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Commentary ............................................ 2
Crime & safety ...................................... 5
Business & Real Estate ...................... 6
CARAG Report .......................................... 8
ECCO Report.............................................. 9
Events Calendar..................................... 11

“3days&2nights”: Slippery Sidewalks, 3-2 Beer, Subzero

Days, Car Trouble and Lutefisk–Jealous? Book Now!
(Photo left by Bruce Cochran)

Your Community-Supported News Source • Covering the Neighborhoods of CARAG and ECCO and the Uptown Area February 2009 • Volume 5, Number 2

Professional Bicycle Racing Arrives In uptown

Brooke Miller (center) of Team TIBcO wins the 2008 Minneapolis Downtown classic women’s race. (See Story Page 7) Photo by Stephanie Williams

“OMG, urban Earth co-op

CONSTRUCTING That Is... Is Overcoming

So-Gay!” Growing Pains By Phyllis Stenerson

“The Show So Gay”
Positively Entertains Urban Earth’s members met on January 5 to review the state of the co-
and Educates op, some learning for the first time that the community owned store’s
growing pains were more serious than anticipated. After reconfirming
By Bruce Cochran

the importance of the venture to the neighborhood and reviewing man-

The inauguration of an Afri- agement options, the quorum of members attending decided the co-op
can American president has should stay open for at least another six months to develop a workable
brought new hope for under- plan.
standing and acceptance

across the nation. But it’s also To overcome its current shortfall and continue to grown into a viable
a reminder that this is just the neighborhood resource, Urban Earth needs more purchases from the
beginning. Under the radar lie
the continuation of racial slurs,
public plus more people becoming members, contributing and volun-
ethnic tension, assorted cultur- teering.
al hot-points and stereotypes. EARTH page 6
Everyone knows we have a
Digital illustration by Bruce Cochran
long way to go so for everyone
The Rise of Independent Media to be equal.
The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual,
Make Your Voice Heard
By Bruce Cochran Transgender (GLBT) com- Contributors are needed for Uptown Neighborhood News – this is a community news-
munity is no stranger to this paper and needs voices from throughout the community. Send a letter, write a column,
If you’ve ever thought the local TV news was limited in scope, ideas, history. In 1998 there was the report on an event, send a picture with caption – if it’s happening in Uptown, UNN wants
issues or points of view, you’re not alone. Many people have thought that murder of Matthew Shepard to know. Send to or Editor, Uptown Neighborhood News, 3612
a better model exists than the commercially driven news. If so, you may and this year on February 12 Bryant Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55409.
be intrigued by the ideas from a local group of activists. there was the murder of Law-
rence King. Both hate crimes “Speak your mind even if your voice shakes.” – Maggie Kuhn, senior citizen activist
rippled through their com-
Driven and enthusiastic, this group would like to recreate the local news munities and the country as

model. Their hope is to create a cable and internet-ready half hour local
news show that speaks for people of the local community. It would run GAy page 4
opposite the mainstream shows to give people a real alternative for local
MEDIA page 7
Recreation, Revenue & Philanthropy

Banding Together
By Bruce Cochran
“I am honored to invite these talented groups and
individuals to participate in the Inaugural Parade”
- President-Elect Obama
On January 20 Harvey Zuck- is also part of the Minnesota
man marched with the Freedom Band (MFB)
Lesbian and Gay Band locally. The MFB is part

Association(LGBA) in of a national organization
the 2009 Inaugural of bands that is a lesbian
Parade. He was and gay concert, jazz and
only 1 of 2 chosen marching band. They are
Photo by Steve Kotvis
from Minnesota. a voluntary, nonprofit The REI Tour will take place again this year on Sunday, Feb.1 at 9:15 a.m. For new
A 32-year resi- musical organiza- events see page 7. For a complete schedule see
dent and past tion composed
president of of lesbians, By Bruce Cochran
the ECCO gay men and A weekend-long event with races for all ages, evening activities, an ice
Neighbor- their friends. Jozsef Szathmary and Lucas
Westby, Co-Hosts of “The bike race, ice-sculpture contest and multiple-heat spectating is quite an
hood, Harvey Although they Show So Gay,” premiering Feb. event. But the 2009 Loppet does more than provide great recreation and
Photo by
11, 7pm at Suburban World
Bruce Cochran BAND page 10 LOPPET page 7
2 • Uptown neighborhood news FEBRUARY 2009

letters A New chapter In America’s History
Obama charts bold future grounded in core values
one of the two Minneapolis Span- By Phyllis Stenerson tolerance and curiosity, loyalty and inaugural address by saying. “Let
ish Dual Immersion schools was patriotism.” Americans “embody it be said by our children’s chil-
mentioned. For all those UNN Barack Obama’s inauguration as the spirit of service; a willingness dren that when we were tested we
readers who happen to live in the the 44th president of the United to find meaning in something refused to let this journey end, that
33% of CARAG (area D5 on the States of America marked the greater than themselves,” he con- we did not turn back nor did we
Minneapolis Public Schools map beginning of a new chapter in our tinued. falter…we carried forth that great
which has Lyndale as the desig- country’s story, gift of freedom and delivered it
nated community school), please President Obama concluded his safely to future generations.”
note that we have the option to be “On this day, we gather because

Minnesota’s Economic
bussed to either Emerson or Win- we have chosen hope over fear,
dom Dual Immersion Schools. unity of purpose over conflict and
discord,” Obama told the estimat-
My two children, along with 3
other CARAG families, attend
ed two million people who were
in Washington and millions more Recovery Primary Focus
Of 2009 Session
Windom Dual Immersion School around the world.
Another Good choice! at 5821 Wentworth Ave S. It is a
I noticed in last month’s article bummer that Minneapolis Public President Obama emphasized
“An Educated Choice” that only School boundaries don’t match that although America is basically By Senator Scott Dibble, Representative Frank Hornstein and
the neighborhood boundaries strong, we are in the “midst of cri- Speaker of the House Margaret Anderson Kelliher
because it makes explaining school sis” brought about by “our collec-
tive failure to make hard choices On January 6, Minnesota’s state health insurance and the rising
options even a little more compli-
DEADLINE for cated, especially in a neighborhood and prepare the nation for a new legislature convened for the 2008 cost of everything from health care
submissions to paper, but I thank the UNN for age.” He called upon Americans to legislative session. Although the to basics such as food and clothing
celebratory mood of welcoming is squeezing already tight family
the Uptown starting the conversation. If you “begin again the work of remak-
ing America” and launch a “new new members and gathering at the budgets. The primary focus of this
neighborhood are interested in Windom Spanish
Dual Immersion as an option for era of responsibility” on behalf of State Capitol was once again evi- session must be Minnesota’s eco-
news is your child, please visit http://win- the common good. dent, there was also a somberness nomic recovery.
reflective of the significant eco-
THE 15TH OF and come for
The new President urged all citi- nomic challenges facing our state. To begin with, there are significant
a tour.
FEBRuARy zens to renew their commitment to short-term needs, such as making
Nearly 200,000 Minnesotans have sure people continue to receive
(email: Cindy Christian is a parent to a America’s core values “upon which
our success depends — hard work lost their jobs, thousands more unemployment benefits and health
uptownnews@ first and a third grader at Windom
and honesty, courage and fair play, have lost their homes and their care. We must work to retain and Dual Immersion School and lives in
create jobs, help people stay in their
homes and maintain public servic-
es such as fire and police depart-
ments. It isn’t enough, however, to
only address the immediate. Our
FOcuS page 3

Divine Liturgy
Sunday 9:30 am
Fr. Paul Paris


Uptown Neighborhood News is a monthly publication of Calhoun Area Residents Action
Tree Tops At Calhoun
Group (CARAG) in cooperation with the East Calhoun Community Organization (ECCO).
UNN covers the news of and is delivered free to households within the area bounded by
Lyndale Ave. S. and Lake Calhoun, between Lake Street and 36th St. W. Extra copies are
A Senior Community Embracing Independence
distributed to businesses in the Uptown area, along Lake Street, and Lyndale and Hennepin
Aves. Circulation is 5,100, with a pass-along readership of 10,000. Publication and distribu-
tion is before the first of every month. Subscriptions are available for $30 per year, prepaid.
Send check to: UNN, 3612 Bryant Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55409.

2 Months
Contributors are area residents who volunteer their time to bring the news of the area to resi-
dents. Articles, letters to the editor and story ideas are welcomed and encouraged. The editor
reserves the right to edit for length, clarity, relevance to the area, or other reasons. Editorial
Free Ren
and advertising guidelines are available. Please contact the editor:
UNN Scott Dibble, Frank Hornstein,
3612 Bryant Avenue South Brendan Jordan, R. Kean,
Minneapolis, MN 55409 Margaret Anderson Kelliher,
612.823.2520 Aaron Means, Cecilia Michel,
Maren Nowicki, Phyllis Stenerson
Stop in to tour Tree Tops
Phyllis Stenerson
CARAG/ECCO Circulation: at Calhoun and we’ll treat
Bruce Cochran
Bill Boudreau 612.825.0979 you to dessert and coffee.
Senior Apartment Homes
Tenth Ward
Susan Hagler Ralph Remington, 612.673.2210
cRIME PREvENTION SPEcIALIST • Elegant, redesigned senior • Outings and Social Activities
Appointed/Elected Reps:
Tom Thompson, 5th Precinct
SAFE Unit, Sector 2, 3101 Nicollet Ave apartment homes • Catered dining available
Ted Ringsred, Chair (ECCO)
Minneapolis MN 55408
Serving the neighborhoods of; • In unit washer & dryer • Housekeeping available
Anna Matthes, Vice Chair (CARAG) CARAG, East Harriet, ECCO, Kingfield,
Jill Bode, Treasurer (CARAG)
Gary Farland, Secretary (ECCO)
Linden Hills, Lyndale, West Calhoun • Wonderful walk around • On site beauty salon/barber
Ralph Knox (ECCO)
Elizabeth Walke (CARAG)
Lisa Godon 612.673.2005
community shop
Volunteer Member
Mary Ann Knox
Uptown Neighborhood News reserves the right to refuse
publication of articles or advertisements as it sees fit.
• Walker Health Care services • Fitness/Wellness Center
But we will see fit to publish most things, don’t worry.
Copyright © 2009 Uptown Neighborhood News.
on site • Transportation Services
Bruce Cochran, Courtney Cushing Kiernat,
Steve Kotvis, Stephanie Williams
3535 Bryant Avenue South • Minneapolis, MN 55408 • 612-825-5454
Tree Tops at Calhoun SWJ 111708 6.indd 1 11/6/08 1:40:18 PM
FEBRUARY 2009 Uptown Neighborhood news •  .

