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Sample selection of difficult interview questions:

1. Why do you want to work here?

This is a common question which requires knowledge of the company and
its corporate philosophy. Highlight aspects about the company which are
in line with your own work ethics and career goals.

2. What are your weaknesses?

Always turn this question from a defensive stance to a positive attribute,
with the emphasis that you are "improving upon" the situation. You can
give an answer like "From the earliest time I can remember I had an
uncomfortable feeling speaking when addressing groups of people. I have
now joined Toastmasters and my confidence has improved. I am now able
to comfortably deliver presentations and speeches in front of groups of

3. Why should we hire you?

Highlight records of achievements and strengths evidenced in your
resume and how state that you would like to repeat those successes with
the prospective employer.

4. Why do you want to work here?

This type of question requires knowledge of the organization and clear
appreciation of your own career goals. You need to express knowledge of
the company, its corporate philosophy, successes and plans and explain
how it complements your own career goals. Essentially, tell them you are
enthusiastic to be a part of their organization and highlight the benefits
you can bring, as evidenced in your resume/CV.

5. Tell me about your goals

Explain your short to medium term aspirations beginning with the
immediate goal of securing the job for which you are being interviewed.
Follow up with long term aspirations for assumption of greater

6. Why are you leaving (or left) your job?

Give a concise answer explain the principle reasons are based on clear
career goals, aspirations and the need for progression.

7. What can you offer this organization that other candidates can't?
Highlight your unique selling point here. Here is an example :
"I combine a unique combination of strong technical expertise and
marketing experience. This enables me to break down complex technical
information in a user-friendly manner which clients can readily

8. What would your boss say are your strengths?

Here you are required to sell yourself without appearing arrogant.
Mention main strengths and achievements as evidenced in your resume.

9. Describe a time when you did not meet your goals or objectives
As much as the interviewers want to hear success stories, they also want
to make sure you are resourceful enough to learn from situations that
were not entirely successful. Mention an instance where things almost
went wrong or went wrong entirely. Explain why things went wrong, what
you learned from the experience and what steps you took to avoid it
happening again.

10. Where do you see yourself in 3 years time?

This requires knowing what you want in your career and setting clear
career objectives. This way you can adequately answer the question. A
sound answer would mention greater responsibility and progression as a
valuable member of the team, working for the prospective employer.

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