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Assassin Bullet, Tartaria, Space Force

Agenda -- ZetaTalk Newsletter
 Friday, March 6, 2020

The ZetaTalk Newsletter Issue 701, Sunday March 8, 2020 Assassin Bullet Given the steady pace of
investigations into the anti-Trump tr...

The ZetaTalk Newsletter

Issue 701, Sunday March 8, 2020

Assassin Bullet

Given the steady pace of investigations into the anti-Trump treason and crimes of 2016-
2017, many in the Deep State are nervous about being swept up in the net being cast.
Even before AG Barr assumed control, AG Sessions assigned US Attorneys Huber and
Durham to investigate the Russian Collusion origins, FISA, and Hillary’s email asco. The
Inspector General has also been involved. The results of these investigations are being
gradually released. How nervous does this make the Deep State participants who hope
to escape justice?

DHS Ordered Me to Scrub Records of Muslims with Terror Ties

February 5, 2016

Following the attempted attack, President Obama threw the intelligence community
under the bus for its failure to “connect the dots.” He said, “this was not a failure to
collect intelligence, it was a failure to integrate and understand the intelligence that we
already had.” His words infuriated many of us because we knew his administration had
been engaged in a bureaucratic effort to destroy the raw material—the actual intelligence
we had collected for years, and erase those dots. The dots constitute the intelligence
needed to keep Americans safe, and the Obama administration was ordering they be 2/20
3/6/2020 Assassin Bullet, Tartaria, Space Force Agenda -- ZetaTalk Newsletter | Operation Disclosure

wiped away.

Philip Haney, DHS Whistleblower during Obama Era, Found Dead

February 22, 2020

Philip Haney, a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) whistleblower who was an

outspoken critic of the administration of former President Barack Obama, was found
dead Friday, about 40 miles east of Sacramento, Calif. Haney, 66, "appeared to have
suffered a single, self-in icted gunshot wound". In June 2016, Haney testi ed before the
Senate Judiciary Committee, where he alleged that the Obama-era DHS had ordered him
to delete hundreds of les about reputed associates of Islamic terrorist groups. In
November, Haney contacted the Examiner about plans to publish a sequel to the book.

ZetaTalk Con rmation 2/28/2020: It is well known that a cornered animal will be vicious,
feeling it has no other option to escape. Blind rage, where the animal knows naught but
the desire to eliminate its attacker, emerges in such settings. Tribunals under President
Trump and civil investigations under the DOJ have reached the point where many
involved in treason in 2016 are seeking plea deals, and those who still hope to escape
the jaws of justice are trying to send a message. Of course Haney was assassinated,
execution style, as a warning to others who might want to emerge with information that
might help connect the dots.

Given the ruthlessness of an assassin’s bullet, and the numerous attempts to eliminate
President Trump and replace him with Speaker of the House Pelosi, how safe is VP
Pence? President Trump and his chef survived an attempt to poison him last November
18. Pelosi and Schiff participated in coup attempts on January 19, 2019 and October 20,
2019. They have both since been executed for treason and replace by Doubles, but
during this nervous time, how safe was VP Pence? And how secure was the o ce of the
VP? 3/20
3/6/2020 Assassin Bullet, Tartaria, Space Force Agenda -- ZetaTalk Newsletter | Operation Disclosure

Pope Francis Meets with US Vice President Mike Pence

January 24, 2020

During their meeting, the Pope handed Vice President Pence a copy of his World Peace
Day Message. In his Message, Pope Francis invites us to help build peace, promoting a
more just, supportive and fraternal world, because even today the scars of war "affect
especially the poor and the vulnerable".

Presidential Line of Succession

The line of succession follows the order of: vice president, speaker of the House of
Representatives, president pro tempore of the Senate, and then the eligible heads of
federal executive departments who form the president's Cabinet. Vice presidential 4/20
3/6/2020 Assassin Bullet, Tartaria, Space Force Agenda -- ZetaTalk Newsletter | Operation Disclosure

vacancies will be lled by the president and con rmed by both houses of Congress.
Previously, whenever a vice president had succeeded to the presidency or had died or
resigned from o ce, the vice presidency remained vacant until the next presidential and
vice presidential terms began. 1973 Gerald Ford was nominated and con rmed to o ce
following Spiro Agnew's resignation. 1974 Nelson Rockefeller was nominated and
con rmed to o ce after Gerald Ford became president upon Richard Nixon's resignation.