Focus from 2 funding for individual states.  In

preparation for that, the first bill

Fund-raiser Announced For Joyce

position as a national leader has
been diminished by the path we’ve introduced in both the House
been on for the past six years. and the Senate this week creates a
Inadequate funding for educa-
tion, hospitals and nursing homes,
as well as cuts to city and county
framework for determining how
this federal money will be spent
when it arrives. We want to make
Food Shelf Sunday, March 29
aid have not offered tax relief, but sure these dollars are used wisely On Sunday afternoon, March 29, there will be a big fund-raiser for the Joyce Food Shelf at St. Mary’s
have instead driven property taxes and fairly, with the primary intent Greek Orthodox Church, 35th and Irving. There will be food cooked at the Church as well as gourmet
up by almost $3 billion since 2002 of creating and retaining jobs and dishes contributed by area restaurants. Also, there will be entertainment for the whole family. It will
and increased fees by over $1 bil- stimulating economic growth. be sponsored by the ECCO Neighborhood and St. Mary’s Church with assistance from other organiza-
lion. Colleges have seen double- tions. Further details will be in the next edition of the Uptown Neighborhood News. If you would like to
digit tuition increases, making it We are committed to examining help with this event, please call Gary Farland at 612.824.6744 or
harder for students to get the edu- our budget to make sure we are
cation they need to get a good job spending state revenues wisely,
recommending cuts in areas that
and school districts statewide are
struggling. Instead of leading the will do the least harm and re-allo- Maintenance Or Development?
nation in job creation, our state cating funds where they can do the
most good. We will also make the Lake Calhoun Lot Project Explained Citizen
now ranks 36th, and we are consis-
tently ahead of the national aver- budget process more transparent ACtion
age in unemployment. so Minnesotans can better under-
stand where their tax dollars are
The choice is clear; we cannot being spent. CARAG Neighborhood
expect different results if we stay
on the same path. As we begin the We know, however, that filling
the budget hole with federal help ECCO Neighborhood
task of responsibly addressing our 612.987.2344
$4.8 billion budget deficit, we must and spending cuts alone will cause
change the way of doing business grave damage to the core values Mpls. Park & Rec. Board
in Minnesota. Minnesotans hold dear. We no Tracy Nordstrom
longer have one-time money at 612.230.6443 #4
There are three plausible avenues our disposal, such as the tobacco Bob Fine
fund, and our rainy day fund was 612.230.6443 #6
to help us balance the budget: fed- Photo by Bruce Cochran
eral assistance, spending cuts and depleted last year to help fill the
previous state budget shortfall. By John Darlington of curbs and gutters, removal of City Councilperson
additional revenue. Regarding the Ralph Remington
first, there is every indication that To think we can solve this budget pumps that are no longer in use 612.673.2210
crisis without new revenue is not Rumor has it that the Minneapolis and shoreline stabilization. “Water Ralph.Remington
President-Elect Obama will move Park Board is promoting develop-
swiftly to enact economic recov- only unrealistic, it would cause quality continues to be a huge
irreparable harm. As revenue ment of the shoreline and park- issue,” she added. “It’s already Mayor R.T. Rybak
ery legislation that will include ing lot area on the south of Lake 612.673.2100
increases are considered, we will been improved with the addition
work to make them fair and pro- Calhoun. If you live in the vicin- of wetlands but more improve-

A Shared
ity of the intersection of William State Representative
gressive, as well as hold our most ment is needed. Margaret Anderson Kelliher
vulnerable citizens harmless - our Berry Parkway, Richfield Road 651.296.0171
children, seniors and hard-work- and Lake Calhoun Parkway, you $350,000 of funding for mainte-

History ing families. may be familiar with a 1996 Mas- nance and operation will come State Representative
ter Plan of the Park Board which from the Metropolitan Council. Frank Hornstein
would seek to re-do and relocate 651.296.9281
The Governor will release his bud- “It’s piece-meal” at this point, said
get recommendations the week of the parking lot to the east of its Nordstrom. “Our staff will be try-
present location. More than a few State Senator
January 26. The House and Senate ing to leverage the Met Council D. Scott Dibble
will respond with budget recom- neighbors in and visitors to the for continued support. We hope 651.296.4191
mendations of their own, accept- area have feared that such devel- to begin the maintenance work by
ing some of what the Governor is opment would include the build- June, 2009.” Governor Tim Pawlenty
ing of structures that would impair 651.296.3391
proposing but certainly with some
differences. Both bodies are work- the landscape and inhibit the view. Fourth District and Fifth District U.S. Congressman
ing hard to involve the citizens of Commissioners, Tracy Nordstrom Keith Ellison
Minnesota in our budget decisions. In actuality, the vision of the Park and Bob Fine, are working togeth- 612.522.1212
Legislative committees will visit Board is to improve the landscape er on the project and encour-
communities across the state in the and enhance the view. According age your questions and input. U.S. Senator
coming weeks to help shed light to District Four Park Commis- Impending public meetings will Amy Klobuchar
and show in detail what choices sioner, Tracy Nordstrom, the plan be announced. In the meantime,
are being considered, and to get to bring improvements falls under access the Park Board website: U.S. Senate Seat 2
feedback from citizens. the heading of maintenance, not and (Vacant)
development. “We’re not going to click on “projects.” Pending Election Results
Both the House and the Senate build a building there,” she said. President
have created a website so you can “But by re-directing and upgrad- John Darlington is minister of Joyce Barack Obama
ing the parking area, we can 202.456.1111
have the opportunity to convey United Methodist Church and a
your values and your best ideas address congestion, prevent storm member of the CARAG board.
for contending with Minnesota’s water run-off, reduce eye-sore and
projected budget deficit. Visit the create a beautiful entrance to a
House site at, and beautiful lake.”
the Senate at http://budgetforum. to share your ideas. The plan would bring improve-
ment to a unique traffic problem
Meet Ralph Remingon
Breakfast with Ralph Resumes
There is little doubt we face histor- in the parks system where a steady
ic challenges. It is not all doom and stream of cars intersects with bike February 18: 7:30 - 9am
gloom, however. We are all firm and pedestrian paths. Traffic con- The Egg & I (28th & Lyndale)
gestion and safety are the issues Guest Speaker: Minneapolis Fire Chief Falex Jackson
believers that out of a challenge
such as this comes opportunity. that most concern Commissioner Happy Hour with Ralph
We will find new ways of doing Nordstrom.
things, utilize every resource at our February 27: 5:30-6:30pm
Leaning Tower of Pizza (24th & Lyndale)
disposable, and work hard to sus- “Neighbors and visitors are con-
sistently concerned about safety,” Come by and discuss local, national, and world politics with your Council
tain the quality of life Minnesota is Member — no agenda or reservation needed.
known for. Minnesotans are resil- she continued. “The plan when
Photo by Courtney Cushing Kiernat ient, resourceful, and determined, carried out would provide wiggle-
Kenwood School kindergarteners, like and on the challenges before us, room for all kinds of traffic.”
students throughout many Minneapo- we cannot afford to fail.
lis schools, watched Barack Obama The plan includes resurfacing Lower Rates Are Bringing Buyers
become the 44th President of the Unit-
ed States. To Your Neighborhood!!
We will keep you updated with current new listings & sold homes and the
prices they sold for. We can show you what your home would sell for now!

Lance Fraser Josh Hennesy

Lakes Area Realty 1428 W 28th St Prime Mortgage Uptown A Division Of The Business Bank
(Next to Isles Buns Coffee) 612.716.1187
 • Uptown Neighborhood news FEBRUARY 2009

Gay from 1 and Artistic Director for Intermedia rework his spirit. He felt it was great to show came to fruition and how much cally not documented on reality TV.
Arts, had this to say: “Intermedia Arts be part of something again. His role attention it has received so far. Sza-
examples of the learning and under- chose to be the fiscal agent for “The in the project is fundamental. He is thmary’s excitement is evident in his The show has a lot at stake but also
standing that still needs to take place. Show So Gay” because it speaks to the living archive on the set. voice. He explains how working on a lot to share with its community. For
And just January 22 in Uptown there our organization’s mission. Interme- the show has elicited passion in him more information and updates see
was another assault that preliminar- dia Arts is a catalyst that builds under- Jozsef Szathmary, co-host and co-star to be outspoken for the GLBT com-
ily indicates that it may have been a standing among people through art. of TSSG is amazed at how quickly the munity regarding issues that are typi-
hate crime too. (See page 5.) The show is a tool to educate through

Inventive Thinking At Kenwood

This is the backdrop for the initiation entertainment and we are proud to
of a new project by a group of local be part of this forward-thinking and
creative media artists. This group, timely production in the community.
many calling Uptown their home has Support for independent artists and
come together to for one project. In small arts groups is especially crucial By Cecilia Michel
just six months their project titled, now and Intermedia Arts remains
“The Show So Gay”(TSSG) is making committed to providing this kind of ECCO residents Quinn and Ivan
a fabulous, if you will, splash on the support, even while facing our own prepare their entry to the “What
local arts and entertainment scene. challenging times.” If” Young Inventor’s Fair after
And even though the show in its visiting local Bryant Hardware
The show is a mock-reality internet Store for supplies. Both are fourth
and television program. The action simplest form is entertainment, its
follows two best friends who live reach is has not gone unnoticed by graders at Kenwood Elementary
together as they cruise for dates, the larger GLBT community. Jo Mar- School participating for the sec-
share therapy lessons and every- sicano, Communications Director of ond year in the Minneapolis Public
thing in between. This super gay OutFront Minnesota explains, “Every School District Young Inventor’s
comedy drama is a unique mixture time we are visible in a positive way
it helps the movement for equality.
Fair to be held on Thursday eve-
of fiction and non-fiction. The goal ning, January 29 at the Sullivan
of the show according to the pro- It says to the world that first of all we
exist and second we can be enter- Community Center, 3100 E. 28th
ducers is “To entertain, educate and
promote inclusiveness among the taining and fun just like everyone Street. Each year approximately
public through informative television else. It also invites the larger com- 7,000 young inventors submit Photo by Courtney Cushing Kiernat

and internet programing on topics munity into the GLBT subculture in entries.
a lighthearted way and that helps Student entries are displayed at and outside the classroom. The
that affect the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
Transgender and Allied community.” de-stigmatise who we are. Whenever the Sullivan Community Center Inventor’s Fair is always a high-
you can laugh it breaks down barriers
After selecting a problem to solve,
where each is judged based on a light of the YBR program.
With one of the highest concentra- between the straight world and the local inventors Quinn and Ivan
number of criteria. All participants
tion of GLBT community members GLBT world. And lastly it shows that brainstormed and developed
can earn a certificate. Exceptional “Inventing is a vehicle for students
in the state, Uptown or the “gay-bor- GLBT people have a sense of humor, their idea to design a new inven-
entries are submitted for further to express creativity, learn aca-
hood” as it is sometimes referred to, we can laugh at ourselves and that tion called “The Spring-A-Ling.”
is the perfect stage for this event. we are human. So, we see positives in evaluation and competition in demic skills and develop a positive
This unique product “helps elders
The world premiere of TSSG will take a show like this.” other venues in the metro area. self-image,” states Kenwood YBR
with back problems to sit down
place at the historic Suburban World teacher Jon Skibbe.
The show is layered with talent and without pain,” according to the
Theatre. The first two episodes will Students such as Quinn and Ivan
debut at 7:00 p.m. on February 11. experience. Harvey Hertz, long time inventors. “The clamps hook to Here’s hoping the testing phase for
resident of Uptown is historian and
have been learning about inven-
The evening doubles as a dedication the front and back of the seat after the Spring-A-Ling goes as planned
fund-raiser for the project. His book tive process, scientific inquiry and
and fund-raiser. The evening is titled the spring eases you down to a sit- for the inventors as well as Marty
store, A Brother’s Touch, was famous problem solving skills as young
“Be Our Valentine!” in memory of Law- ting position.” Both were inspired
rence King and is also a capital fund- for its vast array of GLBT titles. His inventors this past semester. The Allen!
roots from New York and Uptown
to develop the device by Quinn’s
raiser for future shows. Inventor’s Fair is open to all stu-
GLBT history help fill in the places grandparent, Marty Allen, a long
dents at Kenwood and participa- Cecilia Michel, writer, and Courtney
Intermedia Arts has supported this where “the young kids don’t know time Uptown resident. After mak-
tion is required by all students in Cushing Kiernat, photographer, are
show by acting as its fiscal fund-rais- their cultural past,” he says. He came ing final modifications, the boys
to the project because he already
the Yellow Brick Road program, parents of Kenwood School students.
ing agent. And even as it is struggling will complete the last step of the
itself(see page 10), by acting as the knew Chris Durant, producer and Kenwood’s Gifted/Talented pro- Ivan and Quinn live in ECCO and
process and test the Sping-A-ling
show’s agent, they have helped to got involved because he recognized gram. YBR students are chal- attend Kenwood School. Courtney
on a willing volunteer, none other
fulfill the social justice goals of the the importance of the gay issues on lenged with a variety of fun and also lives in ECCO.
the show and the project served to
than Quinn’s grandmother!
group. Theresa Sweetland, Executive interesting opportunities both in

