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Lead-in a. Which of the following life events match the pictures (1-4)? What other life events can you think of engagement * moving house * having a baby ‘retirement + graduation + wedding In pais, use the adjectives below to tak abo some important events in your life. invent 1 sad * happy «scared thle «excited young ™, ‘worried * disappointed © pleased » imitated awor expe never fergt ry frst dy schoo. fet vr scored. {wosso happy ary sister wedeing She looked gorge inherwhite ces was unforgetable! free 3 2 Look at the chart and see what American adu consider to be the top ten stressful life venta 2, V Then make up sentences, a in the examples. 8 f 73% Divorce . In pairs, think of words related to each life 163% Death in the family eC ‘ ‘event in the pictures. Use the words to describe Ses fi the pictues, ae : ‘Themanin picture 1 is moving house. Heis carrying « lorge 50% Marriage se a AP es 5% Retirement Americar ; 2.3 Listen and match the people tothe events. ow 2 Buruase tien __ Reeenbete, 2 alias | sexchangngiots —)—Srotreperen Marta fosng your job 26% Staringteaving school] Arerconsconsde od : Steve ‘moving house ee) intheforilye 239% Trouble st work ; laura tanga baby eae thesecond mosses : Tery leaving schoo! 20% Moving house eorthh gS BNE Terry ——_revremert c . Which are the three most stressful life events for you? Give reasons. ‘ any people Bo ot rarried. me 7 me Thought tat te plan to vert human voioe ee Alexander refused vith sound ‘exandertiad waste of UE, ToT continued his experiments ‘ricity and to pwsuniis see pid te ces of te tian es US and! | : Henry, an expert on the: ete cevesthaine "bemoan oie at | asa i 7) (1 almost a year ee Mec 1876, the frst words were nears comInG ‘though phone. around this ti Ontis 29th birthday | pa nonnder Geta Bel &\\\\} Read he wet rough aerate “Think f what information regist righ be missing Read the it of was teaching 10 & ‘Canadian town called the awk Indians #2 tim to inwerton wh sing erences. Cros tthe one used in the Weft Boston Board of Education ase patent office 2, at Remember ther one ers orange ive because ey 24 sure fii the sentences to the gaps. Mach the bes seen the mis hte top fh re owever he was so neve {opi of he ising sntece wi . in 4) However isang eit sens ele ad ater ach pp Look for cas ch tee tate dnt te Hee ro F toa registered his re ora ech sentence ivertons to give pvt lessons “an You choose fs gratia and makes ese Meommmnmaconmntst: tan migrkmamea axaited young boy whose fay ater the opportunity wo resume nis TO makes sence, a tis teegrapty’. The workshop. Tis gate Te used to spend al his : nares mentions. 8){__] arma “eegnone rents with Soun : hearing and ihe ability t© came ater free time, and roost of his Morey. ‘She was a young oft who had lost he Reading ‘@. What do you know about Alexander Graham Bell? What did he invent? When? Did he come from a big farily? Read the article and find out. caked gorgeous F He was totally arbegin his strange machine which he had been working on for about three years G As a result Alexander and his parents left the country and moved to Canada, HE On that summer afternoon in 1875, when Alexander heard the fist sound transitted over his mactine, . Choose from sentences, (A-0), the one that best he realised that he had finally achieved his 8 fits each gap (1-7) to complete the text. Theres | He became so successful that he soon opened his mmerican adults) ful life events. le examples. ullife events Cone extra sentence you do not need to use. ‘A. rofessor Henvy realised immediately that Alexander had made an amazing discovery and encouraged him to continue with his experiments B At that time he had another student who greatly a C Hs grandfather had invented a system to help people with speech problems. D_ He was inspired by the Baron's work and refused to sive up his dream. E Mr Alexander Elis, a professor of philology, and Sir Charles Wheatstone, an expert in telegraphy, started him thinking about sending sounds through amackine. ‘wn school called “The School of Vocal Frysiology" Read the article again and explain the words in bold. Give synonyms for the highlighted words. 