Experimental Measurements of Bubble Convection Models in Two-Phase

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Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 83 (2017) 69–77

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Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science

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Experimental measurements of bubble convection models in two-phase

stratified liquids
Hassan Abdulmouti
Department of Mechanical Engineering Division, Sharjah Men’s College, Higher Colleges of Technology, P.O. Box 7946, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The surface flow generated by a bubble plume is a technique proposed to collect the surface-floating sub-
Received 29 July 2015 stances. This has a great importance when handling the oil layer formed during large oil spill accidents due
Received in revised form 9 December 2016 to the need to protect naval systems, rivers, and lakes. The motivation of this research is to broaden the
Accepted 11 December 2016
understanding of oil flow in the stratified layer of oil on the free surface. Laboratory experiments have been
Available online 16 December 2016
carried out in order to investigate the multi-dimensional motion of water and oil due to bubbles. The flow
structure of bubble-induced convection in a stratified liquid is investigated by using particle imaging
velocimetry (PIV) measurements and pathline measurements. It is confirmed by this paper that the flow
Multiphase flow
Bubble plume
structure is strongly modulated by the gas flow rate and bubble size. The velocity of the surface flow
Surface flow induced by the bubble plume in the vicinity of the oil-water interface is about 50% larger and stronger than
Flow visualization that inside the oil layer. Moreover, the surface flow is particularly rapidly generated in the vicinity of the
Stratified liquid oil-water interface. The highest kinetic energy (which is 0.012 (m/s)2) is generated at a far distance inside
Particle imaging velocimetry (PIV) the bubble plume and in the vicinity of the oil-water interface. This observation confirms the idea that the
Thermal stratified liquid bubble plume can indeed generate a strong and wide surface flow over the bubble generation system. The
oil layer is easily broken by bubbles, especially with high void fraction and small bubble size and high gas
flow rates. The experimental results were compared with the numerical results of our earlier paper. It is
confirmed by this paper that the experimental results resemble the numerical results. As a reference, in
a thermally stratified liquid, the liquid flow pattern of bubble-induced convection has also been measured
by using thermo-sensitive liquid crystal tracer particles in which a color-image processing is combined to
measure the temperature field. These results were compared to the immiscible stratified cases.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction metal refining process, the reduction of surfactants in chemical

reactive processes, waste treatment, gas mixing and resolution,
Bubble dynamics is of great importance in optimizing the engi- heat and mass transfer, aeronautical and astronautical systems,
neering design and operating parameters of various adsorptive biochemical reactors as well as distillation plants and so on
bubble system operations, such as dissolved air flotation and dis- [20,27,9]. The main features of these kinds of flows are the follow-
persed air flotation, for the separation of solids from a liquid. Bub- ing: (1) a large scale circulation of the liquid phase can be gener-
ble rise in liquids under different conditions is one of the oldest of ated in circulation systems like lakes, agitation tanks, etc. [31].
scientific investigations [40]. It is of interest as the characteristics (2) Strong rising flows can be induced by the pumping effect, as
of a rising bubble (e.g. size, shape, velocity and trajectory) give in air-lifting pumps [33]. (3) High speed surface flows are devel-
insight into the dynamics of a system [12]. Rise velocity is one of oped at the free surface, by which the density and the transporta-
the most important characteristics of a rising bubble. Numerous tion of the surface floating substances can be controlled [2,14]. (4)
studies have been performed on the motion of single bubbles A high turbulence energy can be produced in the two-phase region
[26,4]. Flows induced by a bubble plume are observed in various due to the strong local interaction between individual bubbles and
engineering disciplines, e.g. in industrial, material, chemical, surrounding liquid flow [19,15]. On the other hand, the improve-
mechanical, and environmental applications. That would be situa- ment and development in the performance of oil barriers (oil
tions such as chemical plants, nuclear power plants, applications in fences) is required, especially for high values of current velocity,
naval engineering, for the accumulation of the surface slag in the wave height and wind velocity in order to protect the environment
and the sea life from oil pollution [11,6,29,13]. Hence, a bubble
plume is considered to possibly be an effective way to control
E-mail addresses: habdulmouti@hct.ac.ae, hassanabujihad@hotmail.com

0894-1777/Ó 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
70 H. Abdulmouti / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 83 (2017) 69–77


