serfs IR stature Tae primary norte as {goo sir and mixesitwsth te exhaotin the hee secondary ozriex. The three secon deren iat atenouteardangleto pret heatecking mister "The foldable four blades of the AH-64 main rotor system are attached tothe mai ‘stored, which lnk test the dive sha and supported by the state mat ‘Treprowope' bladeshadthefron halo thbae covered hws eal nd the ‘nth arphiea compote overlay aking The alfouors of ascsors desig wd the ‘ladeestard0" and 120" osach other Tam tothefour blade mainrotorand rere tallrotr the Apache has les than half the noise of eae atack helicopters landing geat with ally eastering elPcentering and lockable tall wheel The landing ‘arassambly isdesigned webs vetea impacts of up o 12 Tet po econ Wh no {Eugenie ma rarer mannan oa teaepriaton abo age Preeti or he crew sof paramounl portance i the Apache andisprovidedby thcetensive ute ofigntelght Kevar ror lating Kevlar, madehy Dao, th Tigatorght and Ulla esata toarall ee Kero sell plone eet ‘The Aoache aesembldtn the hart Apache nan tery at en, Azone Theat rosistonalv sah tot partintnesnruateiteMourann Apache nd Wows Labor Oy ‘esis arg 1064 WeDonnc Cows) ‘cannon rounds (1. 340). transparent armor gas blast shi separates the pt ffom the eopioy gunner to prevent agents fom a ita. ove cockpit om ining Si womb fe land cop peer sn anda der ae, te *[olustneroahaace crew sural the Apaches equipped with he Alcralt'Soe ‘only Equipment (ASE) ses. The ASE stem incudes a passe rod Warning Tousen an Je mmr asadarammior anda halle penser The passive radar Staring ceiver canautomatcallyenpastheraderjammerifathreatrasels deacted ‘TRC AN/ALQ iat IR Jommer syst it pounted on the upper uslage immediatly ‘hind the rotor mastand gonecates pulsed IR ners to confuse the seeker head of TR {guided missles The MI50 challare dispense, lodted onthe et er foseage side, Fold ss Mi chal rounds. Chaff o flares canbe fied either automaticaly ranvaly ian incoming enemy misuie atack sere. "The Apache bas pcnoucoa performance It has a maximum lel sped of 184 np tnd nasi engnimitoped of 197 mph altough one rote YAK ‘ached dvespeedof 57 mph duringa structural esti 1960) The Apachehasarange ‘SF 900m om ternal ue an asia fry range oth exe ak) of 108) ile Sere cling 21000 fe and vercl rat of lim 250 fet per mine ‘Sines ring intoproducion during 93 te Apache has shievedamumber fie TheAttstwas the ist producio helicopters auneh ase glded munitions: the ist ‘Sisequiped with fl-byire backup fight control systems te ito incorporate tls prtetonagaast 2a ood 127 weapons rough the ure eundant Aightand weapons sistem anda stuctualytoleranceslagethesttobe compete sith ahsiet mounted dspay wich ncoporstes fight ans wespons symbology and Forward Looking infared PLIR) imagery; und theta to seu mitogen ners ue ‘Daten Tha athe Ary as contre fora tual of 8 Apaches, mith poction ‘xpeted ton eli the mld 1980s In Jane of 199 erat formally requested livery of inten AHLGAAS unde the _Atrarmed Apc makes ow va Nigh sped pass casing the man ror ae 12 Spee omar aig maton mre (8 hy pooh ak heb ain TABS Coben ia the starr oe ane land announced an apres ment atthe 1989 Ashow forcoprodacton ofthe Apache in nlanaifthe ANS Army asi next ata belcpter: The Bra Army ht ‘quirement for 125130 such leone and decision ls expected during Ine 1 ‘Unsertheagroemens, eran wll paduce upwandsot ony pereatothe Apache ale frame in England, "Negnatons alo gurey ongoing tonard ostibe alt of AH-S¢As toe mam berafatertcnalynatons Thesenctations are eparedly nearing naltzaton with Holland, while Japan, Kore, Eaype