4d. Which of the following words best describe Alexander Graham Bell? Give reasons. «persistent « sensitive » daydreamer stubborn ‘hardworking + patient + indifferent Follow-up Read the artide again and make notes about ‘Alexander Graham Belts life. Then, talk about is life. How has his invention changed our ives? 21 Vocabulary Practice 6 — @ Look at the pictures. Who's got: wrinkles, freckles, spiky har, dimples, a centre parting, ‘crooked teeth « beard, bushy eyebrows, glasses, ‘straight hair, a wide forehead, frizzy hait, sideburns, Mr Harris b. In pairs, complete the table with as many adjectives or phrases as possible. Then, use the words to describe yourself Age intisteens, Height/Build: — broa¢-shouldered, Hair way, ' Face ova 8 E Cheeks: ro5y Eyebrows: arched fyes: gree, Eyelashes: thik Nose sou, Mouth: wide Chin pelted Jann my early teens. lomtll and lim ard. Look at the pictures, then use the x, 6 to describe each one. Em (0953) Listen and match the jobs to the famous people above English teacher checkout clerk forest fe fihter footbaler Carpenter Talk about each person, asin the example When wos Michal Peter born? ' Shewas bom in 19582 x What does she look like? She os gotlorg bende heir endive ees. What did she do before she became an actress? She was acheckout clerk Pe eheno Project ; Prepare a poster of famous people. Write their job, age and a short description of each. Decorate your project with pictures. Stages in Life (@ Listen ane fill inthe average ages for people in the USA, then make up sentences, as in the example. EVENT AGE start elementary school 10 “go to college/universty leave home peurianea Speal Thaefistchid — uy a house Speal Tete _ Speal Speal Americans usualy start elementary school at theageof fv 3. Make a similar table for your country. How does your country differ from the USA? Study the diagraih and in pairs, think of two events typical of each stage. [fodder 7 erat oat ". aged Senior ctizen C1 12 242 1349 204 60+ Ababy learns tocrow. ‘Atodeler learns to walk Feelings 9 Write the adjectives on the correct line ck * terfed + bored + delighted * worried ‘impatient « calm » annoyed « cheerful * sod + depressed ecstatic « furious + miserable r «pleased © nervous « relaxed «frustrated es, re eé

Picture A shows erge fori There are the parents and three chile; two gis and a boy They look European or 4 ‘American. Wheat do you think? Be Ithinkyoureright. Theylook vey happy. ete 31 (Youll hear five people taking about a past In experience. Decide which of the statements (A-F) matches what the speaker says, There is oneextra 34 (, statement which you do not need to use. E AI simply didn’t want to doit speaker 1 [J B It wasan unforgettable experience. Speaker? [C] . © ve never been so afraid Speaker3 EF] D_Itwas the best day of my life Speakers > E Iwas really excited seeders Ej F I dide’t know what was going on, yone, sisters. zach hich family is your do you see ess your each type of "believe. IREEING y) think so? dl cant agree! he pore and a European or tapast ents (A-F) sone extra sker 1 sker 2 ker 3 ker 4 ker 5 oo000 32. Look at the pictures and identify what they show. ‘Which of these bring back memories of your early childhood? Talk about your memories. tH never forget my fist foncy dress party. was dressed asa cowboy. Itwas Spreading the news 33 () Usten and identity which extracts give good/bad news b. Read the exchanges and practise the intonation. ‘Then, use the prompts to act out similar dialogues. * Your sister has got engaged * Your brother has been promoted. Your friend was in a cer accident. * You passed your exams, + You got your dhiving licence ‘© Your friend lost his jo. > ve got something to tell you. I'm affaid 1 failed my driving test. ‘That's pity. You must be really disappointed, Have you heard? | won a tip to Florida, ‘Wow! Congratulations) You must be thrilled! Guess whatt! I've got a new job! ‘That's brilliant! You must be very happy. ¥'m afraid ve just heard something terrible, Simon crashed his motorbike B: Oh ro! How awful PPR ere Intonation (contrastive stress) 34. (Listen, mark the stressed words, then repeat. +. Did you make a chocolate cake? B: No, made a fruitcake. A: Do you want three boxes of chocolates? B: No, Iwant two boxes. A. Did you ask Mr Johnson?” B: No, lasked Miss Johnson. Describing people 35 () listen to the