A area of calculation in the injector region, (injector sur- y vertical coordinate

face of the bubble generator) a void fraction
D equivalent (mean) bubble diameter (mm) qL1 density of the first layer (water) (kg/m3)
H thickness of the total height or the height of the strati- qL2 density of the second layer (silicone oil) (kg/m3)
fied liquid in the tank (two layers of water and oil) (mm) qP density of particle (kg/m3)
Hwater = h1 thickness (initial height) of the first layer (water) d particle diameter
(mm) toil kinematic viscosity of the oil (m2/s)
Hoil = h2 thickness (initial height) of the second layer (oil) (mm) twater kinematic viscosity of water (m2/s)
c ratio of the thickness of the second layer (oil) to that of Ke Kinetic energy calculated per unit mass (m/s)2
the total height of the immiscible stratified liquid b added mass coefficient for traceability of particles
Qg gas volume flow rate (m3/s) against the flow in the oil layer
Vb rising bubble velocity (m/s) FDL drag force from the liquid
uP particle velocity (m/s) FDG drag force from the gas
uL liquid velocity (m/s) FAL added inertial force from the liquid
uG gas velocity (m/s) FAG added inertial force from the gas
x horizontal coordinate

the density and transportation of surface-floating substances, and important for generating large circulation in lakes, rivers, seas,
it is expected to be an effective tool to support the function of an dams and many other processes. It is very important to know the
oil fence, since it can generate a strong and wide surface flow over interaction between the surface flow generated by bubbles and
the bubble generation system and it can damp the wave motion. an oil layer for application to an actual oil fence. Usually the oil
Many researchers have carried out extensive modeling experi- covers the water surface for a long time. However, in the past there
ments by focusing on the flow field using air bubbles as gas injec- were very few reports concerning this interaction mechanism and
tion through a bottom nozzle is the most popular and has wide the bubble convection pattern in immiscible two-phase stratified
applications. Since bubble plumes have been used with varying liquids as an application to an actual oil fence. The motivations
degrees of success more information on these subjects should be then, of the present work is the demand to broaden the knowledge
accumulated [38,39,1,24,16,17]. of the separation mechanism of oil due to bubbling and the flow
There are many applications for bilayer convection; the most pattern inside the stratified two-phase liquids. In regards to appli-
important one is the oil fence application. Two-layer systems have cations, our aim is to focus on the actual oil transportation effect
been studied theoretically and experimentally by many research- considering an oil layer on a free surface. Laboratory experiments
ers. Bilayer convection is also an interesting transport process to have been carried out in order to investigate the multi-
be studied for both theoretical and application related reasons. dimensional motion of water and oil due to bubbles. The present
Theoretically, a bilayer convection is full of nonlinear dynamics paper consists of two kinds of fundamental research. The first type
with a wide range of parameters to be investigated. Johnson and is the experimental measurement of the oil transportation phe-
Narayanan [8] studied the effects of boundaries on bilayer convec- nomenon due to the bubble plume (the motion of oil-water inter-
tion in a cylinder with idealized boundary conditions. Using as face). The flow structure of the bubble-induced convection in a
examples two bilayer systems, a plot of the Rayleigh number ver- stratified liquid is clarified by using PIV measurements and path-
sus aspect ratio (radius-height) was calculated. For certain sys- line measurements. The second one is the experimental study of
tems, they found that the type of convection coupling, either bubble-induced convection in a thermal stratified liquid layer
thermal or viscous, will change as the width of the container using thermo-sensitive liquid crystal tracer particles, a procedure
changes, even as the height is fixed. Additionally, the interfacial which has been performed in order to compare the convection pat-
structure was calculated to help identify the driving force for the tern with the immiscible stratified cases. It is confirmed by this
convection. Sudden changes in the convection coupling and the paper that the experimental results resemble the numerical results
dominant driving force of convection were found as the container that were obtained by our earlier paper [31,32]. The results show
radius increased. Interfacial tension gradients respond to the tem- that the flow structure depends strongly on the gas flow rate and
perature field and cause convection of the ‘Marangoni’ type and bubble size. The velocity of the surface flow induced by the bubble
this in turn is affected by buoyancy driven convection or Rayleigh plume in the vicinity of the oil–water interface is about 50% larger
convection. Degen et al. [7] experimentally studied two-layers and stronger than that inside the oil layer. Moreover, the surface
heated from below. Johnson et al. [22] presented a brief review flow is particularly rapidly generated in the vicinity of the oil–wa-
of convective phenomena associated with material processing, ter interface. The highest kinetic energy (which is 0.012 (m/s)2) is
and they explained several instability phenomena that can occur generated at a far distance inside the bubble plume and in the
in a bilayer of two fluids heated from either the top or the bottom vicinity of the oil–water interface. This observation confirms the
and the effect of laterally and vertically confined geometries. Busse idea that the bubble plume can indeed generate a strong and wide
and Sommermann [5], Fujimura and Renardy [10], Johnson and surface flow over the bubble generation system. The bubbles break
Narayanan [23], Renardy and Stoltz [36], Ozawa et al. [35] dis- the oil layer easily, especially with high void fraction and small
cussed Marangoni effects and studied purely buoyancy driven con- bubble size and high gas flow rates.
vection for specific two-layer systems. They also investigated the
velocity vectors of a water-silicone oil system in thermal convec-
tion. The presence of the interface and the coupling between the 2. Experimental apparatus and conditions
fluids has received attention by both experimentalists and theo-
reticians. Beyond that, the interaction between the bubble gener- An experimental apparatus for investigating the bubble convec-
ated liquid convection and a stratified layer is known to be tion pattern in immiscible two phase stratified liquid is con-
H. Abdulmouti / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 83 (2017) 69–77 71

