I Am Not A Naturally Born Revolutionary

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I am not a naturally born revolutionary.

Way back my childhood memory, I tended to ignore the reality that we have. I used to hate
people begging for food, crossing the streets with their empty can hoping that someone will give them
something like financially or just something that will satisfy their “this-day-struggles”. I wondered how
can they ask people for help when then can walk, when they were able to do something …better. But did
they know better?

As I grow up, having sufficient knowledge to know what were behind those adversities: an
answer to a yet-unanswered-question, I cringed. Because I realized that they were not the problem. The
society is. I commend Efren and KB for helping Kesz reached his full potentials. Kesz was one of
them(poor), I then, disguted. Kesz is the living proof of change, a better and inspiring change. That even
a beggar can turn the improbable to something very possible—an instrument of change.

And I know I have my share of change: to fight for what I think is right for the benefit of my
people even if it means facing someone with superior power. The commitment to help them achieve the
happiness and peace by exposing the truth and a belief that peace and unity can help save the human
race. That is why, I say we raise our voice in defiance. I mean no disrespect, but this current
administration is a fiasco. It has cost us lives in their blinded zeal to appease our enemy, people we
knew. If we want to be #salbabida and to forge a lasting peace, learn from history and defend our rights.


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