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Tankard 1

Peter Tankard

Process Analysis

October 12, 2020

Breakfast of Champions

It's true, breakfast is the most important meal of the day and this is how to make the

best breakfast meal ever. The best breakfast meal ever is a homemade bacon, egg, and cheese

bagel. The steps are simple and do not take long. There are three main steps to making this

protein-rich sandwich. The first is having all the ingredients. The second step is cooking, and the

final step is putting it all together.

The first step is to make sure you have all the ingredients. The ingredients required for

each sandwich are: two eggs, American cheese, bacon, and a bagel. If you do not have all

these ingredients then I would recommend going to Whole Foods because they have the best

bagels and will make your sandwich taste better. The bagels from Whole Foods are freshly

made and they have a variety of bagels such as plain, everything, jalapeno, and others. If there

is not a Whole Foods near your location then store-bought bagels from a local grocery store will

also work.

Once you have your bagels and ingredients come home. After your home, get out some

bacon and put it on a pan and cook it to your satisfaction. For example, I cook mine on medium

for about fifteen or twenty minutes. While the bacon is cooking get out two eggs for each bagel

you plan on eating. Crack the eggs into a bowl and whisk them until they are mixed well. Whisk

the eggs for about twenty or thirty seconds until they are slightly blended. Do not whisk the eggs

too much. The next step is to get your bagel and cut it in half so you have two thin bagel halves.

Afterward, put the bagel into a toaster and toast until it is slightly crisp, however, it is crucial that

you do not burn the bagel. Immediately following the bagel being toasted have the cheese ready

so that it can melt on the warm bagel. In the meantime the bacon should be close to done.
Tankard 2
Once the bacon is cooked take it out and put it on a plate or paper towel. There is most

likely too much grease in the pan to cook the eggs so let the pan cool off for a minute or two.

Afterwards take a paper towel and wipe out most of the grease. Throw the paper towels away

and leave a little bit of grease so the eggs do not stick to the pan. Leave enough grease to

slightly cover the whole pan however it should not be thick. The following step is to take your

whisked eggs and pour them into the pan. It will not take long for the eggs to cook. Cook the

eggs scrambled and to your satisfaction. Once you have cooked the eggs immediately take your

bagels and put the bacon and eggs that were just made onto your bagel. Before you start

enjoying your meal, put the egg pan into the sink with water in it. This will make it easier to clean

and it will have time to soak.

Congratulations you have made the best breakfast sandwich ever and now it's time to

enjoy. When it comes to making the best breakfast sandwich you now know how to. Getting the

ingredients and cooking will take a bit of time but it is definitely worth it in the end. Whilst making

the sandwich you get a sense of accomplishment and eagerness to eat your freshly cooked


Process Analysis Paper Peer Review Sheet

________________ Reviewer:_Crystal_________________

1. What process does the author explain in the paper?

He explains how to make a bacon, egg, and cheese bagel

2. Who might need this information and why?

breakfast eaters, maybe athletes because it is protein-rich

3. Does the introduction capture your interest? If yes, how? If no,

how might the author improve it?
Tankard 2
The introduction does capture my interest at first but slowly gives out. I
think you should add a little more information and sensory details to
continue to capture your reader’s interest

4. Did the author list and define the items, materials, tools, and preparations
needed to carry out this process? If not, what is missing?

Yes you did

5. Would you be able to follow the instructions provided by the author? What
should be added to make the instruction easier to follow?

Yes I would be able to follow the instructions provided by the author

6.​ Is the author using the most effective method of organization? How
is the essay organized?
Yes the essay is organized chronologically. He doesn't skip ahead and
confuse you

7.​ Does the author explain the importance of or reason behind each
step in the beginning of each paragraph?

Sometimes he did and other times not. I would just be more consistent
with the importance

​8.​ Does the conclusion ​restate​ the thesis and wrap up the essay?
9.​ W​ hat are the three areas the author needs to concentrate on during the
revision process? Be specific. ​Grammar, spelling, and​ p
​ unctuation errors
should not be included.

a)Add more details

b) Show don’t tell

Tankard 2
c)try to shy away from listing

10.​ Did the author use transitional words, phrases, and/or sentences?

List the pages and paragraphs that need better transitions. ​(Writer –
see the list at the bottom of this page).
You listed a lot of good transitions, it flowed very smoothly

11.​ ​Read through the paper one more time to check for and mark
errors in standard written English (appropriate diction, grammar,
punctuation, and spelling).

12.​ Highlight any sentence fragments or run-on sentences in yellow.

These transition words may be helpful when writing your process

analysis essay:

● After a few ● First of all, ● Last but not

hours, ● Formerly, least,
● Afterwards, ● Immediately ● Later,
● At last, before (or ● Meanwhile,
● At the same following) ● Next,
time, ● Initially, ● Soon after,
● Before ● In the end, ● Previously,
● Before this, ● In the future, ● Simultaneously,
● Currently, ● In the ● Subsequently,
● During, meantime, ● Then,
● Eventually, ● Last,
● Finally,

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