ZetaTalk Insight 1/31/2019: VP Pence has not been executed nor replaced by a double,
but has had his o cial authority removed by the Tribunals. Pence was inevitably caught
in the plans to assassinate President Trump and replace him with Pelosi, who was next
in the line of succession. Pence’s wife received a subpoena at the Bush 41 funeral
because, as we stated, she was highly desirous that her husband become President and
was leaking classi ed information to the Deep State to facilitate this.

To deal with this pressure from all sides, Pence made it known in private circles that he
wanted out, and if faced with succeeding President Trump would resign. This was to
silence his wife and evade the threat of assassination by Pelosi advocates. This became
o cial during Tribunal hearings, with Pence privately resigning while publicly still the VP.
This fact was spread as rumor in DC, via Pence’s Deep State contacts, while the name of
the replacement remains secret. Thus assassinating President Trump does not put
Pence in charge, but another, unknown individual. This foils the Deep State plans. 5/20
3/6/2020 Assassin Bullet, Tartaria, Space Force Agenda -- ZetaTalk Newsletter | Operation Disclosure

Is this legal? The VP is chosen by the President, and where assigning a different
individual to the o ce of VP does require Congressional approval, no timeline is
speci ed in the statutes. Representing the US at o cial functions can be done by anyone
President Trump assigns, and thus is not illegal. At some point, as the globe spirals into
the devastation that the Last Weeks and Pole Shift will bring, the history of Martial Law in
the US will be known. Until that time, to reduce societal breakdown and riots, a façade is
being perpetrated.

VP Pence has been in a real squeeze. His wife was ambitious to see him succeed
President Trump and become President. Thus his wife was served with a subpoena
during the Bush 41 funeral. Where she certainly did not intend for her husband to be
killed, VP Pence was in the hot seat, surrounded on all sides. The Junta’s solution, to
replace the VP but keep the replacement a secret, indeed addresses all concerns. 6/20
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ZetaTalk Insight 12/31/2018: VP Pence’s wife has been leaking pillow talk for some time,
and will have to reveal her contacts and cohorts. She leaks dirt on Trump as she wants
her hubby to succeed him, and soon.

ZetaTalk Insight 1/31/2019: The plan was to devastate the White House and kill
President Trump, and simultaneously do away with VP Pence. Then Pelosi would by
default become the President, as Brazile noted in her tweet. Pelosi and Shiff were to be
blame free and safe in Belgium or Afghanistan. In case they were implicated in a treason
charge, they could remain at large.


Ancient maps show empires that existed in the past, but often have little relationship to
the countries and borders of today. Britain ruled the waves in the past, with a vast
colonial empire, but the Commonwealth of today ignores the Queen and Britain is but an
island. The Aztecs ruled over Central America, but are now but a subject of
archeologists. Genghis Khan swept west to Turkey and Alexander the Great swept east 7/20
3/6/2020 Assassin Bullet, Tartaria, Space Force Agenda -- ZetaTalk Newsletter | Operation Disclosure

to India, but neither held their lands for long. So what to make of a map of old Tataria?

The Land That Time Forgot: Tartaria

February 15, 2020

I’ve been to some of these places myself and wish I’d known then what I know now, but I
can still enjoy the splendour of a civilization that probably rivaled Atlantis.

Tartary - an Empire Hidden in History. It was Bigger than Russia Once

April 1 7, 2018

Tartary, a vast country in the northern parts of Asia, bounded by Siberia on the north and
west: this is called Great Tartary. The Tartars who lie south of Muscovy and Siberia, are
those of Astracan, Circassia, and Dagistan, situated north-west of the Caspian-sea; the
Calmuc Tartars, who lie between Siberia and the Caspian-sea; the Usbec Tartars and
Moguls, who lie north of Persia and India; and lastly, those of Tibet, who lie north-west of
China. The o cial history is hiding a major world power which existed as late as the 19th
century. Tartary was a country with its own ag, its own government and its own place
on the map. Its territory was huge, but somehow quietly incorporated into Russia, and
some other countries. This country you can nd on the maps predating the second half 8/20
3/6/2020 Assassin Bullet, Tartaria, Space Force Agenda -- ZetaTalk Newsletter | Operation Disclosure

of the 19th century.

Tartary’s Map of Putin: what West Travelers Saw in Alien Countries?

