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1. 1 Complete the story of Jenny's holiday. Put the verbs into the past simple tense.

Jenny was (be) very happy. It (be) the first day of her holiday. She (pack) her

suitcase and (put) her ticket and passport in her rucksack. She (leave) the luggage

in the hall and (phone) for a taxi. Then she (wait), but the taxi

(be) late. When the taxi finally (arrive), Jenny rushed to the door. She

(forget) that her suitcase and rucksack (be) in the hall. She stumbled over them,

fell and (break) her arm. The taxi driver (not take) Jenny to

the airport. He (take) her to the hospital. So Jenny (not go) on

holiday. She (stay) at home for 2 weeks. And the weather (be) terrible. It

(rain) every day. Jenny (not be) happy.

2 Read the story again and put the pictures in the correct order.
2. 3 Make questions to complete the dialog.

Were last week ? you away

Yes, I was. We were in holiday.

you go? Where did

We went in to Italy.

have time? you a good Did

Yes, we did. It was really good.

Was good? weather the

Yes, it was very nice.

in stay you Did a hotel?

No,we didn't. We were in an apartment.

there people? other Were young

Yes, there were. I made a lot of new friends.

do did there? you What

We spent most of the time on the beach.

3. 4 What are these travel things.
Poskládej písmena tak, aby by vyšla slova z tématu cestování. Pokud jsou ve slově stejná písmena - malé číslo ti
napoví, které je ve slově dříve.

E T2 K C T1 I

T2 N T1 E

I T S2 C A U S1 E


L2 T L1 Y E R O


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