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HOW WAS YOUR JOURNEY? VOCABULARY Ways of travelling and travel problems 1 Put the words in the box under the correct heading in the table. Some words can go under more than one heading. security line crossing trafficlights take-off carriage deck platform bend harbour Work in pairs. Add two more words to each group in the table. 3 Complete the sentences with nouns from Exercise 1 1 Iwas waiting on the wrong _and so ended Up missing my train! 2 The sea was really rough. it was pouring with rain and very windy, 50 we couldn't go out on 3 We got a flat ‘on the motorway and had to stop and change I 4 hate fying, get really anxious ~ especially during and landing, Last time we came over it was quite rough, but this time we had a very smooth IRwas lovely. 6 There'd been a terrible storm and there were trees onthe +90 the train was delayed for ages. 7 | got stopped going through and they confiscated a litte penknife that Fd forgotten to take out of my bag 8 twas terrifying. The taxi driver overtook another car on quite a tight You couldn't see if anyone was coming in the opposite direction. Work in pairs. Look at the photos. Discuss what is good and what is bad about each way of travelling. Which way do you prefer? Why? LISTENING 5 EMER Listen to two conversations about journeys and answer the questions. 1. How did the people in each conversation travel? 2 What three problems id each naver 6 EMEEE Can you remember what these adjectives were used to describe? Work in pairs and compare your ideas. Then listen again and check, Conversation 1: huge bumpy territying Conversation 2: slippery wrong stupid hurt 6 7 Work in groups. Discuss the questions. 11 Replace the words in italic in the sentences 1: z + How long before your fight do you usually get to the with the phrasal verbs that were used in the airport? Why? conversations. Then look at Track 61 on page + Have you ever missed a flight? Why? Abana compere: your ios. 1 Andie didn't want to spend too long siting, wating er ee ee {and not doing much at the airport. , Carden nae eee maa 2 | don’t want to experience that again, | can tell you! woak pointe ae 9 driver? 3 Do you want to go and get something to eat, or do + Do you agree with Lara's comments about male Jota neue seer Me Gali aes rivers? 4 Well, to beain with, it was stil dark when | storted ‘ny journey. 5 And then it immediately started to rain very heavy, DEVELOPING CONVERSATIONS. Soithe Toms wate foamy Sinan, 6 | couldn't find an answer to the problem of where | eS = was or where | was going! 2 sf a if 7 When I finally returned onto the right road, | almost pa ceehe ane peotiel eS had an accident. A snide 8 | did have to stop and park the car for a few minutes i ed bit ofa nightmare getting to stop feeling so angry and upset. Nip elisk Fapicaire Ws ie sorkcs Grace 12 Add the missing particle to these sentences. question ores 1 We set at five in the morning, so I'm exhausted Why was it so busy? = How come it was s0 busy? 2 We didn't have to queue because we checked ‘didn't you take the train? « How come you didn’t online. ‘the train? 3 We had to hang at the station for an hour because my mum could’ pick us up tl four, ® Complete the sentences with how come or why. ‘4 | Was exhausted. | left home at six in the marning and 1 $0 ittook you so long to get here? \ dient get tl ten at night 4 satin siete 5 My child got into a panic and she wouldn't calm. aS raul Raceprattree 6 We went absolute hell to get here, can tell you! i Far career ohana 7 was totally lost. | couldn't work where | was. : wre youlgjoing to Viewem Ane? 8 Itsterted to pour halfway there. We were absolutely soaked by the time we arrived 6 they've decided to move to Australia? aa eee 13 Work in pairs, Answer the questions. 9 Work in pairs. Take turns asking and answering eS aoe tus juak ions froin Eerets 8: 1 What's the opposite of setting off? E 2 Can you think of tree different times when you Work with a new partner. Ask your partner four might need to check in? questions starting How come 3 Can you think of three places where you might have to heng around? Why? UNDERSTANDING VOCABULARY 4 Can you think of three situations when you might Teed to tell someone to calm down? —— = 5 Can you think of three different things you might go Phrasal verbs through in ite? A phrasal verb is @ verb (put. throw, take, etc) plus Eee tance aa eae CONVERSATION PRACTICE ple, when a plane tokes off i's not taking a 14 You are going to talk about a terrible journey. ig9es up into the skyl \Winen you translate phrasal verbs, you may use justo eyo orga ‘era beta vase First, think about how to describe the journey using vocabulary from this lesson. Invent details if you nced to, Next, work in pairs. Take it in turns to tell your stories. Remember to react to the stories and to ask follow-up questions. ‘Unit 13 Journeys 117

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