January 2, 2017

How often did Tartary appeared on the maps of the European travelers? The map
illustrates the territory of North-East of Eurasia from the Volga River and the Caspian Sea
in the West, to the ocean in the East. The whole territory of Siberia, Central Asia and the
Far East is shown as under the authority of the great khan. The territory, formerly known
as Tartary, in the modern European tradition is called Central Eurasia. Europe learned
about the Tatars during the invasion of the troops of Genghis Khan and his descendants.
However, until the 19th century, information about them and about their countries
remained extremely scarce and fragmentary.

ZetaTalk Insight 2/28/2020: Did the Mongolian Empire encompass Russia, China, and
Turkey as some ancient maps proclaim? The Mongols carried Annunaki blood, as the
facial structure of present day Mongols and ancient Tibetan mummies attest. The
Annunaki were forceful and ambitious, so carrying Annunaki blood Genghis Khan roared
toward Europe in an attempt to expand his domain. Where the Mongols were dominant 9/20
3/6/2020 Assassin Bullet, Tartaria, Space Force Agenda -- ZetaTalk Newsletter | Operation Disclosure

in the past in the region ascribed on ancient maps to Tartary, their empire imploded when
these areas became more populous, their great leaders such as Genghis Khan unable to
maintain control.

The mystique of the Tartary Empire has generated conspiracy theories because the
footsteps of the Annunaki are ascribed to the Tartars. Of course the Annunaki built
structures and had grand cities where they were in residence. Atlantis was one such city,
and the Aztecs in Central America also held another Annunaki city. The Mongols likewise
held a city inhabited by the Annunaki, but unless working as servants in these cities, the
Mongols were not residents. The Annunaki were chased from Earth by a quarantine the
Council of Worlds imposed. Atlantis, a city just off the coast of Portugal, was destroyed
at that time, and the Annunaki destroyed all the rest of their cities to keep mankind from
adopting their technologies.

Are the Khazarians and Mongols related? Do they have a nexus in some Annunaki DNA?
The ruthless Mongols under the command of Genghis Khan dominated eastern Turkey,
where the Khazarians emerged. The Khazarians are noted for Moloch worship, child
torture and sacri ce. They assumed the mantle of Judaism and spread into Europe,
formed the core of the current western banking empire. General Dunford removed their
hand from the US Federal Reserve in late 2015, where half of the reserve boards had
been controlled by Jewish bankers. 10/20
3/6/2020 Assassin Bullet, Tartaria, Space Force Agenda -- ZetaTalk Newsletter | Operation Disclosure

How are Turks and Mongols related?

June 14, 2019

Turks originated in eastern Kazakhstan and western Mongolia . Mongols originated in

eastern Mongolia and northern Manchuria. But Mongols and Turks were under one ag
for long time. Most of the modern Mongolian landmarks have Turkic names.

The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Ma a

March 8, 2015

Khazarians develop into a nation ruled by an evil king, who had ancient Babylonian black 11/20
3/6/2020 Assassin Bullet, Tartaria, Space Force Agenda -- ZetaTalk Newsletter | Operation Disclosure

arts, occult oligarchs serving as his court. The Khazarian king and his inner circle of
oligarchs kept practicing ancient Babylonian black-magic, also known as Secret
Satanism. This Secret Satanism involved occult ceremonies featuring child sacri ce,
after “bleeding them out”, drinking their blood and eating their hearts. They were all
based on ancient Baal Worship, also known as worship of the Owl. The Khazarian king
melded these Luciferian black-magick practices with Judaism and created a secret
Satanic-hybrid religion, known as Babylonian Talmudism. Bibi Netanyahu is the
operational head of the Kazarian Ma a.

ZetaTalk Con rmation 4/30/2019: The Khazarian practice of child sacri ce to Moloch
has its roots within the Khazarians, who were converts to the Jewish religion.

Space Force Agenda

When the Space Force was rst announced in 2017, the Zetas cited several agendas
running simultaneously – early warning for inbound debris in the tail of Nibiru, a means
of cleaning up all the space junk in the atmosphere, and an ability to control the message
about Nibiru and the alien presence. Creating distance from NASA’s deep space charter
and the chatter from Bezos and Musk about going to the Moon and Mars was noted.
How has that analysis held?

