215 Description and Unite 7 2021

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FREN 215 Dr.

Cathy Jellenik
Printemps 2021 Fausett 2
MWF 9:15-10:05 Email: jellenik@hendrix.edu
Office Teams hours: 3:00-4:00 MF
1-2:00 Th
On Teams by appt.

Intermediate French Composition and Conversation II


Materials: Édito: Méthode de français, 2e Édition, Niveau B1, audio et vidéo inclus.
A remarquer : www.didierfle-edito.fr
Édito : Méthode Cahier d’activités, Niveau B1, CD mp3 inclus.

Learning goals (LGs)./Buts d’apprentissage:

French 215 continues the work of FR 210 or of your previous French courses, reviewing,
expanding, and perfecting your aural comprehension skill, in addition to your French
speaking, reading, and writing skills (LGs 1-4). French 215 is different from the first-
year sequence in that the primary emphasis becomes your active production of French in
written and spoken form. This class is taught using an immersion method—we will all
speak French at all times. You will study grammar, vocabulary, and readings as
homework; class time will be used for PRACTICE writing and speaking French. By
the end of this course, students will obtain proficiency at the level of intermediate-high in
French (or B1 in a European framework) in the skills of writing and speaking as defined
by the American Council for Teachers of Foreign Language.

Career Competencies/Compétences professionelles:

The skills you will nurture through this course are important to future employers. While
you may find opportunities during the semester to grow in all six Career Competencies,
the learning goals of this course most closely relate to the following competencies:
1. Communication. Hendrix students articulate thoughts and ideas clearly and
communicate their findings effectively and persuasively through written, oral,
experiential, visual, or other appropriate methods.
2. Intercultural Collaboration. Hendrix students actively and constructively engage
with diversity, and demonstrate openness, inclusiveness, sensitivity, and the ability to
interact respectfully with all people and understand individuals’ differences. Hendrix
students build collaborative relationships with others representing diverse backgrounds
and viewpoints.

French Statement on Diversity and Inclusion Within the French Section, we

intentionally act together and individually to create and sustain an inclusive, welcoming,
and diverse community. We strive to foster a spirt of speaking, reading, and writing with
discernment and respect, of acting with empathy and compassion, and of building
productive dialogues among texts and with one another. Given our study of the histories
and theories of cultural expression; given our appreciation for language’s power to make
and unmake a community; given our interest in the ways literature, film, and other media
can challenge and give rise to our socio-political realities; given our active practice of

speaking, reading, and writing as ways of cultivating “empathy, creativity, self-
understanding, rigorous inquiry, informed deliberation, and active learning…toward the
development of the whole person,” we in French exercise a commitment “to diversity,
inclusion, justice, and sustainable living” (as quoted from Hendrix’s Statement of
Purpose) within our courses and our behavior. And we condemn in no uncertain terms
those who would seek to undermine those values.

« Rien n’est donné aux hommes et le peu qu’ils peuvent conquérir se paye de morts
injustes. Mais la grandeur de l’homme n’est pas là. Elle est dans sa décision d’être plus
fort que sa condition. Et si sa condition est injuste, il n’a qu’une façon de la surmonter
qui est d’être juste lui-même. » Albert Camus.
In a word : Nothing is given to us, and the little that we can acquire is paid for with unjust
deaths. But our greatness lies not there. It lies in our decision to be stronger than our
condition. And if our condition is unjust, there is but one way to overcome it, which is to
be just ourselves.”
Classroom Policies
No devices, please In the interest of being fully present during class, please do not utilize
any device unless requested. Let us strive to take advantage of our time together!
No eating or drinking please In order to keep our community safe, please strive not to
eat or drink during class. If you must drink, please bring a straw that will enable you to
do so comfortably without removing your mask

Academic Integrity Students enrolled in courses at Hendrix are expected to adhere to the
highest standards of academic conduct detailed here
In French classes, this means you may not use online translators, grammar
checkers, or the like.
Mental and/or Physical Health Hendrix recognizes that many students face mental
and/or physical health challenges. If your health status will impact attendance or
assignments, please communicate with me as soon as possible. If you would like to
implement academic accommodations, contact Julie Brown in the office of Academic
Success (brownj@hendrix.edu). To maintain optimal health, please utilize campus
resources like Hendrix Medical Clinic or Counseling Services (501.450.1448). Your
health and wellbeing are important.

The breakdown of the final grade is as follows:
Participation/classroom management 30%
Production orale 25%
Production écrite 25%
Présentation finale 20%

Attendance policy Attendance is mandatory: language acquisition is a skill which

requires regular practice. I will take attendance each day, and barring illness or other

emergency, you will earn a participation grade of zero for any day that you are absent. If
you MUST be absent, please let me know as soon as possible.
In a word: please come! We want to see you!

