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1) Circle each letter that should be capitalised and rewrite the sentence :

a. the newsman asked president bush about Iraq.

b. we played with the kittens in uncle eddie’s garden.

c. i told mom that I would be late for dinner.

d. betty likes to eat pizza every sunday.

e. june is the hottest month of the year.

f. many pictures have been taken of mount kilimanjaro.

g. brian said that devin’s pencil was on the floor.

2) Punctuate the following sentences :-

1. there is a saying that a pot of gold is buried at the end of the rainbow


2. have you ever tried to reach a rainbow’s end


3. of course it’s impossible

4. a rainbow is really just the result of raindrops reflecting light from the


5. there are seven colours in the rainbow violet indigo blue green

yellow orange and red


3) The following paragraph has not been punctuated. Rewrite it

correctly using suitable punctuation marks :-

yesterday was the first day of the school holidays my family and i travelled
to ports mouth in south of england we went there with my aunt jill my
uncle albert and my two cousins we stayed in a guest house next to the
sea on most days we sailed along the coast although it was busy with
other boats it was fantastic i would you like to visit it again


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