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Thanksgiving role play

Fatima. Narrator: In the year 1620 the pilgrims don’t want to go to in

the same churcha that his King.

One day the king was very angry eith the pilgrims and said:

Victor. King: you go to my church or you go to prison!

Alilith, Nancy, Andrea. Pilgrims: well, we go to prison.

Fatima.Narrator: but the king changed the opinion.

Victor. King: stop,I’ve changed the opinion, you go to my church or

you go out of England?

Alilith, Nancy, Andrea. Pilgrims: ok, we go out of England.

Fatima. Narrator: and the pilgrims go to America in a ship named

mayflower. The trip was very long… one day… two days… three
days… and 66 days!

(In the ship)

Alilith Pilgrim 1: Everybody I can see Land!

Nancy Pilgrim 2: oh America! Is very big!

Andrea Pilgrim 3: and also cold.

Alilith Pilgrim 1: I’m very hungry.

Nancy Pilgrim 2 and 3: me too.

Fatima. Narrator: but one day the people who lived in America, the
Indians, decided to help pilgrims.

Javier. The Indians: Hello, do you need help?

Alilith, Nancy, Andrea. Pilgrims: oh, yes please!

Valeria, Javier, Camila. Indians: ok look, first we are going to teach

you to hunt animals (mimic hunt animals) Try.
Alilith, Nancy, Andrea. Pilgrims: (mimic hunt animals)

Valeria, Javier, Camila. Indians: excellent!

Fatima. Narrator: the Indians help the pilgrims to fish, build houses,
grow vegetables. ( Indians and pilgrims mimic the actions).

Fatima. Narrator: the next year the pilgrims had their food. Then the
Indians and pilgrims had a big party.

Alilith. Pilgrims: Now we are going to celebrate thanksgiving day every


Nancy Pilgrims: Sit down please( Indians sit down and eat)

Valeria. Indians: oh it’s a surprise,thanks.

Javier. Indian 1:oh turkey! Thanks god for health.

Valeria. Indiand 2: potatoes! Thanks god for home.

Camila. Indian 3: and a delicious pie! Thanks god for family.

Alilith, Nancy, Andrea. Pilgrims: thank you for your help.

Fatima. Narrator: and this is the first thanksgiving in the history.

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