structed as shown in Fig. 1. The tank is 500 mm in length, 750 mm Table 1

in height, and 24 mm wide. Experimental conditions of the two layers.

The stratified liquid in the tank, which consists of water and sil- Parameter Value
icone oil, stands H = 500 mm high. The experimental conditions of Density of water qL1 = 1000 kg/m3
the two layers are summarized in Table 1. The density of the oil is Kinematic viscosity of water twater = 106 m2/s
about 10% lighter than that of the water, and the kinematic viscos- Initial water thickness h1 = 350–500 mm
ity of the oil is ten times that of water. These conditions have been Density of silicone oil qL2 = 900–935 kg/m3
Kinematic viscosity of oil toil = 105–5  104 m2/s
selected to be similar to heavy oil in the sea. The bubble generator Initial oil thickness h2 = 0–150 mm
consists of 110 needles (each needle being 0.15 mm in diameter) Temperature of environment 22–24 °C
installed at the bottom of the tank. The injector surface of the bub- Maximum gas flow rate 20.0  106 m3/s
ble generator is the area A = (55  22) mm2. The gas flow rate is Density of air 1.25 kg/m3
precisely controlled by a pressure regulator and a flowmeter. A
lighting setup with a black background and metal halide lamps is
used for taking pathline images and PIV measurements. The visu- 3. Flow visualization experiment
alized flows are recorded by a digital video camera (Sony, DCR-
VX1000) that captures 30 fps. The digital images are preprocessed In order to clarify the flow pattern of the internal liquid flow
through the NIH image software version 1.60 (produced by the (the flow field around the bubble plume) in immiscible two-
National Institutes of Health of the United States of America). phase stratified liquids, the spherical tracer particles (made of a
The preprocessing entails sharpening, binarizing and smoothing high-porous polymer with diameters of 200–600 lm, and a density
of the images. In this paper, the horizontal direction is considered of 1010 kg/m3, which is almost the same as that of water) are
to be the x axis, and the y axis is the vertical direction centered in seeded in the entire tank as tracer particles for both the pathlines
the bubble plume. The point of origin of the x, y coordinate system and the PIV measurements then the flow is visualized. The trace-
is located at the center of the bubble generator, as shown in Fig. 1. ability of these particles against the flow in the oil layer is esti-
The bubble injector conditions are shown in Table 2; the values in mated theoretically by using the equation of translational motion
this table are calculated by using the time average of 120 consec- of spherical particles (Eq. (1)). Eq. (1) consists of the inertial force
utive frames in the image processing (4 s). This reflects the accu- of the particle at the left hand side, the drag force from the liquid,
racy of the experimental results. The averaged bubble diameter the drag force from the gas, the added inertial force from the liquid.
and the standard deviation have been calculated by measuring While the added inertial force from the gas at the right hand side is
more than 1200 bubbles in the local VTR images in the bubble neglected because of the low mass density of the gas, only the
plume using image processing. These images are taken by record- added inertial force from the liquid FAL is acting at each instant
ing local pictures of the injector region of the bubble generator. The of time since the particle is immersed in the liquid (surrounded
bubble diameter is defined by the equivalent bubble diameter by liquid). On the other hand, the value of the velocity of the par-
using ellipsoidal approximations for the bubble shapes. The equiv- ticles to that of the oil liquid is calculated to be more than 97%.
alent bubble diameter is estimated by the vertical and the horizon- Using these estimations, it has been confirmed that the particles
tal lengths of each bubble, which are obtained by using the NIH sufficiently follow the flow in the oil layer when the frequency of
software after binarizing the images. The measurement uncer- the velocity fluctuation is lower than 20 Hz.
tainty for the bubble diameter is estimated to be around  3
(0.01 mm) according to the pixel resolution. The void fraction (a) 4 d Du
p qP P ¼ F DL þ F DG þ F AL ð1Þ
is calculated by using the equation (a = Qg/A  Vb), 3 2 Dt
[2,13,14,15,32,21,34,28], where A is the area of calculation in the The recorded images are ported to a computer. The flows are
injector region, (injector surface of the bubble generator), A = measured in this section by using the PIV technique and the path-
(55  22) mm, Vb is the rising bubble velocity. The measurement lines measurements for 3 cases of (c = h2/H), where c is the ratio of
uncertainty for the void fraction is estimated to be about 2%. the height of the second layer (oil) to that of the total liquid height.

