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The quadrature modulator (QAM), with a digital application, was introduced in the Lab Sheet
entitled QPSK, which you should have completed. It was stated there that the message, in the form
of a serial binary data stream, was split into two streams, one for each of the QAM inputs.
The example investigated was for the case of the input stream being segmented into ‘di-bits’. Thus
each di-bit can take on four values, namely 00, 01, 10, and 00. The first bit of each di-bit is sent
to the I message channel, and the second to the Q message channel of the QAM. A ‘0’ is
interpreted as + V volts, and a ‘1’ as -V volts.
These are two-level signals. The splitting of the serial data stream into two is done by a serial-to-
parallel converter.
It is interesting to show the two data streams as an X-Y display on the oscilloscope. What will be
seen is a four-point display, or constellation.
In the case just described it is clear that the outputs from each of the multipliers of the QAM will be
a phase modulated (PSK) signal. It is also clear that the envelope of each of these signals will be
constant, as will be their sum.
It is assumed that you have already studied the theory behind the preceding discussion . You will
therefor be aware that as well as splitting the input serial data stream into di-bits, or two-bit frames
(as above) it is well established practice to implement splits into frames of three (tri-bits), four
(quad-bits), or L bits in general. There are advantages in doing this (not discussed here), as well as
disadvantages !
The splitting operation has been called a serial-to-parallel conversion. You will know that these
splits produce multi-level signals.
These can also be displayed as constellations. The number of points in each constellation is given
by ‘m’, where:
from which comes the term m-QAM.

It is now time to examine some of the signals discussed above. These are generated by an M-
LEVEL ENCODER module. Here the ‘M’ refers to multi-level, and is not the ‘m’ previously
You should read the description of this module in the TIMS Advanced Modules User Manual,
then set it up as described below. 1/2
Emona-TIMS constellations L-34 rev 1.3

Patch up a SEQUENCE GENERATOR for the serial data stream. Use the 8.333 kHz sample clock
signal from MASTER SIGNALS as the bit clock for both the SEQUENCE GENERATOR and the
Set both front panel toggle switches of the M-LEVEL ENCODER down.
Use the I and Q branch outputs for the two signals to the oscilloscope X-Y display. You will see
the 8-QAM constellation of Figure 1 below - provided you have selected a long sequence from the
SEQUENCE GENERATOR. Why is a long sequence necessary ?

000 001 111 101

010 011 110 100

110 111 010 000

011 001
100 101

Flip the upper toggle switch of the M-LEVEL encoder UP, and the 8-PSK will appear. Now the
meanings of the symbols opposite this toggle switch should be clear. Refer to your theory for
definitions of these signals.
Have a look at the other constellations by using the lower toggle switch.
Now examine the ‘I’ and ‘Q’ signals in the time domain for the various conditions. See if you can
determine the encoding scheme. You will have to use some heuristics for this. Remember the M-
LEVEL ENCODER introduces a processing delay between receiving the input serial data and
generating the I and Q signals.

The outputs from the M-LEVEL ENCODER would normally go to a quadrature amplitude
modulator (QAM), be transmitted through a noisy, bandlimited channel, then be demodulated back
to two noisy I and Q signals. These would need to be ‘cleaned up’ before being presented to an M-
LEVEL DECODER module. In this experiment we will omit the modulation/demodulation
process, and demonstrate that, ideally, the original serial data stream can be recovered by the

Read about the M-LEVEL DECODER in the TIMS Advanced Modules User Manual. Connect
the I and Q output signals from the M-LEVEL ENCODER to the inputs of the M-LEVEL
DECODER (which is appropriately clocked). The decoder has in-built circuitry (decision makers)
to regenerate clean multi-level data streams from the received analog waveforms, before finally
decoding them.
Show that the original data stream can be recovered. Naturally enough, the decoder must be set up
to receive signals of the same type as are sent. A short sequence is recommended for a non-
flickering display.

The above was a rather artificial introduction to the multi-level encoder and decoder modules.
Later Lab Sheets will introduce realism by including modulation, a noisy band limited channel, and
Instead of making a qualitative assessment of decoding accuracy as in this experiment (comparing
sent and received data by eye), bit error rates will be measured accurately, using instrumentation
modelled by TIMS.

TIMS Lab Sheet copyright  tim hooper 1999, amberley holdings pty ltd ACN 001-080-093 2/2

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