dialogue. Who does Simon want to meet b. Match the columns to form a dialogue. Then, in pars, act out similar calogues forthe people in the pictures. [EL] Thisisa great party, 11 No problem. Let's go over and Fred, introduce you. 2. Oh, that’s Diana. She's just started working in my office. Do you want to meet her? The git with the long 3 Thanks. Are you having a blonde hai. ‘good time? [DI] Yes. please. That 4 Who? would be great Yes, Lam, but who's that over there? Introducing people 3G (2,) Listen to the dialogue. Where does it take place? b. Read the dialogue. Then use the expressions in the box to introduce: ‘+ your new friend to your parents + your husbendiwife to your employer + two business associates to each other ‘Ac Miss Lane, Id like to introduce you to a colleague of mine. B: Certainly. ‘A: Miss Lane, this is my colleague, Mr Kent. Mr Kent this is Miss Lane. B: How do you do? It is a pleasure to meet you Mr Kent. © tis a pleasure to meet you too, Mis Lane. INTRODUCTIONS: Formal Informal May lintroduce Thisis | would like you to meet Come and meet | would like to introduce you to. | Hi, how are you? How do you do? Hi there! Itis a pleasure to meet you. Pleased to meet you. 29 37 Read the title and the author's biography. What do you think the novel is about? How could Alcott’s own experiences have helped her write the novel? Look at the picture. What time of year isit? What are the children doing? 3B 2 Read the extract and match the characters with their descriptions, then make up sentences about them. Finally explain the words in bold. [Drank Minot White teeth, golden hair E_Dolutle 600 short legs, round face B Led Devin tall, Keen sparkle in his eye Lack black eyes, red cheeks Epa suweet-faced,resy cheeks b. Which ofthe characters i: serious: lever: good-natured: popular; rotectve; patient? Underline the words/phrases/senitences which imply the character. Which of the characters can you se in the pictures? Describe them. 4d. Match the highlighted words to their synonyms inthe lst. * boy « serious « smarter « guy gathered playful» generously * fistrate © protected « shy 2. This chapter i called The Catastrophe. What catastrophe do you think might happen? in pais, predict what you think is going to happen next. | think thereis going to bea fight between Joe and Jack (6, listen and check if your guesses were correct. Project ‘You have decided to enter the Louisa May Alcott drawing competition. Read the extract again, then choose a scene to draw for the competition. Literatu@orner Chapter 1 The Catastrophe “Clear the tulle!” was the general ery on a bright December afternoon, when all the boys and girls of Harmony Village were out enjoying the first good snow of the season, Up and down three long, coasts they went as fast as legs and sleds could carry them. One smooth path led into the meadow, and here the little folk SHEET there was a group of lads and lases sitting or leaning on fence to rest after an exciting race, and, as they reposed, they amused themselves with eriicising their mates. “Here comes Frank Minot, looking 2s SOlBRIB 2s a judge” cried one, asa tall fellow of sixteen spun by, with a fet look about the mouth and @ keen sparkle of the eyes, fned on the distant goal with a do-or-die expression. “Here's Molly Loo and Little Boo,” sang out another; and down came a git with flying hair, carrying a small bey tehind her, so fat that his short legs stuck out from the sides, and his round face looked over her shoulder like a {ull moon, “There's Gus Burton; doesn’t he goit?” and such a very Jong boy whizzed by, that it looked almost as if his heels Were at the top of the hill when his head was at the ottom! “Hurrah for Ed Devlin!” and a general shout greeted a sweet-faced li with @ laugh on his lips, a fine colour on tisbrown check, and a gay word for every girl he passed, “Laura and Lotty keep to the safe coast into the nicadow, and Molly Loo is the only gil that dares to try this ong one to the pond. I wouldnt for the worl the ice ‘anit be strong yet, though it is cold enough to freeze one's use of,” sai a timid damsel, who sat hugging a post and Sereaming whenever a fIHVEVGH lad shook the Fence. “No, she isn't, Here's Jack an Jill going like fury.” “Clear the track for jolly Jack!” sang. the