Metal halide light

h H
Air 2


Bubble injector
Pressure controller

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of experimental apparatus.

72 H. Abdulmouti / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 83 (2017) 69–77

Table 2
The bubble injector conditions.

Case No. Gas flow rate Qg (m3/s) Mean bubble diameter D (mm) Standard deviation of D (mm) Void fraction a
Case 1 0.28  10 0.20 0.008 0.0020
Case 2 1.39  106 0.30 0.012 0.0035
Case 3 2.78  106 0.45 0.020 0.0050
Case 4 4.17  106 0.60 0.028 0.0070
Case 5 5.56  106 0.75 0.037 0.0090
Case 6 6.94  106 0.80 0.045 0.0105
Case 7 8.33  106 1.00 0.051 0.0115
Case 8 9.72  106 1.15 0.058 0.0130
Case 9 11.11  106 1.35 0.065 0.0145
Case 10 12.50  106 1.55 0.072 0.0160
Case 11 13.89  106 1.75 0.080 0.0180
Case 12 15.28  106 1.90 0.089 0.0190
Case 13 16.67  106 2.00 0.098 0.0200

Fig. 2 shows sample of the recorded images of the flow field for the gas–liquid interfaces rather than the liquid, it is thought reason-
cases: (a) c = 0 and for case-4 of the experimental conditions, (b) able to assume that in the plume the liquid velocity is the same
c = 0.1 and for case-3 of the experimental conditions and (c) as the bubble velocity. These results are obtained by using more
c = 0.3 and for case-1 of the experimental conditions respectively. than 250,000 velocity vectors for each case, which are captured
In these images the bubble plume is located in the middle of the during 120 frames (4 s). This reflects the accuracy of the experi-
image, while the particles are distributed around the bubble mental results since the number of frames and the time allocated
plume. Our observation showed that the particles and the bubbles for either the calculation and the measurement is rather long when
have an almost two-dimensional motion in the x-y plane. The compared to those by others [21,34,28,31,32,33,9,27,30,12,19,38,
time-averaged flow is almost two-dimensional especially because 39,18], among others.
the tank width is small and there are no perpendicular components According to these figures the detailed flow mechanism inside
to the front and back walls in the time averaged flow field. The flow the two layers can be explained as follows. The resulting flow is
is strong in the bubble plume regions, which are far from the wall steady and symmetric relative to the bubble plume center because
side. Hence, a two-dimensional measurement using PIV and path- a small gas flow rate is given (Qg = 4.17  106 m3/s); the main
lines is helpful for grasping the time-averaged internal flow struc- upward liquid flow in the water layer is driven along the bubble
ture. This kind of flow is 2 dimensions as reported by many plume by the rising bubbles. The flow evolves as follows: The
researchers [2,13,14,15,34,28,31,32,33,21,9,27,30,12,19,38,39,18], momentum of the upward flow attains a maximum near the oil–
among others. water interface where the velocity of bubble reaches 0.9 m/s. Just
The images are ported to a computer and the pathlines are cal- under the oil–water interface the upward flow changes its orienta-
culated for 60 consecutive frames (2 s) averaging the movement of tion rapidly (with a velocity about 1 m/s) into a horizontal flow.
the particles after preprocessing the digital images through NIH Then, in the water layer a pair of liquid circulations is generated
software as shown in Fig. 3. Moreover, the time-averaged velocity next to the bubble plume. After time passes by, the pair of circula-
vector maps of these cases are obtained by using the BDCC (Bright- tions induces a whole scale circulation in the entire water layer. At
ness Distribution Cross-Correlation) method [3,25], (which repre- the same time, some bubbles accumulate on the oil–water inter-
sents the two-phase flow pattern) as shown in Fig. 4. The grid face, and a part of the bubble plume penetrates and passes through
averaging method is used in order to get grid-rearranged vector the oil stratum causing a secondary flow inside the oil layer by the
maps. Although the PIV velocity vectors obtained may be of the buoyancy of the penetrating bubbles. The velocity of the bubbles

