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Name________________ClassV Sec___ Roll#_____ Date_________

A.1 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that

1) In Japan, tea is called O-cha. Between 1185 and 1333, a Japanese priest
called Eisai introduced the tea seeds into the country. These have flourished
into the tea bushes grown in Japan today.

2) The Japanese tea ceremony is a unique tradition. It is called Sado and is a

part of the country’s culture. The tea ceremony is actually taught at a
number of tea schools in Japan. Learning about the tea ceremony is still
considered an important part of the education of young girls in Japan

3) The tea ceremony is usually held in a cha-shitsu or tea-room. In earlier

days, tea-rooms were small buildings set in peaceful corners of traditional
gardens. These tea-rooms exist today in parks, castles, or temple gardens. A
good example is the Shokintei Teahouse at the Katsura Detached Palace in
Kyoto. The first tea-room was called the temple of the Silver Pavilion.

4) Several special utensils are used during the tea ceremony. The cha-ire is a
ceramic container used for the powder tea; the kama is the kettle used for
boiling water over a charcoal fire; the chopsticks, made of cedar wood, used
for eating the simple meal served with the tea, are called hashi; and the
tables are known as cha-wan. A bamboo brush called chasen is used to stir
and mix the tea.

5) Koicha, the thick tea, is served first and then later usucha, the thin tea is
poured into the cha-wan. During the course of the ceremony, a light meal or
kaiseki and higashi or dry sweets are also served.

A1. Complete the following sentences:

1. The Japanese tea seeds were introduced by__________________________

2. A bamboo brush called chasen is used to ____________________________

3. In earlier days tea- room were small buildings set in ___________________

A2. Choose the correct answers :-

1. Koicha in Japanese means

a) thin tea. c) dry sweets.
b) thick tea. d) ceramic container.

2. The tea ceremony is held in special

a) living rooms c) palaces.
b) tea-rooms d) houses.

3. A ceramic container used for powdered tea is called

a) cha-ire c) hashi.
b) kama d) O-cha.

A3. Answer the following questions :-

1) How is the Japanese tea ceremony a unique tradition?

2) Give an appropriate title to the passage above.

A4. Look for one word in the passage for the following :-

1) special______________(para 2)
2) grow and develop____________(para 1)

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