Homeopathy An Excellent Whole

and more attention and validity Homeopathic treatment allows for history, dreams, interests, work,
is being given to CAM therapies the re-coordination between the relationships, lifestyle, diet and Systems Approach
in recent years. One of the most mental, emotional and physical sleeping patterns. The whole per-
A Whole Systems well established CAM approaches aspects of a person to eradicate dis- son is understood and treated, not Homeopathy offers an excellent
whole systems approach to health
Approach to Health toward health is homeopathy.
Today, homeopathy is recognized
ease and re-establish functioning
to maximum capacity.
just a single part or condition. A
single homeopathic remedy is then and healing. The treatment of
and Healing by the World Health Organiza- used to bring balance on a mental, the individual and their totality
of symptoms often ensure greater
By Aaron Means MA,
tion (WHO) as “the second most Complex Systems emotional and physical level.
healing success than treatment
common form of alternative medi- and Homeopathy
Homeopathic Practitioner cine in the world” and continues to Individualized of just single symptoms or spe-
grow rapidly. Homeopathy is often recognized cific disease conditions. Each part
The concept of whole systems in modern science as an applied Homeopathy is individualized in must be explored deeply enough
health and healing is emerging approach of complex systems. its approach. Each person is seen to reveal the larger disturbance in
strongly in modern medical prac- What is Homeopathy? Similar to the concept of holistic, a as unique. Just as the same exercise the person as a whole. The person
tice and schools of today. The most Homeopathy is a natural, holistic complex system is like a network program or the same diet is not themselves must be understood on
common system is what is known and scientific approach to health- where individual parts interact beneficial to everyone, the same a mental, emotional and physical
today as CAM or complimentary care. Its formal practice was codi- and influence one another. Inter- homeopathic remedy will not nec- level, along with what they are suf-
and alternative medicine. More fied by Samuel Hahnemann M.D. actions then “between the parts essarily help everyone with the fering. Whether it is a disturbance
over 200 years ago, although its generate properties of the larger same health problem. The person on a digestive level or mental level,
principles date to Hippocrates. organizational level of scale that must be understood in relationship each represents a disturbance
Homeopathic care does not sup- are not predicted by understanding to what it is they are suffering. on a more global level. Healing
press symptoms but stimulates the the properties of the separate parts. must begin from this global level
body’s natural healing capacity. It A person’s behavior is an emergent A Homeopathic of understanding. Only then can
also helps prevent illness. It is high- property of the person as a whole, Case Example there be true holistic healing with
ly effective for acute and chronic indivisible system. Properties of perfect coordination and harmony
mental and physical conditions. A woman in her 50’s with vitiligo
the global system can have self- between mind and body.
Homeopathy is unique in that it (loss of skin pigmentation) on her
similarity at every level of scale,
seeks to understand the person on hands and legs came for a homeo-
down to the local parts. This self- Wishing you health and happiness
a physical, mental and emotional pathic consult. She also suffered
similarity concept is parallel to the this New Year!
level, not just a single symptom or from depression, low back pain,
clinical notion in homeopathy that
condition. Homeopathic remedies digestive issues and obesity. She
deep examination of any symptom
described her depression as feel- References
are safe, FDA approved, have no will reveal the larger disturbance
ing isolated, not being able to con- Bell, Iris MD, PhD (2005). “Complex
side effects and do not interfere in the person as a whole, for which
nect with others and feeling like Systems and Network Science: A
with allopathic medicines. a single remedy is indicated” (Bell, Bridge toward Translating Classical
a stranger in a strange land. She
2005). Homeopathy into Appropriate
would make plans for the week-
Holistic Health and end, but often just sit at home, eat
Research Designs.”
Homeopathy Totality of Symptoms and drink, and not emerge until Veda, Swami PhD (2000). “What is
The beauty and strength of home- In homeopathy, the deep examina- Monday before going to work. She Holistic Health.” Positive Living. 20-
opathy is that it embraces the con- tion of any symptom to reveal the had deep feelings of worthlessness 24.
cept of holistic health. “The word larger disturbance is done by gath- and being estranged from herself
World Health Report (2005). “WHO
holistic is derived from the Greek ering the totality of symptoms. and her family. Each symptom Global Atlas of Traditional Comple-
holos, which means completeness On a physical level each symptom was understood and analyzed in mentary and Alternative Medicine”
?aXg5XgT<^]SPhb and perfection in all components is explored fully, regarding its relationship to her as a person. (Map Volume).
$%S_ebcUTY^^UbV_b#" and parts of an entity, as well as location, local sensation, sided- The homeopathic remedy Natrum
cUbfY^W\_SQ\\iVQb]UT within the whole that is more than ness, concomitants, what makes carbonicum was then given for Aaron Means MA, is a homeopathic
the sum total of all its parts. Thus the problem worse or better, dis- her as an individual based on her practitioner with a private prac-
holistic health is the pursuit and charge and changes since onset. totality of symptoms. Within a tice at 1516 W Lake St in Uptown.
He is a graduate of the American
=_^6bY#&`] accomplishment of health in the The homeopath also explores the few months she regained her skin Medical College of Homeopathy in
Ce^DXe! `]S\_cU complete personality, with a per- specific mental state and emo- color, her depression lifted, and Phoenix, AZ. 651.328.4048, homeo-
!& g<Q[UCDbUUd\Q[UQ^TYbfY^W fect coordination and harmony tional nature of the client as well her back pain and digestive issues or www.
among all its parts.” (Veda, 2000). as general information, such as life cleared up.
FEBRUARY 2009 Uptown Neighborhood news •  .

crime & safety

December 2008

Crimes by Location (ECCO: west of Hennepin. CARAG: east of Hennepin.)

5TH PRECINCT (Southwest Minneapolis)
Sector 2: Crime Prevention Specialist
Tom Thompson: 612.673.2823

Green As The Driven Snow

are you helping the many people melting material is helpful. To walks. For Uptown, sand can be
in Minneapolis who rely on clear help, the City offers several sites picked up at 6036 Harriet Ave.
sidewalks to get around, but clear- where residents can pick up free 24 hours-a-day. Please bring your
Shoveling your sidewalk after is even greater if you choose to ing your sidewalk is also required sand for their residential side- own pail and shovel.
every snowfall has never been easy. clear your walk with non-motor- by City ordinance.
It’s hard enough for most peo- ized equipment. Call 612.673.5720 for more infor-
ple just to get to work when the What the law says
weather is cold and the sun isn’t And as always, a clear sidewalk
up yet. But now that more people makes it safer for the mature Minneapolis ordinance requires
than ever are making green trans- adults in our neighborhood to get single family and duplex prop-
portation choices, the simple act of around safely. As humans mature, erty owners to clear their side- On Thursday evening,
clearing your sidewalk has taken our bones become more brittle and walks within 24 hours after the January 22 at 11:00 p.m., a
on new meaning. It provides more therefore more fragile. A clear snow stops falling, and all other woman was beaten uncon-
incentive and safety for those brave sidewalk could mean the differ- property owners, including com- cisous at Lake and Dupont
mercial properties, to clear their and left in the snow. She
souls walking to work or to the ence for a safe path to a destination
public sidewalks within four day- regained conciousness,
bus. Of course the net green effect or a week in the hospital. Not only phoned for help and was
light hours after the snow stops
falling. The City wants to make taken to the hospital at
12:30 a.m. Friday morning.
Discussion Of Harmful Chemicals In Our Environment sure pedestrians and emergency
workers have a safe place to walk. The MPD would not
A Healthy Legacy Forum to discuss involuntary exposure to harmful chemicals in If residents want to report a side-
our environment will be held at Lake Harriet United Methodist Church, 49th Street confirm whether or not it
and Chowen Avenue South on Thursday, March 5 from 7 to 9 p.m. Sponsored by the walk that has not been shoveled, was a hate crime as there
League of Women Voters of Minneapolis, 612.333.6319 just call 311. is more investigating to be
done. More information
Reduce the ice was not available when the

City To Test Stops On 31st St After shoveling and clearing your

sidewalks, spreading sand or ice-
UNN went to press.