ZetaTalk Projection 7/31/2017: A new focus on space has emerged from both a US Air
Force reorganization and NASA mission statements. The US Air Force is splitting off its
space functions into a new Space Corps, to take effect in 2019. Congress added the
“search for life” to NASA’s mission statement when approving the 2017 budget. NASA is
increasingly partnering with Musk’s Space X and may partner with Bezos’ Blue Origin in
their desire to go to the Moon and Mars. Then there is the press to clean up the space
junk circling Earth, already in operation, and to nd an effective means of de ecting
asteroids heading toward Earth. 12/20
3/6/2020 Assassin Bullet, Tartaria, Space Force Agenda -- ZetaTalk Newsletter | Operation Disclosure

What Do They Know? US and Russia Both Developing Plans to Deal with Incoming
December 27, 2019

The Russians have suddenly decided that now is the time to create an organization that
will be tasked with detecting, tracking and potentially destroying incoming asteroids.
Just like the U.S. government, the Russian government is very interested in maintaining
social order, and so they would probably delay telling the public about a potential
asteroid impact for as long as possible.

Russia deploys Avangard Hypersonic Missile System

December 27, 2019

President Vladimir Putin has said the nuclear-capable missiles can travel more than 20
times the speed of sound and put Russia ahead of other nations. They have a "glide
system" that affords great manoeuvrability and could make them impossible to defend

ZetaTalk Con rmation 3/31/2019: President Trump has recently ushered in the new US 13/20
3/6/2020 Assassin Bullet, Tartaria, Space Force Agenda -- ZetaTalk Newsletter | Operation Disclosure

Space Force, and with good reason. Where the o cial explanation included protecting
satellites and US interests from space junk, the covert reason was to provide an early
warning system for the approach of major debris in the wafting tail of Nibiru, and a
space based way to shatter this debris.

ZetaTalk Con rmation 1/31/2020: Then there is the increasing debris from the tail of
Nibiru, which as we have stated will shatter mankind’s satellite systems.

Russia's Vladimir Putin says 'Nobody Knows' causes of Global Climate Change
December 19, 2019

Russian President Vladimir Putin said "nobody knows" what causes climate change,
seeming to cast doubt over whether global warming is of man-made origin and stating it
could be blamed on cosmological processes. "We know that in the history of our Earth
there have been periods of warming and cooling and it could depend on processes in the
universe," he added. "A small angle in the axis in the rotation of the Earth or its orbit
around the Sun could push the planet into serious climate changes," he argued. 14/20
3/6/2020 Assassin Bullet, Tartaria, Space Force Agenda -- ZetaTalk Newsletter | Operation Disclosure

ZetaTalk Con rmation 6/30/2018: Why is President Trump creating a new branch of the
Defense Department? NASA, under contract to the US government, is in outer space and
has been tasked with returning US astronauts to the Moon and eventually to Mars. The
Air Force has a Space Command branch that covers the airspace closer to Earth,
including satellite debris. Why not simply expand NASA or the Air Force? NASA has been
tasked with the cover-up over Nibiru for decades, and the Air Force was in charge of the
Blue Book cover-up over the alien presence. Could the Deep State be trusted to tell the
truth about Nibiru? Meanwhile, a Nibiru announcement or admission can be in new and
trusted hands.

ZetaTalk Con rmation 1/31/2020: Will the Space Force negate and take over NASA?
They have different mission statements, with NASA responsible for deep space
exploration and the Space Force, as part of the US Military, responsible for protection.
NASA is a private company but as is known was in ltrated by the CIA to ensure the alien
presence was not admitted. We stated that NASA could not be trusted to admit Nibiru,
and the Air Force could not be trusted to admit the alien presence, given their history
with Blue Book. President Trump and his Junta divorced them both in this regard when
they established the new Space Force.

Now that the Space Force has been funded, a National Guard unit for this new DoD
agency is being created. Under what circumstances would a state militia need to be
called up to assist the Space Force? Presumably due to the need to deploy Earth based
stations prepared to shoot down incoming debris. Or perhaps deal with rioting due to an
announcement or awareness about Nibiru. Despite the ridicule, very serious business. 15/20
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Space National Guard

The Space National Guard, also known as the Space Guard, is a proposed federal military
reserve force as well as the proposed National Guard space force of U.S. states. When
Space National Guard units would be used under the jurisdiction of the state governor
they are ful lling their state militia role. However, if federalized Space National Guard
units would become an active part of the United States Space Force. According to
preliminary proposals, not every state would be authorized a Space National Guard.
Instead, seven states which already had National Guard units with space capabilities
would have those units moved to the Space National Guard. States with existing National
Guard space forces are Alaska, California, Colorado, Florida, New York, Arkansas, and

ZetaTalk Expectation 1/31/2020: It is a natural migration from providing protection and

an early warning system for incoming debris in Nibiru’s tail and a timely evac from the
ISS to admitting that Nibiru exists and is heading for a passage. The issue would be
raised at every presser. NASA would deny, and the Air Force would deny, but the new 16/20
3/6/2020 Assassin Bullet, Tartaria, Space Force Agenda -- ZetaTalk Newsletter | Operation Disclosure

Space Force would begin to make admissions. Long standing and rmly entrenched
cover-ups are hard to break, so must be eroded before they can fall.