and Spain eve al expressed en tate nthe ‘Anace forse by their ares ore, (Geiow MeDonnot ougs Apaches or produced in anew ey constructed oro, (Sermo opty tt winced an on para an cares sca parl The Wh oc ‘inglus nthe wings upper islage end op ofthe tal oration tanraseat pan ‘seBomel Doves) oP ‘As are dotvred tthe Army pated ina Fut Dak Groen caroutage chums, The Thebugeundertheconarfnalage ofthe i 4A he ADF antenna owing Apache fiininspecatypesedgnedapuey comes suinrasigtaeneyetony —scuepd wins ety fae and rage! dar Owe cine pars Ecehetandtackhmapace Trapaetcancibewuneabyconvraanimaedsonde Ses fri pda apr ene tan Pa wp onan ehh ‘tj! to navon weathering. ets Rven) ‘Rourted ontop ofthe vec sapizo ‘tay ot retermedbyhecopters nig oop a, nt antares ss ‘Tarourenorsticton onthesrsrftamaneuversy avenwhencaringstalwespons Mat cdonnet Seog) bite “Tenia Apache ay aerobatic capabe of perorminga variety otmaneurers no Weapons Pylons “ ‘Armament Systems “The Apache i armed wlth thse separate weapons systems For suppesive fre a sana hte gun cased wth 100 rounds of ammunilon. or area suppressive fie, Upto sevemgeain275 neh (mm) Folding Fin Aerial Roekts (FAR) etn becarced, ‘hile te ABs priory an-armor Weapons syst isthe Mellie laser guided “Allofthe weapons sb-stom can be directed either the plotor copilot guaner utaing the Target Aegisdon and Designation Sighl/Forvard Looksng Infrared Integrated Helmet and Display Sighting System. This combinon of sighting ses sakes the ANG er ormidate helicopter unde any and ll Weather conitons The Apsehe'spimary mission santarmorandfor thet misionitis arma with he ‘Helle eal Halligan acronym sanding fr HELioper Cached FIRE and forget The miles the pinay pt are weapon aceon he Apache and can ‘slat armoredorother hardtarges Wiha nclasifed rang of over llomters he ellie can be red from grou iewel at hover or at maximum vel Might speeds The [AGM-1It Holic canbe emplostd uring ce! or indirect fring modern singe te, "pl re, or spp fie engagements "The Hee canbe lnnched fom sca evel up tthe Apache's maximums sevice xing (1000 fet and har a speed of oct 17. Te Heli, bultby Rocke Inte. ‘ations nd Marin Maret. & fy fet our inches long and hes a boty omelet of Seven inches. The Hellize has tno dillerent tor options, cers minramoke rocket Motor or an extended range pulsed octet oto. "The heat ofthe mse tem is islasr sock system which altos guarantees ‘introundi Taeseckerhomes on ele ner igh povided the Apache anther aibore platform or erly ground UoopsAlihough he ier seeker caren he “elif ptmary guidance system here age wo oder versions othe sae under ‘levelopmeat Ones iagnginfrave (I) MiliMeer- wavelength adar(MM) ora ‘Dual ode IRM) Thess variants vil ie the ght ce he option of ring mis Sis in Wo dierent mods, lock on ater auseh (LOAL) o lock on bore asnch (ost) “The Helle mise aunehercanbecarnedoncseh ofthe four under wing plonsof the Apache. The launcher set + maltunesonal and can accommodate ee out ‘Helle mises per launcher, or (wth light modiiaton) a combination of Sager ‘te lninhed anfireraf mive Helles andfor2 sich EFAR pode Thelauncher ‘analio be configared for her two or fur Helle lunch sus, The weapons pyloas ‘emsetes are movable, which sie i aiming the valous weapons cued 08 the alos “The M-20E-1 30464 Chaln Gun automatic esnnonis the primary area suppres ‘re eapoaiitediotte Apache The sanonalso has thecapapihircestroyneienty lanmored veils sucha the Soviet BMP at ranges Out io “U0D meters. Although not {ended\obeansiriesiewsspon,thevannoncat bused gaint arial target as ‘nem necopters The cannon