By Brendan Jordan, CARAG Transportation Chair

Minneapolis Public Works will turn the traffic signal lights along 31st
Street at Dupont and Emerson Avenues to flashing red lights in early
January. The measure will test the effectiveness of an “all-way” stop
at the two intersections. If the test is successful the City will consider
removing the traffic signal lights and replacing them with stop signs in
Tax Preparation
those locations.
Jack D. Manders, CPA
The test was initiated after discussion between the City and CARAG 1900 Hennepin Avenue South
organization about a plan to replace all traffic signal lights along West Minneapolis, MN 55403
31st street with new overhead lights. Currently, the lights are on the sides
of the road at Dupont and Emerson, but the City says the intersections Call Jack at 612-874-7884
may not warrant signal lights based on the amount of traffic there.
Also, the CARAG organization has heard concerns from some neigh-
bors regarding high traffic speeds and volumes along 31st Street, as well
as Dupont and Emerson Avenues. All-way stops may have an effect on
both conditions.
Financial Problems?
Public Works is not certain how long the test will last as safety, how traf- AffordAbLe
fic moves and public opinion will determine its length. bANKrUPTCY reLIef
Contact the City of Minneapolis at 612.673.5750 to provide your input. - ATTORNEYS -
Public Meetings Set On Minneapolis Bicycle Sharing Program JoNATHAN e.
The first of three public meetings to present a draft plan that describes how bike frUCHTMAN, eSQ.
sharing could work in the heart of Minneapolis for short trips is in Uptown.
Wednesday, Feb. 4, at 7 p.m., Calhoun Square Atrium, 3001 Hennepin Ave. S. “Convenient Hennepin & Lake Location”
More information at Twin Cities Bike Share: Call for appointment (612) 821-0528 x15 or x16
 • Uptown Neighborhood news FEBRUARY 2009

business & real estate

Go Red For Women
Beginning Friday, February 6
Paint Uptown
Red, Window
Students from the University of
As part of the American Heart heart disease is the No. 1 killer of
Minnesota’s retail management
Association’s Go Red For Women women in the United States. It
program are designing window
campaign in February, Uptown kills nearly one woman every sec-
displays for 16 Uptown businesses.
businesses will be Going Red ond – more women then the next
Their challenge is to creatively
with window decorations, health five causes of death combined,
incorporate the Go Red theme,
messages and special promotions including all forms of cancer. But
as well as their partner busi-
– including a healthy cooking class heart disease is largely prevent-
ness’ product or service into their
with local chefs. able. Go Red strives to educate and
design. The public will be able to
embolden women to take charge
Kitchen Window in Calhoun vote online and in stores for their
of their health by the choices they
Square will be doing special favorite window.
healthy cooking events. They will

Room for Cream

kick off American Heart Month
after National Wear Red Day with
their event on Sunday, February 8. Working Capital Guaranty Program
People can purchase tickets to join The Working Capital Guarantee Program is designed to help small businesses secure
Photo by Bruce Cochran
Jackson’s Coffee and Gelato, owned by Kyler Meldahl, will open this spring at
the special cooking classes with financing through private banking institutions. A private lender funds the loan, and
822 West Lake Street across from Dunn Bros. at Lake and Bryant. local celebrity chefs, learn now the City of Minneapolis (CPED) guarantees a portion of the financing; up to 80% of
to cook a decadent healthy meal the first $50,000 and up to 50% of the remainder. Although there is no limit to the
and take the recipe home to share amount of financing provided by the bank, the City’s maximum guarantee is $75,000.

Uptown Redefined
with friends and family. Each class Eligible Uses
will feature an appetizer, main
Loans cannot be used to refinance existing business or personal loans, but may
course and dessert. For those who be used for: General business operations, Working capital, Production Contracts,
Uptown Association Annual Meeting, Jan. 29 are unable to attend the class, the Inventory, Receivables.
Celebrate the New Direction of Uptown at the Uptown Association’s Annual recipes and delicious healthy food This guaranty program is separate from the City’s other financing programs, and
Meeting Thursday, January 29 at 5p.m. samples will be available through- cannot be used to guarantee the City’s “Two-Percent Loans,” the “Commercial
The meeting at St. Mary’s Greek Orthodox Church, 3450 Irving Avenue, will out the month of February to cel- Corridors Two-Percent” or the uninsured portion of an SBA guaranteed loan.
feature Larry Millet, author, historian and journalist. ebrate Go Red For Women.
Everyone is welcome to find out about 2008 in review, ways to get involved, Terms and Conditions
community tables and the unveiling of a new vision and brand. Go Red For Women is the Ameri- For complete terms and conditions and more information, contact Jessica Green at
Please RSVP at 612.8234581 or More can Heart Association’s national the City of Minneapolis at (612) 673-5232, or Becky Shaw at (612) 673-5066.
information is available at movement to raise awareness that

EArth from 1
Tour de Japan... and Asia,
“A critical part of the ‘rebooting’ Cunningham continued. “It made
process was to reconnect with the sense to attempt to pay down our
A group of folks in CARAG,

Europe and Latin America

folks who created the vision for the debt as we enter a traditionally
ECCO, EHFNA, Kingfield and
store and hold an open and can- high sales season, but we needed
Lyndale neighborhoods banded
did conversation about the deci- the support from members to put
together in 2006 to start this mem-
sion at hand - to close or stay open an alternative plan into action. As
ber owned co-op that opened
and pay down our debt. Like any a result, we elected six new board
in October of that year. Urban
small retail business, we’ve learned members who are already working
Earth specializes in organic annu-
to struggle through the ups and to bring the store into 2009 with a
als, perennials, vegetables, herbs,
downs of a highly seasonal busi- fresh sense of direction and energy.”
seeds, fertilizers and is known for
ness. We’ve had many moments
its eco-friendly ethic and dedica-
of great sales, but we’ve had plenty “Regarding the future?” Cun-
tion to educating its customers.
of downs, too, so staying open was ningham inquired. “Despite the
“If someone asked me what the not an easy decision. It required a gloomy economy, there are many
‘current status’ of Urban Earth is, new pledge of commitment.” indications that people who live
I would say that we are in a state in the city are growing increas-
“To our (pleasant) surprise, a ingly interested in gardening for
of a much-needed rebooting of the
majority of members responded food, increasing the value of their
business,” said Neil Cunningham,
by voting to keep the store open,” homes through gardening, native
board member since January 2007.
plants, supporting biodiversity,
edible landscaping and/or urban
farming, rain harvesting, as well

The Buildup as bridging landscape design with

urban ecology.”
Finally, a Restaurant on the Greenway
“Urban Earth, like other indepen- For all of those times that you’ve ever biked the greenway and wondered
dent garden centers, is a unique why more development doesn’t face the trail then you should look for
response to those who want to this new restaurant.
embrace the gardening aspects of a
green lifestyle. This in mind, cou- Tiger Sushi 2 at 2841 Lyndale Avenue features an “in-the-round” style
pled with Urban Earth’s status as sushi bar that snakes its way through the center of the dining room. The
a cooperative, holds special mean- sushi bar offers “peninsulas” where groups of 6 to 10 people can gather
ing for folks needing a break from around their sushi chef providing for a unique dynamic of the close con-
big box store models. I’m giving nection with the sushi chef combined with the intimate conversational
myself permission to be optimistic appeal of a table.
Photo by Bruce Cochran about the next six months,” con-
A parking variance for 3016 Hennepin (between The Uptown Bar & Cafe and The cluded Cunningham.
North Face) has been conditionally approved by the Planning Commission. The
It’s “sister” location at the Mall of America for the last five years has suc-
variance for 3018 Hennepin was still under review at press time. The planned proj- cessfully produced a fusion of the best of Asian, Island, French and His-
ect would consist of a 2 story retail or mixed use building at 3016 (currently a park- “It was clear from the Annual panic cultures.
ing lot) and would require a variance primarily to waive the requirement for parking Meeting that members do not
for the new building at 3016 and the current Uptown Bar & Cafe at 3018. want to lose this small neighbor- “I take sushi on a jet ride around the world to exotic flavors and cul-
hood garden center,” said Gay tures,” says head Chef, J.R. Malibiran.

Lyn-Lake Plan Due Soon Noble, manager.

Neighborhood residents who form

Tiger Sushi 2’s patio overlooks the Greenway. You’ll find bike racks and
steps leading right up to your patio table. Owner and Uptown resident,
Provided by the City of Minneapolis Planning Division the Board of Directors are Rick Lisa Edevold, is very excited to offer patio dining in Uptown for those
Last April the City of Minneapolis initiated a Small Area Plan Process Krolak, Neil Cunningham, Shelia who wish to bike, roller blade or walk instead of drive.
for the Lyn-Lake Area. The purpose of the plan is to provide future Bland, Jeff Forester, Ruth Brooker,
land use guidance for the Lyn-Lake Activity Center. Since plan kick-off, Betty Seifert, Mary Anna Harstad Edevold is hoping that bicycle groups will consider the patio overlooking
three community meetings and four steering committee meetings have and Duane Peterson. The Board the Greenway a biking destination this summer. Says Edevold, “Greg
been held and two consulting firms, Joe Urban Inc. and Bonestroo Inc., meets the second Monday of each LeMond was here a few nights ago and loved the fact that we had Green-
have been hired to assist with analysis and recommendations. month. way access. He plans to bike over for dinner. Most people would balk at
a 50 mile round trip bike outing for sushi, but for Greg LeMond, three-
City staff is finishing a draft of the document, which is expected to be Urban Earth Cooperative is locat- time winner of the Tour De France, this would be just a quick warm
distributed for public review at the end of February. Before the docu- ed at 910 West 36 Street (at Bryant up.”
ment is released, a final community meeting will be held to discuss the Avenue).For information about
draft recommendations. A date and time has not been confirmed but membership, products and classes Tiger Sushi 2 is open for dinner ever day at 5 p.m. and lunch on Saturday
will be posted to their website. More information can be found at www. call 612.824.0066 or go to www. and Sunday, too. More information is available at www.tigersushiusa. com or 612.874.8204.
FEBRUARY 2009 Uptown neighborhood news • 7 .

LOPPET from 1 than 70 Bryn Mawr students skied fall and winter and attend a camp
in the Minne-Loppet. at Maplelag Resort, the program’s
New Events This year At The Loppet revenue for Uptown area and its
businesses, it also provides the sponsor. CLNSF partners with ski
foundation for an organization Similar programs take place at companies like Atomic and Salo-
Penn Ice-Cycle loppet that sees the value of a sport as a Pillsbury Elementary and Ander- mon and organizations like the
Saturday, January 31 philanthropic and educational sen Open School. United States Olympic Commit-
Noon-2:30pm tool. tee and the United States Biathlon
Anwatin Middle School hosts a Association.
Loppet Weekend kicks off with ice The City of Lakes Nordic Ski program where middle school kids
bike racing. Bikers circle a short are outfitted with ski equipment Last spring Medica sponsored the
track of ice with studded tires,
Foundation (CLNSF), a nonprofit
corporation, has run a variety of and coaching for the Anwatin Ski Andersen TRIs Program. Kids
many heats and great spectating. Team. CLNSF partners with Min- learned to mountain bike, trail run
programs through public schools.
Ice bike racing is an opportunity for winter commuters, cyclists pining for summer At Bryn Mawr Elementary the neapolis Park & Recreation Board, and paddle canoes and then the
and anyone with a penchant for thrills to have some fun on a cold winter day. Heats program is five years old. They Minneapolis Public Schools and kids participated in the Tri-Lop-
of 8-15 riders circle a circuitous track in a criterium format. The top riders from outfit the kids with ski equipment Minneapolis Community Educa- pet.
each heat go on to the next round. The final lap determines which riders make it to and coaching and then bring in tion for this program and busses
the finals. The finals of the Ice Loppet will take place right after the Skijoring Loppet kids to Rossignol Junior Loppet at Sponsored by Medica, Farview
– meaning a great opportunity for spectating as well – see both the running of the
physicians from North Memo-
rial Medical Center to speak to the end of the year. Park had a RUNs Program for the
dogs and the turning of the wheels in a single place. first time last fall. Kids ran, pad-
the kids about the importance of
fitness and nutrition. UCare Min- New Programs dled, mountain biked and went on
Snow Sculpture Contest nesota works with them on this adventure days (orienteering) in
Also at Anwatin Middle School
Saturday, January 31, All weekend around Uptown program and with their support is the Anwatin Race Team. The
preparation for the Trail Loppet.
Sculpting: 8am-3pm, Judging: 3pm-5pm CLNSF has been able to expand kids are trained throughout the
Blocks of snow come to life. 4’ x 4’ x 8’ blocks of snow. Seven hours and lots of fun.
the program so that each week
Teams of up to four individuals make Minneapolis’ Uptown area the heart of the the kids receive a different healthy
action on the first weekend in February. The winning team receives a set of top- recipe card: Skier’s Snack, Skier’s
notch ski equipment. The second place team receives a free team entry to the City of Stir Fry, etc. The program is very
Lakes Tri-Loppet and the third place team receives a set of kids ski equipment. successful because the kids love the
skiing and really get that what they
Each team receives: One snow block, four feet long, four feet wide, and eight feet eat can affect their performance as 10% off private
high and a shared use of a ten foot ladder.
skiers. At the end of the program
lessons and gift
the kids are bussed to the Minne-
For a complete schedule see certificates
Loppet in Uptown. Last year more
with this an
ad. m o
MEDIA from 1 The meeting proceeded with each to get there. (exp. 2/28/09-
participant talking about how to
Not valid
The project was initiated and con- with any
ceived by local media and commu-
nications consultant, Nancy Doyle
go about the project. What quickly
became clear was chicken-and-egg
The as yet unnamed group will
meet again every two weeks at
offer) t