Fig. 2. Sample of recorded images.

H. Abdulmouti / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 83 (2017) 69–77 73

Fig. 3. The pathlines of the flow pattern.

Fig. 4. The time averaged velocity vector map of the flow pattern.

inside the oil layer is (10–20%) less than that inside the water layer inside the oil layer is smaller than that induced inside the water
due to the high oil viscosity. Thus, the velocity of the bubbles layer due to the effect of the oil viscosity. Hence, the surface flow
decreases quickly (to about 0.2 m/s) when the bubbles enter the induced by the bubbles inside the oil layer at the free surface is
oil layer. Therefore, the void fraction inside the oil layer increases. weaker and smaller in scale than that induced inside the water
The flow pattern inside the oil layer is still very weak and basically layer in the vicinity of the oil–water interface.
it is only rising bubbles and particles for the case (b). When the In order to clarify the detailed structure of the flow in the two
ratio reaches c P 1/3 case (c), a different flow pattern results layers, the two-dimensional distribution of the kinetic energy is
inside the second layer, while the first layer preserves almost the calculated from the measured averaged velocity vector map as
same flow pattern. When the ratio reaches c P 1/2, the flow pat- shown in Fig. 5. The kinetic energy is calculated per unit mass
tern becomes complicated because double convection occurs near using the following equation:
the interface of the two layers. Also, inside the bubble plume the
1 2
bubble penetrates the oil layer faster with a velocity of 0.3– Ke ¼ ðu þ v 2 Þ ðm=sÞ2 ð2Þ
0.5 m/s. However, the detailed mechanism of generating the sec- 2
ondary flow inside the oil layer (which is similar to that induced Fig. 5 shows that the highest kinetic energy (which is 0.012 (m/
in the water layer) for the case (c) can be explained as follows: s)2) is generated at a long distance in the center of the bubble
The oil flow is driven by the bubble plume. The momentum of this plume and in the vicinity of the oil–water interface. These results
flow becomes maximum near the free surface (but is still about correspond with the numerical results that were obtained by our
50% smaller than that induced in the vicinity of the oil–water inter- earlier papers [31,32]. Where in the most typical four structures
face). Just under the free surface the upward flow inside the oil of the simulated results, which were obtained by the numerical
layer changes its orientation into a horizontal flow. Then, a pair simulation, are summarized as follows: Each figure is the instanta-
of liquid circulations is generated in the oil layer besides the bub- neous flow at 120 s after starting bubbles injection. The figure is an
ble plume. Around this pair of circulations, the accumulated bub- example for the case where the bubbles separate and break the oil
bles on the oil–water interface slowly rise through the oil layer layer and reach to the free surface. In the second figure, the bubbles
to the free surface and float. However, the pair of circulations only pass the oil layer while the water does not reach the surface.
74 H. Abdulmouti / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 83 (2017) 69–77

Fig. 5. The kinetic energy distribution (m/s)2.