mpted in hyasicaly den treat canbe ‘Guvened 10" lear ighto the blisters cntrtin ean te raised 11 eta] Sind doped to Inthe event fle of hydraulic oer the tare lock in he ‘rent seimath poion andthe gun wil sotomaticlly seurnt be elevation wp Sowage porson 911 Up. "The qunhas avaible te fre fom 00650 oands por mite anda musa ‘loc of 250 fet per second, The masimum esac of he links: amanition ‘oraeestom is 1200 rounds Ia noel Opettion the un een sx att 9) ound ‘bunts five second betneen has followed by aon mite colng period, Darel fet preted to hesome 10.00 rounds 6 ‘The most common ype of amnion carted isthe M09 HEI (High Exporve Incendy)o¢ Me9 HEDP (High ExplosiveDual Purp) This ammurition ner cogent ADEN and ech DEFA toons land) NANO sun ec The cannon normaly operates bythe copper wing he Teper Acton ‘na Designation systom TADS) butinay abo beaered by ahererew member sing ‘irene mounted sighing ystems ‘Another area weaponciraedty the Apacheisthe27 inch 0060 folding ia cecal rocket HFAR) The rockets are housed nen LAU3/A M261 Hye ovnches sich Isa nineteen found capac The 275 inch rockets hove amelie range o 40 ees and canbe fed fom any alu There are many types of 275 teh rockets "lable sech athe M26 wit shaped change warhend forte against armor or he 1MBSS wih a flechette warhead whic contains over $00 one ounce sel Teche st) Tor ube again ene ground Woops and sat ain vehicles. ‘TheUS. Army iscuroniy examining Or mise systems for compa ith the Apache These tems tcl! the Stinger, Sicewinder. and Mistral ee trae mis |shipmissthe AGM1224Siearm nt redaton [Sree or sacteran Sonnet Boog) singoneof the original Apache prototypes (VAH-S4AV-15 a nlectronics testbed {esthe various avons electrics and sonic components thataretos wed nthe LHX Theron cockpit athe YAH St hex been reconfipred asa“ cockpit com sting of visual diplay us (VU forall nsine avons mespons and naga Inesments This totally ineratedsastrurent panel wil be wiized in consincton ‘th an avenged Rem cispiy unit tha i otc undergoing upgrading for he “Themodiod Apechts lo Sted with an advanced Nyy nl contal tes (ao intended forthe Advanced Apacs) and haste PNVS tet removed wit the opealng {red ows Ttearlesa large test probe mountedon the portskebelowthecoseptand ‘ormally flown wih the to wing emoved The YAETt (e225) hasbeen palates wth the silhoute ofthe proposed LHX sine on te se ofthe Apache. The sized punt seheme sim the BlcDbonnel DDovalas Helicopter calor of ue snd iver agai the standard Army Fd heen “Tooter arr involved inthe LHX developments program are he MeDon rll Douglas NOTAR OF protape anda Bell 222 demonstutor fed wth the ‘bearings main owe system The NOTAR preset aighly sod fed McDomnal Dough OH vie tes ducted awh orn under rea throuzh seit Slots in he ear fselage to promdeteanttorgue forces Dretiona conte sco Plsheuby means of rotating diectonal conta triste mounted tthe endo he tal nom The NOTAR nse poy hasflown ors than hous andes demons ‘muncavers far boyord the capa ass ofconventionalal oor heloaees Advantages tothe NOTAR system inchude superior banding qualites reduced weigt (oy elimi Yiomofthearoor, gearbous drive shalt) tedueawnintenanes ncrenses ee (both om he ground and in the i). Ineeused teliablt, anlar oss. ‘McDonell Douslatscurenty developing anew velco the MDX which uilizes the NOTAR sytem Sina ls announoementn Jambar t 189, ore ITs bane been placed fortis new sate-of the-art helicopter, even though the promtype's fs Aight smo expected unt May o 192 Experience pulnd wth the MDX pet wil

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