Late work Under normal circumstances, no late work will be accepted. You have until
the beginning of each class period to complete work, no later. If our world situation puts
you in a position whereby you need to turn in assignments late, kindly communicate with
me. I am willing to work with you on all things.

Harassment and discrimination Hendrix College affirms its commitment to the

promotion of fairness and equity in all aspects of the educational enterprise. Harassment
and discrimination—including sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct,
gender-based violence, and stalking—not only disrupts this commitment, but also
violates College policy and federal, state, and/or local law. Hendrix College prohibits
harassment and discrimination and addresses reported incidents through policy and
procedures, and, if desired by the individual who has experienced or is experiencing such
behavior, through assistance in pursuing the criminal investigation and prosecution of
alleged offenders. See: https://www.hendrix.edu/titleix

Should you or a someone you know experience behavior that is coercive,

discriminatory, harassing, or sexually violent in nature, or if you or someone you
know has questions about their rights and options regarding such behavior, you
are encouraged to contact:
• Allison Vetter, Title IX Coordinator: title9@hendrix.edu;
• Shawn Goicoechea, Assistant Director – Human Resources, Deputy Title
IX Coordinator: goicoechea@hendrix.edu
Incidents of sexual misconduct, gender-based violence, and stalking may
similarly be reported directly to law enforcement, either separately or in
conjunction with any report made to the College’s Title IX Coordinator.
• Conway Police Department: (501) 450-6120 or by calling 9-1-1.
Unless specifically identified otherwise by policy, all faculty, adjunct instructors,
administrative staff including coaches, and Residence Life staff are considered
mandated reporters and are required to notify the Title IX Coordinator or other
Official With Authority of any incident of discrimination and harassment
disclosed to them involving a member of the campus community. This includes
any and all reports of sexual harassment, sexual violence, sexual misconduct,
gender-based violence, and/or stalking. Mandated reporting helps to ensure that
individuals who are experiencing or have experienced discrimination or
harassment are connected to the full range of resources and options afforded to

If you are in need of support or advocacy and wish to discuss such matters
confidentially, you are invited to consult any of the resources listed below. Unlike

other College employees, the options below are confidential and are exempted
from mandatory reporting obligations to the Title IX Coordinator. These
Resources are free and include both internal and external options.
• Hendrix Counseling Services: (501) 450-1448) (for students)
• Hendrix Medical Clinic: (501) 852-1366 (for students and community
• Hendrix College Chaplain: (501) 450-4590 (for students)
• Rape Crisis hotline: (501) 801-2700 or (877) 432-5368 (for students and
community members)
• Conway Women’s Shelter Crisis Hotline: 1-866-358-2265 (for students
and community members)
• The National Sexual Assault Hotline--24-hour hotline : (800) 656-HOPE
(4673) or visit at online.rainn.org (for students and community members)

Programme d’études

Unité 7 : Si on partait ?

le mercredi 20 jan  En classe : Introduction au cours. Faire connaissance.  

Devoirs : Exercice A p 108 : L’art de bien voyager
Compréhension écrite ; Production orale (10 phrases)
Se préparer à présenter la production orale en cours.

le vendredi 22 jan En classe : Présenter la production orale ; le futur

Devoirs : Cahier d’activités ex 1, 2, 3, 4 pp 63-64 (faire et corriger :
corrections à la fin du livre).

le lundi 25 jan En classe : le futur et le conditionnel ; la phonétique « h »

Devoirs : Cahier d’activités A p 65 ; 1, 2, 3, 4 pp 66-67 (faire et
corriger : corrections à la fin du livre).

le mercredi 27 jan En classe : Vocabulaire p 111

Devoirs : Terminer les définitions du vocabulaire p 111 ; faire
Production orale p 111 avec un/e partenaire : 12 phrases minimum.

le vendredi 29 jan En classe : Présenter les productions orales ; Compréhension orale p 112
Devoirs : Etudier le conditionnel passé p 118 ; faire Entraînement
p118 ; Cahier d’activités : Faire et corriger 5, 6, 7 p 67-68.

le lundi 1 fév  En classe : Conditionnel passé

Devoirs : Réviser le futur, le conditionnel, et le conditionnel passé pp
110, 114, 118. Faire Entrainement p 110, 114, 118.

le mercredi 3 fév En classe : Révision des verbes 

Devoirs : à faire avant minuit ce soir, le 3 février : L’Essentiel
Grammaire p 120. Envoyer-le-moi par courriel (email) s’il vous

le vendredi 5 fév JOURNEE BIEN-ÊTRE

le lundi 8 fév En classe : Ateliers p 121

Devoirs : Terminer la préparation de votre programme (atelier p 121) ;
se préparer à le présenter en cours.

le mercredi 10 fév En classe : Présenter le programme en groupe; Unité 8 : La planète en


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