In Third figure, the bubbles cannot pass the oil layer. Some of the power efficiency of breaking the oil layer is the necessary power to
bubbles start to accumulate in the vicinity of oil–water interface separate the oil layer and is calculated by dividing the potential
and the other part of the bubbles is transported with the descent energy of the interface by the buoyancy energy of injected the bub-
of the water. The forth figure is of the same condition as the third bles. This efficiency is about 60–75%. We can therefore say that the
one, but it is the flow at 60 s after. At this time, the bubbles, which bubbles can easily break and separate the oil layer. This confirms
were accumulated near the oil–water interface, start to float slowly that the bubble plume can separate the oil stratum when the bub-
through the oil. From these simulation results, it is confirmed that ble plume has a high void fraction and a high gas flow rate.
the oil layer can be separated by a bubble plume when the bubble To review and summarize, the results presented in the above
plume has a high void fraction and small bubbles. Those numerical mentioned figures confirm the following points: (1) First, there
results agree with our experimental results. are two circulating flows of liquid near the bubble plume for both
The convection due to the bubble plume inside the oil-layer is the water and the oil layers. The circulation flows inside the water
different from thermal convection. In the case of thermal convec- layer are larger than that inside the oil layer. (2) The velocity of liq-
tion (Lower Dragging Mode, Viscous Coupling, Upper Dragging uid is high (about 0.8 m/s) inside the bubble plume in the water
Mode and Convection induced by a bubble plume in a thermal layer and near the oil–water interface, while low in other regions
stratified liquid) [32,7,22,23,36], oil has an opposite circulation to (about 0.1 m/s). (3) It is recognized that as the gas flow rate
that of water. Therefore, the oil–water interface is quite stable, increases, the magnitude of velocity increases and the effective
because the flow in the vicinity of oil–water interface has the same area of the bubble plume (the width of the surface flow) expands
direction; hence, there is no strong shear stress acting on the inter- in horizontal direction. Here we can recognize two effective areas:
face. In clear contrast, the flow for the case of bubble-convection the first one is located at the oil–water interface and the second is
close to the interface is counter-current. Thus, the flow at the inter- located on the free surface. Hence, the surface flow of the oil–water
face is outwards in the water, and inwards in the oil, and hence interface which is induced by the bubble plume is stronger and lar-
opposing for bubble convections, as shown in Fig. 4. Therefore, ger than that induced in the free surface. (4) The highest kinetic
the interface becomes unstable and experiences large displace- energy (which is 0.012 (m/s)2) is generated at a long distance
ments, especially when the gas flow rate increases, since the direc- inside the bubble plume and in the vicinity of the oil–water inter-
tion of the two flows inside the oil and the water are opposite to face. This observation confirms the idea that the bubble plume can
each other. Another reason is the strong local momentum interac- indeed generate a strong and wide surface flow over the bubble
tion between the bubbles and the liquid. This phenomenon generation system. These results agree with the numerical results
enhances the mixing of the two liquid layers due to the bubble that were obtained by our earlier papers [31,32]. Where those sim-
plume. ulated results showed the flow structure at 120 s in the case that
The maximum speed of the surface flow induced by a bubble the void fraction is fixed to 0.01 and the bubble size is changed
plume is governed by the flow structure in the initial region where from 0.2 to 2.0 mm. The curves are the streamlines of liquid phase.
the rising flow changes into a surface flow. The experimental The bubble plume is straightly formed and the liquid flow is
observation clarifies the following: (1) Due to the penetration of strongly induced in case of large bubbles, while in case of small
the bubbles through the interface, the oil–water interface heaves bubbles the liquid flow is only induced in the water since the bub-
up in the center part when a small gas flow rate is given with ble plume becomes unstable. This instability is due to the local
parameters Qg 6 12.50  106 m3/s, D 6 1.55 mm and a 6 0.016. strong momentum interaction between the bubbles and the liquid.
In this case the bubbles enter and penetrate the oil stratum and As further time passes, the bubbles distribute widely in both the oil
reach the upper free surface, while the water does not. Moreover, and the water regions. In the oil layer, the bubbles rise slowly with
some bubbles accumulate in the vicinity of the oil–water interface a configuration of small mushroom clouds. The next figure of the
and then start to float slowly through the oil around the center numerical results picked up the two patterns of the flows, which
part. (2) The oil layer is separated by the rising water in the center were drawn by the velocity vectors, and the vorticity of the liquid
part and descends downwards when a large gas flow rate is pro- phase. The first part of this figure stands the case that the bubbles
vided with parameters Qg 6 15.28  106 m3/s, D 6 1.90 mm and penetrate the oil layer where the liquid flow changes from stable
a 6 0.019. (3) The oil layer is completely separated and broken straight jet flow under the interface to unstable flow involving vor-
by the strong convection when larger gas flow rates are given with tices over the interface. The vorticity distribution indicates the
parameters Qg = 16.67  106 m3/s, D = 2.0 mm and a = 0.020. The presence of strong rotation inside the oil layer or near the oil–wa-
H. Abdulmouti / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 83 (2017) 69–77 75

