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Q1- Read the passage carefully and then answer the following questions.

1 All human beings can learn a language. And all babies learn language the same way. It doesn’
2 matter what language they are learning. Babies can learn any language, but in fact they learn th
3 language that is around them.
4 At first babies make only one kind of sound: crying. Parents pay attention when a baby cries
5 That’s how parents and babies begin to communicate with each other. Soon, babies begin to make othe
6 sounds. They can laugh and make happy sounds called “cooing.” These sounds encourage parents t
7 talk to them, and the babies learn more about language.
8 By the time they are two months old, babies hear and understand things better. For example, the
9 can tell the difference between the human voices and other sounds. They can recognize their mother’
10 voice. In the next few months, their listening skills improve quickly. They can recognize differen
11 spoken sounds. For example, babies can hear the difference between “pa” and “ba”.
12 When they are about six months old, babies begin “babbling”. This means they make sounds lik
13 “mamama” or “bababa”. The babies make the sounds to learn how to use their mouths. They usuall
14 aren’t trying to communicate anything to anyone. In fact, babies often babble when they are alone. A
15 first, the babbling sounds are the same for all babies everywhere. But soon each baby begins to practic
16 just the sounds they hear in the language around them.
17 Children start using words when they are about one year old. At first they use just one word at
18 time. Often they do something at the same time to explain their meaning better. For example, a chil
19 says “up” and she holds out her hands. The parent understands that she wants to be picked up.
20 When they are about eighteen to twenty-four months old, children begin using two-wor
21 sentences. A child might say “train come”. He means “the train is coming”. By the time they are two o
22 three years old, children can say longer sentences. For example, they might say “No sit there” or “Ca
23 make noise” These are not complete sentences, but they already follow the rules of grammar.
24 By the time they are six, children know a lot about language. They may still make mistakes, bu
25 they usually make good sentences and questions. And if they know two languages, they almost neve
26 speak the wrong language with someone.

Q1-a) What is the main idea?

Q1-b) Circle the best answer.

1- At first babies can
a. make many different sounds. b. only make the sound of crying.
c. learn to say only mama. d. make many sounds.

2- After two months, babies

a. speak the English language. b. recognize their mother’s voices
c. cry a lot more than before. d. can make conversations.

3- Babies first learn about language from

a. their teachers. b. their toys.
c. their parents. d. books and music.

4- Babies babble so they can

a. practice sounds b. learn new words
c. say things to their parents. d. get something to eat.
5- The same babbling sounds are
a. different in different places. b. usually in English.
c. the same for all babies. d. difficult to understand.

6- The word picked up in line 19 means

a. kind of car. b. given food.
c. carried.. d. cleaned.

7-One year old children often use

a. music to practice language. b. nouns and verbs correctly.
c. cooing sounds and crying. d. a single word like a sentence.

8- By the time children are six they

a. usually make good sentences. b. can speak their language perfectly.
c. can speak many different languages. d. usually still make many mistakes.

9- This passage is about

a. ways to learn language. b. how parents speak with children.
c. why children learn to speak. d. how children learn language.

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