boys, who had tiymes and nicknames for nearly everyone. Down came a gay red sled, bearing a hoy who seemed allsmile and sunshine, so white were his teeth, so golden ‘was his hair, so bright and happy his whole air. Behind him clung a gitl, with black eyes and hair, cheeks as red as her hood, and a face full of fun and sparkle, as she waved Jack's blue tippet like a banner with one hand, and held on with the other. “Sill goes wherever Jack does, and he lets her, He's such 1 good-natured BM, he cant say No.” “To agit” slyly added one of the boys, who had wished to borrow the red sled, and had been politely refused because ill wanted it. “He's the nicest boy in the world, for he never gets sad,” said the timid young lady, recalling the many times Jack had SABIE her from the terrors which beset her path to school, in the shape of cows, dogs, and boys who made faces and called her ‘Fraideat’ “He doesn't dare to get mad with Jil for she'd take his head off in two minutes i he did,” growled Joe Flint. “She wouldn't! She's a deat! You needn't sniff at her because she is poor. She’s ever so much BEGHIGE than you are, or she wouldn't always be at the head of your css ‘ld Joc,” cried the girls, standing by their feiend with a unanimity which proved what a favourite she was. Joe subsided with as scomnful a curl to his nose as its chilly state permitted, and Merry Grant introduced a subject of general interest by asking abruptly, “Who is going tothe eandy-scrape tonight?” “All of us, Frank invited the whole set, and we shall have a HOB time, We always do at the Minots,” cried ‘Sue, the fifi trembler. “Jack said there was a barrel of molasses inthe house, so there would be enough forall cat and some to carry away. They know how to do things 1GUS0HHEHE] and the speaker licked his lips, as if already tasting the feast in store for him, “Mrs Minot is a mother worth having,” said Molly Loo, ‘coming up with Boo on the sled and she knew what it was to need a mother, for she had none, and tried 10 care for the litle brother with maternal love and patience. “She is just as owect as she can be!” declared Merry, enthusiastically. 40 45 50 hp To write a story we first decide fon the type of story, the plot and the main characters. Our story can be a comedy, a spy story, a thriller, an adventure story, a detective story, a fairytale et Introduction Inthe first paragraph, we write when ‘and where the event happened, who the people in the story were and what happened first Main Body In the main body paragraphs, we describe the events in the order they happened. One of the events should be the climax event. We can use 50, because, and, ako etc to join our sentences oF ideas. Coriclusion In the last paragraph, we write what happened in the end and how the people in the story felt. We can use a variety of adjectives or adverbs to make four stoty more interesting. We normally use past tenses in stores. Analysing a Rubric AO Read the tubric and answer the questions. ENTER NOW AND HAVE YOUR STORY PRINTED IN TEENS! What is your most unforgettable cildhood experience? Send in your story (120-180 words) for your chance to win a two-week all expenses paid trip to Disneyland, Paris. Runners-up will receive a one year subscription to TEENS! Closing date: 10th December. Results announced: 17th February 1. Where would you see this announcement published? 2 What is the announcement about? 3. Who are you going to write about? 4 What could your story be about? Analysing a Model Text 41 @ Read the story and fill in the linkers. What tenses has the writer fe used? ‘by the time * while * then * but *assoon as * as b. Which scene does the picture show? What happened before/after it? Who do you think the writer is? those early years when every new experience was so important that it was almost unbearable. It was towards the end of the school year ~ my frst year at primary school ~ that it happened. | had been looking forward to that day with such eagerness. 