For Every Task You Have To Use Your Book On Pages 138 and 139!

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For every task you have to use your book on pages 138 and 139!

11. This task is about the development of agricultural technology in the 10 th-11th
centuries. (K/3)
Answer the questions referring to the development of agricultural technology in the 10 th-
11th centuries, using the sources and your own knowledge. (1 point for each correct item)

‘The asymmetric heavy plough, which was often fitted with wheels, and whose archaeological
traces are known from the 10th-11th centuries, not only ensured that the seeds to be sown got
into the soil but also led to a richer harvest because it turned the deeper layers of the soil. The
heavy plough required more investment and greater traction.’ (Historian Balázs Nagy)

„A gyakran kerékkel ellá tott aszimmetrikus nehézeke, melynek régészeti nyomai má r a IX–X.
szá zadbó l ismeretesek, nemcsak az elvetendő mag fö ldbe juttatá sá t biztosította, hanem a fö ld
mélyebb rétegeit is megforgatva elő segítette a sikeresebb termést. A nehézeke nagyobb
befektetést, tö bb igaerő t igényelt.”
(Nagy Balázs, történész)

a) Explain briefly how the introduction of the breast-strap harness was connected to the
spread of the heavy plough.

b) Explain briefly why part of the land was left fallow in crop rotation.

c) Which phenomenon was both the most important driving force and, at the same time, a
consequence of the development of agricultural technology in the 10 th- 11th centuries?
Underline the correct answer.

- the increase in the population

- the emergence of guilds
- the development of long-distance trade
16. This task is about the feudal economic and social order in the Middle Ages. (K/5)
Do the task using the source and your own knowledge. (Score: 1 point for each correct item)

One version of the three-course rotation which evolved in the Middle Ages

a) Underline the period in which the system evolved and became generally used in
Western Europe.
4th-5th centuries 6th-7th centuries 11th-12th centuries 15th-16th centuries

b) Choose the group of concepts which refer to letters E, H and J. (Mark your choice in the
table with an X.)
forest, pasture, reeds
manor, serf’s plot, crop rotation
autumn crop, spring crop, fallow

c) Explain the meaning of these symbols.

d) What do the small letters (a-h) represent?

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