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Bugaets True Systems

Systems Ltd


It is time to dispel the largest myth of our time.

For the last decades, there has been a persistent struggle, more exact against СО2 .
Carbon dioxide – natural gas, a product of oxidising reactions of live organisms and burning of
hydrocarbons. Struggle goes at United Nations level, UNESCO, parties of the green. The
overwhelming part of an orthodox science declared СО2 the main originator of a hotbed effect
leading to global warming on the Earth. Huge money is spent for this struggle. It is signed (and the
special International Kiotsky Report limiting each state on volume of development СО2 is not
signed). The states sell now and buy quotas on СО2.

Let's try to understand this question. We will ask any passer-by, what quantity of СО2 is in the
Earth's atmosphere? From 100 persons no more than 5 would know – 0,03 % (!) At once it is possible
to prick up the ears, it is not enough СО2 in the atmosphere. Any homoeopathy.

Other fact. How many СО2 the planet Earth (throws out volcanoes, the seas, oceans, bogs)has in the
atmosphere in comparison with the industry? In tens times more! How we will struggle with it?

Such impression is that the activity of the person in planet scales is still insignificant considerably to
influence a global climate. Besides, there is an opposite opinion. We are waited not by warming, and
a global cold snap. It seems that the planet climate depends on everything, but only not from СО2.
As often happens in our guilty society, it was favourable to someone to declare: СО2 – the enemy of

Now we will look on СО2 absolutely on the other hand. We will ask passers-by, what % is of СО2 in
an artificial atmosphere of a spaceship? I am afraid that from 100 persons nobody would know.
Actually-3 %. There is another question – why so much? Especially, if it is an enemy. Really, Have
cosmonauts in the space become crazy? I doubt it.

The matter is that СО2 – is a unique natural stimulator of tone blood vessels of a person, especially
capillaries. Optimum maintenance СО2 in blood – 5,5 %. If СО2 in blood is below 3 %, problems with
will health begin. If – below 2 %, you are in danger of death.

How it turns out, that in the atmosphere СО2=0,03 %, and in blood – is in 100 times more? It occurs,
thanking the lungs, where the blood acidificates. To promote the extension (more a half an hour)
play sports or a physical activity. The main thing is that the loading was high. Remember such
phenomenon – «the second breath» when before it was heavy, there was no oxygen in the
organism. It became suddenly much easier, there was a new energy and force. It has occurred the
acidification in blood vessels and capillaries, free oxygen began to arrive in all cages to the

There is other way blood is acidificated. It is necessary to breathe slowly and superficially in order to
maintain the air in the lungs so the balance of inflow СО2 and О2 was in favour of СО2. As so, us all
life have learnt to breathe a full breast that blood has received more oxygen. Is it really an error?
Yes. A criminal error. Ignorance of scientific experts, inability to see obvious and to do fair
conclusions. Try to make successively (5-6) deep breaths-exhalations. Your head will begin to spin, in
the eyes there can be "the asterisks", some can faint. It is surplus of oxygen? No, it is oxygen
Bugaets True Systems
Systems Ltd

starvation. To some former sportsmen , who had cut off their foot of feet as the gangrene has
begun. The reason? They have ceased to go in for sports, the organism could not be reconstructed,
СО2 has strongly fallen in blood, access of oxygen to a remote part of a body – a foot of feet was
sharply reduced.

Using superficial breath (a method of Soviet doctor Butejko), it is possible to get rid of the majority
of chronic illnesses. Also for simplification of process of medical breath it is possible to use various
simple adaptations. They complicate breath and return a part of exhaled air.

What is the cold? I am assured that it is attempt of our organism to complicate breath and by that to
help to struggle with an infection. But we do not understand it, we do not see signs which are
submitted by an organism to ours to "brilliant mind». We ruthlessly struggle with a cold, we swallow
handfuls of a tablet and we can not recover in any way. And it was necessary to put on warmly only
and hardly considerably to breathe. However exceptions happen.

The interesting case is known. A young newlywed has for some reason decided to sleep, having
covered his head with a blanket. His young wife slept, as all normal people, and often chuckled at
the husband …. Has passed 20 years. Somehow the wife, sitting before a mirror, has paid attention
to a wedding photo and has begun to cry. She has understood that for 20 years her husband has not
changed at all, and it – has strongly grown old.


We have demonstrated that СО2 –is not only an enemy, it can be a person's great friend. The true
recipe of a long youth and health is the creation of premises of long stay of the person, for example,
a bedroom, with artificial atmosphere, where СО2=3 %. We will present other recipes of youth and
health later.

AUTHOR D.T.N. Yevgeny Bugaets

Bugaets True Systems LTD

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