Flatworms and Tapeworms

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Phylum Platyhelminthes -

Meet the phylum

1) organs – their reproductive system is at the organ systems level

2) bilaterally symmetrical

3) triploblastic

4) protostomes

5) acoelumate They are acelomates- they don’t have a coelum

6) N/A

7) no segmentation- pseudosegmented or not segmented


Mesoderm forms from endoderm near the blastopore

Coelum space surrounded by mesoderm

Acoelumate- mesoderm cells divide and fill the blastocoel- has a solid body, the only space is the
digestive system

A coelum is formed differently depending on if protostome or deuterostome

Protostome: Schizocoelous coelum formation

-programmed cell death of mesoderm to open up space

Class Turbellania

Mouth in the middle of their body

Protrude pharynx through their mouth

Free living flatworms

Non parasitic

Dugesia- poster child

Planaria- common name

Polyclads – large marine flatworms

They have an Incomplete “digestive system”/ gastrovascular cavity

Class Trematoda

Have oral sucker and ventral sucker

Flukes- parasitic organism

These are hermaphrodites (both lady parts and gentleman parts)

Conspicuum is our posterchild for flukes

mouth- oral sucker

Middle- ventral sucker

Best to look at several different slides to see lots of things


Males have a pair of testes

Testes> vas efferens> vas deferens> seminal vesicle> cirrus (penis) > male genital pore ew> genital
atrium> common genital pore

Green highlight are things we can see on the slide

Can’t see ducts (think afferent efferent questions)

Seminal vesicle and cirrus are in the cirrus sac


Females have ovaries, vitellaria (yolk glands) and seminal receptacle (sperm from another worm)


Vitellaria> Vitellarian ducts

Seminal Receptacles> Seminal Receptacle ducts

Everything goes into the ootype

Oviduct, vitellarian duct and seminal receptacle duct are afferent to the ootype.

Ootype> uterus> female genital pore> genital atrium> common genital pore
Also look at Clonorchis (hehe silly name)

Parasited leaf like endoparasites of vertabrates


Class Cestoda- also parasites and hermaphrodites and they are monoecious

Tapeworms-taenia pistormis

Looks like tape, parasites



Suckers and hooks

Replication of reproductive system

On the slide there will be cut up worms :( going from anterior to posterior

the bump on the scolex is called the rostellum (these are hooks)

and there are suckers

Neck- where some cell division happens, elongates the body

Proglottids - “segments” pseudosegments

Immature proglottids, mature proglottids, gravid proglottids : know the difference

Phylum Rotifera


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