300 K 303 K

Blue High


Red Low

(a) Raw image recorded in DVC (b) Measure temperature

Fig. 6. Test of color-to-temperature transformation.

ter interface. While the second part of the figure stands the case The test tank size is 200 mm in length, 100 mm in height and
where the bubbles accumulate under the oil–water interface, here 12 mm in width. Silicone oil of 10 cSt in kinematic viscosity, and
there is no flow inside the oil layer, but a large scale circulation 960 kg/m3 in density is used as liquid media. The liquid crystal tra-
occurs in the water region. Also, there is a strong vorticity genera- cer particle is cholesteric type, which illuminates vividly in the Sil-
tion at the oil–water interface, which enhances the flow fluctua- icone oil at the temperature range between 300.4 K and 303.4 K,
tion. The aforementioned points make it clear that the entire made by Japan Capsular Products (Product No. RM2830). Fig. 6
flow structure depends on bubble penetration in the oil. shows the raw image and the temperature distribution without
bubble injection. The bottom and the top plane temperatures are
4. Bubbly flow in thermal stratified liquid 300.4 K and 303.4 K respectively, which are controlled by two con-
stant temperature bathes (Taitec, Ltd, type TR2114). The second
Convection induced by a bubble plume in a thermal stratified part of the figure shows the color distribution related to the tem-
liquid is measured by using liquid crystal tracer particles in order perature. The red color indicates high temperature 303.4 K and
to find out the difference between immiscible and miscible fluids. the green refers to middle while the blue indicates low tempera-

300 K 303 K

(a) T=0.5 s (d) T=20.0 s

(b) T=5.0 s (e) T=30.0 s

(c) T=10.0 s (f) T=60.0 s

Fig. 7. Temperature transportation due to chain bubbles.
76 H. Abdulmouti / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 83 (2017) 69–77

Surface Flow Shear Stress Shear Stress

(a) Water only (b) Oil-Water Phases (c) Thermal Gradient

Fig. 8. Flow pattern in three environment cases.

ture 300.4 K. The color distribution was produced based on an The experimental results and the numerical results that were
algorithm which is estimated from dimensionless intensities of obtained by our earlier paper [31,32] show good analogy and the
the three color elements, i.e., red, green, and blue. The algorithm main results can be summarized as follows:
was used to perform the color-to-temperature transformation by
16 bit type color image processing. 1. The flow structure is strongly modulated by the gas flow rate
Fig. 7 shows the time history of the measured temperature dis- and bubble size.
tribution. In the initial stage, cold liquid rises with the bubbles and 2. The velocity of the surface flow induced by the bubble plume in
reaches the free surface. Then, a pair of liquid circulations convec- the vicinity of the oil–water interface is twice larger and stron-
tion is generated next to the bubble plume around the chain- ger than that inside the oil layer. Moreover, the surface flow is
bubbles. After 60 s passes, the temperature distribution becomes particularly rapidly generated in the vicinity of the oil–water
uniform only in the circulation area. If there is no temperature gra- interface.
dient, the surface flow induced by the bubbles occupies a wide 3. The bubble plume can indeed generate a strong and wide sur-
area. The reason why it is not kept in this experiment is that the face flow over the bubble generation system because the high-
high temperature liquid near the free surface does not descend est kinetic energy (which is 0.012 (m/s)2) is generated at a far
due to the buoyancy. distance inside the bubble plume and in the vicinity of the
Fig. 8 illustrates the flow patterns induced by a bubble plume in oil–water interface.
three kinds of environments. When there is neither oil layer nor 4. The oil layer is easily broken by bubbles, especially with high
thermal stratification, the bubble plume generates high speed sur- void fraction and small bubble size and high gas flow rates.
face flow in the vicinity of the water surface (Fig. 8(a)). When the
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