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CVG-4148 Theory of Structure II Fall 2015

Project – Analysis of a Plane Frame

Student Name: Qingcheng Yu

Student Number: 8452596

1. Brief Statement of the Problem:

The project is to analyze a two-storey office building erected in Ottawa according
to the National Building Code of Canada (NBCC) 2010 .And using the computer
program, ‘Matlab’, to determine the governing design loads (internal axial force,
shear force and bending moments) for each beam and column in frame B.

2. Methodology Used in Solving the Problem:

2.1 Determine the Dead Load on Each Level of Frame B:
The girders and slabs are all reinforced-concrete and the density of reinforced-
concrete is 2,400 kg/m3. It also can be denoted as 23.54kN/m3 (Taking the value of
Acceleration of Gravity as 9.81N/Kg).
So the dead load on each level due to girders is:
Dg =ρ× Ag = 23.54kN/m3 × (140×103 mm2 ) = 3.2956kN/m;
The dead load on each level due to slabs is:
Ds =ρ× As = 23.54kN/m3 × (3m×200mm ) = 14.1240kN/m;
So the total dead load on each level in Frame B is:
D = Dg + Ds = 3.2956kN/m + 14.1240kN/m = 17.4196kN/m;
2.2 Determine the Dead Load of Columns of Frame B:
As for the dead load of columns of frame B, we can take a concentrated force at
the midpoint of every column instead of distributed load in order to simplify the
analysis process. F =ρ×Ac×4 = 8.76 kN

CVG-4148 Theory of Structure II Fall 2015

2.3 Determine the Live Load of Frame B:

According to Table in NBCC, the minimum live load that should be

considered on office area (floors above the first storey) is: Lc = 2.4kPa×3m =

2.4 Determine the Snow and Rain Load on the roof of Frame B:
Formula to determine snow load: S=Is×[Ss×(Cb×Cw×Cs×Ca) +Sr];
Where: Is = Importance factor for snow load
Ss = Ground snow load [kPa]
Sr = Associated rain load [kPa]
Cb = Basic snow load factor
Cw = Wind exposure factor
Cs = Slope factor
Ca = Shape factor
According to the Climatic Data Table C-2, Appendix C, for Ottawa (City Hall),
we can find Ss = 2.4; Sr = 0.4;
The important category of office buildings is considered as “Normal”. From
Table in Clause of NBCC, we can find Is= 1.0;

From“Figure 1: Elevation and plan views of structural system”, we can get

the dimension of roof: l=22.5m; w=9m;

Then we can get the lc =2w-(w^2/l) =14.4m < 70m (considered as “normal
roof”),So we can get Cb = 0.8
It’s in sheltered location, we can get Cw=1.0
For flat roofs, Cs=1.0,
For no nearby obstructions, Ca=1.0
Finally, we can get the snow load on the roof of Frame B:

S = (1.0×(2.4×(0.8×1.0×1.0×1.0)+0.4))×3m = 6.96kN/m

2.5 Determine the Earthquake Load of Frame B:

The structure of this building is concrete moment resisting frames without
bracing. So the fundamental lateral period of vibration is:
CVG-4148 Theory of Structure II Fall 2015

Ta=0.05(hn) 3/4 =0.36s;

According to “Figure 1: Elevation and plan views of structural system”, the

height of the building is 8m<60m, and Ta= 0.36s<2s, it meets the criteria(b) in Clause of NBCC. So the equivalent static force method can be used.
Formula to determine earthquake load: V = S(Ta)×Mv×Ie×W/(Rd×Ro);
Where: T = Fundamental lateral period of vibration in seconds
S (Ta) = Spectral response acceleration for the fundamental period a T
Mv = Factor to account for higher mode effect on base shear
Ie= Earthquake Importance factor
W = Weight of structure (in kN)
Rd = Ductility related force modification factor
Ro = Over strength related force modification factor
According to the Climatic Data Table C-2, Appendix C, for Ottawa (City Hall),
we can find Sa (0.2) = 0.64; Sa (0.5) = 0.31; Sa (1.0) = 0.14; Sa (2.0) = 0.046;
The important category of office buildings is considered as “Normal”. From
Table in Clause of NBCC, we can find Ie= 1.0;
The building is erected on very dense soil and soft rock. According to Table in NBCC, the site class is C.
According to Table in NBCC, so Fa=1.0;
From Clause, The way to calculate S(Ta) is

S(Ta) = Fa×Sa(0.2)……………………………Ta < 0.2s

= min{Fv×Sa(0.5) or Fa×Sa(0.2)} ……Ta = 0.5s

= Fv×Sa(1.0) …………………………… Ta = 1s

= Fv×Sa(2.0) …………………………… Ta = 2s

=Fv×Sa(2.0)/2 ……………………………Ta = 4s

So S(Ta)=Fa×Sa(0.2)=1.0×0.64=0.64

W = DTotal + 0.25×S

CVG-4148 Theory of Structure II Fall 2015


= 2896.17kN
According to Table in NBCC, when Sa(0.2)/Sa(2.0) = 13.91>8.0
,Ta=0.36<1.0 and moment-resisting frames. We take Mv as 1.0;
According to Table in NBCC, for conventional construction and
moment-resisting frames, Rd = 1.5; Ro = 1.3;

So, the seismic base shear is : V = 0.64×1.0×1.0×W/(1.5×1.3) = 0.328W;

For moment-resisting frames, the seismic base shear shall not be less than:
Vmin = S (2.0)×Mv×Ie×W/(Rd×Ro) = 0.0236W;
For building located on Class C and Rd = 1.5, the seismic base shear shall not

be greater than: Vmax =(2/3)× S (0.2)×Mv×Ie×W/(Rd×Ro) = 0.219W(Governs)

According to “Figure 1: Elevation and plan views of structural system”, Each

frame will take 1/4 of the the seismic base shear. So the total seismic base shear of

Frame B is: VB = (1/4)×V = 0.05475W = 158.57kN

The base shear V is distrusted along the building height using the
simplified formula according to Clause in NBCC :
Where: Wx, Wi = Portion of weight that corresponds to level x or I;
hx, hi = Height, above ground of level i or x;
n = Highest level of the structure;
Tall buildings will experience strong 2nd and
higher mode vibrations Ft. For T = 0.36, We can
find Ft = 0;
So the distributed seismic base shear of Frame
B is shown right: F1 = 52.86kN; F2 = 105.71kN.

2.6 Determine the Wind Load of Frame B:

Sentence (1) gives the equation to be used in the calculation of external

CVG-4148 Theory of Structure II Fall 2015

wind pressure: p = Iw×q×Ce×Cg×Cp

Where: p = Specified wind pressure [kPa]
Iw = Importance factor for wind load
q = reference velocity pressure [kPa]
Ce = Exposure factor
Cg = Gust effect factor
Cp = External pressure coefficient
The important category of office buildings is considered as “Normal”. From
Table of NBCC, we can find Iw = 1.0;
According to Table C-2 in Appendix C of the NBCC, we can find q value (one
hour mean value with a return period of 50 years), q = 0.41;
The type of terrain surrounding the building is “rough terrain”, so:
Ce = 0.7(h/12)0.3 = 0.62;

Windward: Cp×Cg = 0.75, pw = Iw×q×Ce×Cg×Cp = 0.21kPa;

Leeward: Cp×Cg = -0.55,pl = Iw×q×Ce×Cg×Cp = -0.16kPa;

Total wind load: p = 3×(0.21-(-0.16)) = 1.11kN/m


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