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Benghazi 6 Benjamin Fulford 131 Big Pharma 36 Big Tech 14 Bilderberg 30 Biowarfare 2

BlackOps 1 Brent Johnson 2 Brexit 144 Cabal 149 Canada 12 Cancer 17 Cannabis 2

Censorship 33 Central Banks 122 Chemtrails 24 Child Sacri ce 2 China 232 CIA 171

Citizen Rights 169 Climate Change 27 Cloning 8 Cobra 27 Corey Goode 15 Corruption 1110

Dave Janda 5 David Wilcock 21 Decode 93 Deep State 525 Disclosure 37 Disease 165

Disinformation 18 DOJ 58 Drake Bailey 2 Drugs 14 Earth Alliance 459 Economics 686 18/20
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Education 1 Edward Snowden 12 Elon Musk 2 Energy 21 Environment 61 EU 192

Eugenics 11 Exopolitics 131 Extraterrestrial 108 Fake News 32 False Flag 43 FBI 158

FDA 16 Federal Reserve 204 FEMA 1 Field McConnell 2 Food 4 Fraud 10

Galactic Federation 1 Genocide 4 Geoengineering 20 Geopolitics 1626 George Soros 29

GESARA 694 GITMO 42 Global Elite 28 GMO 21 Grant Ouellette 13 Gun Control 20

Hawaii 3 Health 255 Hillary Clinton 191 History 135 Hollywood 11 Human Rights 28

Human Tra cking 84 Humanitarian 5 Illuminati 23 Immigration 30 Inner Earth 2 Intel 1319

Intelligence Community 27 Iran 87 IRS 10 Israel 79 James Gilliland 21 Japan 27

Jeffrey Epstein 147 Jesuit 6 JFK 26 JFK Jr 41 Joe Biden 34 John Podesta 5

Jon Rappoport 94 Jordan Sather 100 Judy Byington 582 Julian Assange 71 KejRaj 1

Kent Dunn 2 Khazarian 62 Law 226 Law Enforcement 11 Libya 2 Mainstream Media 232

Medicine 18 Melinda Siebold 6 Military 52 Military Industrial Complex 6 Mind 43

Mind Control 13 MKUltra 7 NASA 13 Native Americans 3 NATO 18 Natural Remedies 55

Neocon 10 New World Order 61 New Zealand 4 Nikola Tesla 5 North Korea 35 NSA 30

Obama 122 Open Letter 11 Palestine 3 Parasites 1 Patrick J. McShay 17

Paul Craig Roberts 1 Pedophilia 66 Philippines 10 Politics 105 Predictions 133 Privacy 3

Propaganda 13 Protests 19 Psychological 1 Putin 35 QAnon 500 Racism 13

Reader Posts 471 Religion 53 Restored Republic 584 Rinus Verhagen 61 Robert David Steele 15

Robert Mueller 109 Rockefeller 28 Ron Paul 1 Rothschild 57 Russia 83 RV/GCR 914

Sacred Geometry 1 Satanic 40 Saudi Arabia 16 Scandal 38 Science 52 Secret Societies 45

Secret Space Program 30 SERCO 1 SES 1 Sexual Abuse 39 ShadowSuper 54 Shootings 14

Shoshi Herscu 17 Social Media 9 Society 34 Sorcha Faal 56 South America 6 South Korea 5

Space 37 Speculation 528 Spirituality 193 Spygate 16 Steve Beckow 4 Steve Pieczenik 2

Syria 25 Technology 128 Terrorism 29 The O ce of POOFness 91 The Vatican 36

Thinker2 58 Transhumanism 2 Treason 42 Trump 865 Turkey 7 UFOs 69 UK 215

Ukraine 78 United Nations 20 US Democratic Party 93 US Government 1188

US Republican Party 7 USA 1843 Vaccinations 85 Venezuela 15 Whistleblower 92

White Hats 20 William Mount 1 Wonder Woman 1 Xi Jinping 19 Yellow Vests 8 Zionist 73

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secured. again! We had no idea!

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