Brown. She’s worked for nonprofit arguments about what to do first. the Walker Library at 1p.m.-
and grass roots organizations and Nancy kept the group grounded 2:30p.m. until further notice. nd
is a media reform evangelist. and on task. Future meetings will involve

defining individual roles for par-

After initial get-togethers with The stakes are high. Brown men- ticipants, determining how much
professional peers Corey Becker tioned that everyone she talked time people can commit and in
and Joe Shansky, she called a with about the project during her what ways they are willing to sup-
first meeting on the project at the research told her it was impos- port the project. Anyone interested
Walker Library. About 20 people sible. She recognizes the obstacles is welcome to attend.
showed up in early January from but also has her own vision that
print, television, internet and radio she believes in. The outcome of To find out more please contact Joe
the project is unknown but what Shansky at,
backgrounds. Introductions and
comments were made. What bub- is clear is this group has more in Corey Becker at coreylbecker@ Learn to Dance at Rendezvous
bled to the surface was a palpable common than not. If they succeed or visit http://media-
it will be because they focused on for more
dissatisfaction with contemporary
their energy and commitment and general info on Twin Cities media Rendezvous Dance Studio
local TV news. 711 W. Lake St., Ste B | 612.872.1562 |
not on disagreements about how reform activism.

Professional Bicycle
Racing comes To uptown Come and check out the new YWCA
For five days this June the profes-
sional bicycle racing of the Nature
Calendar. Entering its 13th sea-
son in 2009, the National Racing
Greener Greater Uptown Renovation Open House
Valley Grand Prix in its 11th year Calendar (NRC) is an all-inclusive · Free Tours
will converge on Minnesota. One road cycling series sanctioned by · Complimentary weekend pass*
of the nation’s top USA Cycling. It is
celebrated biking designed to provide
· Free Pilates Reformer Sampler
events, it involves “This is a ranking system for · Family gym & swim time
300 professional ath- all elite-level cyclists, · Free BODYPUMP®, BODYFLOW®, Cyling, Cardio Kick, and much more!
letes from around the
globe, recreational
fantastic both amateur and
professional, through
· Prize Drawings
riders and enthusiasts participation in · Free Chair Massage
of all ages that gather news for the nation’s pre- Also check out our Newly added 8,000 sq. foot fitness floor!
for multiple events in mier cycling events.
June. the city of The Nature Valley
Grand Prix’s defend-
Due to downtown Minneapolis ing champions are
construction in Min- Olympic Champion
neapolis the criterium
part of this five-day
and our Kristin Armstrong
stage race will now
be held Friday eve-
booming and Australian Rory
Sutherland (Health-
ning in Uptown on
June 12. Uptown Net), ranked second
on the NRC in 2006.
A Two Weekend Event! Uptown YWCA
The Friday Evening District.” Like the Loppet, the
Saturday and Sunday 2808 Hennepin Ave South
Uptown Criterium event is a fund-rais-
will showcase com- - Council er. All proceeds from February 7th & 8th, 2009 For more information
peting professional Member Ralph the all volunteer-run
teams racing around
Remington event will be donated February 14th & 15th, 2009 (612) 874-7131
Calhoun Square on a to Children’s Hos-
course that comprises pitals and Clinics of
*Guest must be 18yrs or older. Youth must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
One pass per person. Must have valid ID and fill out ywca waiver to gain access.
six tight corners. Minnesota, the festival’s benefiting
The Nature Valley Grand Prix
attracts the top professional cyclists Stay tuned to the UNN as the
from around the country along details unfold for this anticipated
with many international stars. It community event. For more infor-
is the top-ranked stage race on mation see www.NatureValley.
USA Cycling’s National Racing com.
 • Uptown Neighborhood news FEBRUARY 2009

CARAG report Calhoun Area Residents Action Group

Lake St. The CARAG Board continue once the Core Member is Motion, Seconded to approve over time the three existing meeting of the Zoning Com-
meets the third released from prison. Aaron sug- December’s Board of Direc- CDs would be converted to 12- mittee is scheduled for January
Tuesday of each gested that Lindgren submit an tors Retreat minutes. Minutes month CDs with maturity dates 29 at 7 p.m. It was agreed that
Hennepin Ave.

month, 7 p.m. 
Lyndale Ave.

at Bryant Park article about MnCoSA to both the approved with references amend- staggered for quarterly renewal. Rubenstein will email Zon-
Community Center, Uptown Neighborhood News and ed to read Uptown Association Motion, Seconded for permis- ing Committee members about
31st and Bryant. the Southwest Journal. and Uptown Neighborhood News sion to purchase a 12-month scheduled meetings and provide
All CARAG residents Managing Board and re-wording CD from the CARAG checking an update to the full CARAG
are welcome and Great River Energy Bicycle of a sentence to clarify that there account and to initiate efforts to Board at the monthly meeting.
urged to attend. was further discussion about areas convert its three existing CDs
36th St.
Festival: Thatcher Imboden Zoning Committee updates
of committee work that should be to 12-month CDs with stag- include:
Calhoun Area Residents Action Imboden was joined by Mark Dil- limited to Board members only. gered maturity dates. Motion
Group (CARAG), Monthly lon (Spectator Experience) and approved. • Owners seeking a variance for a
Stephen Eisenmenger (Volunteer
Neighborhood Meeting Minutes,
and CARAG resident). A 5-day
Treasurer’s Report: Uptown Neighborhood 5-unit dwelling at 3533 Girard
January 20, 2009 Avenue. No pending action.
bicycle race is scheduled for June Anna Matthes News (UNN) Treasurer’s
11-15 featuring men’s, women’s • The CARAG Operations Report: Jill Bode • City’s proposed waiver of 45-
DRAFT: Subject to Approval at day notification period to expe-
the February 2009 CARAG Meet- and children’s races. In previous Account Financial Report for
Bode discussed the Budget FY2009 dite acquisition of foreclosed or
ing. Minutes recorded and submitted years, the event has been held in November showed a checking
for Uptown Neighborhood News, blighted properties. No update.
by Maren Nowicki. downtown St. Paul (Day 1), Can- account balance of $14,230.24
which was approved by the UNN • The City approved the proposed
non Falls (Day 2), downtown Min- and asset accounts valued at
Managing Board in December. A revisions to city-wide parking
Board Members Attending: John neapolis (Day 3), Mankato (Day $7,841.94 to total $22,072.18 for
year-end balance of $138.88 is pro- standards on January 9. None
Darlington, Jeff Forester, Bren- 4) and Stillwater (Day 5). Due the month. December’s Finan-
jected for FY2009. Bode sought a of the suggestions expressed in
dan Jordan, Anna Matthes, Maren to road construction in down- cial Report shows a checking
motion for the CARAG Board to the CARAG Zoning Commit-
Nowicki, Aaron Rubenstein (Pres- town Minneapolis, it is proposed account balance of $13,312.62
approve this budget. Motion, Sec- tee’s Statement on the Proposed
ident), Pamela Taylor and Howard that the Day 3 race on June 12 be with asset accounts valued at
onded to approve the Budget for Revisions to Off-Street Parking
Verson. Absent: Scott Schiefelbein moved to Uptown. Race organiz- $7,852.20 to total $21,164.82
FY2009. Motion approved. Bode Requirements were adopted.
ers are seeking the support of the as of December 31. Quarterly
also requested that the Board
Agenda Uptown neighborhoods. Proceeds Expenses totaled $1,368.89. • A liquor license application has
approve another check-signer to
will benefit the hospice at Chil- Aaron questioned an expen- been submitted for a restaurant
The meeting was called to order bring the total to three. Motion,
dren’s Hospitals and Clinics of diture of $133.87 attributed to going into the La Bodega space.
at 7 p.m. Motion, seconded to Seconded to approve Elizabeth
Minnesota. A map of the proposed Materials/Equipment/Supplies,
approve the agenda as submitted. Walke as a check-signer. Motion • Lyn-Lake Small Area Plan
route was distributed, which led which represents 67 percent
Approved. approved. Bode stated that the meeting was held on December
to discussion about the impact of of the funds budgeted annu-
UNN Balance Sheet shows assets 18. A draft of the plan document
temporary street closures. Motion, ally for this category. Scott E
MnCoSA: Jay Lindgren and liabilities totaling $5,281.92 as will be shared at a final commu-
Seconded to approve the concept. explained that this expense was
of January 20, 2009. nity meeting in February. Then
Lindgren spoke about Minnesota Motion approved. Thatcher can be incurred with the purchase of a
contacted with comments, ques- large quantity of 9x12 envelopes the document will be distributed
Circles of Support and Account-
ability (MnCoSA), a restorative tions and concerns at thatcher@ imprinted with the CARAG Zoning Committee: for a public comment period of
justice project to be implemented logo. It was also pointed out that Aaron Rubenstein 45 days leading up to adoption
quarterly Personnel expenses of the plan by the City Planning
in Hennepin, Ramsey and Olm- • Rubenstein recognized Jacob Commission and City Council
sted counties. This joint project Minutes amounted to 32 percent of the Toledo, who gave an update on later this spring.
between Amicus and the Min- funds budgeted in this category. Cowboy Slim’s, a new restaurant
Motion, Seconded to approve
nesota Department of Correc- Scott explained that while most going into the former Campi- To be discussed at the Zoning
November’s CARAG meet-
tions (DOC) seeks volunteers to quarters have two payrolls per ello space. A liquor license has Committee meeting on January 29:
ing minutes. The minutes were
undergo 30 hours of training, after month, the third quarter includ- already been approved by the
approved with minor modifica- • Neighborhood concerns about
which groups of 4-7 Circle mem- ed a month with three payrolls. City Council and the restaurant
tions: references to Uptown Busi- new lighting in the Calhoun
bers will be formed. The Circle ness Association were changed to • Matthes suggested that $3,000 is slated to open in mid-Febru- Square Parking Ramp.
will meet with the Core Member Uptown Association and Uptown from the checking account be ary. Toledo distributed sample
(sex offender) 4-6 times prior to used to purchase a 12-month menus, emphasizing that Cow- • Two-story retail structure to
Neighborhood News Committee occupy site of Uptown Bar
release with the aim of providing was changed to Uptown Neigh- CD so that CARAG would boy Slim’s is a “restaurant with
intensive support and establish- have four CDs in asset accounts. a saloon feel” that will feature parking lot; Uptown Bar seek-
borhood News Managing Board. ing parking variance.
ing accountability. Follow-up will She outlined a plan in which “comfort food”. Those present
expressed concerns about the • Seven-story apartment build-
off-street parking spaces and ing proposed at Knox Avenue
the $9 parking fee. Toledo stat- and Lake Street; concerns that

