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Ahzam Saleem

Reflective Assignment 3
Date: 7 – October – 2019
Part A
SWOT Analysis:
It’s a process of analyzing your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in order to
enhance, overcome, pursue and avoid respectively.

With the passage of time, people are more competing each others not on the basis of technical
skills but interpersonal skills. These competencies are means of grooming our personality. Some
of them are as follows:
1. Communication
2. Confidence
3. Relationship
4. Level of responsibility
5. Study techniques
6. Critical thinking
7. Efficiency
8. Self discipline
9. Ethics
10. Decision making

SMART Goals:
Everybody keep themselves motivated towards certain goals but sometimes those goals can
not be achieved until they fall under the category of SMART Goals.
The word SMART is an acronym of five attributes, namely:
1. S – Specific
2. M – Measurable
3. A – Achievable
4. R – Relevant
5. T – Time bounded
Part B
SWOT Analysis:
A study undertaken by am organization to identify its internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as
external opportunities and threats.

Competencies are not skills, although they are similar. Skills are learned, while competencies are
inherent qualities an individual possesses – combining skills, knowledge and ability.

List of competencies:
11. Communication
12. Confidence
13. Relationship
14. Level of responsibility
15. Study techniques
16. Critical thinking
17. Efficiency
18. Self discipline
19. Ethics
20. Decision making

SMART Goals:
SMART is a mnemonic/acronym, giving criteria to guide in the setting of objectives, for example
in project management, employee-performance management and personal development. The letters S
and M generally mean specific and measurable. Possibly the most common version has the remaining
letters referring to achievable (or attainable), relevant, and time-bound. 

Often the term S.M.A.R.T. Goals and S.M.A.R.T. Objectives will surface. Although the

acronym SMART generally stays the same, objectives and goals can differ. Goals are the distinct purpose
that is to be anticipated from the assignment or project.[3] Objectives on the other hand are the
determined steps that will direct full completion of the project goals.
Part C:
Since, SWOT analysis analyzes ourselves internally and externally, we should keep it doing in
our routine. It’s a better way to keep us motivated towards our goals and we will find much
convenient ways to achieve it.
Additionally, we should keep on thing in our mind while doing it, that is to analyze ourselves
specifically and don’t use vague terms. For instance, if someone exemplified his strength as
“Leadership” and said that he is good at leadership, so what does he actually meant by this,
since good itself is an vague term to illustrate the intensity of anything. Instead, he should have
said that his leading skills are better than others because he has good communication skills,
visualize and pursue the path towards aims and objectives and he a trust worthy person. This
would have better describe the attributes of his leading skills.
After that, if we talk about the competencies of a person, two are the most important among
all. These two are “Communication” and “self confidence” and have direct relationship with
each other. Consider yourself confronting senior, more prestige and well educated person, if
you don’t have confidence, you can’t speak in front of them. On the contrary, if you have to
confront a young person than you, so there might be no issue in confronting him since you have
enough confidence. This might lead toward certain circumstances of missing an opportunity.
For instance, if there is a most prominent person in a family function and you know that he can
easily solve your problem but if you started to hesitate, you would be ended up missing the
opportunity. Since, confidence plays an important role in our career and we should have it at
upmost possible level.
Third, every person should keep his goals SMART. The word SMART is an acronym of, specific,
Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bounded. It helps us to clarify what to do and how
to do perfectly in a limited time. If your goal has not these five characteristics, you might be
ended up having nothing on your hand.

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