43 2 {can still remember the shouts ofthe spectators as | went out ‘nto the sports feld with my classmates Earlier that week | had ‘qliied for the finals of the 100 metres. Now, looking around, | de was determined to win 1) nnn | was walking across to the start, | began to feel more and more nervous. | looked a the busting crowd of ‘Whenever I look at that photograph, it rakes me back to ; th spectators, and I saw my proud parents waving w ‘enthusiastically. My heart was pounding f88t 2) scout lined th up with the other eager competitors. | felt so excited that my cif whole body was shaking. | braced myself, took some deep breaths of and waited for the signal. 3) ... the starting pistol sounded cr and | set off down the track. th I could hear the crowd shouting excitedly, 4)... the noise we seemed very far away. | sprinted as fast as | could, not looking at anything except the finishing line. 5) ... | crossed thé” b. line | was so exhausted | could hardly breathe. 6) 1 heard the resuit announced, | realized | had won! Overoyed, | collapsed on the soft grass with abroad grin on my face. Be “Well done!" said the Headmaster later, as he presented me 4 ae With the winner's cortfiate | had never fet so happy and 44 Fe proud in my if. a the writer I before/after ack to, nportant Thad been p breaths tol sounded the noise: ‘ looking at crossed the 1 verjoyed, | reed me py and Sequence of events Read the story again and put the events in the correct order. a He set off b The runners lined up for the race. ‘¢ He finished the race. d_ He was presented with a certificate fe He walked to the start. £ The result was announced, 9. He went very fast bh The starting pistol sounded. 1 He collapsed on the grass. J. He entered the sports field Descriptive Techniques a. Fill in the adjectives from the story. In pairs, think of synonyms for each adjective. 1 competitors 5 ‘ass 2 parents 6 breaths 3 ‘tin 7 pistol 4 crows 8 line . Underline the verb/adverb collocations the ‘iter used. Can you think of other adverbs used with these verbs? Write them down, then make up sentences using them. The writer used his senses to describe the event. Read the story and find examples. theshouts ofthe spectators ‘Use the adjectives and adverbs in the list to make the paragraph more interesting. + ceaféring + heawy «windifig’*brtiant * glooniy * huge ‘suddenly © luckily © nervously * loudly © slowly We were driving along the road through the forest, on the way to my grandmother's house. The rain made it difcit to see where we were going. There was a fash Of lightning followed by a crash of thunder A tree dashed nto the road infront of us. My father stopped the car in time. We all looked at each other. What were we going to do now? . Underline the words and phrases that use the senses to make the story interesting. Beginnings/Endings 4d, ead the beginning ofthe story in Ex 41 again. ‘What does the writer say about the placeftime his story took place? people involved? event? 45 47 To startiend 2 story you can: Use direct speech. (e.g. "Humy upt Jim shouted, as hheran down the stairs “Weare going o be ate") ‘Ask a rhetorical question. (e.g. Hove you ever wondered what it would be ike toescape fora day?) Refer to feelingtmoods. (e.9. twas a bight dear Sunday cteroon, and | wes excited by the thought of theadventure aheed) Use our senses to begin a story. (e.g. Thesun was Shining eihty. and the birds were singing os Jim pulleden alight jacket and an cut of the house) What techniques has the writer used to startiend bis story? in pairs, rewrite the first and last paragraph using different techniques. Discuss & Write a. You have read the rubric in Ex. 40 and you have decided to enter the competition. Pan your ‘own story by answering the questions below. aime Introduction (Para) Where were you? When did it happen? What hoppened? Main Body (Paras 2-4) What exotly hoppencd? (List the events in chronological order) Whot was the climax even? Conclusion (Pare 5) Whot was the outcome? How did you feel? b. Write your story. Check you have: ‘+ made your beginning interesting by applying one Of the techniques mentioned used a variety of adjectives and adverbs ‘= put the events in the correct chronclogical order ‘+ ended your story by using one of the techniques. mentioned + given it a suitable ttle Explain the sentences below in your own words. FOMOUS yest + Ie takes courage to grow up and become who you really sr. ‘cecammings (US poet) + Live your beliefsand you can turn the world around, HD Thoreaw (US poet) 33

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