CARAG ed that the restaurant is allot-

ted 37 spaces in the lot located
the proposed structure exceeds
building height permitted with-

just behind the building and in the Shoreland Overlay Dis-
that they (the restaurant own- trict (SOD).
ers) have no control over the fee
NRP Update: Scott Engel

established for parking in this
lot. Toledo was also questioned • NRP Plan Modification. The
about the type of patron Cow- CARAG NRP Action Plan
boy Slim’s will attract; he stated Spending Summary as of
that their target group is 25 December 31 shows that funds
years of age and older and that remain in several numbered
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 at 7pm they hope to bring in families as
strategies. Proposed changes
were discussed at the November
Bryant Square Park (3101 Bryant Ave S) • Rubenstein announced that a CARAG meeting. Engel sought
carag page 10
On the agenda… Join your CARAG neighbors for the…
CARAG Chilly Chili Fest
• Council Member
Ralph Remington Sunday, February 22, 2009 CARAG Starts
• Crime & Safety
@ Bryant Square Park
Transportation And
Report • Hot chili, fixings, goodies & drinks Energy Committee
(Proceeds go to Joyce-Uptown Next Meeting is Saturday, January 10
Food Shelf)
• Zoning & CARAG initiated a new Transportation & Energy Committee
• Learn about other CARAG events last fall and the group is seeking new members. All CARAG
Development and activities neighbors are encouraged to attend the next meeting on Saturday,
January 10, 10 a.m. at Bryant Square Park (Craft Room).
Updates • Door prizes from area businesses
• Joyce-Uptown Food Shelf food drive The group will deal with
• And More! (Bring non-perishable food itmes) • Traffic and traffic calming
• Road construction impacts
• Bus and rail transit
• Bicycle routes and safety
CARAG | 3612 Bryant Avenue S | Minneapolis, MN 55409 • Pedestrian improvements and safety | | 612.823.2520 For more information contact Transportation & Energy Commit-
Join the CARAG E-update at to receive emails about CARAG activities and events. tee Chair Brendan Jordan at:
FEBRUARY 2009 Uptown Neighborhood news •  .

ECCO report East Calhoun Community Organization

Lake St. ECCO meets the ing “requirement” (not actual (Phase 1) NRP money into long as possible for residents. The development would replace
first Thursday of number of parking spaces) for an account for the planting existing buildings at1716, 1720,
• There will be a women’s pro
each month, 7 3018 Hennepin (Uptown Bar) of trees in the neighborhood 1724, and 1728 West Lake Street
race of about 120 women, a
p.m. at St. Mary’s
Hennepin Ave.

Lyndale Ave.
would be reduced from 49 to 3. was made, seconded, and kid’s race and a men’s pro race and 2915 Knox Avenue. While

Greek Orthodox The business currently has less approved. it is not in East Calhoun, it bor-
Church, 34th of about 120-130 men.
than 49 spaces, so actual loss of ders our neighborhood, so our
and Irving. All parking spaces would be fewer
Environmental Committee • The course that is planned input is considered. The project
ECCO residents than implied in the original Update will be on Hennepin and is in East Isles so that communi-
are welcome and Lake Street, and will go
minutes. • The environmental committee ty will take the lead in consider-
36th St. urged to attend. through the neighborhood
• The January Agenda was had a meeting in December that ing the project.
eight people attended. Susan for a few blocks. It is a short
amended to add a presenta- course (0.8 miles), and the rid- • This project lies completely
ECCO Board Meeting Minutes Young was also there.
tion by Tracy Nordstrom (Park ers will be making many laps within the Shoreland Over-
for January 8, 2009. (East Calhoun
Board commissioner) and elimi- • Susan said that the Source of the course. lay district, so it would need
neighborhood monthly meeting)
nate the website update. organics recycling pilot pro- a conditional use permit. It
Minutes recorded and submitted by • Other logistics:
gram will be expanded from would also need variances for
R. Kean. Budgets the Linden Hills neighbor- • Spectators will be encour- setbacks, floor area ratios and
• The budget for 2009 will be hood and that ECCO could be aged to ride their bikes to the parking.
Meeting Time $6,300. Income is expected from included with a possible start event, and a suitable place for • The plans are in conflict with
Meetings are on the first Thurs- a CPED Grant ($2,000), the in March-June time frame. the bike racks is being deter- the Uptown Small Area Plan
day each month at 7:00 St. Wine testing event ($4,100) and mined. (It is possible the racks
• One condition of this it that which calls for respecting the
Mary’s Greek Orthodox Church. the ECCO Super sale ($200). will be on the Mall.)
the neighborhood and Board Shoreland Overlay district (35
The public is invited to attend. The major planned expenses are
show support. • Event parking options are foot height max.) and build-
support for the UNN ($1,800),
• People who want to partici- under review. ing heights “which should
Board Members Present ECCO Labor Day party ($900),
pate will be issued an Organ- • There will be stunt riders gradually step down from
the Super Sale ($200), the annu-
Nancy Ward (President), Robert ics bin into which all organic and other amusements at the Irving Ave. towards the Lake”
al meeting ($200), Insurance
Kean, Elaine Beyer, John Ellis, waste, including meat and event, but no outside food (along West Lake Street).
($1,000), Donations ($500), and
Gary Farland, Ralph Knox, Car- other administrative expenses food paper can be thrown as vendors will be brought in • The Zoning that is currently
rie Menard, Tim Prinsen, Judy ($1,500). Inquiries for more long as they are put in bio- (food will be sold by Uptown in place for the properties to
Shields, Ruth Cain and Brad Dur- detail should be directed to pres- degradable bags. businesses). be developed is different.
ham. • This program can signifi- • A suggestion was made to • Part is C1, which wouldn’t
• The budget was approved as cantly reduce the amount make this a zero waste event- allow any of this construc-
Others Present drafted of regular trash a person possibly using Eureka Recy- tion; part is R6 which would
Sarah Sponheim, Meg Tuthill, generates, and helps reduce cling. allow the apartments but no
Monica Smith, Bruce Grimm, New NRP Coordinator carbon dioxide and methane commercial space.
• A motion was made, seconded,
Andrew Dahl, Thatcher Imboden, Update emissions. and approved to support the • The options for the new
Stephen Eisenmenger. • Monica Smith is the new NRP • There will need to be sev- concept of the outlined event. building’s zoning would be
coordinator. eral approaches to educate/ Additional details will be either OR3 which would
Welcome and Introductions • She will be getting involved with inform the neighborhood worked out and presented to allow the project to go as
• President Nancy Ward called the Board, now that the Phase 2 both the program includ- the Board before a final decision planned or OR2 which
the meeting to order with an money (estimated at $280,000) ing: community meetings, and neighborhood commitment would require a reduction in
inspirational quote about hope. will be made available. There website information, use of is required. the number of units.
block captains, etc. There
• There was a letter from the edi- is approximately $48,000 left of
will likely be data collection
Zoning Committee Report • The timeline for this project:
tor of the UNN saying that the the Phase 1 money.
and other responsibilities of • The variance for 3016 Hennepin • January 8, the develop-
paper would love to have more • NRP is holding a meeting on was conditionally approved by ers met with the Planning
this project.
stories coming in, and that February 21 and the ECCO the planning commission. The Commission, Committee of
everyone should feel free to be a board should have a repre- • People in apartments cannot the Whole
variance for 3018 Hennepin will
citizen journalist. sentative. John Ellis plans to participate if their building
be reviewed at a planning meet- • January 20, the developers
attend. is using a private garbage
• There is a Minneapolis planning ing on January 22. will meet with the East Isles
hearing on Thursday January 22 • It is desirable to spend the • The owner of the Victoria’s Community Organization at
(see Zoning committee report money quickly as funding • A good website to go to for Grace Lutheran Church.
Secret building may appeal
below). may be subject to change more information is www.
the above variances. • February 3, the developers
(probably downward) over
• The stairs in front of the Zen • Preliminary plans are being dis- will meet with the East Isles
Center will be closed until time. • Organics recycling is picked
cussed for a possible develop- Board at Grace Lutheran
spring. (See Park Board report • Nick Kakos, East Calhoun resi- up weekly by the city, taken Church.
ment on the corner of Lake and
below) dent and NRP policy board rep- to commercial recycling
Knox. This building as currently • If they can submit the for-
resentative, has suggested that facilities and turned into
• Susan Young, the Minneapolis envisioned will range from three mal application to the city by
ECCO talk to other neighbor- high-grade compost.
Solid Waste Director, has agreed to six stories in height (35 to 68 January 21, there will be a
to come to the February meeting hoods to possibly use some of • Susan Young will be at the feet) and contain approximately public meeting on March 2.
to talk about starting an organic their ideas for effectively using Board meeting in February to 87 rental unit along with possi-
waste recycling program in the the Phase 2 money. There could answer questions to possibly ble retail space on the first floor. ecco page 10
ECCO neighborhood (see Envi- also be another survey given in get an approval for the pro-
ronmental committee report the neighborhood to find out gram from the Board.
below). what people think it should be
used for. Uptown Bike Race
• Judy Shields has volunteered • Background information:
to look up the block leaders • President Ward has been in con-

ECCO Neighborhood
and to have an organizational tact with Paul Domholt of the • The Minnesota Bike Festivals
meeting so that the largest Park Board regarding replace- is a non-profit event that has

and Board Meeting

number of people show up for ment of dead/diseased boule- six races in five days of world
Susan Young. vard trees in East Calhoun: class athletes.
• 50 trees, with addresses that • The Nature Valley Grand
Open Forum have already been surveyed Prix is the race that the Bike
• Urban Earth, a Co-Op in the by the city for replacements, Festival is hoping to do in Thursday, February 5th, 7:00 PM
Uptown area, is struggling and
could use more business. Con-
can be planted this Spring
for a total cost of $5,000. The
Uptown this summer. St. Mary’s Greek Orthodox Church
• In past years it has been done
sider shopping locally to support Park Board would eventu- downtown, but they have to 35th and Irving Ave. S.
small businesses. ally replace them at no cost, move the course due to down-
• Meg Tuthill is running for the but there is currently a long
City Council. She wants to be wait (up to several years) due
town construction. Special Agenda Items:
• The event needs to be held in
connected, so feel free to contact
her or stop by. (Tuthill’s at 2455
to the large number of elm
trees removed in the last few a highly visible and populated 7pm Organics recycling
Hennepin S.) years and limited Park Board location to satisfy the require-
ments of the sponsors.
coming to ECCO?
Approval of December
• Tentative race plans/schedule:
Conversation with
Minutes and January • This money covers the cost
of the trees and the installa- • The race that will tentatively
Mpls Solid Waste Director
• The December Minutes were
tion, and any money not used
would stay in the account
take place in Uptown will be
on Friday, June 12 and will
8pm Development at
approved with corrections as to replace future trees that disrupt traffic for about two Lake and Knox St
follows: are needed. President Ward hours. It will be in the late Discussion with the developer
- Under LRT update, SW Cor- has an agreement from Paul afternoon and evening, as
ridor (not Quarter) planning Domholt that the money will
only be used for the planting
soon as Public Works and the
police will allow the roads to
began 20 years ago.
of trees in East Calhoun. be closed.
- Under Zoning Committee, per
the variance requests, the park- • A motion to put $5,000 of • The alleys will be kept open as
10 • Uptown Neighborhood news FEBRUARY 2009

band from 1 New Day (The Wiz) and Hold On carag from 8 tion and send a representative to Energy Committee’s next meeting
come from different backgrounds, I’m Comin’. Harvey will be play- a motion to transfer remaining the meeting. Approved. Mark will be held on February 14.
their common bond is the desire to ing clarinet and mentions that the funds from one of two strategies, Hillyer will represent CARAG
make music and share it with the Washington D.C. weather can be 1.2 Old House Seminars or 20.1 at the meeting. CARAG Committee Policy:
unforgiving when it hovers around Aaron Rubenstein
community in which we live and
freezing and mixes with rain. The
CARAG Arts Committee, to Transportation Committee:
work. 16.1 CARAG Livability Com- Brendan Jordan • Rubenstein briefly reviewed
brass players have to put alcohol mittee. Pamela suggested com-
based lubricants on their instru- Jordan stated that there were the CARAG Committee Policy,
The application to perform at the bining the small amounts that noting the addition of the Com-
inaugural event is no small task. ments and when it gets below remain in other strategies for no action items to report. At the
freezing everyone can suffer from CARAG Board Retreat in Decem- munity Engagement Committee
Groups must apply before election transfer to the Livability Com- and newly-renamed Transpor-
day and be accepted by the Presi- frozen saliva on their instruments mittee instead of transferring the ber it was decided to expand the
moving parts and slow reacting scope of the Transportation Com- tation and Energy Committee.
dential Inaugural Committee for funds from the Arts Committee. It was noted that the Crime
confirmation. Once accepted, it is fingers. Motion, Seconded to approve an mittee to include energy issues; it
is now called the Transportation and Safety (C & S) Committee
up to the group to provide their NRP Plan Modification to move is no longer listed as a standing
own fund-raising or financing Zuckman attended “Out For remaining funds in the amount and Energy Committee. This
Equality,” a party produced by committee is responsible for moni- committee. Discussion followed
to attend the event. Of the over of $1,946.26 from the CARAG regarding that committee’s con-
13,000 applicants only about 70 are a handful of national organiza- Arts Committee to the Livabil- toring transportation projects that
tions featuring: Melissa Etheridge, impact the neighborhood, such nection with the MPD Fifth
chosen. The LGBA has performed ity Committee. Motion carried. Precinct; Tommy Thompson
at the inaugural in the past at the Cyndy Lauper and Rufus Wain- as the pending reconstruction of
wright among others. • In September the City Council Lyndale Avenue between 31st and and Lt. John Kelly regularly
invitation of the ‘93 and ‘97 Clin- approved creation of a 16-mem- attended meetings of the Crime
ton Inaugural Committees. But 38th Streets, bus stop reconstruc-
If you are interested in finding ber Neighborhood and Commu- tion at Bryant Square Park and and Safety Committee. It was
those ground breaking perfor- nity Engagement Commission suggested that they continue
mances by a GLBT group were out more about supporting the the stoplight test currently under-
Lesbian and Gay Band Associa- (NCEC). Eight residents have way at the intersections of Dupont to provide reports and solicit
only on the parade route for a lim- been appointed to the Commis- direct neighborhood feedback
ited audience. This year marks yet tion and their participation in the and Emerson Avenues with 31st
56th Inaugural Parade, please visit sion by the City Council. The Street. They will continue to pur- at the CARAG monthly meet-
another first as this is the first time Council has scheduled a meet- ing. Oversight of the Stroll
a GLBT group has performed in sue issues regarding the Southwest
ing for February 21 to gather LRT Alignment. The committee Patrol, formerly under the C &
the 56th Inaugural Parade. The neighborhood input to deter- S Committee, will move to the
exposure is much greater. Bruce Cochran is Art Director in also intends to explore opportuni-
charge of production for the Uptown mine the mechanism by which ties for the community to reduce Community Engagement Com-
Neighborhood News and lives in eight neighborhood residents energy costs, improve energy effi- mittee. Motion, Seconded and
In the past the group was protested will be selected to serve on the Approved.
at the ‘97 event but Zuckman said CARAG. ciency and reduce greenhouse gas
Commission. Motion, Seconded emissions. The Transportation and • Motion, Seconded to revise the
at no time did he feel unsafe as they to approve CARAG’s participa-
had their own military guard and proposed CARAG Organiza-
the whole event was also teaming tional Chart (part of the pro-
with military units. posed Committee Policy) to

During the parade the band played Intermedia Arts Needs Your Help reflect a direct progression, plac-
ing the CARAG neighborhood

Now For Sustained Health

five musical pieces: Washington membership at the top, followed
Post March, Ode to Joy, Brand by the CARAG Board, which is
followed by the Executive Com-
1. Join the campaign. Intermedia Arts is more than a building; they are a community. This is the power mittee. All other committees
of true grass roots community action: it’s reaching out, finding support, one person at a time. It’s orga- are positioned directly below the
nizing from the ground up, one person, one dollar at a time. They want you to join the campaign: ask Executive Committee in a linear
10 people to donate $10. It’s that simple. fashion; oversight of the Person-
The Uptown nel Committee to be offset so
Neighborhood news 2. Make a donation. Supporting Intermedia Arts is critical right now, and every dollar counts. They it is directly answerable to the
is now available need your support to help with general operating expenses as they implement their plan for long-term CARAG Board. Motion passed
at the following sustainability. This isn’t about keeping Intermedia Arts open for another month; this is about keeping to approve the CARAG Com-
locations Intermedia Arts in our community for the long-term. Right now, that future depends on you. They mittee policy, to include elimi-
Amore Victoria need you to make a donation today. nation of the Crime and Safety
Blue Sky Creamery 3. Stay connected. At Intermedia Arts, they work from the community up. Send them your questions, Committee and these modifica-
tell them your thoughts, and continue to look to their website for updates, responses, community FAQs tions to the CARAG Organiza-
and news each and every step of the way. You have a voice in this. Use it. tional Chart.
Bremer Bank
Bryant Square Park
4. Rent their space for your next performance, event, meeting or exhibition. Their building is a valuable Uptown Association:
asset to the arts community and we want it to continue to stay active and alive.
John Darlington
Cars-R-Coffins More information is available at or 612.871.4444.
• Uptown Association approved
Cheapo Records its budget for 2009
Chiang Mai Thai • Approved a concept for the pro-
ecco from 9 Tracy Nordstrom’s Park • The plans for this project
Dunn Brothers will be emailed to President posed construction of an apart-
(Lake & Bryant) If they submit by February Board Update ment building at Knox Avenue
Nancy Ward.
Dunn Brothers 17, the public meeting will • Wi-Fi modems for the Min- and Lake Street
(Lake & Humbolt) be on March 23. neapolis Wireless network are • The budget for this project
is on the Park Board web- • Discussed the convergence of
Dunn Brothers • The ECCO Board will be being installed on 42 polls on East Calhoun Boulevard with
Park Board land. site.
(Hennepin & 34th) asking the developers to meet biking and walking paths at the
with the neighborhood at our • Five of the modems were • The stairs at the Zen Center southeast end of Lake Calhoun
Falafel King have been closed for the winter
February meeting because installed before the Park near the archery range. The
Famous Dave’s BBQ there is not enough time to because someone slipped and
Board was notified. Park Board will begin rehabili-
First Universalist Church notify the residents of ECCO fell. tation of the area in June. There
• These modems will be
Gigi’s Café about the East Isles meeting. installed on the new wooden • No one knows who put in the will be opportunity for commu-
Also, we expect that many polls that are being put up in stairs but they will be closed in nity review.
East Calhoun residents will the winter for safety reasons.
have questions, concerns, and
the Grand Rounds, which
Long term decisions have not Board Retreat Follow Up:
It’s Greek to Me should eventually be replaced Aaron Rubenstein
comments about this project. by more decorative poles. yet been made for the stairs.
Joyce United • Ralph Remington should • The Blue lighted Safety phones Rubenstein briefly summa-
Methodist Church • Please send feedback to the rized meeting minutes from the
also be at the February meet- Park Board and to your have not been working well and
La Bodega Tapas Bar ing. will be removed. CARAG Board Retreat in Decem-
city councilmember (for or ber. An Executive Coordinator’s
Lyndale United Joyce Foodshelf Fundraiser against). • These phones are very expen-
Church of Christ report will appear on the agenda
• The Parking lot on William sive to maintain and are for CARAG monthly meetings
• The assistant director of Joyce
Magers & Quinn Booksellers Berry Parkway and Richfield rarely used, probably due to in the future. The report’s format
couldn’t make it to this month’s
Mohn Electric Road (south east corner of Lake the number of people that will be established by the Person-
meeting because she is sick.
Calhoun) is going to undergo are bringing cell phones with nel Committee. Rubenstein noted
Parents Automotive • St. Mary’s would like to be a them around the Lake.
cosponsor for the event, which construction. that committee assignments have
Pizza Luce • Notices will be posted (before
means that there is no need to • It was once part of the park- been made and the task is to now
Rainbow Foods they are removed) so peo- move forward on issues that the
pay for the space. way, but when the new roads
St. Mary’s Greek were built it was no longer ple know to bring their cell Board has identified as priorities.
Orthodox Church • The Rotary Club may be a phones and there will be a
cosponsor. needed and was converted
Uptown Bar & Café into a parking lot. number to call with ques- Community Input
• The event will be on March 29 tions. and Announcements:
Uptown Theatre and will run most of that Sun- • Through the Metropolitan
Council, funds have become • The Park Board has a new book Aaron Rubenstein
Urban Bean day afternoon (specific times to that the Foundation is selling
be determined). available for maintenance. Pamela announced that she has
Urban Earth (available through the Park
• The lot space will be reduced, Board web site). They are very accepted a job in Chicago, thereby
Walker At Treetops • A planning committee is needed
there are old pumps under it beautiful and have lots of photos tending her resignation from the
to work on food, entertainment
Walker Library that will be removed and the and history of the parks. CARAG Board effective after the
and other details of this event.
The Wave Salon shoreline will be stabilized. February meeting.
o January 22 is the Joyce Board Also, the intersection will be The next ECCO Board Meet-
YWCA (Uptown) meeting where this project Adjourn Motion, Seconded to
made more user-friendly for ing will take place on February 5,
will be discussed further. pedestrians, runners, bicyclists 2009. adjourn at 8:50 p.m. Approved.
and cars.
FEBRUARY 2009 Uptown Neighborhood news • 11 .

community events calendar

must balance the benefit of group living
and the strong compulsion to eat irritat-
and His Fake Friends. Feb 23: Supreme
Privacy. BLack
ing siblings. Linda Rayor, a senior lecturer
and senior research associate who teaches
spider biology and insect behavior at 3001 Hennepin Ave S. • 612.822.9900 month
Cornell University, will lecture. For more University of Minn.
information visit $5-$10
pays what you can. Presented by The Bell
Feb 2 - The Tom Hunter Band. Feb 7 - 2128 4th St S • 612-624-0594
Museum of Natural History.
Ronn Easton’s All-Star Soul Revue. Feb
14 - Big John Dickerson. Feb 21 - Zed MLK2009.html
Lepplin - “The Nation’s #1 Led Zeppelin
URBAN EARTH FLOWER Tribute Band”. Feb 26-28 - British Inva-
Sun, Feb 22, 4pm – “From Every Voice” :
& GARDEN COOP sion Weekend: Feb 26 - “George Har-
U of M to host Concert Honoring Martin
910 West 36th St. • 612.824.0066 rison Birthday Show” with Joey Molland
Luther King, Jr. A cappella powerhouse from Badfinger. Feb 27 - Tumbling Dice
TAKE 6 headlines 2009 at Ted Mann Con-
cert Hall. The 2009 “From Every Voice” con-
Sat, Feb 7, 11am – Worm Compost- (Rolling Stones Tribute). Feb 28 - Rubber
cert features Take 6, the award-winning a
ing Made Easy: Learn why to compost Soul (Beatles Tribute).
cappella group with a jazz and R&B sound.
with worms, why worms are special, how
The group has collaborated with Stevie
to build a worm bin, what to feed your UPTOWN BAR & CAFE Wonder, Whitney Houston, Don Henley,
worms, what could go wrong with and 3018 Hennepin Ave. S. • 612.823.4719 Ray Charles, Queen Latifah, and Quincy
how to fix it. Please call to reserve a spot. Jones, among many others. The concert is
The Art and Films of Bruce Conner at the Walker Art Center. (See details below.) $10, $8 members.
Jan 31 – The Tisdales, Strangelights. free and open to the public. No registra-
tion or tickets are required.
(Editor’s Note: We will run community
event listings every month on this page.
Musical Theory and Sound Engineering. In
2006 he published “The personal archives
Contact to
submit your event information by the
of Julio Ramón Ribeyro.” This unremit- BRYANT LAKE BOWL
10th of each month to be included in the ting search and multifaceted exploration 810 W. Lake St. • 612.825.8949
next issue.) into the life of the author is manifested in
these pages through his personal vision of
noise and silence – interpreted as essen- Wed, Feb 18, 7pm – Cinema Lounge:

Discussion tial components of the polarity between

human existence and the world. Refresh-
Where independent filmmakers schmooze
and make nice. For more info visit www. Free and presented by IFP/
DUNN BROTHERS ments will be served.
3348 Hennepin Ave. So.
Tues. 7:30 pm, weekly FOR KIDS Lagoon Cinema
The Socrates Cafe is an open meeting.
The evening is spent discussing a short
& TEENS 1320 Lagoon Ave. • 612.825.6006
list of questions of philosophy that range BRYANT SQUARE PARK Beginning Jan 23 – Waltz With Bashir.
all over the map from self identity, capi- 3101 Bryant Ave. S. • 612.370.4907 One night at a bar, an old friend tells direc-
tal punishment, perception and anything tor Ari Folman about a recurring night-
else in between. Bring your questions and
Through Feb. 16 – Ice Skating at Bryant mare in which he is chased by 26 vicious
prepare to engage your mind.
Square Park. dogs. Every night, the same number of
beasts. The two men conclude that there’s
VISUAL ARTS WALKER LIBRARY a connection to their Israeli Army mission
2880 Hennepin Ave. S. • 612.630.6650 in the first Lebanon War of the early eight-
HIGHPOINT CENTER ies. Ari is surprised that he can’t remember
FOR PRINTMAKING a thing anymore about that period of his
2638 Lyndale Ave. S. • 612.871.1326 Fri, Feb 27, 12:30–2:30pm – Who, Who, life. Intrigued by this riddle, he decides to Who, Whoooo! For kids in kindergar- meet and interview old friends and com-
ten and up. Do owls live in the city? Are rades around the world. He needs to dis-
Feb 6-28 – Jerome Residency: Emily
they really wise? Would an owl make a cover the truth about that time and about
Hoisington, Daniel Luedtke, & Anna Tsan-
good pet? Join artist, naturalist and edu- himself. Folman’s animated documen-
tir. Free gallery opening & reception: Fri,
cator Martha Zemur for a “fireside chat” tary has been acclaimed worldwide and is
Feb 6, 6:30–9pm. This program, funded
about owls and make an owl mask to take winner of 6 Israeli Film Academy Awards,
with a generous grant from the Jerome
home. including Best Film, Director, Screenplay
Foundation, is open to emerging Minne-
sota artists—artists who show significant and Art Direction.
potential, yet have not received a com- THEATER Suburban World
mensurate amount of professional accom-
plishment or recognition. BRYANT LAKE BOWL Theater
810 W. Lake St. • 612.825.8949 3022 Hennepin Ave S • 952.471.9500
Saturdays, Jan 31, 10pm & Feb 7, 7pm
Sat, Feb 7, 4pm – Minnesota Premiere of
BRYANT LAKE BOWL – Beethoven and Friends. An Omega the Documentary “Welcome to Macin-
Commercial classified ad sales are 40¢ per word, 10-
810 W. Lake St. • 612.825.8949 Wolf Productions Production. Disappoint- tosh”: The showing is free for individuals word minimum. Ad and advance payment are due the ed by the actual accomplishments of our
favorite figures, Omega Wolf Productions
who have passes, which are only available 15th of the month. Please send a check and ad copy
at FirstTech, 2640 Hennepin Ave. S. and will
Tues, Feb 10, 7pm – Books & Bars. A unique
tells the stories of our favorite historical, be followed by a panel discussion moder- to: Uptown Neighborhood News, Attn: Classifieds, 3612
atmosphere for a lively discussion of inter-
esting authors, fun people, good food and
contemporary, and fictional characters ated by Julio Ojeda-Zapata, consumer- Bryant Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55409.
exactly as they should have happened. technology reporter and columnist for
drinks. February’s book is The Monsters
Sketch Comedy, 90 minutes. $8-$10 pay the St Paul Pioneer Press, and features co-
of Templeton by Lauren Groff.

what you can. directors Rob Baca and Josh Rizzo as well as
local figures featured in the film. FirstTech
WALKER LIBRARY JUNGLE THEATER is a Twin Cities Apple dealer featured in
2880 Hennepin Ave. S. • 612.630.6650 2951 Lyndale Ave. S. • 822.7063 the film as being the longest continuously running Apple dealer in the United States.
Thurs, Feb 5, 7-8pm – Boys Book Club. First Tech recently celebrated 31 years as
Tues-Sun, Jan 30-Mar 8 – Hitchcock
Blonde by Terry Johnson. Directed and an Apple dealer. For more information call Services
AUTHOR Designed by Joel Sass: What was the dark 612.374.8000.

EVENTS secret that caused the great Alfred Hitch-

cock to obsess over beautiful blondes in WALKER Art Center Carpet Cleaning
Winter Special, 2 average sized
Int.Ext.Painting, Drywall-sheetrock
jeopardy? Thurs, Feb 12 – Lavender’s Out 1750 Hennepin Ave. • 612.375.7600
INTERMEDIA ARTS rooms starting from $48.95. 20% Hang, tape ceiling texturing. Wall
& About Night: 6-7:15pm: Reception @
2822 Lyndale Ave. S • 871.4444 Tiger Sushi 2 (Free appetizers and drink off upholstery cleaning. Truck paper removal, skim coating, Thurs, Feb 12, 7:30pm – The Art and
specials) 7:30pm: Hitchcock Blonde @ the mount equipment. Owner oper- Ceiling & wall repair, deck
Films of Bruce Conner: 1933–2008. A
Sat, Jan 31, 7pm – Annual SASE/Jerome Jungle $10 off your $32 ticket! pioneer of experimental and American ated. 35 years experience. Dave staining. Honest, friendly, respect-
Celebration. Join us at Intermedia Arts avant-garde film, Conner was also a lead- 612.721-5105/612.636.3073 ful. Fully insured, own all tools.
for a spectacular evening of new writing
from seven of the Twin Cities’ most tal- CLASSES/ ing West Coast assemblage artist. His,
ented emerging writers. Featuring 2008 WORKSHOPS/ visual art deeply influenced his films dur-
ing his career, and both disciplines will be Furniture Reupholstery
Grant Recipients: Dhana-marie Branton,
Charles Conley, Elissa Elliott, Laura Flynn, LECTURES discussed as film cur a t o r
Sheryl Mousley talks with Joan Rothfuss, Winter Special 20% off on fabric REMODELING
John Medeiros, Rachel Moritz, Matt Rasmus- and labor. Labor starting from
BRYANT LAKE BOWL curator of the 2000 Walker retrospective Windows and doors replaced.
sen. The SASE/Jerome Awards, presented $150 for chairs. Owner operated.
by Intermedia Arts, are supported by the
810 W. Lake St. • 612.825.8949 2000 BC: THE BRUCE CONNER STORY PART Finish carpentry. Custom tile II. 90 minutes. FREE. (See photo above.) 35 years experience. Dave installation. Sheet rock, taping,
Jerome Foundation. Admission by dona-
612.721.5105/612.636.3073. plaster repair, texturing and
Tues, Feb 17, 7pm(6pm doors) – Cafe
Scientifique: A Romance with Spiders painting. Local references, free
MAGERS AND QUINN by Linda Rayor. Spiders, one of the most estimates. Tom 612.824.1554.
BOOKSELLERS important terrestrial predators on the BARBETTE BLESSED HOME CLEANING
3038 Hennepin Ave. S. • 612.822.4611 planet, are primarily solitary, often can- 1600 W. Lake St. • 612.827.5710 SERVICES, CHRIST INC. nibalistic, and always voracious. However, Licensed. Insured. Bonded. HOUSE/CONDO CLEANING
one percent of spiders are highly social, Mondays, 10pm – Free Late Night
Tues, Jan 27, 7:30pm – A Spanish lan- Residential / Commercial Clean- Green products used, owner
living in large groups characterized by Music Series. Feb 2: Hips Don’t Lie. Feb
guage reading: Peruvian scholar and tolerance and cooperation. Even in the
ing. Detail cleaning is our specialty. operated, CARAG resident, expe-
9: Supreme Privacy. Feb 16: Faux Jean
poet Luis Fuentes reads from his poetry most social spider species, individuals Honesty & dependability is our rienced, good value, satisfaction
book Rugitus et Silentium. He has studied foundation. Call 612.408.1771. guaranteed. 612.275.6404.
12 • Uptown Neighborhood news FEBRUARY 2009

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